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<br /> �� �a°7s�.� � � .` �" �
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<br /> 17.Trunusffer aP the Pro�SertY or u BenelTci�1 Interest in Bonow�er.ff all ar any pan of e Property or any �nterest in it '. •.�:.� •.; ,�
<br /> � >':.. :e,,�_,'.�`�:;`_
<br /> is sold or transferred 1or if a bene�a r� !�°B� oPi�n Srequire immedia�te paym n�tinEfull of�all sums ecured bYhhis .: ,.
<br /> L.ender's prior �vritten can�ent. Y ," � ` •"„" �5
<br /> Setiurity Instrument. However,this option�hall rtot 6e exercised by L.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal tativ as of the date ` ; , _
<br /> of thi+Securicy Imaument. .
<br /> If l.ender exercises thi.aption. Lender shsll give Borrower notice of acceleration.The nuti��e shall provide a period of not '�'��.. .•rt ;�L: `, '
<br /> `�`' lc�xs than 3U days from tht date tt�c eati a�t ese!sums pria�led e�Rinradon of Blii period. Lender m-ay in okcany rebyied�i�s --— " , ,-° � _
<br /> :�' Sacurity Instrument. If Borrower fail�to p y , s. .
<br /> ; permitted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on�orrower. _
<br /> � 18. B6lPOti£1''S �t to [teiasistte. If Borrower meets certain c�nditians. Borrower shnll ha►•e the right to have `_. ,' . •
<br /> .a f s:-fr
<br /> enfurcement of this Security iQ�re'm tat men) befo�reasale of the PPropenY�Pu�uan'tr ° an�u P°��5of s:il� contaia� iT►[h s r ,�,�,A�.,}.
<br /> aPP�iunbic taw may specify _ -_ " -_
<br /> Secunty Instrument:or!b?entry of a}udgment enforcing th�s se►I�Yment a�i�dethe Note as iP no acce�erahn B���I�a1iP�b _
<br /> Ixnd�r all sumt which tl�rn wauld be due under this Securiry ^ �� �
<br />; cums any default of any��her covenants ar agc�ments: (c)pays all expenr+:s incuired in enforcing this Security Instrument. �,���-��::
<br /> r.•sx:-_-
<br /> ___ includinb.but not limited to, ieasos�able attorre�ys' fees: and(d)takes suci�actinn as L.ender muy rea-umably require to assure ��Y � __
<br /> that th�liea of this Security lnstrument. Lender's rights in the Property and 3orr�wer's obli�ation ta pzy the sums secured by E�=.s�-�=,. ---
<br /> .•i:,� g � Inurument and the y' ��-�=� A
<br /> ' this Security laswment s h a l l �ontinue u n c h a n e d. U n reinstatement by Borro�vcr. this Secur!ty 4.� . .�`�, �-_ _.
<br />� ,' obligations serured hemby shall remain fully effettive as if no acceleration had occurrecl. Yowever,this rig ht to reins t a te s h a l l r.t,,�.��/ ;,..F :';"k'` '
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraPh 17• ° '
<br /> f'°'�ww'T__X+2.!
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of Loaa� ���r• The Note or a partial interest in the Note (togctl�er w�th d►is Security ��� ��',v, '
<br /> .: Instrumentl maY be sald�t collccis m nthlY P Yment�due unaerthe Note and ttiis Seci r r lastrumentng'There also may be one -,-.==ttk���:--
<br /> as thc"Ww Servicer") ,••j•��""►"�'': :��;-,=
<br /> � or more changes of the Loan Serri n� oe��ce w paragraph ld above�and appli�cable l:iw.Th no ce will state he ennme and --- � �-'��-
<br /> given written notice of the change - =='-'�''°''
<br /> ' address of the new Loan Servicer and the addcess to which paymenu should 6e made. The notice will also contain at►y other � _ ��. �--
<br /> � inforni2tion required hy applicable law.
<br /> 2p, Haaardous Substances. Borrower shall nat canse or permit the presence. use. disposal. storage. or rele�.+e af any . � __�y�, .
<br /> , Halardous Substances on or in the Property. florrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the �.���-
<br /> ` • praperty that is in violatiun of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shalt n��poybe ah ronate to om�al _ - "�
<br /> •.��.:.r'
<br /> � storage on the Praperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substnnces that are generally recog PP P ': '
<br /> � r e sidential uses and to maintenance of the Prapercy. n o t;�o f� �n v e s t i g a t i o n, c l a i m. demand. lawsiit or other action by any
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give[.ender w.r.�x Y � •�.� ��.'-,,;:'-.
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or privatc�:...°tg �isvolving tfie Property and any Hazardo�s Subb.ans:���:r Environmental Law ".;:,A ,.
<br /> • �.�:.
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. ar is noufied by any goverrzmentaY or v:.gJ:atory authority. that =� ' 4.°,.' ,�r��4.
