T"rSn t . -�.• . _ �( ...�� . . c . ' . _
<br /> 4 � l � (Jj-' .. �� j. . . F . . _ . , . . ' �_ .C�.
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<br /> • . ` � � - .y.._..Y - - . v .- . .
<br /> zy �s. - . .. '
<br /> 4` � �v .. _ �.���i��r` �:- -
<br /> � s , �} ,�.`F- '
<br /> ���� , �,.. ;� a..,-���_
<br /> of the'?ro t�n it � "� -. ,
<br /> i7,T'y�ansfer of the Property or a Senef dal Iinserest ia Borro�ver.If all or any Qarc Pe � ; . . •..,-. ��
<br /> is sotd or transferted(ar if a beneficial interest in Borro�ver is sold or uansferred and Barrower is not a natural persont witho�as �`�,_ `,Y ������.�.
<br /> L.en der's p ri o r w r i t t e n `�on e n t�'i_.e�n d[o►hal�not be ezercis�by Len der��exe cisertis p ro h i ti'e d b y f e d e r a t L a w a s�of the date ' ' �,Y�:-
<br /> • Security lnstrument. Ho e A �, ,`, �� �'= �
<br /> , ef tEei:;Serurity lnstrument. -.. �'�'.-=p
<br /> tf Lender exercises th�s opLi�e oi ce i hdelrvered or�mailed within wt�ich Borrower must pay al1 uYms sec��ired bYf ihis �4� _`_ `.
<br /> .. l e s s t l�a n 3 0 d a y s f r o m t h e d a invoke an cemedies � F �
<br /> Securiry irastrument. if�orrower fails to pay these sums prior to t D ie expi n t i o n o f t h i s p e ri o d. L e n d e r m a Y Y - .� :, `
<br /> _„ permitted by this Security Lnstrument v�ithout further noace or demand on Borrower. .-„ .. s, , >.. �
<br /> .._� ... 'eC 4'.�...,,•,�.Y� -
<br />. Ig. ��oHer s �t i g h t to �e i n s t a t e. [f B o r r ower mexts certaim m�ditions. Eorrower shall have the right to have ��.,.l:.. ,(.
<br /> • enforcement of this Securiry Instrument disconrinued at any ame priar to the��anet to any powesof sale conta�ened n n ddus "��-'"`'~;"`�"�"" �_
<br /> �-,--�.•.- �.--�..
<br /> -• a p p t i c a b l e l a w m a y s p e c i f y f ar minstatement) before sale of the PropertY p S .`- �;�-�:;�;w�_,•�_�=_:
<br /> Secunty lrtstrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcinn this S�curity Instrumen t.T h o s e c o n d i t i o n s az e t h at Sorrower:(a)pay ���y������
<br /> �—r.,-,v:r�-:rr�tr��-.
<br /> ixnder all sums�vhich then wauld be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceteration had°Instrumen� �'�'!n`�='=w +^�^S'°=-- v
<br /> cuces any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays all ex}xnses incurred in enforcir.�this SecuritY , �����'�-
<br /> ��;., inct�din�. but not limited to, ieasonable attorneys' fecs:ar�d(dl talces such action as Lender m�Y ��ly require to assare y t��t�-_
<br /> %� � that the tien of this Security Instrument.Lender's righ►s in the Property and Borrower's e'�Iiaation to pay the sur�s secured bY ' ;f :-•�.__ ,,:._-.� �--
<br /> •r.'.,'.` —7,.,
<br /> ' Uus Security Irstrvment shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borro'wer• tkus Secu�lY Instru-`�'t �►r'd the J�, -_-� N
<br /> '. obligations serur•3 hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occu.�d.33uwever,this right to reirstate shal! ��. :`Y�
<br /> .: not apply in the cc�s�o`accelerarion under Faragraph 17. ;�� . . .�. .'� ' •..'_
<br /> �-
<br /> 19. Sale cf :YaL:; Cha�e of Loa*� Servicer• The Note or a pania4 ir.terest in the Note (together wiih this SecuncY �I•J'" .• �.���j.
<br /> ' ;'. I�i r u m e n i)m a y b e s o t d o n e��er�ore times a+ithaui prior notice to Borrouer_ A sale r�}�result in a change in the entity(know� ?�{ ` . `�
<br />;�• as the'Loan Sen'icer">tha<<r3:ects monthly paymenu due un der t h e N o t e 2 n d e h:s S�v>;i t Y
<br /> I n s t r u m e n t.T h e r e a lso ma y be one ,��y:
<br /> or cnore changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a ch•�^_•_e�f the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be ;�.��,fi,t:' . ., ?Y
<br /> ---- given written notiax of the change in accordaace w��h p��Ph 14 ahove ar=�applica�:t law.The notice will state the name and � ,..+��-` i
<br /> address of the new i.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The noace will al�u contain any od'.er 3 !}� �
<br /> • inforn�ation required by applicable law. .:.:.,;,,�rr4..<_�, �r "�
<br /> Zp, Hazardaus Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pemuE tt:e presence. use, disposal, storage, ar release of any _.�t�l'f.
<br /> Hazardous Sulsstances on or in the Property. Borsower s�:all not do. nor all�w :ryone else to do, aaythin� affecting the ��F,.�,� ".:�<<"„`.`
<br /> � Property that is in violapon of any Environmental Law. 'The P*eced'�3 n�°ser.tee..�shall not apply ta the preseu-ne. use. or ,, �,,;,:.
<br />� storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances�.`�.�-'e ge�^l�'S'3 �ec�g��d to be appropna?=ip normal ..'•. .-':�--
<br /> ��5 ;;
<br /> '����..�,1.
