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<br /> 'I+oGEFf�R wrfH au aie i�penv��ow a t�enatkr er�cted an tLe prvpeny.ana ait eas�mmt�.app�tr�r�es. � .
<br /> � a�d fixt�res mw a 6aratlei a�wt of tdc p�oparty. Al!aplaoemeats and�dditions sl�lt also 6e covaed by this Scrurity
<br /> � - �nebromea� All dt6e fdreaoio�i�tmfd�red 4o ie dti�Senmty iesaurtia�t�t(�e"Flropaty." .
<br /> BWtR�WEA WYENAN9'S tl�t$o�ower Is IaxfiilIy seiscd of tlLe eshte heneby c�xtveyed and has the right to grant.
<br /> md ccmrey tbc Fkopaty aad du�t the Ptoptrty is�baed,exc..pt for encumbnncas of rocad. Borrower warrants anc!
<br /> � will defmd geaenily d�e titk W�he Prope�ty agtinst all claims aad demu�ds.snbjxt to any encumbr�r�ces of noc�d.
<br /> � THiS SECURITY INS7RUNf�Pf combines urtifam caveaancs fa nadonai usc and non-uniFam covenants with
<br /> wmicea variwans by jur;saiccioQ a c�asaa�e�uns«msau:icy insaua�e,u covecing��►pe�cy.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANfS. Borsower and Lenderooveaant axl ag�ee a�foIIaws: .
<br /> 1. PYneet af Prt�cip!a�d Iskrexh kr�ep►7�t�ad I.t�te Cb�rjes. Bamwcr shatl pranptlY PaY Whrn doe thc
<br /> �rinc3Pa1 of and inta�.a an tbe debt evidauod by the Nate and anY PnPaYment and late chalges due under the Note.
<br /> _ i I�'as6 tar 7luces aN I�traaca Subject to�pplicable l�w or to a wriuen waiver by T.ender,Boaower sball pay to
<br /> I.ender an ine dsY�Y WY�ate due under tbe Note,uatU tht Note is pAid in fall,a sum("Fiu�ds"?for:(a)9�Y
<br /> taxes aad auess�nents which may atain piaity over t�ts Seariry Instrumen!as a lirn on the P�upe�ty;(b)Y�3'��� ..
<br /> P�Y�S ar geound reats on tbe Pmpercy, if any; (c) Yeuiy luzard a pcqxrty insuraace p�emduins: t�YeartY flood
<br /> �P�•��►Y:(�)Y�Y�SaBe inswanx q�dnivais.if aay.and t�aay sums payable by Aortower to.
<br /> � l.eader.m aoe�x vrith d�e p�oviaons of puagragh 8.in lieu nf the payment of mot[gage Insurance pc�emiums. 71w�e� .
<br /> i�ms�c�itsd"Fscao�Item�"..:IIr�er may,u arry time.coIIect and 6old Funds in aa amwnt not to exaed the mautimum
<br /> amor�a kndrr�pra��•�:;,;7a�t mo�tgage laan may requine foc Barower's escrow accAUnt ao�d�e faleial R�a1
<br /> ,. �5���ir,oc�'dts��z'e�o�n37�k as r�iicii.'+ed itoin time to mne,12 US.C.§26(il:et se'q.`�P.�"�u�ilcss�an.otGer ;., ;—__--
<br /> iav��t.�s��c�s�.a3ess�araasa:mt` I€'s4 t�.''�may.ata�ryame,coilecta�holdFuadsia:aitamouat'notto.. . —_�
<br /> � �:�e�s;i�a�naa�. `�d�`.�xY e�-'=3�e`�somqt:��uads dne oa the�s���turtui�ata,and.reasoq�a6le;,••:=::. ___
<br /> f 2�Q?i3��,���Jp�G]�tZ"�.A4'�f'CGa517:G]�cG�1�P C�3L1CG'ilVl�t.3QpI�E ISW • ' � :'�,;' �:'.:;�_
<br /> '�1ie Fvnds�'�e,6c�d isc as:mspoatio+a:d�'.acesss;cieQosils'�:inamred b�;�a.fedeiat agency.I�strumentat(ty;ar etitifji'���1;'=�;;�:;;:`
<br /> , � ' (incfudmg Lender,if Qi�sder is such an iastitution�ai in�y Fe�ai Name�Bank. Lender sdaU appty the Funds to PaY
<br /> __ the Escrow tums. Lsixler rt�y not charge Bo�rower for hold"mg and aPP�B the Funds,uuivaUy aaalyztng the ecccmw
<br /> accouM,or verifying the Esc�w Items,unless I.ender pays Bomnwer intcrest an the F�unds aad applkabte law pernuts
<br /> -' Lender w make such a chatge. However,Lender may requi:e Bamower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rcal =
<br /> -- estau tax nporting secvice use4 by L.ender in connection with this loan.unless applicable law provides othetwise. Untess an —
<br /> ` �m�nt is m�de or applicable law reqntres imen�st w be paid.Le,ader s1�all nat be requIred to pay Bormwer arry Iaterest ar • •e�r-
<br /> �=--
<br /> eaming�s on the Fund.c. Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing,however.that interest sha116e paid on the Funds. Lender ��,�=--
<br /> shall glve to Bormwer.without charge.an annual accounting of t1�e Funds,showing crcdits and debiu to the FunAs and the =-=_—
