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<br /> _ �c.�u.�r.Rn,saoo..a.aa�nr:wa�o.c�u++w.a.m:o.��o►�r�c��,�u+.�y � -� �.
<br /> �y.�� c Tf c�er ...
<br /> --- � �0[l4MIM1�0110f0�7M�f1�0��YlPI0�11y C1pYl1�lrf�•Of�OfC41f1I�11C��f1��N10f�11�11M7�Ofl.if��w.�"M"�`! . ` � � d �.
<br /> ' MldllWiO�pMi4blMldM. � �- •. *.��', -:`;--
<br /> -���. b1h��td�toWlMckqoHMProMry.�proCNAstha11aa0P�ibblh�wmsMCUndOj►Mis�dofTtta��iM� �� .• >�. � • _���. .-
<br /> —�� Y ' � 1h��WNS.itarry.pri0b9or[OMM.Intlw�wntolaP�dLkirp oi�1fN unlNS9orrowerandL�lidNO�1MwW ` .. `. '
<br /> -'—„�— pn�inrRilk�lMn�tWlaaPMi�dbtMwmss�cunObYtlas�OofT�hproporlionoHh�pr_ �sitqtwtb � _ `.�` ; , � _
<br /> �� th�t wAichft+�Mnauntoftlraunaa�c�nd6�NhisDNdal�TruatimnNdiN�tyixb►alAsO�MM�br�rsalFN � ` ` < _
<br /> �� - ,�, --_ � ' t�rtpi�wq�s M 1h! imnMdi�[Y`Prbr b 1M dlb o��1ci�p�with ItN�IMtcs ol t!N proetl�ds Prd b 80�Ow�• ` �. , � «, � -
<br /> �'--- IHfItPtOpR�ia+b�bkBOff�llMf:ar�drrt�bgL�ll�fbBCROMI�Mtl1NIfNCOtIdMM0fO1Ntf1q mfkfin _ # _ _,. .
<br /> d .
<br /> '� ,;,,..��c. =- awardors�Ml�aclaimfordMn�Borrow�rl�ihion�por�d'ot�nd�rwiThin90d�yarlbtlh�dN�wchnolic�i�nwiMd. ` �y _
<br /> ���- .�"':�-� 1��isauMlorix�dtocall�Ctsndappl�lfNproCM�►Htst�dsrsopNon.ai�rbn�bra6anatip�iroflMP�opMtyafo �. - . .
<br /> -���--.� . � 1�.w�nas.cur.ab�rth�so..daTnnc . . 4 -. . � _
<br /> '��-"�"".� ' ' UnIMaL��4aandBorrow�sotlNrwia�a�rNinwridnp.anywch�PP�icattonofprocMdsbprincipdstWlnot�xfsndor .
<br /> . f .
<br /> �" a`,� ,�-..,�,: p MN du�dM�ol ttw ewnYNy i�INnmb nNrirb b in pWS�rapps 1 and 2 twncf a ctuip�1h�a�iio�iM ot auch .
<br /> . ` ��f::;•',`'; if�q�l�Nn�r1b. • .
<br /> ���--'�.:�.-'"�. 1�.�w+wr«ll.+tll.t�.t6ctM�ionatn.ttm.torp�ym«normoaiNcauonotamorti�aonath�wmss.cunaeraus :
<br /> ���;-^ �� '� DNd d Tnat�nnb0 by L�nd�r b�ty succN�o►M inMn�t ot Bara�t shaN nM ope�ts b nlMSS.in any maiw�lr.lhs = -- _. ._ ..
<br /> �r.��,:}.,_:,f: : : `t, .. �. .
<br /> . �,�,_�=,. .. Iia�ilitydtlNOri�kMMBotrOw�rsndBorrOwwssuec�uo�sinMraLLe��d�nf�IlaotbtnqWtedbcomn�cspraysdinss _ .
<br /> ��''�_.�.� `� � ,�sucn sucoa�or or�us.w.x�sna tima tor p.ynlarn o.atbrwras mody amorl�auon ot ths sums s.w�ee ey a�is �
<br /> .�<,.. ; ; : _
<br /> ::"•'•'":-- `' = 0�d Truu b�r n��on ot a�e�t d�rnM�d r�ds b�l tlfe aipinM Bomowar and.Barowsr's wcce�tors i�inleoat � �` . „ •
<br /> ;�=_;:-;: .• , - - 11.farM�a�o�b�l�AiK NM s�aiwa AnY fo�b�r�nce b!f Cantier in exeraisinp anf►�t or nmedy h�rMxidsr.or ;--. ,.