<br /> . msidential uses and to maintenance of the Pmperty. . . . � -:. -
<br /> ' Borrower shal1 prompdy give Lender written no[ice of any ia•••�+t=k�=��.���'�• demand.lawsuit or other action by a�'s ` : ,�s,,-.,_,
<br /> Qen or rivate invalviag t�e Pc..-�st� �=.d r:.=,'r��zardous Substance or Environmentall-a�.� .•:,.`.. •,,, ...s a .
<br /> ga4 zmmenta!or regulatory ar cy P P�Y y - .r ernmental or regulatory authority,that +` . � �'�. '_ �
<br /> o€vfiich Borrower has acniaa �owledge. lf Boaower le�.:s.��r is nc�fi�b u:. �'� _r' . ,',i, r�•
<br /> ' am�r r�noval or other reme�i.�ain:of any N�rdous Subsi�:ce affectire�t`:�Pro�ert�:s-ecessary. Borrower shall promptly take ,. ,:':`:.i :.�; r:;
<br /> all nece�ary re��dial actions in accordance with Environmersta! Law. � ��;;t ', ':-:
<br /> As used sa t�=s paragraPh 20. "Hazzr:�x:s Substances"are those s��s�[ances det"ined as toxic or ha�ardous substances�.g ` '"'°.� �"wi.�,,,;fi�yh�•'�'"'
<br /> Environmenc�.I 3.:a°•v a n d c h e f o l t o w i n g seo�+*��ces: g a saline, kerosene, other flar�unab{e or to�i: petroleum praducts. tox.-�: ,,t�aa`, :,
<br /> t;
<br /> ��-, pesticides and heflbicides.volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde.an d r a diaactive m u t e r i a t s`JA�s��at �, . .`.t�?'R� `.-'_
<br /> • this paragraph 20, "Enviranmental La�v° means federal :aws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property .- " - : ,;➢ . ;_
<br /> retate to health,safery or environmental protection. �`
<br /> � NON-UMFORM COVE N A N T S.Borrowe r an d l.e n d e r f u r t h e r c o v e n a nt and a gree as follows: ,�',� ��
<br /> 21. Acce�2¢�sllon;Remedies.I.ender s6a1!gi�e notice to Boreo�er priar to acceleratlon fullowing Borro b 17 unle� '- `•�� '' �
<br /> of any wveoars or agreemeut in thfs Seturity Inst�vme�►t (but �t prior to arceleration undes paragrap , =.
<br /> ;�• ' (b) the action r ulred to cure the detaatt; ��
<br /> applicable law provldes ot�er`vise).77te aotice shail specifYs la)Rhe default; e9
<br /> rv
<br /> (c)a da4e,aot tess than 3��ys from the date the notice Is given ta Borrower,by whtc6 t&e defuult must be cured;and . . -_��,�
<br /> �serured D this Secusity Imstrument and sate o f t he P rope r t 3�+.Ttie notice stial! furt6er in otrm Borrower of t6e sighsumg `��:s,.*M.�.�M1':;;I.�::;.
<br /> ed i�the aol� <.<: '="._ _
<br /> •• ��� reinstate after acoe�eradon and the rigt�t to bring a court uctim¢ r�assert the aon�d.stence of a default or aay other �:.
<br /> '��i� depense of gacco�ver to accelerat�on aad�sale. Yf the defautt is.n�u:eured on or before tEe��SP�� nt wit�n[� , .• . .��`'''i.r;•��^'
<br /> .,'•';��z! r uIre taamedlute �ayment In fa1D r.C�:dJ sums secured by th[�Secnaity Instrume ; .��;;. .�
<br /> I.Qnder, at its opt�on,may e9 . �}„ �'��'.._;,:.
<br /> �er demand and may invoke t6e power of sate as�.�:�y ot��re�ae��s P�in�by 8�i,�,includin�,�.rt mt limii8d �4 t��, --•—"_=.� ��_"=
<br /> '���' z�:ed to callect all e�cpensas incureed in pursuing the remerlies�:nvided in this paragrap � �-�--,T..,-. . �-:
<br /> • � �� �.�,reasonaflrie�ttomeys'fces and costs of titie evidence. "'�� .,
<br /> ., �S '�
<br /> rr,� ����p;c�efr of sule is involced, Tnrstee sha�� record a nattiii.e of default in each �l�cable law o BoxTO�er aQ,dt� ��_r„�_ __
<br /> ''����;� - p�.op�i.h,is pt�iL��d und shal!mail copies of suc�h notice In the rt3:�er prescribed by app' - __.__ _
<br /> h .�.
<br /> �••� ,•;;• ���o�e���;�;9 pres�ik�by applicable taw. Aiiter the ttme re�ulred by applicable lacv,Tnutee sha11 give publlc aeGEa� ::-;.--- .-.,.,-
<br /> • .�,:. � of saic to the peesons=n�A,in the manner presceibed by applicable taw.Trustee. withont demand oa Borrowe�,shall s� 't��.,M`__ :.._.,_
<br /> �ise Pnoperty at public a:rci�on to the hlp,hest bidder at the time and place and w�der the e ss�ms of aD�or�nB parcel1of thE ----' ��-`-`:��_
<br /> ' sale in oae or ruore parcels and in nny order Trustee determines.Trustee may po�Po -
<br /> property I�g publtc announcement at the time and place of any raeviausly schedWecl salc. Lender or its designee�c�� �:. . _^
<br /> • �rarchase t�r:lr'�opesty at any sale. •�:i,{••'. _
<br /> y,d'
<br /> . . � ���
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