_ •.�;- -:.I,f - ' " _'.': �:`;`1:;, ��i .:'ii:i.'�-.
<br /> ; '`1'F^�) . _ �� � ' ' , i�� '�?J • ��`�'. • --
<br /> � y� _ . . . � �!t, - � �� . � . . Y
<br /> y . �' S�I! �•� �-�.� .7� �•' )'! . � � .• II ,•I I�fsJ a� �
<br /> . ' - 1 �.St � ��•: .� - . - ..V�M+C� .I.NI�f!'F'J�{^�1'r.�� +J �.-. -'"- _.
<br /> �...�� .........i ....... � ,. -
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<br /> , ,.
<br /> •.-
<br /> ,�.,.....t . . -. ..� -
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<br /> _.... -._ ,........ . . _..
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<br /> .. .--- -�-
<br /> �a;.L�i�..,:::
<br /> I _ 96� ( ,.�.:
<br /> � uonflfote wRh ap�lbable law, suoh aont��t oisnll nnt ni(act olhcr pruvl�bna of thi� fiecuri�y InoWmant or tho�t�['�hlC►i�t�b�
<br /> ' qNin otfeCt v�Rhout the confibtinp provl�bn.To 41i1a ena tno provisbn�oi this 5oaur�iy I��ei�w��:nt and th� Not�an dbland to
<br /> " b�tw�rabb.
<br /> 16. eorroeNer'� C.epy. BoROwor eheli be pben ono oonforrMd aopy ot ths Net�tnd ol tha 8�ouelly In�tfum�nt. ,
<br /> 18. MaZeldOU• SubMt111ae�. eorrowor almll not otust or pKmk tM pnNncf, u�e, dfsposal, �tonp�, or rNwa ot �
<br /> my H�ardous 5libstanaes on or h the Propwty. i3orrower shaY nol do,nor al:ow anyona c:a to do, Cnythtnp Gt��tFn�th0
<br /> Property thit le h violatbn of any Environmantal Law. Th� pnc�dM�p two NnUnca th�N not appy t0 lh� pnsw►c�, uN, or
<br /> „ etan►pe on the Property of amall quantNk�s of lia�erdoue SubsUncn that ar Qa��reMy neopnWd to b�npproprkt�to nortnal
<br /> ,,;,,t� nNd�ntkl uaea and to mnhtenance of the Property.
<br /> .' .,,r..,,y,• Borrow�r shall promptiy qh+o Lenda writton notic� ot �ny invKtbalWn, ol�lm, d�nd, �wwk a othsr �atlon by �ny
<br /> ppwmm�ntnl or repulatory aper►oy or prNnte party fnvoHhp th�Prop�Ay and any Huardoua Subttenc� or Envtonm�nul Law of .
<br /> whbh Borrawor haa actual knowlsdp�. If Borrower Ieama, or ts nolr,id by any pow.rr+msnta� or ropuktoty euthoriry, tht�t�ny
<br /> nmovtl or othet rertwdiation of any Hisardoua Subatanca aM�othp Ih� Proputy M n�cwtary. Bartowst ahaN prompt�y talc��M • �,
<br /> ner.�esary r�medf�t e�otiona In accordnncs wMh Fnvkonmenttl Law. � • ""
<br /> ,,*;
<br /> A� usYd In this parYQraph 18, 'Huardous S1,bsmnc�s' aro Utoa1 sub�tanc� dMhod u tozb or huudout wbtWtiop by . ti .�-��:��`�
<br /> ,,•:� �.�..
<br /> ° Envlronm�ntal Law and the toMowhp subatancea: pasolhs, k�roHns. oth�r ffemrtwbN or toxb p�troMum produots� toxlc : ,.,_
<br /> pntbld�s md herbbldrs, volatile sohrenta,materinta conwlnhp aclaatos a tomMk9�hYd�,�nd ndio�otlw matKiak. b usb in ;b.«=
<br /> � t h� p u�p n p h 1 B, "E n v Y o n m e n t e t L a w'meana federal Itwa snd laws of th�Jurkdbtbn wh�n th�Prop�rty i� bcaud that nitt� �.'�-_-.—'
<br /> , '��,�-r„_'�=
<br /> to h�tkh,eatety ar�nvhonmental proteotbn. �? �'-
<br /> �..
