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<br /> ;ItamC t4 Refi+rfuo ;Reat W ReBxiae. huebaa$aad�fo � � ., ' .:
<br /> �,� Adrfuauo ti R98�ne ;Adrieane M Rsdpiao, hmbaad aad wife I "" -..�
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<br /> �� I Dwonly A ReBaiae i �-: ___
<br /> t P I � ' I�' - .�,'':"
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<br /> :{: � �D�� 511 W 15Th St �� � ..�
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<br /> • ��y S21 W iSTPt St L; ,,�-�� ��',`
<br /> •r.' axaIId I61auud, NB 68801
<br /> (f3raad Ia1as►d. NB 68801 ;,, � ,• .' -�rr'�
<br /> j: �a�s�. ��a t�ra��. mec�aaca�u�: j ''; '�'
<br /> s}�'_
<br /> {: �u�IInio�n Haak Aa8 Tsvet Cc�pos►y Biret Place ; :{�;.�::.�,' ��'-:
<br /> ;�. I ��.:-
<br /> 2008 N E4obb Rd, (;rand Ieland, NS 68803 �s���`�r,
<br /> ,���... I d �?`: �.
<br /> ,'f�.•� In ecnsideraticn ot tt�e Ioan or other credR aeocmmodaUon heminafter specffied end anyriuCu�c�laances or tuturo Obiiga�ur.s,as daflnod heroin, �,,;F,, -;.' ^,c,�;'
<br /> !';;;- wititcA msy haratrtrsft�r be advanced or IncurrEd and tha trust herei�after menfloned and oU:Er�'a and vataabla wnsldaratlon,tl►o reoe1pt and � •
<br /> .���k J� s���artd�sir�J-s,in rtruct 4 a�o�e°��aaa�°x�'�"t°cb��"�r�a�a��`s��';'$aboe i�"w��`"��:nis ,.
<br /> nev� �r`•' ; �_=•.
<br /> ) Bt�d Is3�sru: NB 688m3 �'Lender�.tlfe d�� ` i —
<br /> A' Fffirw�tary un�ar Lh19 Daed of Lr,v�with power of sale and dgjti:d entry and possassion ail af�antor's present 3nd tuturo r•�,�ight,title and ;,t�' ; !� ��
<br /> I'� irsw��..,�t in en�1 so�:e real proper,r'.�scribed in Schedule Awh'ds�.r r�.,�ct►ed to Lhts Deed of Tn�ar.d incorporated herein by�:�f;�noa,tagether � `_
<br /> {;' w t i l s a►,;p r e s e r t f a 1 r d t u w r a i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d t i x t u r e s;all tan gEiro r�a:sonal pro p e r t y inc[ud�n g w�out Iim'daUon atl machfnery,s�ar�or�t,buiiding ,�,p�r;r ` . _�
<br /> rnatx3tls,and Fpcds of svery nature(oxGuding cnsumer gec�s)na�v or hereafter located on or used(n connsctIOn wiffi tho ret�i ampetty,rrholhor
<br /> A Cc s re i
<br /> n••
<br /> ���:.'
<br /> y� oc M�.affixod to the tand;prihleges, herodita�m^.s. and a��u�enances InGuding afl davelopment�tyMs assaGated with tho Propeny,whether 4j� �
<br /> + �;��: �
<br /> pcyA,rssly or scbsequeMly Vansferred to the Pr�r+:�ftom otl:er real proporty or now or hare�fter susceptibta of transfer from thls Pro(torty to othor r•-'�„° �}•.i'�•�•:�
<br /> �' ra�J pc�perty;laasss,ticensee and other agreem�:':y;:�rrts,is^✓�and profita;water,rveil,ditch,r�t9rvair and mineral r�ghts aacd smcks pertatninD to �, +�•
<br /> ft. :. ttu rtc�i praperty(aumulaSIvety'Property�;to have and to t�a+c.e PropeRy and the dghts hem.Liv granted tor the use and es�efit of Truaiee,hts ,t r,;.-' ;;,, `_
<br /> IIILCCQC�Ot98l1dQ9S1$t19,unal paymern Infull of all ObligaUar.s�ucdred heroby. �"`"
<br /> Nt.csover,tn Nrther conaldaraUOn,tirentor does,tor(3raMOr and Qrantor's heira,representative;,and asslgna,heroGy expro�:�+e�arcant covanent, R =_-- .�
<br /> �: . ��i'�,.,.• �-,.
