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<br /> �40a Diiol:lor� Ctacivo IGraacfl Eslaad. HE 68801 f�` °
<br /> �� ItiPp3ldE Is1S1IId� Ri! 68801 �pp�iCJl4toB119. i .�'%(:,:.•�;: `" #. ' -
<br /> T�{�,at� fLIIiT61fJ1Ti0iiX0. TEI�li0HSn0. �j:'��'-. __-
<br /> °, ;(308; 384-6046 505607259 __ _ (308) �aa-6046 505607159 _._ _ _ __� , y,�' � :. �,
<br /> ; � vsiu�:II�ioa Hank � Trust Coapassy t�raud ialaad Sraach -�----- - �;. : v
<br /> � 1008 Harth Webb Rosd, araac3 IslanB N!L 68801 _ � 3"���'.s �
<br /> . +... '
<br /> � In carrsideration o1 the loan ar other credit accommodation hereinafbr specified end eny firture a6vrinnces or futun ODItgaUona as dafinsd herein. � ;•! ,y�„� :
<br /> f 6 ' d. ,
<br /> xfilcls myy�C�reinafter be advancad ar ir�urted and the Vust Aerein�r menUoned end other goad and valuabte eonstde�ons���e h p ��"� " �
<br /> Suf(C+�7¢t;•afiiCh are heroby aCkrtccd.c�39d Qtantor heteby irtev^��".a'Jly becgelrtS�&BIIS.t►2�Sf6_�BC.1�Ib. rtye a�agn �tq ' !i•'-:: -_. r
<br /> �� � rand I8ltaarasc�l Bsa�chi�a908 ti�s�h ��bb
<br /> � Su a+r'assigns in trust.for Q�? �aak Aad T�rutst__._ 4- Y_----. — _ �.�er►.tho �'��y - �
<br /> ' ��G�.zd Ia�aa��lis C-6�a3 ' � `
<br /> bmnp(fciary undar this�o!Tnisf.wifh powet of:zo srd right of entry and possessaR a1t ot(irar�tttor's prosent end futura estate.ri�ci,title end . ; �:;�: �� .
<br /> � s�s: �, �`
<br /> sd lrtte[aat in ertd to ths cm�o�eAy descr`�ed in Schc�^��xxhich is auached to tnis���g wiU�iout I ml�on atl macQ nery.eWiPmvnt.buitd g 1:. .. .,- • � ._--
<br /> ---P .M+.._a,�rsq�M And tt�tf.v�G.'�Q(OVBt118��ttl fixNfC��i�gible perconai property�• .t„r,,.*nr ���s.._ '
<br /> � � ma3etlals.a►►d gaods of evary nature(e�':ding conwmer goads)now cr hereatter lacatsd on or used in connecUon wiUt tha ceat p."�st1. .._... ' �r�,. �
<br /> L�
<br /> :, or not uffixcd to the land;prlviieges,nareditaments,auid appurten�:caa tnetuding all devetopman!d�hts essoclatad'�i►h th�Pra�terty►•wheU►or
<br /> Pf�vlou8►y ar subsequa�rtty transtorted to the Property fccm athar roa1 wc�sertY or now or hereafter suscsAti6ls ot transter from thie P7agsrty toathet `�°'� r, . �
<br /> �. roAf proparty:leases,Iieensas and other agreements;re....a,issues and pcofits;watsr,well.d(tch,re:,enrotr and minerni rights and scoaic.s partatning to ' ' , .� L
<br /> �.. trio rael property fc�r►utauveSy'Pro�ertyrl:to have ar,�s�r-otd the Proparty and the dghts heroby granted tor the uss end benefit of Tniatee.hin ��.. • ' y ,-{. ;Q,_
<br /> ve -` -
<br /> iy. s u o c o s s o r s a nd assi gns.cntil pa y mant in tu0 ot all O�in-s secured Ameby. �'��'�
<br /> ! `-, .
<br />� Hforaaver,in turther xnslderetlon.(irantor dces,tor G z a m o r a n d G r a n t o r's h e i re,ro p r e s e n t a tl v e s a n d a s s i p n s,h a r e b y e x p re s s t y warran t,covonan4 �f _z•
<br /> and pgre9 wlttf tsndar and Trustes artd their auewssors and assi9ns�fi:llaws: �'"
<br /> 1. OHLLQ�l3TIOT�9. This Dsed ot Tn��,t.�ll secure the payment and�.?ormance of ail present and futuro Indebtedness.IlabiliUes,a�'gaUons and y.�»fi�,•� --�
<br /> � agvun�of Bortow�ror(irantor;c�::rawt�ttivery'ObqyaUona')to Lander pu�suant to: ,__,,,�„,; �_:��°:�. °-�.
