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__ •-A � _ . - -. , . � ' � "- , .�_- <br /> . , . .-� : .'_ � _ <br /> .-.. . . .. �. .:. _ . <br /> � .� <br /> .. t._.'..r�.. ._. �.�: "�. _ . � _ _ " -• -. . -.�, . `_-" —_.—._-�.=�� '_ <br /> . .. —' <br /> . , <br /> . .". <br /> �-. <br /> � <br /> . <br /> . ' " " _ •i-. . - <br /> r. <br /> . <br /> �. �_�' . � .. 't . . . c- Y . <br /> - '� ' ` . '. . `.. . . . _ . . . ' . 3 � ( - _ _� .�... <br /> �...�,_.�_�,� _..l_ ' ` . �s Y-�i=:a��-�� �!►�J�3s�ABLE R�1'E RiDEI� ��:...� - - . <br /> ,- -� � �t Yar'tt�awr�l.aQ-saoec.os)' ���1�. : <br /> !• � tHISADJUSrAil.Elu►T�uoEirnanae�Ly Sth a..� June '- - is 92- - - <br /> �d i�i�»�pawt�d'ato�sd�i bed�saed toaoiend aad sDP���i�.Dad oiTrwt.or Se�oekf�eaA tt6Q"Seerrit7 tat�t�1"1 ot <br /> bc.a�e dyesha b!t tiE!�dasiN!d ttie"Hare+ra'Z to�ee�ee�oRO*c's Adias�aEie ltate Notc(tbc"Note'4 m � <br /> ` 1�,�[d�e°i.sada"�ot tlrc�me dae aae dre vrov�Y�tn tle seaaicy t�eac�nd iqriceQ u� <br /> � 4221 ltay Xvenue Grend Island, NE� 688U3 � <br /> - - - (propertyAaQress) <br /> . 11is iMe c���l�+���t��M�M�M�T i�lvat a�e a�l 4�M4 ^ <br /> _ � .. �l1.'!'Mi NIe�fls Y�ilt t�c al�w�t 4 Weerst�fle dt etiwe N sq'Me tl■e ani <br /> �M 1Me�t�/Ne nari���s�t1q• <br /> , ADDF170NAI.�YENAMS.Ia ad�tian to the eovmnats and a�eaomts mule in the Se+c�itY I�ea1.$o�ro�rer sud i.eades <br /> � lbctYesooreo�taMd�lpeea�taiiows: • ' . <br /> � � A. Q�F sA'IE AND�qK7HI.Y 111�'Y�111T(��N[iFS . <br /> _ 'ltie HaOe p�wides ta�+n inidU intaat rate ot, �•O - � �.Saxioa 4 of tLe Note provldes for chan�es in[he intera�rate and she _ <br /> - w�oetL1JQ�7noeec+.asfollows , �.:.���- � . — <br /> -- 1. QMTERaTRATEAXDMOM7fLYP�Y�7VTCNANl3ES � <br />- [A1 CM��D�s . ,?,'.�', ' . ` <br /> �?kiMeratnwelMIDPrym�cl�are�t'.��?3�std�Yot �Y .19��.affiontLatd�►7eva�► <br /> -- � tvelv�� aaadaii�afla.faar+�oow�diclrmylataatruemuachu�eiswtleas"Ghsn�en.ce." <br /> __ p� 'helds. . ' :::"•.•';`i: = <br />- Batoain�witlstbeficstChfn�eD�cGmqsmi'�tiate�6e6uedonasiada�.Tde"Iadex••istheRaidYavaa�tYkWanUnitedStata . <br /> TtawuY sasuritlet ad�u�ted W s cOA���at I yaq.�m�Ae avn"labte by thc Faler�l Reserve BoarA.Tbe r�st c+e�mt InQex firue - <br />= avaifabkasottbeAate�SdayfbetoFea�6Ci�an�eDueiscaSed�"Curreattadac." . ' —_ <br />...:., If the tnde��is uo latla sva�abk.the Ztate HoWa.�it�aose a neN indeR wdicb is base0 uP�comPanbk Wotma�o�.The Nate —__-- <br /> - � Hokfer�vlDtivemeaalxotWsdiotoe. ,- : � , �--- <br /> , �� <br />- lC/ GIe�WiNMCi��s � , ___-. <br /> Be[ae Due.t�e Note Holder.n7lcakviuea�3!esew Iataat rate by adQin� Daa°�6 � <br /> - P�s! ���Y)td ihe Current Indai snd rau�dinL c+a�he aarat 1/8th of I�Xi,mbjecct m the Ibatts atated in Samiors��)bdow. : <br />=��t '('hfis roandeA auwune wiU be aU"ioe�'v intaest nu anril the next Chante Date. -- <br /> . 'I1ie Note Hetder w�iII then itecrnnine the amount ot the manthty psyman that would be sufficknt to rcpsy in fuU thc pnaefpal t amr� <br /> acpected to owe aa tAat Chante Date in subs[antultY alual paymmcs by the matudty date at my new interat nte.The rault of this cakutatioa --,- <br /> Nip be thene+ramountof mymontblY paymen� _- <br /> .. N) Il�i�a t�kml ltsk4�ea �x_ <br /> � '� 10.Q q. or Ies� than ::4:= <br /> 7Ue iniaat rate i am required w p�ty at the first Change Date wiU not be grater than +:;.>= <br /> 6.0 q�,� interest rate wiQ never be incieased or davpsed on any singte Change IIate by mon than twn �±rcent ,�� ' <br />" - �T-��^_from thc cate of interat 1 have been payin8 for the preading twdvemonths.?he minlmwn intuat�ate on this loan wilt aever be ' ,.,;;� <br />,;;�•�`'•�� 13.� 9•. �� <br />.,;r. . kss�h�n 6.0 �h wsd the maximum interat rau will never be gratee than -_- <br /> tPJ Effictl�e DNe atC�es ��"�: <br /> :,;.:,- <br />' Mynew lntaat rate will become eifective on each Change Date.l will pay the amount of my new monthly payment bejinnina on the first r;�q..