� ,J `� ` _.C..__� _..._.-_ - . � , � ,. F_ S• ',� :'. , 21k�
<br />. . , -z . . . • . . . , y '_�.-„�__.�_..,_�� _�_��.._,.,.._._ `��c.L-..--7 • -y ._—.
<br /> � . � o � .
<br /> c . , _
<br /> `.. .:
<br /> .
<br /> v . •
<br /> __ ... — '.a._.__c:_�:_. ' _ '""�� 4,�=-=--r--,-- - --
<br /> �
<br />_ ,_ _ .--_ —
<br /> a -
<br /> ' ' 10. BorsowerNoi R�tteasQd;�earQnceBy LeuaicrNot e 4�7atver. Extensio -vt the time for payment or modifcatioa ' �`', , � � � .< ��
<br />��� af amord7a�on oF the suots secured by this Qeed af Trust granted by Lender to a�ry suscessar in inu�est of 8onower shall � � � �.,• `i- _
<br /> uot operate to release,in ar►y manntt, the Itabiliry of the orRqinal Borrovrer and Borrower's successars in interest• I.ender , • , , '�r ��
<br /> rr�
<br />'. shall aat be required to commense proceedin�s against auch succrssor ar retiise ta e�tead flme for payment or otherwiss • ; � ��
<br /> modify amortizatton of the sums secarcd by this D�ed of Trust by�eason of any demand made by the ariginal Bonower a�d� � �•
<br /> Bonower's successara in interest. My fwDesrance by Le�tdet in execcisin�any d�ht or remedy hereundet. or o;herarise � , • � , ,� `=`
<br /> afforded by applicable law,shail aot 6e e zvaiver of or prec[ude the exe�ise of any such right or remedy. • �. �. , � t
<br />• lf. Sucassar� end Assigas Bound:.lofnt amd�averel Ld�9sWty:Co�t�nera. 'Y'he covenants and aQreements hesein � ` ` -
<br /> costained shaU 6ind.and ths ri�hts hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors and aszigaa of Lender and Borrower. � � ��. . _ _=
<br /> subject to the provisions of parasraph 16 8ereof. Aly covenants and agreemeats of Borrovier shaU b�joinc and several. Any � < �n,
<br /> . Bo�rawer who co-signs this Deed of T�ust.but dbes not execute the IVot$, (a) is ca-signinII rhis Deed of Trust onty to grsnt� _ _ ,
<br /> -�r aad convey Wat BorroNer's in�sest in the Progerty to Tmstee under the terms of this Deed of Tnuc. (b) is aot Pa►�sonailY�i ; , :- �
<br />� liable on the Nate or�nd-r this Deed of Trust,nnd(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Borrovrer h�reu�der may agree to�j Y � �. • : .
<br /> emend,modify,forbear. or make any ot�er accommadarions with regazd to the terms of this Deed of Tnut or t h e Note, • • , „ ,°,,;:.
<br /> � adthout that 8orrower's cousent amd vritt►out releasing thac Bor[ower flr modifying this Deed of Tn�st as w that Borrower's , --_
<br />' intetest in ths Property_ ` " `� .��•";'0:: � --.
<br /> 1Z. Nia�tce. Eacept foc aFry norice required uuder agplicahte law to be given in anuther manner, (a) anY nntice w ``;::.,. ... � °, � • __
<br /> - Borrower grovided for in this Deed of Tru.gt sUall be given by deliverin�it or by mailing such notice by certifred ma�7 addres-�ed `,: :;�`..�.:`-�.-.---`
<br /> • to Boxrower at the Progerty Address or at such other address as Borrower way desigoate by aatice to Leudsr as provided . ;"� .�`'�`.;~'•° -
<br /> ♦J i:•�•y^'� ! ,
<br /> �'sn,a�d(b)anY nouce to i.ender sbaU 6e givew by certiSed mail to Lender's address srated herein or w such other address :r';:..s�y'�
<br /> ' as Lemder�ay designate by natice w Bc:rower as provided herein. Any aotice provided far in this Deed of Tmst shall be , , ; , _..�'.�'����: —
<br /> � ` de�atefl to�ce been given tn Bo�ower or Lender G�teu given in the mauner desig�ated he�;� �_'``�,;,.��-�:';=.�`:;::`::-----
<br /> 1�. �.�;or�g E.�y�;Sever�ui4p. 'Ihe state ar,d Iocal laws applicable to tLis Deed of Tcas� shall be the laws of the '� `' .�,:.�. -
<br /> jurisd�CC�-�s �wiich f:e L�operty is tacated. 't�fa:e�a�sentence shall not limit the appFicabliry of Federal law ro d�is y�f.:.• .` . ._ .. , -:
<br />_i�.� Deed af Tr�t. In the e�-e�that amy provision or ciause of dus Beed of Tnist or the Nooe canEi.^ts with�,sP��•���'•�� :{,�• ., ,,;.:,�;� '. :.
