:�. . .� _{�., . � [ . " . . -_. ..._ _^...:_3:?3�-_
<br /> .— r F1' ' ___' . :S.i' _ _
<br /> _ _—,_ __�_-__ _ . _� _ _ _ _ _ " _- _ ` ' "_ ..x —_—__:�<-1'eY!_'rt•" —____-
<br /> — ' _f��..:� _. . _l�.l.— .i.__—. _ .. .__ �_". _�_ .-��.. —_
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<br /> � _ � � _ � �- - � - - � -
<br /> ,� ,/ _ , . ;
<br /> � , �►sssc�r or co�rxscr'�s cor*��iT. s��r
<br /> ` �OR VAI�Ta. , R�CaIii1�D. . `t1� �u't�sYS3gt1�d 8t�phOt� E. _ � `
<br /> � � Cbriat�ns�n. a �inqis purson, (��9�'�z
<br /> � �. 8�7.1�, assigns and trau�tars ta Davia T.. Sct�rc�d�r . .
<br /> �� � � � (�r� a11 �onias ricrr dus .ar to becoaa du� to th� , ,
<br /> lWigaor .w�r tt� t.�ras ot a aoatraGt aads by and bitw�n . -
<br /> ttr ]lssiqnor and Judith 1C. Polbt�d, as a�r� partiaulasly s�t .
<br /> � lorth in tt� assig�ed c�ntract svid�cad hy th� "1�aTICE oF ,
<br /> 811T.E O� itEAL � EBTXTa" �an�d to � aad� a part 9t this
<br /> instr�nt, � s� � collat�ral s�rity- tc say aisd s21 .
<br /> liabiliti�s au�I oHligations o! tbs llssignor to Schto�r,
<br /> and cY�►ias o! Schro�dsr agarinst tt� Assignos, trLstt�r nor
<br /> �xistinq or �rsa�ter incurrad, origiaally aoatract�d aith
<br /> -- � Sabro�der. and/or vittY anather ar atl�rs, and nov or
<br /> hereattsr bs7.d or acquired by &chs�eder, a�olute or
<br /> continq�nt, aatur�d or not aatured (a12 0! �hich,ara callsd
<br /> �Obliqslt�o�1"}. ' �
<br /> II.� Lutho]Cis�s, �parrers uid direats Ju�ith R. Poland -
<br /> -_- to pay to Schrasd�r by cbeck (or ofi.�tsr instrua�nt !or th� -
<br /> pay�ent �� aonsy) dratin tifzeatly to tbe ordar o! Scbro�dsr,
<br /> -- — aay. �d all aoni�s du� or to baco�s dua to ths Assignor l�y
<br />.��, virtus ot ttu assigne�d Coatraat. , �
<br /> � III. Irrsvoaably constitutes and appoints Schrosdsr as --�__
<br /> - l�ts 2a�ttul �ttornay-fn-laat, vittt tull poirar-.ot substitut,i.on . ���'�=:-
<br /> � and rsvocstfon ia the preaises, at�ths cost and axpana� of . � .�,��
<br />- 1lssigaor, a�nd ia tJis naae of the Assiqnor, or otherwi�e, to �� -_
<br /> ask Por, colleat, deaaad an8 receive, to prosecute and sue �==_°°-=
<br /> for, by procesdinqs or otherwise, �in any court ot lav or � r�-
<br /> � of aoneys ���-
<br /> to give acquittauces tor, all ar aay part -- _-
<br /> - .� � d e or to l�ecoare dus u�er the Assigned Contraat, to --- _
<br /> withdraw, cosprosise ar,. settle aay, ciai.�s, sufts or �_�'
<br /> �r;:`-=. Praceedinqs Parta3ning 'to or arisiag au�'ot tbis assignaent, �-�-�---��
<br /> aUy terss and conditious; all wi.thout notice to or • -
<br /> . . as�sP.nt by the 1lssiqnor, aad fus�ae�:, to, 'take possession of �� �r*�" .
<br /> . 'Y.«. ..
<br /> anc� endorse in the naae of the lissignor any abeck, warrant �'r���,�Y��.
<br /> .� or ot.Uer instruaent for the pay�ent of �ioney received on �_ ; . _ .
<br /> ' - account ot any moneys due or to becoma due undes tha � }- __
<br /> Assigned Contraat. The �ssfgnor also aqrees that any ���:��� ;g�:-�_�
<br /> � paysent or instruaent !or the petya�ent ot money wbicb t�e - _--
<br /> llssignos which may receiae on account of the Assiqned ; ����:-�:.::
<br /> - �� Contraat shall be held ias trust by the Assignor as tha � ; �i���
<br /> . , praperty oP Schroeder asad shall forthwitDa be paid over to. , :.,'�`���: •°
<br /> .,.,.;
<br /> : schrceder. . �����`-�
<br />�:��;:� � ' IV. Represents and warrants that he l,ssignor has
<br /> _:J',_
<br /> • cospiete� right and title to the Assigned Contract and ali :� �w�}
<br /> , .x�-.
<br /> � � soneys due or to become due under it; that the Pissignor has . '-:-�::_
<br /> '. :,��,_,-
<br /> � not previous�.y a$signed az encumbered the saief that the � ;. �. ,
<br /> � lhssignor has gooa right to assign same to Sahroeders that =��� ��-���
<br /> � � �� tha �ssignor has set forth true a=ad correat representations ,. :;.�,�`��
<br /> � t n S c hedule � as tA 'an y amounts which have beea paid on . � :�;'°�;� ..
<br /> account oP the aame and the balances semaining due under £t;
<br /> �':�':��� that Juaith 1t. Polastd has �ao claim against the Asaignor j;.���� � . . ,
<br /> -' - - .��_r, , . ': ,— - --.' _
<br /> �: ,�. � ,
<br /> `:��_.. � , � • : .
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