<br /> a '
<br />. i (t�thls pped ot Trus1 and the folto-Ai�q�rcmissory notes and othet agreeme�� ��� *�'�.:°�'"-
<br /> �WY «,,�a ir.� wNw — �—__— �:� .'�� -:?��":
<br /> �. 11AT8 Gi�RlJiiiT 9.ti11FEitDRQATB DAT6 M�� w'�'�� �-....., �-�r;
<br /> ? �ygp � $135,CL't�.00 i �7025�96 Ol/15�97 20�038 DP 91680 � =-�=.'.
<br /> r#vr� a-
<br /> 1 i �1 .� '{r'
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<br /> . . ,.�L.�_'���C,'��,..
<br /> .- (�;sll Chor presont or tutute.written agraemer�wdh Lender that rofer apedfi�lL�to tfii�Dac-d ot Trost(whNhs�ex�a�d Lao th�suno or :: ��. t : -;• �•. _
<br /> �
<br /> � � QTlw.atn purposss thsn tM loragcRi^,)� s_
<br /> {o) any guarenty a1 oblisations ot c.�ar paNes glven to Lsnder now or heroaftet execut�d thst ca�ax tc Mli DNd of TruB; �� ir^.::.�°°' ��•`. .�=-
<br /> (A) futuro advancn,wheth�r obiisatory or opUo��t.to Me eame exteM a9 H mado eorttem�a�a�ruaxtly w�th the execuhon of this�eed M Truot. , ':.-._� �:��•:;;
<br /> mads or�xtend�a:bet�ail of Grentot or Borra�ac- (irantor agroea that H ane d`tit+m ODtigvsr.3 is a line of credit,th�iten of thi9 Oeed of Truct ;•rr.��t�-r,��ts�{�:�;:_�,
<br /> aha11 conUnua um.ft peymeM in tu11 of all debt d4e ws�Car the line notw(thstendirtg U�¢f�.t tl�at`r.n tlme to tlme @ut betore terminaUOn of tho linol ;;s._
<br /> no batance mey�cnnstandla At-o Ume sha'1 L a flen of this Qeed of Trwt.n�t�rn�iading s��na advanoed to proteCttho security of thl9 Dead a°. '��;�_�.:-
<br /> Trust.exceedi_s_'7fl,000.�� ;and .�,,. �1'.-.---
<br /> (e)EU amendmont�.extensions.�mN�a:a modiflcstlons,ropiacemer.ts ar aubstttut:one to any at tt�m Sarepoing. • h � � ��,a
<br /> qy�:e,d�n this Para�reyh 1,the tet:�t�sr.tor and Borrower ahatl inctude and eiso mean any Qrantcc ra Boriaxer if morethen one. '��s�'` , �.
<br /> �l`.. .
<br /> 2, f�:sESElRA4[ON8,WI�iiR/�ti�iia AND C�t�aVAtiT9.Grantot reprosenta wartertt9 and co.cnrrna to Londer thaf: ':�;,,.�.;:E_ • -.,
<br /> '�` (a� Grantor has tee simple mafke�Dte tiUe m ma�r*oorty end sha11 maintain the Proporty iree c t a 7 Ilons,socurity iMOrests.e:sr�.ns��'�:•r"'S ,
<br /> •'��{ dar.�s except fcr�his Oeed o!Tn:st n.�d ttn,.�darn�ibed in Schedute B,which Sa attached to 1's:s Ceod cf Tn�,�:�:nA in�:�sCr�'�o'ar:�) ��;; . -;�
<br /> .,..< f��'�tt�iri_,
<br /> rsimm::a.vfilctf C�rantor egrees ts r,�4nC gr7�ir�,�m:'�e a Umeiy menner, �" �'��1::��'T3�.tiy.'