<br /> dous Substance affecting the Property is nac.�asary.Bure=��'shall promptly talce ��:,,�.
<br /> a n y re m o v a l o r o t h e r r e m e d i a t i o n a f a n y H a T a r . • ; '-,- :
<br /> . a!1 necessary remedial actions in accordance with Envirorunental l.aw. ����by .,,��.•�. -
<br /> -"",� As used in this pamgraPh Z0. "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as taxic or har.ardous s
<br /> ` Environmentai i.aw and tt►e fo{Ioking substances- gaso�ine. kerosene. other flartunable or to:cic�setr:teum prc4'oces. toxic T�_
<br /> pesiicides and herbicides,volatile s�lvents.materials containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and radioacYi.�+e��uitznals•As u'rd'n _ _ ::,,. '-�J:
<br /> � •�:�•
<br /> th�s paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the �r.�erty is locaced that , m
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection. �`,- ,';
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and asree as fallows: _ _ .,,_:
<br /> 21,Acceteranon;Remedies.l.ender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to aviceleratton foliov�i^g BorroW�i�b�� ��,._
<br /> = ot aay cover�ant or agreQment in thls Seearity lnstrument (but nat prIor to accelerat[on andeec iFarag�"aP .��;-�-___
<br /> ' applicahle taw provtdes otherwise).'I'6e reote.ce s6a0 specify: (a)the detuult;(b)the adlon reqaic�s�srn care the default; ��~-�_:_--._.
<br /> `�,-�� ,c -, -_
<br /> - ..��', : . �..__
<br /> (c)a date,not tessi than 30 days trom the�e dhe notice is P,ia�en to Borrower,by whicb the de���:anust be cared+and _
<br /> resWt in a�ceterattoa e.�Llte sams
<br /> '' .� (d) that iailure to aue t(te deSaz(E on or �e ihe date spec��e�nottce shall�'ar'.7�es fiofarm Barrow�mf�e�r3ght to � a..�.;_,.�-w _
<br /> �; secured by thls Secudty I�sts�m�:r.t and s:�s.+c�the Prcp�rtY•
<br /> reinstate s►Rer acael�ration��3Sue s7gtxt 2z 1�ing a co�t action to assert t6e e�aa«ex�tenee of ts defaWt �c;�y other '. `.r °'�
<br /> . • ��- ._,_:_:
<br /> defease of Borrovw�r co ar�'.:�a�►� an� �'�:• tf the defa�lt is not cured on or 6�sm the date spedfied in��e notice, �
<br /> . i ent in iull of a!1 sums secured by this Securitl+ lnst*ameat without ��,_,,_;:q,�„y_
<br /> Lender, at its option,�nay r�;�+i+.'e�mme�= PaYB►
<br /> 9m
<br /> • tu�her demand and may inc�iE,:¢he power of�ate t�nd any oiher remedIes permitted�Y�i���neiusll g,6ut not 1 mited j�'
<br /> � entittecl ta aoUeM all expenses i�a4^urred in pwsuing the remedies provided[n this�.r•ty p '.:'��
<br /> . �.� to,reuas�f�z�Ct:�arr►eys'fees�il costs of title evidence. �, y y of the ''`�^?'�`^�-, ,�'•'.�
<br /> IP the p:�nti�r+�+q sale is invoked,TrustYe shall ceoord a nottce of defaWt in�.n��count ia which an �i _ .._r-_•�.;,,,�
<br />_, property is locs+r.s."�nd s!►all mt�i1 coP3es af��c6 nottce in the manner prescrlbedl[�� �P4tc�6�'��aw to Borro�er and to .�;�.
<br /> • t he ot her persons pnscrjbed by ePP�1ca��e•"•����ter the time re�uired by appticabfe law,Tr�Kc�yfiall give publ3c n9ti� T;..� �
<br /> of sate to Ihe persong and in the manner pmscrlbed by applicable law.Trusiee, wE t G.aut c 3e�n a�c i:an Bosrower,shall seEl _
<br /> the Property at pu611c suMian u�i�he hi�hest bidder at ttie time and ptace and uadu tJue e�e f all or anY �s�'�of t6 �»; :�� ___ -
<br />� ' sale in one or more parcels anc9 Cn any order Tnistee determines.Trussee may p�:•iu -••-
<br /> � -
<br /> ,. property by publ�c announcement at the tdme and place of any p
<br /> �evtous�y s�e�u�sale.Lender or its d�aiF�ee may . ��t,.
<br /> purchase the Pro�'ty at any sate. _ , •. -
<br /> �n„��,.:�:
<br /> ' Form 3U2S 9190 ���*����i
<br /> . L.:
<br />� � 7ego 5 of 8 —�- --� . _
<br /> • .S .. • � •• �F15
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