<br /> olMnris�aRad�d by applkaW�law.sMN nat bs�rraivsr d ar nds the exsrciss of anY such ri�ht or� YThs �
<br /> -;-��'-.�- ` proc�,nrt�anca�fc�aa�sp.ym.ncatu�sa.ou�rtansorc�by�enae.shallaaesawaiMeroeLenQa�°"idnpntw �- - -
<br /> � , . ' � acalersb 1M mMni�l of tlf�ind�bMdr�s secund�y U1is Deed of Tru�t. ' `,
<br /> - � --. - tZ.M�i�C�w�Adlw All renNii�� aap�o�vided in this Dee�d of Trust arordiatinct atid cumutathre ta sn��t a : . . � . . ,4,
<br /> • rerMdy wfdsr tl�is Q�ed d Trast a dforde0 by tarr or equiy and msy bs exerciaed concurranfly.;i or ' ; ' - �
<br /> L . , ..-. . �����W YM���w�j.{/��WfP1Y�,W wN�Y��YA� f� . , � . �
<br /> ' �' ' conWaWahallbkid.u�dibe tshereetndetshatlimire%the�pacdvssucca�sorsarndassipmsatMdar#rb8arowa. : ' .
<br /> � . • subJecttoths bprovisionsofpWayrapN17hKeof.IUlcnvenanlsanaa��nbof8ortow�►shaN0�1ointendsevera1.Tha ' � -
<br /> , '� , . capionsandt�s�dirg�oHhsDa�APhsoflhisOeedafTtwt��etaconvenianceonlyandareaotto6�ut�dtoinixpretor ' . . :--.
<br /> � . detine the prori�iana hsrsof. ; . `�,�
<br />' ° ' 1�.No11e�Excepttoranynodcanquireduhderapplicabtetawtobegiveninanothermanner.(a anynodcetoBorrower ; � ," '
<br /> . _ _..._,_ - - p�oridedloeMlhtst?eeOofTrustshsNbeyivenb�rm�iJin�wchnWicebyceAfii�dm�i{addr«Mdta a1ltwPropsrry .�.. _ __..-='�
<br /> • ' � /1dGrea a�atsuch other�iddreas as Borrower may aeslgnate by notice to Lender as provided heroin.and(b)any notice to ' � ' -
<br /> ` Ien�x�allb��irsnbyceNifisdmail,retumraceipt�equesfsO,toLender'aaddressslatedhKeinartosuchotheraddressas . � "r
<br /> . � , � . ��.� ' lendsrmsydssipnatebyr�olicelu8orro�rart�aprovidedheroin MynoticeprovlQedfainthisO�adN7rwtshsllbsdeemed � � � �
<br /> to t�ava baen ptven to Borrcwer or Lender when piven 1n the manner de�nated haroia g ,
<br /> , ,��`•"�` • 15.ttNta�MM d Tet�tioY�nNg Law;S�rKaWll�.The brm of deed ot t�ust r,omEines unifarm cavenants tor � . ` _ _
<br /> -..,.,, -
<br /> •;;,;.�� � national uss and nort-u�ei�arim coveln�nts witN limibd variatlans by ju�isdiction to consdtute a un'itorm seeu�ity in�prumsnt ,
<br /> ••�4., . cov�s�in�reolPraOeth:ThisOeed of T�t3hedl be�ovemsd bY the taw o1 ths ju�iadictlon in wfuchthe Property is IocaMd.ln
<br /> � � the event fhata�sry p�visio�or ctauseC�ia Oeed of Trust orthe Nale conflicts witb applisxbte Gaw,such canllict sha0�ot ���
<br /> ' � a(MctoUferp�vi�Io�safS�isOeedafTr:4.*�ctheNobwhicbcanbeg'+VeneifectwithouttheconF�provisions.andtOthis ., :3
<br /> •'���� ` end the provl�iom oitl�e C1eeQ of Trus�and the Note are dsctared to be severable. `•� _
<br /> � , . .. - ' ti. earawrr's Co�Boaower atiall be fumished a coniormed copy ot the Note artd of this Deed at Trust atlt�e time oi ,
<br /> execuUon or afoer racocdat,on hereof. �
<br /> 17.Tand�rdflNP�p�rt�l:A�pMon.IfaltoranypaAOlthepropertyoranintereatlh�einissotdwtranslE�edby �
<br /> Bortowerwiqwutlande�'apriwwritlencarnaentexclu�ng(a)thecrea�ortotalienorencumbcancesuDOrdinarotoMis�ee0 •
<br /> ofTroat,(b)thecreatlonofepurchasemaneyaecur(tyrinterestforhouseholdapptiances.(c)atr�q,S�erbydeviasdescentaby . , _
<br /> . operaUonotfawuponthedeathofajdnttenantor(�thegrantofanyteasehotd(nterestotthreeyearsorlessnotcontainin�an � � ,
<br /> option to purcha�e.Lender may,atLender'a optlon,declarealtthesums secured bythis 0eedotTrusttobe immediatetydue .
