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<br /> O D� OF 1`I�iTST
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<br /> OF Ti�.�',3IST �s made this 12th dayof J[JI,Y 1996 �� �'�
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<br /> � PIDELITY NATIo?U;�To.'�T'°-� �uRANCL CoI�At3�t (hcreia 'Trostee").am�n'�� Benzficiary. `H� .
<br />"�e :� �,�- ' .�
<br /> .`r..- . ; T.A.R. EREF� s�_.:.e�GE CORPORATTOTJ, A CAI�3�JRNIA CORPORAT3'�3e addressis s',�':�- _
<br /> . a corparation argan���s:d e�sis�ts_=.ader th�laws of CALZFORNIA `�[�'x �
<br /> 1978a LKACARTHUR HLVEP...,; SIIITS 250 ��'`�
<br /> ' IRVTYi'�''s, CALIFORNIA �w'Ti5 °Leader7• ';�����,
<br /> (tt=reiz► �frf}.
<br /> ,:��.� .
<br /> BORRO�VER, in wnsiderat�on of the indebtedness herein recited and � trust herein creau4 irrecsa�Sy.gams and �}�:! ;`
<br /> .,`. • com�s to Trustee,in nas�.wi�����°.a of sale.the foltowing d.�n'hed Pro� loca�d'ua the ��Y Sfinte of hebx.�I�a: ��.:j
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<br /> - T,pi`:��,� FRA�IONAL BI��� 38. CHARI+ES F��•f�R`� �DDTT(73']:d CITY OF GRAN}� .-,;•i; ,
<br /> I�`aI�'�. �IALI+ COIINTY. �{£BRASKA . , , ,��; '" `.�;
<br /> A.P.N.•: 400109832 ''f' ,; ,
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<br /> THIS
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<br /> 1 . .wtuch h�s ttu adduss of 1313 WEST LOTF�SC� �tl:l3ND ISIlPIND . . � ' • . . E a_,._��,
<br /> (Stteetl ICItYI ---
<br /> � (herein "Frap�}Address')' . � �`r 'ii
<br /> Nebraska 6 8801 ' ��< .
<br /> [Zip Code] . �" _
<br /> p P aad a19 i eaaercea3+. ctgk�• ��°, �
<br /> �'. � TOGE77�ER with all the impmvemenis now or heresiter erscted an tlie ro erty, �,-._
<br /> . � app;uteaances and rems(sublect however to the rights and authorides given herein w Lendet to coltect at�app2Y suc6 rentc). ,
<br /> -.�- ...
<br /> all of whie�sna11 Be dcemed t°be and rEmun a P�of the PiapercY covered by thin DEed of'Pra.s�aad�l]oY tIIe foregoin�, �_
<br /> or the leasehold est�te if tbLs Deed of Ttust is on a leash,hold)art hereinaf�:e referred to as tha r;.�•,
<br /> to�ther with saicl ptopert5►( ';���r
<br /> . °p(O�..rty�� . �
<br /> �p S�gg to�,ende: the repaymeat of the indebtedness evidenced by Boraowcr's note daoed ��„;�-
<br /> . JOLY 12. 1996 and extcnsonfl and reanaaIs thereof(Duce3n 'Niote°).in thtt ��_y_
<br /> , principal sum oY U.S:S 2n,000.00 .w3th iiuorest thereon, peaveding fos moatLt1 �:_
<br /> ' instnitmeIIts of principa) and inurest. aith tl�e balanse of the indebtedness. it aot sooner paid. cSue acd payabin au �,-.,,
<br /> u�
<br /> � � JULY 26, 2011 � �e p��t of all otlier sum�s. w i t h interest thssreaa, advanced �u �: -
<br /> ms °
<br /> ���n���protect th: security oY tIIis Deed of'i'rust;aad tho perfamanca oP tfia covenantn ncd agxeements af
<br /> �;•.,.;.
<br /> ___ � Borrawer herein conraineci. �--�
<br /> x�►�s�co;vn MoKranas -usa��Ur�+� n�sr�un�xr . c�E� �ora �s�m
<br /> . �
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