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<br /> vI�° �����100 _ }3� .� ..
<br /> }.�.':t:k- '����.,- c
<br /> � � '4._
<br /> TOCETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erecS�d on the property.and all eas°.m�nts.appurtenances. and ��i` i r , • ,
<br />� � _ _ . ... . �-�-..
<br /> - fixtures now or hemalter a part of the prope►ty. All replacemenis and additions sl�all also be cvvered by this Security : Yy,
<br /> ��,x
<br /> Instrument. Atl of the foregoin�is refened eo in this Security Instrument as the"Propeny." , . , .
<br /> t4',�. .
<br /> BORItO�VER COVENAN'TS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has thc right to grant and . _
<br /> convey the Propecty and that dze Property is�nencumbered.except for encumbrances of record. Bormtiver warranu and will ''� , " ::.,v.
<br /> defend generally the tide to the PmpertY a�ai►�st all claims and dem�►ds,subject tu any encumbrances of record. =.� ��,��s���--
<br /> THTS SECURITY iNSTRLiMENT rnmbines uniform cavenants for national aye and non-unifomn covenants�vith limited .�
<br /> •-"�4_,4,:i� ..,��-
<br /> ` variataons b��jurisdiction to constiaute a uniform security instnsmenc covering real property• • ., `t _ _
<br /> UNIFORM COVEI�i,RM'S.Borrower and Lender covenant and agrce as followsc . :y- �-�•=
<br /> _ . 1. ���t o�p��p� �d I�y�r�t: prepay�nent and Late Churges. Bonower shall promptiv pay when due the . i_.. .v. _
<br /> �" a ment and late charges due under the Note. �;t .,ti.`_.", �:
<br /> '>` principal of and interest on the de4�t evidenced by the Nate and any preP Y ° .' r ., , •:. . :
<br /> Z. Funds for'II'tixes and �suranee- Subject to apQlicuble law or ro a written v+aiver by Lender.Borro�ver shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under th:Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds"1 for.(a)yearly taxes r ��a'^r���`�
<br /> and assessments which may attnin priority over this Securiry Instrum�nt as a lien on the Property.�(b)na�;���pre�� ��—�--�_`�-�
<br /> or ground rents on the Properc�,if any:(c)yearly haiard or property insurdnce premiums:(d}Y Y �':���.�,��.�=
<br /> if any: (e}yearly�n�ngzge in�urance presniums.if any; and(� any sums payatle Dy Harrowe�to Lender. in accordance with �iti;,-_.�?�,.��•Y_—
<br /> . the provisions of pasagtaph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance pre�niur.�- These i��������MO'v Items." �_ �
<br />`'�°• ' L,ender may. at aaY rime, collect and hold Funds in an amount nat ta exceed the maximum amflunt a tender for a federally ��^�r _�_�rL�=_
<br /> ��_ . -.
<br /> • related inortgag.'.oan may require for Borrower's escrow accaunt u�nier che federal Real Fsta*e�ettlement Procedures Act of ____ __ _=-��
<br /> 1974 as amended from time to eime, 12 U.S.C.Section Z6i)1 er seq. ("12FSPA")•aniess an°LF'-es'�'N that applies to the Funds �:;��f„_�^
<br /> " �.s a lesser amount.If s�. Lender may, at any time. �o!L�-ax and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed Fi�e iesser amount. --- '
<br /> L.er.�er m3y���d►e amovnt of Funds due on the bas^G a�cvrrent data and reasonable esdmates af e�s�r.di�vr�s of future � �:-:�,;�a
<br /> :` , �r-.�—:.v:T.._
<br /> Escrow Items or othenvis�e in acvordance with applitable law. -
<br /> The Fuads sha11 be held in an insticution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency. instrumeacrlir�- or c-�atv .�°'="
<br /> ��:iding Lender.if I.eader i�such an insdtution)or in any Fedcral Home Loan E.3.�-,3c.ixnder shall appl�th��$��u�o= _ _ e -
<br /> � �...--vw Items.Lender may cat charge Borrower for holding and applying the Fu�*�..:.'�nua11Y analY� 8 � ' "' __
<br /> �-,�,�_
<br /> � verifying the E�:.row Items,unlass I.ender pays Borro�ver interest on the Funds ami:�JCable law pemuts Lender to make such a�..i:
<br /> %�r I�'„ a charge. Ha«c-�:er, Lender mt►y require Borrower to pay a one-time c)carge far an independent�si estate tax report►ng senir.r. �;-_,_
<br /> �;,:•�.::;.;
<br /> . �.�� , �@� hy Ler>a'.r� in connection cvittt Gnis loan. unless applicable 1��• pmvides otherwise. UrJr� an agreement is made or �y�=.._-,-_• ..