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COYENANTB.Borcower and Lender further ooven�nt Nd �pres as folbws: .'.-_-
<br /> ± 17. A�NqOt170tIt 01 REDN. Bortower unaondkbnaMy assipnt and tr�nsl�rs to l.�nd�aN tM nrits�nd rwrnws of thi :_�;�;�,-
<br /> Prop«ty. Bortaw�r tuthariaea l.ender or I.endere�tpontu to aoHeot thl ronte and twu�uss�nd h�nby dlncts aah ar►�nt Of tM ,t, '�_- �,
<br /> '.� ./'_-*,_-
<br /> Propwty to pay ths ronts to Londor a Lw�der's apwits.Howw�r, prbr to Lsndw's notfc�to Bcno+�w of Borrowws brMCh of �k�_
<br /> � aoy oown�nt or �pnwnent h the 8aourily Inetrument, BorrowM�htl aolMat and ncNw�N r�nb and r�nws of tM P�opKty _
<br /> tf WitM tor ths 6�n��t of Lenrbr and Banov,er. Tha �ulpnm�nl of ronte constltut�s �n �bsol,t� a=tpnrnmt �nd not �n "�-�
<br /> .�"=
<br /> aulpnma►t for addRtonal sacurity ony. _
<br /> �� � a If l.tndrr p1+N not�� of br�aah ro Borrower. (e) �a rer►ta rocN�wd by BorrowK ohaN b�Mid by BorrowK�s Wsb�(a 7.?��
<br /> ;j� bmol�t of L�nd�r ony� to M apD� to the sumt �eaurod by the S�cuHty InsWm�nt; (b)Undrr sMN M�nttUd to coli�ot md .,;
<br /> , .. ��� roC11k� �N Ot th� oMlb Of th� PropR�tyi an0 (oj eBab tvrwni oi irH?risNw?y ����:�y :, i:.i� `LS0 :stt! t�:�l�i_,••:•�•• !'f -
<br /> , , L,�nd���p�nt an UndK'�wrrit�n denwnd to ths tanant.
<br /> Bonow�r Au not�+acutsd u►y prbr asalpnmont uf th� ronts �nd h�s not�nd wW not p�rtorm�nY a�ct that would prw�n►.
<br /> • . L�ndN kOn1�oaroMinp Ib riQhts undsr thle Parapreph 17.
<br />- � L�ndol�haN not bu hqufn�to�ntsr upon,Wce oonbol of or rnhtain th�Prop�rty bNon a aMr qMrW nottca of brwch to
<br />- � �, Borcow�r. Howrwt,I.�nd�r a a ludbt��h►ePPotnted recelver may do�o u any tirtw thKS k s brwch.My appNcatfon af nrtts
<br /> ,, . thaN not oun or walw�nY dNwk or hvaMCi�te any othlt ri�ht or nrt�stly of I.�ndK.Thl� astlpnmM►t of�ts of tM Prop�rtY
<br />-. sh�N brminab whm tho d�t sacund by tha�acurl�� l�awm�!�pi�= �tuq.
<br /> � � " � 1e. Forscl�se�s P�occdure. If Lender req��irea Imme��ats p�yment In lWii u`nder Para�raph o.
<br /> .a�_� ��r�.tY�.+ Yiy �p���{� {�W.
<br />�; . �en�sr T�1iy (DYOk� uN pOWQ[ OT WIC 6�IY Cslly VYha� iv�i�o�err� r��on�ww
<br /> �,� ,,: .. L�nd� �II b� �ntlUed t�o collect ail expen�e� Inaurr�d In puraulnq tt� r�m�dl�s provld�d In
<br />`�r � �� this pa►a�r�ph 1d� Includln�, but �ot Ilmited to, resaon�bls atWrn�ya' to� a�d cot� ot tttl�
<br />_-; :- . . ' evt�enc�.
<br />^ ` ��• '�� � It f� pow�r M ai� b Onvoked� Trustee shail record e notice of d�fault in uch county in ` _
<br />�`'t.,. �.� � whlc� �ny p�rt of th� P►operty Is bceted end ohall rn�il copies of wch noUc� In ths mannsr
<br />-. ' �-^� pn�crib�d bY �pPllcrble lawr t�o Borrower �nd to the dthsr peraona pr�sarlbed bY �pplic�bt� lativ.