<br /> � � and pfyabt�.�ender ahall havs waived such optton W accelerate it,prior to tt�e aats or transfer.Lender and the peraon to .
<br /> , whom ths P�opaty ia to bs�old or lransfeneA reacb a reement in writin�that the credit of such person is atisiaCtory to . •
<br /> • � Lenderandfhatlhsintsratpayabtaonlhasumssacur�bythlsDeedofTruatahallbeatsuch�ea�Lende�ah�tl�equastH
<br /> LenAer has waived ths opUon to aceelerate Drovided in this paragraph 17.and if BoROwe�s successor in inte�est has .
<br /> ` �• exeCUted a written aawmptlon asreement accepteA in writing by Lender,Lender ahall retease 8orrower fran all obtiyaf3ons '
<br /> • under fhis�eed ol Trust and the No1e. �
<br /> If Lender exerciaea such option to acceterate.Lender shell mail Borrower np�ca ot acceb►aUOn in accordance wtth
<br /> � � � pa►ay�aphl4hereaf.Sucbnoticeshallpravldeaperiodofnottessthan30daysfromtFaGatethenoticeismaikctwithinwhieh .
<br /> ;,. ' � Soaower may pty the sums declsred due.It 8onowe?tails to pay sucb sums priar trsihe expiradon of sucb p�r:o4 Lender ,
<br /> � may,wlthout tuMer noUcb or demand on Borrower,Invoke any remediea permitted by parayraph 18 hereoL
<br /> .. NON-UNIFOIIM COVENAMTS.eorrow�r and LM�d�r 1wfhK eownaM snd pr�e a�bNoas: . . .
<br /> ' ' 1�.Aee�MnYa�R�db�.Exeept as provided in pareqraph 1T hereof,upon Borrower`s breach of ar�y covenant or
<br /> `��� ag�eemantofBarrowerinthla0eedo}T►u�Lincludin�thecavenanbtopaywhendueAnyaumssecuredt�y 1hi�0eedolTrust, . '
<br /> ;��;�: ' Lenderpriortoacceleta�onshallmailnoticetoBonowerasprovidedlnparayraphiahereot�psciNina(ijthebrNCM.[211he , . .
<br /> `:' ' acUonrequiredtocuresuchbreach;(3)adate,notteasthan30dayalromtheaaterrenoticeiamsiiedto8or►owet.bywhiCh �
<br /> auchbre�ahmuatbeCUrad;and(4)thsttailuretocuresuchbreachonorbetoreti:e�atespeclfNOinthenoticemsyresuttln , ,
<br /> • ' accNera�'atthesumssecuredbythisDeedofTruatandsateoftheProperty.ThenoticeahallturtheriMarmBor�owerofthe • . �: -
<br /> . rigMta rea's2ateefteracceleratlon ertd the rightto brtng a court action toaasert the non-exiatence of a defauN or any othe�
<br /> • � Ctitertse�tt3�.vrowertoacceteiatlonand�a�e.11thebreachisnoicuredonorbeforethedateapeCitledinthenotice.lenderat ,
<br /> _ i C�ecr�s Cp�On Iilsy deClate 81)OI the SUmb SlCt1t@d by thi9 OEed o1 Trusito 6e lmmedlet8fy due etid pSyedle rYhf lput turth8r
<br /> . � Ger.,a,�a[nd may imroke lhe power ot sate and any other remedies permitted by appttcabte law.�ender sha�k be er►btted to -
<br /> . , � zoikcta:!�eason�bk�aadexpensesincurredirtpursuingtheremedie�provldedinmepara�raphl8.inc�udirp,butnot
<br /> IlmilEd t1?,rdslon�bb ney�s}eEl.