<br /> `., .;���-....
<br />� . �;�Li�bt.law cequires interest ta be paid,Lender shall not be reqoired to pay Boaower any inte^�t or eamings on the Fun .
<br /> ,,,'����: Borrower and i.ender may agre�in•uritang. however, that interess shall be Qaid on the Funds• Lender shall give to Borrawer, _,. : . � �.
<br /> ;,';, �
<br /> , �.> without ch�:z-�.an annaal ac�ounting a€tte Funds,showing credit�and debits to the Fands and the purpose for which each -_
<br /> ;r�:,was made. Thc Funds ar pledged as additional s�.urt�+for all sums secured E�r�is Security Iostrument. y 1;8 _
<br /> debit to th.IFu . .,s�'�'�� � •,
<br /> If the F�-�:�s held by Lendar exceed the amounu permitted to Ise�r�'d by applicable la�v,Le�_er shall account to BorraaaeT �.,.;.,t�;,-;f.�.r;
<br /> E�:the excess Fun�s in am1r�'�attce with the requirements of applicaL=°:aw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at say `
<br /> �is not sufficient to s.�iim Eserou Items when due,F.r��der nzay s�notify Eur•n��.�r in writing,and.in suct.case Borrow�er ;�.',;�
<br /> �im.. F � • �I:.''�:.
<br /> .`_. :., s:�ail pay to[.ender the amuunt nae�s�ry to make up u:z�cicne.�.Horrower�Iral.L r.iak�2 eo the deficien �rx�more -.�;j T-.
<br /> :��=�� twelve month�:��ayments.at �Lender's x�le discretion. � _-
<br /> '.,', ;� s,. —
<br /> � Upon payment in full of ntl sums secured by this Sea:ri.ty Tl;st�ument. Lender shall �nsr�r'.1y refund to Borro�vcr.;tts��
<br /> L-'snds held by Lender.If,under Qaragraph 21.Lender s�::i acquire or sep the Property.l.ec►der, prior to the acquisipan or s�'ta ' �1�,.;_,.
<br /> � �f•che Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender sr.rl.e_ume of acquisition oi sale as a credit against the surns secured by • .t-_
<br /> �t;as Security Instrument. �'�"^,
<br /> � �,�R,r,,;lir.�ntioa of IQngments.Unless applicable law provides+;�ir��rwise.a11 payments received by Lendet under paragtaphs ���•-�-''-- '
<br /> 1 and 2�.iayLS h;.applied:first.to any prepayment charges due und�the Note; second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2: ���.' _
<br /> t�:�i.to ir:.�due;fovirti,ta principal dus:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. ���L��-
<br />,.�: . `. 4.���s; I�ew.��3rrower shall pay aSl taxes.assessments.clu�rges.fines and impositions anributable to the Proper�y =_--_ -
<br /> ;�� , r�,�_b vnay 4°.�:n priority�1�,�this Security lnstrument, and lc�ehald payme�c���gouncl renu, if any. Borrower shall pay ��a--�:=-�=�`�
<br /> " d-�r.se obli�atir�r..0 in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if nat pai�:n that manner.Borrower shal�pay them on time direct,�y �� � Y`._
<br /> � to the prrsas:��,v�d plyment.Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Ler��r all notices of amounts to be paid under this Qara��lY=
<br /> TuF T3osrower makes th�se payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. �__,,;;;�„�. .I'�
<br /> �-��,,,:.,:
<br /> Borrower shall pmmpdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)ag�es en =_____
<br /> ` �z;itin$to the payment of th�obligation secumd by the lien in a mflnner acceptabte to Lender:(b)contests in gaod faifh the lien �•����__
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal prooeedings which in the i�ender's opinion operate to prevecs the ' ._._..__,J.;___
<br /> enforcement of th�lien:ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lender subordinating the lirya•to �,;�,. ...�}`.
<br /> this Security Instrumea�t.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioritS-�sver ,;.�r.•, �
<br /> ..'��'' chis Security Instrumeal.L:nder may give Borrower a notice idenufying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or `'�.,,�;��
<br /> ~ .._rr.—._..
<br /> .'�,•`• more of the aciions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. __--
<br /> ,...�:, . Fcrm 3028 9150 �'�`�"•""'�'�+w4w�,—n.'
<br /> ..,+�• ���__--.
<br /> . .,,�{y5�, PapoJotB . ��_:.�,�._.
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