— T�=.-ra.. . , .. .. . . . _,___ .� . . . . .` . . . ". . . � � . . `@ .. . ,�` t'_
<br /> . . - . .s' �'. � . . �: r .�: ���y�� . �.�� . . .' ' .e � . 4 � .
<br /> � a _ __ - . . 'C .it--�.y_���v._1_.L—..�=:....__=.�.—.��.-�-_•.• � __.
<br /> __—'_�. _ _— ___—' ' "' - -
<br /> � �.� ' S� ' � ` . . ,..\=,
<br /> . intenst Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings against such sucussor os refuse to cxtend timc for payment ofat�ie��m�a�y . ` , �
<br /> ,• R.
<br /> ¢mnAirat9on of the svms secomd by this Deed of Trust by reason of any dem�nd�ade by the original Borrower and Sortower's successors in ,. �.,�� .
<br /> � � interese.Any fnrbe�uunee by Lrnder in exercising any right or remedy hereustdzr,or otherwise ufforded by applicable la�v,shatl not be a waiver -
<br /> of or preelude the e:cercise of nny such right or�►nedy. � ; � _
<br /> � 11. Successors aad Assi�ns Saand;doint nnd Several Liab3lity:Cwsegners.The cove�ants and agrcements hermin wntvned shal� �
<br /> bind,nnd the rights hemmder shall inure to, ttie respective successors unsi��n.s of l.ender and Borrocver, svbjea to the pravisions of � _^
<br /> � � paragruph!6 hereof.Afl covenutts and ageements of Borrower shall be joint and sereral.Any Borsower�vho ca-signs this Qeed of Tnist.but ..•., , µ .
<br /> ' ` does nat execute tfic Ttote,ta)�s��P�►►n;this Doed of Tnist only to grant anJ coravey that Borrowers entecest in the Property to Tnistee nndcr
<br /> � the terrns of this Dced of Trust,(b)is not personally I'sable on the Note or under unis Deed of Tmst.and(c)agraes that Lender and any other " 1i _
<br /> Burtower hereunder may agree tn cxtend.modify,forbear,a•make any other naommodaticns with regard to the tertns of this Deed af Trust or .
<br /> 1..�� U�e iJote�vithoui that Borrowtrs consent aad without rcle3sing tLat Burrower or rrYOdifying this Decd of Trust as to that}3orto�vets intetest in � f4±.;_ •,_
<br /> • the Property. � .
<br /> 12. NoUce.Exapt for any notice n.quired under applicahle Iaw to be given in another manner.(a)any notice to Bortower provided �
<br /> fo�in this Deed of Tcuse shall be 8iven 4y delivering it or by maiting such aotia by certi�ed mail addrcssed to Boaower at the Property Address ;_ . . . ". : ."
<br /> or at sudt other address a5 Bortower may desi�uate by natice to L.ender as pmvided herein,and(b)any notice to L.ender shall be�iven by ;� , .Y� '
<br /> ccaified mail to Lende�s addras stated h€rein or ro such other address ac Lender may designate by nouce[o Borrowae as provided hecein.AnY t. `. , :t'•�`••�;�.�;_
<br /> ���f notice pmvided for in this Deed of I'nut shall be deemed to have baen given to Borrower or Lender when givrn in the manner desi�ted herain. �` ,,. • _� Yi „ti i'
<br /> -�� .� ��$�::�;
<br /> '� 13. Goveroin�Laer:SevertDilih,�.71ie state and local lativs applicable W this Deed of Tnut shall be the Iaws of the jurisdiction in ;`.,.����. .
<br /> . which the Properiy is located.'Rte foregoing sentence sha11 not limit 4he apPacabiJity of Fedc31 law to this Deed of Tnut.In the cvent that any :.;`�, --
<br /> licabte b���. such conflict shall nat affect other pmvisions of this Deed ot' �=`q�,�_,—�-
<br /> provision or clause of this Deed of Tnut or the Note conflias with apP� ,_ _ '• `.;,'Y�u-*'`=_
<br /> Trust or the Note which taa be given effect wiffiout the conflicting provisioa�,and to this eed[he pmvisioas of this Qeed of Ttust an6 the Note �:;��'" `��,�.
<br />.. , are declared to t+e severahle�As used herein,"costs"."expeases"and"+utomey�fees"include all sums to the extent not prohibited bY apPlieable - ., 7_-_�.�-
<br /> law or limitad hereia •� °°;�.--�-_�--;
<br /> ' 14. Borrower's�opl'-Boaower shall be furaished a confortned copy of ihe Note and af this Deed of Trust at the time of acecution �� , 2�
<br /> 1'
<br /> . . Oi SRCT ICCOIE3LOD IICTC@� ',-rw.�`�'��'
<br /> .� 15. RehaCer;r`�?�a I.oao Agrecmeut Borrower shall fu1fiU all of Borroti��'s obligatians under any home nehabilitadon. --.---�-_.