<br /> � � ar.d a�roawith lerr,�er and Trustee and their sua2:�crsand assigns as iotlowa: � . �
<br /> �� 1. QptdtiATiQ[t�. fils Ooad of Trus2 shall sep��+L'se payment and peAormance of ali p�ecent and tuturo indebtetlnes9,Ilabiliva�,obll�aUon�n.1d �.;� ���,�-T,�
<br /> I, • ;,:;.a,�,,;�atB,,.�..:.�rort3rantor(cumuiattvety'ODiigatlona')taLenderpursuaMto: f:':r:. ,_:-=_ —
<br /> , (a?;hl�OeedcC F:.,st and the follaaring promissory notes and other agreementa ,9•'' :, -,�
<br /> �� t�AAl`i3 �!tl&�GTLI� AGREf3tE1�iCAYB DA'f@ �NU�R .'n {�..',''i•,>.°r:�'�`�- �"
<br /> .gyg� $L�7,900.00 09/19/96 03/19/97 SQ�309 SS 10469Q �'•�`x�'M-�
<br />:';�F .7'.._ '�'ily-:i�
<br /> 5"�''� � , ' _.
<br /> r� rts�-J. _ �
<br /> � R .. ::�f��w-�•-
<br /> It` _��.,
<br /> s.. , . • �
<br />(� (C�)alt other��sent ot 1uW:�,vaiften a�.�r�a�ts whh Lander that�efer speotflcalry to this�oed af Tru��sther axaeuleA!or tho tamo or �" • . .
<br /> p . .... ,
<br />�� 6dtererst psu�q�es than the Torapofny): `".' �.`.., :.�'."��'•
<br /> iG) any g�+�-uut:i of ob118atlons ot otfier parbes ghra�to Lender now or hereafter exeeuted that rofers to this DeeJ W Truok :�a�,,;^,�r;:r;.;;;:;•.
<br /> �� ' (r) tuturo a�:�.ces,vrri�a'•n:ligatory or opUOnal,to the same extent as If mads contsr.�,coraneousty w(th ths exea,Uon ot thia Q�ad oa':u� , : , , ,..:.;.: —
<br />��� m*�9 or extortdod on Der.zt;l�prttntor or Borrovrer. Qrentor eqteos that fl ons of the OCf�n.ns I�s Iine o!ctedft,ths Ite:►a"thta OeeC a`r 7r�t � •
<br /> i�: shall oontinue unUl paymo:�:��4�II of ail dobt dua undor the lino notvrithstandieg tha feati�if-�m time to time(but betore t��n:�aslon otthe 11ne) •:r{-r` �`_" '
<br /> `' ru�batance may be ou�stanQ;r.g At no tlms shall the Ilen of this Oeed of Truat.not inctudir�a+ma advan�d to prateCt the�s+y�f this Lbed ot ,:��� • . �. -
<br /> ��,'�. Trust,exceeC S 16S,800.00 •and ��?s�"'�
<br /> a.�: •
<br />:,�.�,:_ (�S al artt�c�a��.extenslans,renewats.rrrs9iflcaUona,roptacemenm or substltutlonato arry of the 4oregofn�. ,--�u��..'!��-
<br />``%'"�'� R�wed in tfi'ss Ps.r,�raph 1.the terms Qrar�r a��9 Bortower shntl Inctude and atso mean any Qrarttor cr Bortcxac�^-.�:81han one. • ""�° `�,'•�`:+•,:
<br />.;J.:hr� , r_r.:'�S y�;..
<br />',;;tti�<,. �.qSPRESEliYt0T10H9.WMRA11ilE9AY.i�f'"�YENANT9.(irantor ropresent�,wananls and oovenanb to LenCer tha� •
<br /> a�:.....
<br />��-:tr; ? ::��•r:�.;� .
<br />.`;r�{, (1; (iRmior haa feo slr•sp,��-���e:'Sa to the Property and ahall malntaln 1he Praperty�af ntl Uons.secudty intcrc�a:s.ur.umbrences and s� �. :�`=
<br />,,;,�,,� � ctalms exca�t inr this D�-s :�-"�..�2r.��:ose described in Schedula B,which is auacitffri'r�thl9 DeEd of Trust an3;n�aporated hoteln by :.•,���.
<br />:��''.�:'; wfsrance,ui�:c��GnM_cs o,����.�.zf�-�,xrform In e Umety manner; .