<br /> ��l (;u'zntor is ln compliance l�r,fi nuq;ec�wri�al�appticable federal.state and local�aws enQ��+r+a'JOna.InciuG;ng.w:titcur nr�R�on,thote r„�!,;'.• � � ,
<br /> :txir.�to•Hazardous Materi�n.���u, snfined Aeroln, and other anvironmental m�ta�s N�a 'r�'v��s,r.mantal Laws'1, and rrn�nar the todoml �:;..; , _
<br /> gavemmem nor eny athor gwee:,rno�ral or quesl govemme►�I enUty has fited a lier.az n�o t�i�f�tt! ror aro thore any govo:��:�+�ts1.Iudlclal or �::'`' .: `���,;L:�, ;�.�.__
<br /> admlNstrative setians with respeet to environmernal matters pendtng.or to the P.s;t aE'�cc r.u�rtt�'a knowledge,throateneC,w'ich imolve tho
<br /> propefty, Neithor Qrantor nor,to the best of QraMor's knowtedge,any other par.°,��T�sa.:sed•dc'wrated,released,dischargad,storad,or disposed �1'.; ��.�, __
<br /> u1 any liazardous MutoflNs u9 dofined horetn.In cannecUan with the Praperty�r xana0ortod any Hezardoua Matatials to or from the Propony. ���r.,;::t,<�;
<br /> Grar�tor shNl n�!commit or permB such actlonsto he takan in the tuture. The term'Haztudous Matadat9'shail mean eny subst�!ca.matoriN.or , ;:}}tF1���;�; �,,
<br /> waste wh!eh is or beeomas regutated by any govammantal authoriry irtduding.but nat timited to.C)P��eum:Gi)friabta or nac-lrmbte asbostoc: ��cyr�•:•.
<br /> .�.� _,,
<br /> �ti)potychtorMated blphemtfs:(iv)those substancea,matedals or wa�tes designated as a'hasardaua substance'pursuant to^�crau^.n 311 of tho � � j j.�'��;
<br /> C�oan WAtor il�t or listad pursuant to Section 307 of the Gean Water Act or eny amendmenta or reptacements to these c�m�aes: (vl thoso ,�;,. �.�;;-.
<br /> substances,matedab or wastes deNned es a'hazaMous�vaste'pursuant to SecUOn t004 01 ths Resource ConservaUon and Recsrery l�t or any ��,;;. _ -
<br /> amsndmenb or roplaeemenb to that atatute:and(v1)thoso substanees,matedals or wastes definod a�a'ha�dous su6stattce"pursuamt to ; ,ti,. .
<br /> S�Ctlon 101 of tho Comprehenstvo FsvlronmoMel Resyonse.Componsauon and�abiiityr Act.or any emendmenb or nptaam�nts ta thtrt stetute ' . r��;,���,''
<br /> or tmy other similar state ar tederal statute,rute.reguta3lon or ordinanco nrn�or heraafter in o4fact. Grantor shali not lease or permit tho aubteaso . .,:•}s1;�
<br /> 01 the Property to e tenaM or subtonsnt vrhosg oporaUons may result 1n confamina,tlon at ths Properry wlih Hazardous MatarleJs or taxio
<br /> subStdnCee: � � ' `
<br /> - ;a) P9�g!lo�iw i�ur�and rogui�tions.inciuding.without limitation.the Amoticans vrith DisaDil'�tles Act.42 U.S-C.Seotioa 12101 at seq.(end e11 ';:�'r,' _ ----c =---
<br /> � rogulaUOns piomutgatad theroundor)and NI zoNng and buiiding tavrs un0 regulaUOns reiating iu 6re Fro�irty by�sius a!ar:Y Se�8re1.s!�to or __ ___
<br /> muNCipal avtl�ority with jurisdiction over the Property.presentiy are and shFSll bo observed and eompliod with in ell matoriai respoct9.and ail , ,, _
<br /> rights.Iicor�sos,pormita.and cortificates W occuPaneY Gneluding but not limited to xoning variancos.&pceiul oxceptions for noneonform�ng uses. ,(� .{,�,;� _
<br /> nnd rn�l inspoction approvais),wflother temporary or permanont.which aro matoriv to the use and occupuncy of the Propo presenUy ro a d '�/ t ..;»�j��, ��
<br /> renewed: ��I��\ • •...�±�.
<br /> shalt Oo obtalned.presarvod und.tvhere necessary. Pp'e,. � �� ` . _ __
<br /> . --�--
<br /> �o�YS•+ •�rme.�rec^no�•q�es �- �9i28l93) �800'?37-3799 _ ' _ ._.:1.'� .
<br /> - .. . �� � '. . . . • .�: .�. . . 5- , - . . " .
<br /> ; 1... .y. Iu.�;l. +.1
<br /> • ' .. . . . R ' t .. ' � ll�17��, -.�'
<br /> °'t.rrr�. � . r. . -� �tij.. . .. ' . ._ _ . . .. . ♦ .. � . - ... . . . ' ... ' .. .r � ( i , �
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