<br /> � � purpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. 7Re FunQs are piedged us addittonal serurity for ell sums sec�reA 1'ry . __ _
<br /> _: this Sccurity 1nsUVment. . ==�
<br /> - if the Fwid4 hck4 by t.ender exceed Ihe amounta permitted to be hcld by applicabie law.L.ender sb�ll account to ��""-- �
<br /> '' . Barowec for the ezcess Funds in accord�nce with tbe requiremen�s of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> - Lender at any time is not sufftcient to pay the Escrnw Items when due.Lender may so notify Bormwer in writing.and.in
<br /> x sucb case Barower chall pay to I.cader thc amount necessary to malce up tUe deGcicncy. 8om�wer shall malce up the
<br />.��.'� deficiency in rio mone than twelvc monthly payments.at Lcnder's r,ole discretion. -
<br /> � Upon payment in fuU of a11 r+ums secured by this Security fnstrument.l.ender shail promply refund to Bocrower any —
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under paragrayh 21.Lender shall asquire or sell tho Property.Lender.prior ta the acquisition or �.;`�,,---
<br /> sate of the Ptnperty,shall appiy any 6unds held by l.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cnedit against fhe sums :>.,��.:=.=:
<br /> secured by this Security Instrumen� '..:'����=-
<br /> 3. Applkallon d Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise.ali payments received by Lender under ,�"�'-
<br /> pazagrapt�s 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,to amounts payable under '�
<br /> paragtaph 2;thirct,to interest due;founh,to principal due;and last,to any late chazges due undes the Note. ��'--
<br /> C6ar=es;Liens. Barrower shal! pay all taxes.assessments,charges, fines and imposiaans attdiwtable to the r--�Tr-`
<br /> Ytoperty which ma attain rlori over this Securi Instrumen�and leasehotd a ments or ' �` !;;_�'
<br /> y p ty ty p y groundrerrts.ifany. Borrower =�:�:_��._
<br />.._ • shall pay tl�ese obli;ations in the manner providc�in paragaph 2,or if no[paiQ in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on °���t-��-
<br /> .,�.
<br />. time d'uec[ty ta the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptty fumisb to Lender a11 notices of amou�u to be paid under - -
<br /> : this paragraph. If Bonower makes these payments directly.B�orrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> . ,. the payments. . ��':�'•
<br /> . Borrower shall ptompdy dischazge any lien which has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees �
<br /> in writing w the payment of tha obtigation secured by ihe lien in a manner ace�ptabte to Lender.(b)con:ests in guod faith the '�;�f�
<br /> � llen by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,fegal proceedings whirh In the l.ender's opinion aperate to prevent the - _:;:�;_`
<br /> •, enforcement ot the liea;or(c)secures from the holder of ihe Ilen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinating the lien =
<br /> , to thls Secu»ty Instrument. If L.ender determincs that any part of the Pmperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority ' �'" -
<br /> over this Secudry lnstrumen�Lender may give Harrowcr a natice ldentifying the 1ien, �o�ower shall sadsfy the lien or take ' °
<br />, - one or more af the actions set forth above wittun 10 days of'thc giving of notice. a=.:"�"
<br /> 5. Haz�rd or PropeHy Ynsurancr. Bonower shall keep the impravements now eaistin�on c�rcafter erected on the
<br /> . Property insureA against loss by tire.hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards.lncluding �
<br /> • floods or flooding.for which L.ender requires insurance. 7'his 1nsu�ance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> , '
<br /> . ;.
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