<br /> P ��$nrrowei to _ '�` _.- .�
<br /> improvement,rePair,or athet laan agreem�t which Boaower enters in[o wi�h Lenda. L.crnier,az Lendds o rion,may req �•N.s.'�-:,�-.,-,.R . .
<br /> � execute and deliver w i.ender,in a farm aco�ble to LenQer,an assignmertE of any rights.claims or defe�Ltihich Borrower may have agaa�st �`:,���__
<br /> ', parties who suPPly labor,m�ccaials or serv:e::�in eonnection with improver¢e-r�made to the Property- �•' .>,�;_
<br /> a� -, or an irzt�est in it is sald or
<br /> iQ 'i�aagfer ofc�e L�roperty or a Benefiefal laterat in Borr��r.If all or aay tart of the Pra;.erty Y �a:
<br /> � trans�fern�(or if a 6eneficia!v�terest in Borrower is sold or n-ansferred and Burrouer is crt•a nataral person)without Lr�ders prior written ,i�y;;. . z'--
<br /> � consent,I.ender may,at its option,require immeQiate payment in full of all seas secure�#M��ais Deed of Tn�t.However,this option shall not : w,��;�gp-,
<br /> be acercised by Lender if exercise�s prohibited by federal law as of the date�f chis Deed of Trust . � ,
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,l.�der shall give Borroaer no6ce�.f accelaation.The notice shall provide a period of not te�r15�.30 , r:. :
<br /> ' days from the d�e the notice is delivere8 or muiled within which Borrower must Fay al1 sums secured bY�is aeed of Trost.If BoaoFrsr�Fais to ��� M ,�
<br /> •" .,,'� pay these sums prior to t$e r.a�=�tian of this period,Lendu may invoke any remedia peiwiu�:�by this Uerd of Tn�st withc'at fu�thker n�:ioa or . , �-
<br /> cemand on Bomower. , �rµ�,� ��
<br /> �` ICC1N-UN1F0�w+i VANTS G�rto�ver and Lra.nfir.r further covenans and ag�as>arl�ws: �'.•:�.�.. .
<br /> '�'r o`;!<� L'4. �ccelerallon;Re�edies. ix�rs:t as provided m puagiaPh 16 hereo�upon Borrower's:x.en��.of any cover�ant or agreeraeat of �;���• :
<br /> .,��;d;t>>r� ,-�; ,,, :
<br />' "-?'r��: Hamower in ritis Dted of Tnu1,includir.�wryz�c�venanu to pay when due any sums secured by this Dee?.a::mst,Lender prior to acc��un •. �•� .
<br /> -•.5,.... .
<br /> shall give notice to Borrow�t�s provided ra paraBraPh 12 hereof spuifying:(1) the bseach:(2)the adio..:equired to cuse sucb breach;(3)a y � �
<br /> • duie,nat less than 10 days fiom tha dute the nodce is mailed to Borrower,by which svch breacb must be cumd;and(4)th�:ia!lure to c�ue sacA _ , ;� ,.
<br /> breach on or before ths date specified in the notice may result in acceteration of ttie sums sscuitd by this Deed of Tnut an��s of the Properiy. ,� � �y,*�.' `.
<br /> ' The nattce sha11 furAier infoTm Soaower of the right to reinsrnte after acatemcion and the right to bring a court action to assert ilse nonexisteace '•��„ �,•
<br /> "'��..•� _-
<br /> � of a defuult ar eny other defense of Boaower to acccleraaon and sale.lf ttu breach is not cured on or before the date specified in thc nodce, .•: ',��-:�_._
<br /> l.ender,at I.endets option,may declare all of the s�nns secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediatety due mid payable without further demnnd __ _—
<br /> aad may invoke the power of sate aad any other remedies Pem�itted by applica6te la�v.l.ender shaU be eatitled to wilect all reasonable costs end r-.