<br /> �., :-�.�. .. :�-:
<br />••�;�;�- `• (p) tirento*�E I.r x,r.;,�2:�r^�.7 r:^��rnrh all applicebte federal.smto and local Ia�vs and raqulationss,inctudin ,wlthoul IlmitpUon,n�se
<br />+�•i�+,' � rotating tm'H�:,�s�.w."��'�39,° as Cr�:i:a� hereln, and other environmental matters (the 'Environmar.�l taws�and neNher tho '��ra1 °
<br /> .' �� qmvemmer-�.Rr��-g o•,i^ec g�,,9r�moMa:x�n.asi gwemmentnl entity h8e flted e lien on tlie Property,nor are thero anygavammer�tel,JuCia;ri�r y��( .
<br /> .r` sdminl¢Va�a r�c'.,�xs a�ti*�E+a�ct to envlronmontal mattorspanding,or to the hest af the Qrantor's knowledge,threatoned,whiCh Invallo the ;t' . .
<br /> Property N,y�r 3rwr.�:r�-�y- ia the bcist ot 6rantor's knwAodge,any other pariy ha9 used,�enerated,reteased,dischargod,stored,or disposed �, .
<br /> arf any Heza�3cus Mater!�:s as defined hereln.In oortnectlon vrith tho Property or Vanaportcd any Meaardous Mateflals to nr iram the Property. ' . ' r
<br /> Qrentor sh�1l rt.*,oommil or permft such actions to be taken in the future. Tho tertn'Mazardoue Matedals'sht�ll moan nny tccC..�nce,matedal,or • . �
<br /> vraste vrhitl+a�r b�comos roguluted by any govemmerttai authcrity inctuding,but not limited to,p)peiroioum;Qi)trlable or nontri3bie asbestos; • �
<br /> . . mi►nn:,�h�n*.r:tted btnhenyts:pv)those sub32ancos,matedaia or wastes designated a9 a'hazardous substana�'pursuant to SeCtlOn 311 ot tho • . ___.
<br /> ClEen 1Na4er Act ot IistEd putsuar:t to Sectioa 307 01 the Clean WeUr Act or arry amenamemn or ropiacemerns to tnesa ataiuiea; (vj o�089 --- --•_— —
<br /> sub3tances,materials or�vastes dotined t�s o'hazfudous wast�'purauarttto Sectlon 1004 of the Fiesource ConseniattOn and Reoovary Aai or eny •
<br /> Erriendmems or repiacemeMS to that statute;and(vi)those substanco9,materiais or wastes d�ned as a'hazardous substancs'pursuant to •
<br /> SalCUon 1010!the Comprvhonsive Environmental Response,Compensation and Uability Act,or erry amendments or rep�eoemeMS to thttt stntute � �
<br /> !
<br /> or any other similar state or federal statute,rule,reguiatiari or ordinance now or horeafter in offect tirantor shall not t9ase or permtt tho subtease • . . ,.
<br /> o!tD3 Property to a tenant o�subtenartt whose operaUons may rosult in contaminetion of the P►oporty v�ith Hatardous Materitils or toxto � •
<br /> sub3tancos: . �
<br />'•;
<br /> !c1 All annllcabte laws and rogutntiona,including,viithout IlmitaUon,the Amerlcans witA DlsabiliNes{1ct,42 U.S.C.Section 12101 et seq. (und all •
<br />__-°=--
<br />,,. rcgulAUons promutgatod thereunder)and atl zoning and building Iaw�and regutationa rotating to tne Properry by vinue ot eny tectera�,atate or e'"' ,-' - -
<br /> , m�NCipal nuthority with jurlsdicUon ovor the F'roporty,p�nUy are end shall be observsd and oomplied vrith in a11 matr3flal rBSpocta,and ttll . . �y�
<br /> dghts,licensos,petmfts.tsnd ceNficates of occupancy(including but not limitod to ioning�mrianoos,spocl�l oxcoptlons tor noncorMorming us�s, • • r ��
<br /> and flnal inspocdon approvals).whether temporary or parmtment,vrh+ch are matodat to tho uss and occupancy of tho Proporty,prosontly aro and . .�
<br /> shatl be obtNnod.prosorvad and,v�here necessary,renowed: � ' .
<br /> � uT'NE511 DCOrtnllbonTOt�no•Ogfe7.tntf9/28/B'�f8001837.T799 �O.Y1d�_. .-- '_._ . . . , t=..�
<br /> ' �,:.:___..... '�yw.
<br /> , . °-r— , .� . . .� ' ' . . ' ��"
<br /> �. . _ ..�.. . . 1 � � . . , . . . .. . . '• . • • . . . ... . , „ , .. . • . . • .
<br />