<br /> - confl's.ct�rll not affect other provi�ns ef this Beed et Tru.n or the Notc ahieh can be giveu c�ct wi W�.x 'th:ce�Sict� � " ��_'—
<br /> � provisias..ssui to this end the provisras ef this I?� c#Tcu�t aad ihe Note are declared m b�severatde. As used aer�r-1, �: � ._°�_--_
<br /> , �� �, �. ..
<br />�-=`:`� "costs',"expenses"aad"atWmeys'fees'=.-cinde o!I�s w the exteni not prolubited by appli�?.':f:3aw or li�:°sd her.°s¢. , ':��'. '.:,.' '.,_
<br /> ' ' • :.,r,i....r.;, ..
<br /> a4. Borrower'sCogy.Borrower sball be fnr-�a conformed copy of the Note and of tbis Deed af'Ccast at th�.�° , � �S ,�
<br /> of execuSon or after�ecordation hereof. �!� � ` ' 1 'i � �
<br /> �,a�,.• 3'�,..
<br /> : 1S. ReHabflltaflon Loan� Borrower shall fulfill all of Bortower's obligations u��azry[:�� r�..--���. �� ...� ��`:;� ��:• �`�',���:".
<br /> u ,���. . �.
<br /> ,s�. impravemnt, rePair+or other loan ageement which Borrower em:�--s into with Lsnder. l�de:,ai F�c',,.�'s c�n, e� .+--�:-: .�.;x,�:�.=:�`•-°�--.
<br /> reqaire�.rrawer ta execute and deliver w Lender.in a form acc�^^�.ble to Leader, an asri�_nt of a��ts.claims er �` ' t. '`�-'. � : ;., .• I,S;�
<br /> •4.- .�:� ..��.
<br /> defeuses wluch Borruwer may have against parties who svpplq l�z,materials ui seivices in conuection wic�improveme� •� ..' ,.-�- ,r;� •:"-T"
<br /> �ade to t5�e Piu�ercy. ` ' ` �' '� =
<br /> �<<�_ it5,.. '�cnasfer of thz Properiy or a Benef�ciat dcCea�cst�n�oc�awcr. If atl ar any part of the Properiy or any interest in � � '���. .
<br /> n
<br />::,-'.�,�.; it is�old:,��an.gfeaed (or if a beueGcial i�ecest in Bonower is se1�or transferred and Borroarer ie aot a aamral persoa) .•.�;�;`
<br />" oritF,aut I.�der's prior written consent, Lender may.at its option, require immediats payment in fuU of all aums secured by `' '" �' ;:��; �. "'
<br /> '. ttils Deed of Trost. Hovrever.this option shall not be exercised by L.ender if exercise is prolu'bited by federa]law as of the -�-_.`•� -,
<br /> ��" :
<br /> • date af this Dud of Tcust. - T ��''�
<br /> - lf Lendet exercises this o don. Le�er s1�at1 ve Boaower noace of acceletation. 'I7�e notIce sUalt provide a Pertod af '*'•�`-�'� '�---
<br /> ,- _,
<br /> not less than 30 days from the date tbe aotIce is delivered or mailed a+ithin which Bonower must pay all sums seaued by thi9 ' ,S f�' " _
<br /> Deed of Tnist. If Boaoaer fails to pay these sums prior to ihe expirarion of this pedod,Leuder may invcice aay remodtes �_ �,�„�,?:':'�,,' ��
<br /> . perIDitted by this Deed of Tn�st without funher noace or dema:vi on Bonower. ''•5` '•
<br /> NON-�'MF�RM COVENIINTS. Bonower and Lender further covenaut and agree as followa: '���
<br /> 17. Acc+elerntton;Remedtes. Except a9 proz+ided in paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's bteach of siay covenant or ��-�.,:
<br /> agreemeat of Bottower in this Deed of Tmst,including 8oaower's failure to pay,by the end of 10 calendar days aRer thoy 1,�+�.,� a�
<br /> -��.��!4�'�' -''
<br /> aza due,s�y su�s secured by t63s Deed of Tn�st.Lendec prior w acccleratIon shall give notice to Boaotiver as provtdem in .,:� :.._ - _
<br /> � paragca{,rh 12 henof specifying:(1)the breac4(2)tt►e asxion required to cvre snch breac6;(3)a date,not Iess tt�w ZO d�ys �_�•-==
<br /> from dr�,3ate the nouce is mailed w Borrower,by whicb sach brexch must be eured;and(4)that faliue to cure sucb bre2ch� —
<br /> ' on ar L�fore the date specified in the nodce may result in acceterafloa of the sams sec�ued by t6is Deed of Trast and sale �.,.��,�:;,��_
<br /> � af die l�capetry. The nodce shaU further inform Borrower of the right[o reinstate after acceleradon and ihs right w brtng �--:,-,.-----
<br />.,;;. � a caar��on to assert the aoaexistence of a default or any other defense of Borrower w acceleradon aad sate. If the breacb - �:l-�•?n•�-�-: --
<br /> Y�;;. .I is mac a�n�i on or before the date specifced in the noflce,I.cnder.�Lender's opdon, may declare all of the sums secuned i�y _ . .:�
<br /> �; � �i3�i1��f Tnut to be immediately due and payabie wI�hout fur��r ��naad and may invoke th�power of sale and any osiioi T
<br /> ', ..�i�s permitted by applleable lacv.Leader shaU be enuded to ca:.':ct rill reasonable wsts and expense�in�zrred in purwing .. . '�""�'
<br /> 11�e.�edies provided in this paragraph 17,includins,but aot limited to.reasa-2bte attomeys' fees. ' �=`�`;'' ,;�''
<br />�:v; �� If ifr�:�ov�er of sale is invoked.'fYustee sLatl record a nodce oY default in each counry in wluch the Properiy or somo prsi ,. ��,,,-�
<br /> t;,i �• therea[�y�ocated and shall mai!copies of suc6 notice ia the muna�prescribed by applicabte taa w Bonower and to tho ot}iaa� �
<br /> pers�n:�G-rescribed by applicablo la��- :�fter the layse of such tisue as may be required by z.�r��able laa+,Tn�stee shall t�ive .�1� �+�'�'
<br /> `� public�^..ce of sale to the persora�...� in the manaer prescrib�l:[�y applicable law. 1Y+�stEe..��thout demand on Borreiver. .:. .