<br /> enses#ncurred in pursving fhe remedies provided in this paragmph 17.including.but nct�:�.-yited to,reasonable attomeys'1'ees. --�`�—�.�-"':� '�
<br /> . �P c e of an eveat of ����=�--
<br /> � If Leada invokes the power of sate,Lender shall exewte or cause Tnistee to exc�:����.��notice of the occw�e�s II''''
<br /> �� defctult nnd of Lendels election to cause the Praperty to be soid and shall c�mcs such notice t�ae recorded in each eounty in which the P�operiy _
<br /> ' or some�ts rbenof is tocated.l.ender er'G�-uc.�:x shall mail copies of suda r,^aa„in the manner pnscdbed�F:�sPPlicable law.Tmstee sh:J,�ive • ..:', -
<br /> public notics uYsate to the persons nnd ia�fs�c rsn3nner prescribed by applit;�;z::�.�ar.Mer the lapse of suc8�`�e as may be required 6y a�p:icable -,'u��;,�;,; �'
<br /> � law.Tsuste�wit�out demand on Borrotiver,shall sell Ute Propary at pub�:s�csion to tLe highest bidder ai the time and qlrte ar.0.��t�r::ie _�ti�K�'r �
<br /> �• temis designated in the M�k�of sale in one or morc parcels and in such order as Tnutce rs::y detertnine.Trustee may pos�sne sale of;�:3�r any -_-
<br /> � parcel of the Ptoperty fi;�IQf��ic tu�nauncement ut the time and place c°�ny previe�.sa� scheduted sale. Lendcr or Lendefs desi�:may : ,:T
<br /> `;ri,.:�, purchase>>sre Praperty a►�:�sa1e. � or " �*,�
<br /> '.:�.,�;:.,�.. � .. �7�r
<br /> -n. ,�. . ?'�stee shal!Ce;-,cr to the purc..ser Trustee s deed conveyr��ah�Property so sold without o�n covenant or warrm�ty,exSmCSSa� .}•��� -
<br /> �-<:1'•, �1�':�c "• ' •-
<br /> . j . implieA.Tfte recitals i�tisrc Ttustee's dee5 shell be prima�cie cvidence cf the WU� uf Lhe statemen�-sade there9n.Trustee sh�il , _t :'
<br /> proceeds of the sale in i'�:•�b�lowing orGer.(a)to all re;:�xs,sL•i:,wsts und cxpcnses oP the sJ�:.including,but not limited r,�,seasanab2e Tnutee's ,..._�
<br /> ,:,_•• ,, • ..
<br /> . .. and attomeys'fers aad coss of titte evidence:(b)to all��nzs sewred by thi�Deed of Tr w,���:,d(c)the excess,if any,z��5ie person or persons ��A�,..; '
<br /> . . �esalty endtted thereto. ,', =
<br /> 1�. Borrower'e Right to Reiasbte.Natwithstanding Lende�a asseleration of the sums sa�ured by this i�ecd of Trust dac to
<br /> Bono�vers breach,Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enferc�i9res Oeed of Trusi:�:.continued at xny .�;�,;;,,�,;,f��E{,r,'.
<br /> time prior to the earlier tv vceur of(i)Une fifth da before sale of the Pro e ursu�nt to the ower cf s:tx contuined in k'�:s��ed oYTrust or(ii) � t,�;��"
<br /> y P rty D P 1P �
<br /> entry of a judgment enfo:ra»�this Deed of Trust if:(a)Borrowa pays Lender all sums nti`c5 wau'��:,^e:.'�en due und�•r;ti3 Deed of Trust and . . �.:�?��:
<br /> � the Idote had no aecelelat���n occurted:(b)Bortower cures aU brcaches of any other coveasutn cr.:;r_er..ents of Bortow•er���nmined in thls Deed t�-_,;�„_-. ..�._.
<br /> °� of Tnut:(c)Borrower pays aii reasonuble expenses incurted by Lender�nd'fsustee ia u:tr.rN:�"�"��v:venants and ua eements of Borrower �.
<br /> rn�—�_
<br /> containad in ffiis Ilced of Tnut,and in enforcin�Lendefs and Ttustec's ru��c�ies az prov:�.���pz�aa�lr l7 6creof,including but ncz ti.-±!ited .. , t
<br /> to,reasonable attomeys fees:und(d)Bortower takes such action as Lc:�=r nay rcasonably r:quire to�v:::r:that the lien of this Deat•:`�r�s: <;'t;�i���i :, .
<br /> Lenders interest in the Property nnd Borrowers obligation to pny the sums secured by this Deed of Trust sh�ll continue unimpaireQ L:�cn�s:.�:tt ��„_.
<br /> . payment and cure by Borto�ver,this Dced of Tnut end the obligarions securcd hereby shall remuin in full force nnd ef:'act.as if no ecce]etuxon «.;,� ; ��
<br /> had occurred. - '
<br /> �cr;��%yi._'
<br />� ' _'.-�`,''�'���tli', . .. "
<br /> � .��,��ii.i�: . .
<br /> :� . -
<br />..
<br /> r __.. .
<br /> .
<br /> _ ._� E _� .�_ ,_� ':._ .
<br /> . .� MEBRASKA-SECOND MORTGAGE-1/80 FNMA/F1�4.MC UNIFORA+r INSTRUMEN Pnge 3 of 4 F'orm 3828 ;�� • . t r
<br /> � �: t...,�..-. . , _
<br /> • __.... . . . � , �: . : . . � `,,�. '„ ' ' '. ; ; . . • •_,
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