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<br /> Ie oae or �ore pu�cxte and In�ny order 7'ruatce determiad.Trualee may pmtpone ewk ot xl1 or�ny parcel of the
<br /> Property by p�blk�nnoancnaea! �t t6e tlme�nd p4ice ot �ny prevbualy echedukd e�k.Lender or ite d�oee a��
<br />- purch�ee the Property�t�ny sak. �
<br /> 4Jpca �a�i� oP pay�i��ai oY QTne prilce 6id, a ruatea �hhap defiver to tbe purc6aaer Truetee'e deed cooveyta� tbe
<br />_ Property.T6e reciuln in the Truatee'e decd s6�U be p,rim� f�ie evideece o/t6e trutl� ot the etAtemeats made therefo.
<br />= Truatee sfu�U�pp�y t6e praceeds of the qk!n tlte tolbwiaj urder_ (�)to W cueta aad e.xpenaiq ot exerefettay the pa�wer of
<br />_ �k,�d t6e e�k,indudin�t6e p�yment ot the 7'rustee'e fees�ctnaity lacun�ed,not to x�ceeal 3,o0o g�,
<br />- of tik priecfp�I amount of tlie 8We�!t�he ttme of the dectantion ot dchult,and reasonnble Attorney�'tees AapermEtted 6y
<br />- Vw;@)to s0 ama Kcu�ed by t6i�Securit Iestrumcnh and(c)�ny e�ccese to tG�person or perooaa kt+�ll f eptitled to k.
<br /> 2Z.Rcc�nveyanor. U�n pnyment o�all ss�ms securcd by this Sccurity Instrumeat, I�ender sha71 tc�ucst 7tustoe to -
<br /> rcconvey ih�: PropaRy and shall surr�eudu this Securlry Inswmcat and all nates evidencing de6t socurcd by Ihi� Socuriry
<br /> Instrumcnt to'ltust�ea,'IYustx ahaU roc;onvey the Proputy wlihout wwrenty end wlthout charge to ihe puson or pasons kgally
<br /> enUded to iG Such pas�on or p�rsons shatl pay any recordadon cosc,v,
<br />- 23.Subatkute Trustcc. Lender�at its opdon,may from dme w dme nmova'IYustoo ande�►poir�c a successor a�uswa a any
<br /> Trustoe a�pointed t�ereunder by an instrument recc►rdal in the county!n which this Sxurlry InsWment is reccxded.Without
<br /> conveyance of the P[opaty.tha scxcessor trustoe shall succeod W a�l the dde.Powa and dutks confarod upon Tnutee henein�nd
<br /> by appUcaDb Inw. _
<br /> 24.�teq�t i►Qr Nalkra. Honotver reauests thst cep:,;.,af tha r.oticc�of default e,� sak 6e sent w Boerowu's address _
<br /> which is the Prooa�tv Add�ss,
<br /> ZS,Alders io tli6�ecurky Iostrpment. If one or more ddere are cxocuted by Borrowu and reaorded t�gethcr with this
<br /> Securiry Insbruma�t,�ha covenant�and agreements of each such rid�shall be incorporaced into and ahalA amend and supplement
<br /> the covenmts and�gropnenta of this SecurIty Inst�tm�ent as if tho ridu(s)wena a part of this Sec�rity Inswmen�
<br /> [Checic spplica6k�s�x�es)l
<br /> 0 AdjusWbla Rata Rider ❑Condominlu�n Rid�er [,} 1�4 Family Ritkt
<br /> [�Gradtwicd Paymcnt RiBer ❑Plau�tod Unit Devalopmeat Rider (�Biwakly!'ayment Rid�r �
<br /> (�Ballcwrr Ricf�r �tZZate Improvcment Rider Q Second Hame�tidcr
<br /> ❑VA RiAar O Ot�1Ct{9)[SpOC�]J►esignmenti of Rent
<br /> BY.SIaNINd HIILOW.Horrower ecr.e�ts and ageocs to the tezms and caveaants con�inod!n this 5eciuiey Insawna�t and in
<br /> any rida�(�)executed by Bonrower and rocoxcla!with it �.
<br /> WiCUS�es: ,'' � .
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<br /> -Hcrtoxer -Sorro�er
<br /> Shte dNebrask� HA�,L County si:
<br /> 'R�o foregoing ifuWmaat�aclmowi0dged b�foro mo ihi9 23RD day of SEPTEMH�R , 1996 ,
<br /> by KIAK 71 V039 111f0 GIROLIH� E V088, HII9871YiD J1ND NI1ti
<br /> Witness my hand end trotari�seal at GR�►ND i9 . ItA in seia C unty.tho dste aforesaW.
<br /> My Commission Hxp _���,MOiAR1'�MatNepr�slu �„�
<br /> OEBOIt1tH L.RIMBlE PIoury Public
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