- <br /> montt�ly psyment date atter the ChanEe Date until the amount af my monthly payment changa again. _ <br /> (iti NodaoiE�Ka " � <br /> The No[e Holder wlll rtui!or defiver to ncacc�tice before each Change Q-«...The notice wi11 advix me of: _ <br /> (i) the new inta�race on my toan aa of the C�aa,';e D�u; M='-� <br /> , {ii) theamonnto4caymonthlypaymen1fo11ow�t3�Change0ate: � rs�; <br /> (ii� any addicior,�G�attera whlch the Note Hotder is iequired to disctose;�nd �° <br /> , (iv) the address of she auoclation you coafd contact agarding any�uesNons about the adJustment notice. . <br /> ' • �. CH11�G�Si 1dENS .�" <br /> •� Uniform Covenaet�of the Se�ucitY Instrua�ent u amended to rad as foltows: � tsr;•t'; <br /> ,..�;, ;. <br /> ,� � �. �;ljer.Hoaower ahall yay all taxd,aueuments.and ather chuaa.Me�.and imqositions attributable to ihe Property which may ���r�':'' • <br /> ,. . <br /> --— _ - --_- -_ uwQ a ptiority aver tNy S�Y Instrammt.and leasehofd paymcnis of groacuF re�s.if the manner provided under puaQraDfi Z hereof {-""' <br /> ' ` ''' or.if not p�W in such maaner,by Borrowet est�tiitg p�yment.whtn due,dire�Iy co the psya thercot.Boaower sMll pranDttY turniah Lender >c,: <br /> ' 's.,�` �ll notioa ot amounU due undei thls para�raph,and in the e�ene Borrower shaU make paymeat�dlrectly.9orto+rer shall promptty furnish to „�•'... <br /> � +~�'�' Lender receipts evldenelnE psymenu. Horrowu sha:1'prr,ffiptly dlschuge any tirn u�-.;cb has pflodty over thb Sec�*sY lmtrument: ,�r<<�"::•� <br /> '�'�'- fw�rever,Honower shall nat b�e requirM to dischuge any s_:h iien so lons as Borrower:ta)shall a�ree in wridng to the payment ot the ! �•'. <br /> � ,;- -,. `� obliYation secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to Lender:(b)shaU ingxA(aith contest such llen by,or Qetend againct enforcemmt o[ � � <br /> • �,. �;'y such llen in.iegal proccedings which ln the opleian ot Lender operate[o prec e�c t�e entorcement of the llen ar forfdlnre of the Prbpetty or any , <br /> ':�'�� part ihercof;or(c)slull secure from�he heJder o!such Ilen an agreement in a form s�tistactory to Lendet subordir�ting sucb lien to th'ss ` ' <br /> -�.._.; . . <br /> � � ,;,;.e,;�� . Se�urity Insirument. � <br /> � if Leeder detertniries that atl or any pu�af the Property is subject to a lim which msy aitain a pHoflty ovet ihls 5ecudty Instrumenr. <br /> l.�nder shall Eive 8orrowu a noNee identifying such Nen.Botrowet shall sa8sfy such fien or Inlce one or mote of Ihe actlow see torth above r . <br /> � ••�;�� withintend�ysottheglvingofthenotice. J� <br /> - ! <br /> - --..- .: :., _ . _ � <br /> � '�r!�r'.+i'+%' 1�. ' <br /> .�,_, C. 1VQ77CE ` <br /> , " ,��?'� •� '�� �`� UNform Covenant 14 of the Secutity tntlrumrnt i�amended to read as tollowx ; . <br /> ..e. .: _ . �. - : <br /> , a''`-.M�` '` II.IVMke.�cept for atny notice tequited under applicabte law ta be given in another manner.lal any nmice tn Bonowcr pravlded tor in this F ,. <br /> [ <br /> � :�'i°-z:: '�'� � Secutity iastrument sh�ll be gi4enby detivering it mailing it by fint clazs maif to 8orrower at the Property Address or at such otHer addtas i. <br /> � '�" �' • t'�'•' ay 8orroxer may desl�nate by notia to Lendtr at Drovtded herein.and(b)any Lcndef shatl tx givea hy tirst class mail to Lender's ?. <br /> . • �•y._.,.. . . . <br />_ ._,-,_ . <br /> - ---�_;; - �ieQSiate�hereirrortostnirotheraddressuii.ct��rm5y�tai��steby��e8eeta�rcx�eras�rocidedhecelr�:-An}nosicrpsm:::terxfaainsisis - ;-__ <br /> • � � , Security tnstrumeM sha11 hedeemedto have been�i�•ea to Bnrro�r�ar Lcnder when given in the manner designafed herein. <br /> 3 t .. ' . <br /> ' , i <br /> . " i�! 4�� . . .... ... _. . . . . _. . . _ . . ._ .__ __ . . _ . _ . _. _ . _ . . . . - . _ - i -. . <br />� � .�',�"•• . �'� ' �. <br /> �ok'� .. . � . - • <br /> . .� , ,� ,.t . <br /> - ��-�_W�.- . � <br />