<br /> � '� �' Afte th� dm� ��qutr�d by applic�ble lew. Truatee �11 give public noUc� ot ale to t!� pKwns =
<br />��� .;�, Y � snd In th� mann�r pn�ibed by opplicebte Isw. T�ustee� wtthout demsnd on 8orrowar� Nwli aeil
<br />_=i;�:- _ - th� p�opKty �t pubUc wctlon to the hiQ�eet bidder st tiN Ums �nd pl�ce �nd und�r fh� Urrr�s
<br />---^ ;, �,,�,,.; dotipnated In tM notic� ot �ale in one or more prceti md In �ny order Truatee d�Urminss.
<br />�x��;:,,� TrustN m�y postpon� at� ot �II or �ny pereal oi the Property by public snnouncemeet �t 4he _
<br /> __.:,,=�y4�,�• tim� and �lie� ot any prsvbu�ly aeheduled eeile, Lender or ib da�i�nes m�y purchsrm th�
<br /> - =�� � Prop�rty at�ny wt�. —
<br /> -. �'��- Upon r�a�ipi oi psymsni vi ine �iii�e otti, 'fruiin6 ai'iGii �EOIv6� �3 4!'.0 pu�COt�3Cf Truste�'a �--_--.
<br /> �. d��d aonv�yln� tle� Prop�rty. Th� recttals In the T�uatee's dead sh�ll bs prinna 1`acls svtdsne� oi ���_,_�____
<br /> tho b�uth of th� �tabm�ntr m�ds thereln. Truatea shall �pply the proceeds ot fhs wle in th�
<br />- " tollowinp ordtr: (�) f� �II co�ts �nd e�ensea of exerciWn� the power ot �sle� �nd thw �als, -----
<br /> Includtnp th�paym�nt of th�Trus4e�'a tees ectuelly Incur�ad� nat to �xceed 3 9G _ -_�__
<br />� o� tho prinatpW sr►n�u�t of the note at the Ume ot the decl�ration of deteult, and r�awn�ble �;=..-
<br />° � ettorn�yo' t��� �a p�rmitt�d by law; (b) to �11 sunu seaured by tl�ie S�curity Instrument; end (c) .�-�A�_._:.---
<br /> � , �ny �xa��s to th� p�non or p�r�ons lepslly e�tiUed to IL . -_,���;==
<br /> , It th� Lend�r'� int�nat In tht� Securtty Instrument li held by ths Searotky �nd the Secretsry - --
<br />- r�quln� in�m�dl�t� ptym�nt In tull under Parapreph 9�the Seorete�► may invoke the nonJudicial ;-'�.-�`,_r��-,_---.-.._-.-':
<br /> eerrr� o! ad� orevld�d 111 tM SIIIt01� Family Mortqe0e ForRClowro Aot of 1�94 ("AcY) (12 U.S.C. � '=�� ''`_
<br /> �''•.._
<br /> —.-_-__-=.w..o —_- r_"—' ' -- ' — =-- --_-
<br /> --::---"`—�-.: _ '-- ._. ..
<br /> 3761 � �.) by rsqwatinp • M�6alowre commisa�oner dealynated undar tt�e Aet to comenence _
<br /> ` � tor�olowr� �nd to all the Property u provided In the Aa�. Nothinp in tho precedinq asntence --
<br /> - �II d�prlv� tha 8�ar�h►y of �ny riphts otherwise�veil�ble to a L.ende� under this Parapraph 18 "
<br /> � or �pqllaabl• law.
<br /> � 10. HtC011V�yaRCS. Upon paym�nt of aM sums aecured by thb Seou�Ry Instrument, Lenc3er 6ha11 request Tnistee to .•
<br /> noonwy fh� PropNty �nd aA�N �urt�ndw thh S�curily Inttrurtwit and aH notod ovidonolnp dobt s�curad by thls Socurity
<br /> ' Instium�nt ta TtuttM.Tru�tw th�N noonwy th�Prop�rty wl�hout wuranry and wRho�t oharp�to the person o►pwons Mpn�y
<br /> - � �ntNtW to k.&uah pK�on or pinom sh�d pay any rrcordatbn costs. ,,
<br /> ' F6E1�.LMQ�OlM) Pay�4 0l S •, .,
<br /> ri
<br /> 9!1 I
<br /> L..1
<br /> � -- _
<br />