<br /> H the p�er ol sab ls i�nv ko ed,Trustee shatl record a notice of rtetautt in each county ln which the Properry or some part �
<br /> ' �� i thereofisF�tedartdshallmailcepiesotauchnoticeinthemanrter�rescrlbedbyapplicablatawtoBoaowerandtotheothe� ' �
<br /> i peraona preyeribed by appllcabte law.Atter the lapse o!auch tlme as may be requ�red by applicabte taw.Trustee shali glve •
<br /> � pu6tic notlCSOf sabtotM persons and in the manner prescrihed by appticable faw.T►uatee,wiMoutdemetM on 8orrower. :
<br /> shallselltftePropertyitpublicaucUantothehighestlsidderattheUmeandptaceartaunderthetsrmadasipnatedlnfhs�odee
<br /> 0)seb in one or more psrcel�end in such order as Trwfea may detcrmine.Trustee maY posmone�fe ofall or any parcet o1
<br /> ' the PropeAy by publla annourtcementat thetime and ptace otany prevlau�ly scheduled sale.Lender or Lender'a designee
<br /> msy�purcha�ihe Property et any sale.
<br /> . Uponreceiptolp�yraentolthepricebid,TrusteeshattdetivertothepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveylnptheP�opertysotd.
<br /> � � TherecitslsintheTruatee'sdeedshallbeprimafacleevidenceolthatruthotthesfatemenbmadetherein.7rusteesfieliappty
<br /> • thepraceedaoNheaate inthetoltowlnp order:(a)toall reasonabfecostsand expense�olthesale.includiny.butnot limitedto.
<br /> Trusteestee�oiaotmorethan 9bolthe grosssaleprice,reasonabteattorney'ateesandcosboftitleevidence:
<br /> ' - '. (b}to att aum�secured b this Qeed of Trust and(c1 the excess,it any,ta the person or persons tegalty entttted thereto. , - -
<br /> •� 1!. �ae�OwM°i NI�NYb N�MM�N Notwithafanding lender's acceleration of fhe sums secured by this Oeed of Trust,
<br /> ' BorrowerahaH h�vetherightto haveany proCeeding�begunby CendertoentorcetheE)eedofTrusldlsconUnuedatanyUme
<br /> ' priatothE,aartiartoaccurof(i)thef,tlbdaybetorethesataoltheProperrypursuanttothepowerotsateconfainedinthebsed ,
<br /> of Truat(ii)entry ol a Jud�ment e torcing thls Oeed of Trust it(a1 Borrower pays Lender al l auma whiCh woutd be then Que
<br /> under thia Oeedof TrusL the Not and rtotes secunng Future Advances,if arty,had no acceteratiort occured:(by Berrower '
<br /> . . , cures all dra�che�olany other c venants or agreementsof 8oirower contalned ln thi9 Oeed of Ttust(c)Bo►rower pays at1
<br /> � rea�onableexpense�incurrea LenderandTrusteeentorcingthecovenantsandagreemenbolBonowercon�einedinthi� ,
<br /> _'_._...-- ---•----------_•_- -- IIeeQalTreutanQlaeatareing �and?iusic��emedlesasprov�deQ4aparagrapht�here�lnctu�ing,huino!l�e�er! :. •-- . _.. _. .. _._
<br /> � . to.ressanahleatiamey'stee�:and(d�Harrowertakessuchactionaslenaermayreasanabtyrequi�etoessurethstthelienot •
<br /> � thi�QeedofTrW�Lsnder�ir�erestlnthePropertysrtdBarrawer'sebligauarttopay thesumssecuredbyth�s0eedoftmst �
<br /> . ahalleonUnue unimpeired.Upon suehpaymentandcureby Bonower,thls DeedofTnistandtheobttgationsseeuredhmeby '
<br /> ' shall�emain in tuU farea and efteet as�1 no aeceteraUOn had aecurred. .
<br /> . �� �
<br /> . ,
<br />