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<br /> • ,��;; Gi.AS3IGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon Lcnder's rcqucst, Barrowcr shall uu�:sign ta Lendcr aU leascs of U�c a_
<br /> Property and all secuxiry deposits made in connectlnn with Ieases of the Prnperty. Upon�he assignment,Lender �
<br /> i�! shull have the right w modlfy, catcnd or tcrminato Ihc cxisdng Icasc.v and to execute new Icases, !n L,endcr's sole �,
<br /> ,,�,,r,,,,�b discredon. As used in tliis paragraph 13,thc word"lcasc" shell mcan "sublcasc" if the Scxurity Inswmcat is on a =
<br /> ' ' # Icasehold. _-
<br /> . �� Borcower absolutely and uncandidonally assigns and transfera to Lendcr eU the rents and revenucs("Rents")of th� _:.
<br /> ;, Property, regardlr,ss of w whom the Rcnts of thc Property are payublc.Borrower authorizes Lender or I.e�der's __
<br /> � ' - agents to collect the Rents.and agrees that each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's =
<br /> egents.Howcver.Bormwer shall rxeive iht Rents until(i)l.ender has given Horrower nodce of default pursunnt to
<br /> - per�raph 21 of the Socuriry Instnunent and(ii)Lender has given�odce to the tenant(s)that the Rents are w be
<br />�' paid w LenQer or LenQr,�'s agenG 'lhis essi�nment of Rcn�v consawtes en absalute assignment and ��ot an ,
<br /> assignmcnt for additional.ecurity only. --
<br /> � ' ' If Lender gives nadce of bmach to Boaower:(i)ell Rents received by Borrower shall be hcld by�orrower as
<br /> uustce for the benefit of L.ender only,w be apglial w the sums secuced by the Security Inswrnent;(ti)Lende�shaU �
<br /> ' " , � : � be en6ekd to collect and raeive alI of the Rents of the Pcoperty; (ui) Bonowes egrees that each tsnant of�he
<br /> Properey shall pay all Rcnts duo end unpsud to Lendcr or Lendec's agents upo�Lende.�'s written demuid w the _
<br /> ' tenant; (iv)unle�s applicable taw provides otherwise,all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's egents shall be
<br /> _,' .•„ epplied Crst to ihe costs of teking contml of end m�naging the Properry and collecting th�Rents,incl�ding.but not
<br /> Gmiteci to.atwmeys' fcas.receiver's fees.premIums on rr,�elvcr's bonds,nepair and mainte,r►ancs casts,insurunce
<br />-_ ..;:,;; premiums,taxes,assessments and olher chargcs on the Propwty,and then to the sums secured by the Security
<br /> � Instrument;(v)Lcnder,Lender's egents or any judlc3ally appointed recciver shall be liable to aoeount for only those
<br /> � 1tP.nr�ncnwtly r�ived;and fvil Lender shall be cnddcd m have a ceceiver appointed W Ialce possession of and
<br /> -r:'`}'',�,. manage tha Proputy and coIlect the Renis and profi�s derlved from the Property without any showing as w the
<br /> vN!�.; N�•-' inadequ�z::y of the Property a�secutity.
<br /> _j ..� �f the Rents of tha Pcoperty are not sufficient to cover tho costs of teking conuol of and mac�aging thc
<br /> `�_�:.:v;,�� Properiy and of collxtinng the Rents any funds eacpended by I.ender for such pu�poses sha116ocome indebtedness of
<br />--_H=� Borrowrr W L.ender securcd by the Security Instrument pursuant W Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> .;�r Bomnwer represents and warcants that Bonower has not eaecuud any prior assignmcnt of thc R�ents and has
<br />—�-�;_-..;;s=,� not end will not pafo.rtn eny act that woWd pc�event Lendu from exGrcLsing its rights undu this puagraph. _
<br />°�:},�•,-r�r:.�;.� L.ender,or Lcnder's agents or a judicially appointed receiver,ahall not be requirai to cnttr upon,teka control
<br /> "�""���'`i of or maintain the Property befom or eftcr giving nodcc of default to Borrowu. Howeva. Lender. or Lendcr's
<br />=°=^�''�°—� egents or a judicially 8ppointed receivu.may do so at any time whe��a uGfauti uci;ws. nuy e�,p',icaiion oi R�,ii� �
<br />-;�-4�*�,�
<br /> -� shall nat ctua or waive any default o�r invali�ate any other right a iemedy of Lender.This assignment of Rents of
<br /> �� the Property shall tuminau when ull tha sums socnred by the Securtty Instrumer►t act paid in fuU.
<br /> _� � I.CROSS-DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agroement in
<br /> ____��m_ which i,ender has an Intemst shall bc a brcxh under the S�urity Instrument and Lertder may invoke eny oF thc
<br /> - — ccmedies.permiued by the Sxurity InsuumenG
<br /> =- BY SIGNIIVG BSLOW,Borrower a�ccepts and agrees w the te.rms and provisions aonta�ned in this 1-4 Family
<br />---="�V'.-��.�� Rlder.
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