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<br /> � , .�r+�ek t.�+�►�i►��}�ta���a��r r�!�c i��y�;������a�d� : _
<br /> � � secr,rit�r w�or�(b).�ry oP s��this secl�rtjr Ins�m�ea� T6ose cond;tiaos�e tiac Bamw�a: ca)�
<br /> . -p�s Lewder sll sams whiclt lhea �rould be di�e unQer t6is Securtcy I�md thc Note a4 if m�cale�tian fi�d .
<br /> . 4 occwesd;(b�cu[es any defwit aEany ott�oo�en�nts a sgroements;`(c)psYs aU expa�ses inc�in eof�tlus Sec�aity�
<br /> ` Insmm�pw inciut�.huc fia lipuad to.c�easun�Me auo�neys'fas:aod(d)tpices such�ctian as[,eMer may ceswaabIy
<br /> . .i�eq�ite b auwre tha d�e�kn of this Socuriry Insonimatt,t.arder�rights tn�tie Rropar.X ann soaawe►'s obligation ta psy the
<br /> wem► �ecured 67► thia SecucicY tnstr�aent shsU cnotieue unch�nSed. UPort ninstatea�ent by Boaov�a. this Sec+uity
<br /> Inwwnent atd 1he obli�tloes aecu�ed heneby shsJ!nmain fully effectivt as if ao aaxkratian hsd a�ccar�ed. However.this .
<br /> �-- -- r�drt ic teir�tale sball aot�pptg in tl�e c�+e vf a�u�dec p�ragraph 17.. '.
<br /> �3f. S�a�Nde:CUa�e of Lo�s SerYkw: The Nacvf a pacpal inta+est ia il�e Note(coged�er with this Ssauicy
<br /> _ tnNnunaM)t�uy be sold c�ne a mo�e tin�es without prior notice w Borrnwer. A sate noay resuit ia a change in the entity
<br /> (�SC u�the"Lo�n Secvicet'�ihat collects monthly payments duc under tbc Nou and#his Socurity Jnstrument. 11xrG aLw .
<br /> �y 6�p�e q�mats cl�es n(thF LLflaan Servicer�mcelated to a s�le of the Note. !f there is a change of the Loan Sarvicer.,
<br /> � BOf10N�Q N��I EE=IYtil NRII{CD lWhQG Of IIfC Cllilt�14 aOC�(ICC N►IiI1�C1$[��1 I4�GOYC�Ild�I/C361C ISW. Z�1C IIObGE` .
<br /> �' W�I{1��!�It 691pt iil�i�L3i O�f�lC iIEM[.I.O�S�[YICCf ali�fliC iAd[LSS W W�IICII�PaYRXIlIS SM)Utd IIC II17�C. TIIC 110lICC WI�I
<br /> . �lw oo�bt any alher inform�tion raluired 6Y�PP�icable Jaw. . �
<br /> � jls�lr�s SrMfa�ea. Borrower sf�ll not cause ar pamit tbe p�esence.use.disposal,starage.or cetease of aay .
<br /> Haz�tdow Subw�ys+aa or in the Pteperty...Borrower sh�ll not cb,nor allow anyooe etsc to do.anything aff�cung the
<br /> � Ptapertg tl�t is in viduian of ang�vimtuatntsl Law. The precaling taro sentences shalt a�ppiy�to�pcie.�to normal
<br /> ' staye an tbe PropertY of srtall quantitxs of H�zardous Subst�nces that a�e genenlly ncogn .
<br /> ' � residenti�t uses and,to rtnietenaixe of the Pioperty.
<br /> Barrower ehilt P�PUY S�ve Lender wcitten t�xioe of a�ryr investigahvn.claim.demand.la�vvsuit or other action by any
<br /> yoYemer�eetaf a�egutatuty a8enc!►a PriYate WnY intiulving thc Prope�ty and any Hazarda�.s Substanve or Favuammeatal .
<br /> t�w oE which Ba�oYVer has sctual lmowiedge. .If Bamv��er learns.or is}�otified i�Y au►Y So�er�u�e�tat oc tegulatary _ . _
<br /> authority,thas yny remov�!or ather n�a�e oE any Elarardous Suhst�nce afEec6ng tlie Pt+oP�►tY is necessary,Barnwer�
<br /> � sdll p�+nmply tske all noccssary t�emcdiat�ctia�s in aoco�daiicc wlth Fnvirnnmental Law: ' :.