<br /> . shalt se;l the Ptoperty �a public anc6on w the hi�fm_�a bidder at the time and p22ce and un�_x the terms��}gnate0 in the `` � �1�:':._�;..
<br /> �j notice c�sale in ono oc rrrxe parcel�and In suc6 order as Tnistee may determice. Tn�stee may postpon_ r�tr.of atl or any ,j,:" �
<br />.�:; � parcei c3�e Property �, pnblie a�rr=acement at the dme azr!place of an}r previously sc�^.�.^aled sate. Len�er or lcnd_°r's � �.;,;__ ,
<br /> ,,;.. , des3gnee�nay pucehase the Praperry ac any sa1e. ���`��+�`�--
<br /> �`'" Ugon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deli���r co the purchaser T +� �'s deed conveying the Praperc/ �r:�"`-��
<br /> r j���twee�+yAa�^.•
<br />• sold. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the trut'� of the statements made thetein. Trustes �.-�_ y-,:
<br /> ' . shall appsy the proceeds of the sale in the following order:(a)to all reasonabl� dcsts aud expenses of the sata,inciuding,but • ��-��'�°` —
<br /> � .. not limited to,Tnutee's fees actually incurred of not more ihan %of the gro�s sale price,recsoaabte .,�;:
<br /> ' sunrncys' fees and costs of title evidence;(b) tfl ail sums aeerred by tlris Iff�? of Tn�sr, and (c)the excess,if aay,tn tiLe s?,�---y� =---- __
<br /> ;::� '_�-:-
<br />. petson or persons legally endded thereto. t -:w` ; SyY%'. ',
<br /> � .�.�.�.k � _..-.. �
<br /> 18. Borrowes'sRigis4 to Reinsmte. Notvrithstanding Lee�.r s accelersti,:�� of We sums secured by this Atd of 7n�, :,:��„.�.,«,-�� .
<br /> � due to Bonower's bteacb,Bonawer shaU have r�: r�;6t to have any pra:.�xaiin�a begun by Lender co enforce this Deed of �, � --
<br /> � Tn�st discontinued at any time prior to the earLrx u� oc�r of(i)the fift�da.g before sale of the Propert� Aursnaat w the ��•r:�•; - � . �.-
<br /> � powet of sale coatained in this Qeed of Trust or(z:f entry cf a�z:dgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:(a� pnrraaer rays �• . :' j�,-:
<br /> � I.ender all sums which would be then due under this Deed et1'n�.�c and the Note had no acceleration occurred:(b)Botrcw,:r ��}�"
<br /> • cures all breaches of any other covenants or agreements of afrru�v�er contained in this Deed of Tnrsr, (c)8oaower pays all ; , . : :}•��;=� ' �
<br /> . ,„;f
<br />• reasonable expetues incuaed by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the cwe�ants and ag[eements of Bonoa�er cont2ined in t „ • —
<br /> tlils Deed of Trust and ia enforcing Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereof,including,but not .
<br /> � limited to,ceasonable attomeys' fees;and(d) Bonower takes such acrion as I.ender may reasonabry require to assure that � • • �
<br /> the lien of this Deed of T�ust, Lender's interest in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured liy dnis •, �-=--
<br /> ,W .� • . � .. �.yr.
<br /> HffiiRASKA�.cECOND MORTGAGE -Il86�FN�RA/F1B14SC UN6�ORM INST�FtUBiSffidP Page 3 of 4 Foim 3ffi8 �. ` .
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