<br /> As used in this p�►rtBnPh 2Q."Hazardous Substances"are those substat�ces�ned as toxic or hazardous snbslances by
<br /> Environmmt�l La�w and the ldlawing subsGVxx.� Sasnline,kemsene.other flammable ar to�cic.petroteum products,toxie
<br />--_- pexticidea�nd I�efi�rideq,volatile solvents,materials containiag asbestos ar fom�atdehyde.aad radioaetive materials. As
<br />- used in this puagrapft Z0,"Environmenta{Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is located
<br /> that rclate t�f kalth.safety ar enva�onment'at protection. . _ , .
<br />;�f: NON•UMFORMCOV�tANTS. BorrowerandLenderfunhercovenantandagreeasfollows: �
<br /> 21. Ac�Ykr�No�s Remedirs. I.ender sha11 give noNce to Borratver prior to sccekration fdb,wing Borruwerys'
<br /> - err�ch ot asy rnveRSnt or�eemtnt in/h�Security lestrument tbut nat prtoc to�caterAtba under pArs�rapl�1? .
<br /> �• YAI!!16 i�IIpAI!I�W pfOYldlS MIIl1'WLSE). ThR notice shall specity: (al the detnutt:(b)the s�ction required to cure t6e
<br /> . defiMth.(c�s datt.�ot Ies4 tlus 30 d�ys trom the date tbe aotice is given to Boera�ver,by arAich the defauit must be
<br />;,1..: cYrtd:�d{dl tlt*t tsihrre to cpre tbe defaalt on or hefa+e tbe date specitkd in f6e nw�ce may result ia��
<br />;" , Ihe s�n�ecurM by th[s Se�writy In.ctriument aad sale of t6e Property. T6e eotiee s6aH fprt6ec Worm Borror�er ot
<br />- - t6e�NI b reMelste alttr facekntias and tbe right to brtng a oourt Action to a�ect t6e nontxisknce otA default or
<br />- ssy athe►dtkese ot Barrower to secekratioa snd sala It tlie defnult is nnt cureQ uo or before ihe date specified in
<br /> - the eotke.l.eeder At its optbn msy require imm�ediate pa�t Li fWl of all sums secared by tdis Security Inctrumen/ _
<br /> � whhaYt fwHAer demand And nwY invoke the power ot sak and Aay other remedies permitted by applka6k taw:
<br />.. u l.Mder Bl�all be enlitkd to cdtec! all expeases incarred ln pursuiog the �emedies pmvlded in this parasraph Zl, __
<br /> ' � includl�R,hut�wt limited to�rea.gonable attoraeys'�ees aad costs of titie evidenc� �:=_
<br /> - It the puwer ot sak is invotced,Trustee shall record a notice ot def�ult in exh county ia w6k6 any part ot the -
<br /> s
<br /> � propepY k located snd shall nwil caples of such notice in the manner prescn'beA bg applicable taw ta Borrower aad to
<br /> ; t6e dher pi�M�presc�ibed by applkable law Atter t6e time required by Applica6k law,7lrustee shaU gire public �--
<br /> �ul k e a f,�a k ta t h e pen�om a n d in t h e m a n n e�p r e s c r i 6 e d b y a p p l k a b l e t A w. 'i l r a s t e�w i t h a u t d e m p a d o n B a r r o w e q ��.
<br /> - eM�N rell the Pruperty,t publk s�uctlon to the highest biddte at the tlme pnd place and under lhe ttrn�d�tgeated in r
<br /> . IMe nofiee ut ru�k In one or naro p�rcds And in any arder Trastee determines.'tivstoe n�ay p�ae s�k al�U a'any _
<br /> prirrrl at IAe Yrope�ty by pu61k Annouactnxnt at Ihe time and ptace ot any previousty schedule�!sale. l.eeder or its
<br /> ' .. _ de!�iRnee ttwq VW�ch�r the Pruperty at any rak.
<br />�:: �' Upan receipt ot p�yment��f the prke bW.Trustee shall deliver to the Qarchaser Trustee's deed rnnvtying the
<br /> � ' NmmOeMy 'Che recifal�tn the 7�ustee's deed FhAtl be prlma facie evldence of the truth of tde statem�mts mstde thereto. �j-
<br /> e
<br /> ��_ _ 'llr�wee�AWI wpply the proceed�ot the sak in the tdlowing ordee: (a)to all costs and expensea o�exerc�sing the power _ __
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