_ .'_ .� . L. .+t'� • ..�_� __ _ . . �. ^ • _ ____ _. .
<br /> -_ _ _ .;•+�._ '. 7 .. . . _ _, �' _
<br /> _ •'s. ;�_, � �0:3 � . ' �!. �-
<br /> _�»_` — � _ - �i-^- , --._''^ _ - .-,. ' ' - . - -- . ,- �r-- - - - --
<br /> . s, •. • . .. . . _ . .--
<br /> . . .. .. . .:' _ ... . _.. . .
<br /> - ''.-"; Z _ i . ` ' - ' '__--'_—.- . . ---.:.
<br /> ' F - - . � . . . ' � � � . � 4 . .
<br /> �'G` . `r '.y � . . . . . . . .
<br /> . , . _ -./ .. . . , .. . . . . . � ,- .
<br /> . ` . . . .. . , . '..���r ����
<br /> _ . , t ' _ .- : ` � . . . . . . , ..
<br /> . . Tf�Elld�i 1'EQtfffOa Ol0[t�E��3 i{�O�t10R t��[ina tliC�t1 SOqtTlfl by t1113�OC11�Ity�OStI1I�ltlt. �
<br /> Horr�ver sL�ll psy tt�e premiums reyuired to'maaitai»tLe i�ee ia e�ect uat��such ti�sse as the roquirement for tbe
<br /> ins�anc�serminata ia sc�rdana�vith BorroMdaand lreade�swrittes asrament orapplicabk b�v. .
<br /> _ _ 'A. �I�tio� I.ender w its#ga�t m�►y m�Ice zrasao�ble mtri�s up�aad inspections of tlse Propecty.La�der .
<br /> sballaive Borrower noticeat tbe wnc oforpriortoue inspection specifyia6 rasonabtecausefort6einspecaon.
<br /> ! � The praceeds of aay aNSN oF cta�for damsaa.dicect ar con3equential.in connection�rith
<br /> aay conde�natian or atLer taking of any put of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> �i joed and sball be paid to I.rnder.
<br /> Ia the�vent of a wW tala�of tbe Properiy.the proc,ads slnll be WPlied to the sums socutrd b�r tltis Sec�uity.
<br /> '. i�m��vhether oc�At tbai dae,�vith any eaasa paid to BorrwQer.Li tLtevent of s partiai taking d'tbe Propercy, . -
<br /> _-- unks's Borr�ra aud Lendac otHenvise a�ae in w�ritama,tLe aums sxared by this Sxurity Instcuma�t sbiU be radtuxd by .
<br /> _=- tbe antount oF tbc proca�s mWdpliod 6y the Follo�rina fr�ction:(a)the totst amount of the swas saured immedistely
<br /> _-- � beforc tlre t�a,dividcd by(D)tlx fair mnket valae of the Pmperty immodiately before tl�e taicing.My 6alance shall be
<br />--='- paid to Borr�rer. : .
<br />`'_=. If tbe Prqperty is a6�nda�ed by Bonower.or i�after nutice by L�ender to HonoNer that the condernaor o�'ers to --
<br /> mslce an a�vud or settk s cLim for damaga,Bormiver fai2s to rapond to Ledder�vit�in 30 days aRcr tl�e date tIu aotice is ='=-
<br />-N�,• pvm.,I.mder is wtbosized W copect uid apply theprocoeas.at itsoptior+.attKr to r�storation ar repairof the Property or =y:--=---
<br />� mthesumssa:uratbyti�isSecaritylnstrumrnt,�vbetberarnotthaidue. �°�--
<br />- Unks�I�deir aad Borro+va othec�riseagnee in wsiting.�nY apFlicatiai oPprocaods tq PrinciPai shall not exteed or �-.�.,�_=
<br />_ tbe due date of the moathl ts refured ta im l and 2 or change the amouAt otsuch ts. ,- �`�---
<br /> postpone Y P�Y� �P� PiY� �'�=_
<br /> ` 10. Boeow�er NaE Rekre�So�lar�oe B7 La�ier Not a Wa[�er. Facten�ion of the pme fot paynient os �===-_-
<br />-� modificAtian of'amorti7atiort of t1�e sutm secured bY this Socarity Iaitromrnt granted by l,a�der to any successar in ��.
<br /> • intectst of BorroWer stiU not operate to rekase the Wbitity of the original Borrower or Borrowds svccessors in interest. ��
<br />. ' '�` ' I.ender ahsU not 6e required to commence proceedings against any succeswr in interat or refuse to eatrnd time for ;r �`' •.
<br />. - I n s t r u m e n t r e a s o n a f a n d e m and made �-�'`VF!�*'
<br /> : P�Y�rnt os othe[�vL�ema�ify aaenrqx�tbartof the anms aeeutrd by ihss SasarrtY 6S► Y , ._
<br /> ��;,s by tbe arigin�l Borro�rer ar Borroovds successors in i�tetest.Any larbearance by I.endu in exercising aay rigUt or remedY ;:�-�- -
<br /> ' •�'wi7 ahsllnotbeawaivuoforprrc�udetheexerciseofanysigbtorremody. � . - __.
<br /> • l l. S�e c m o n a a i A s i�e s B o a�J W e t�s d S e�a a l I 1 a b i�i h�:�o-s i p e r s. The covenagu and a g r a menis of � :;•-.,-"'s
<br /> ;����
<br />' �"�,i�•� thisSecurity Instroment sball bind a»d beneHt the successoss and amgas of Lender and Borrowu,s�'blect to We provisioas -_ . _-
<br /> ' - ofparsgtsphl7.BarrawdscovenAttts�dagreementssl�allbejadntandseverAl.AnyBorrowerw6oco-signsthisSa�urity :- �,:
<br /> '��' Iasccument bat does nat execase the Nota(a)is cosigomg.ti�is Sa�urity Instn�mrnt onl to mort t and conv '�'' �
<br /> 9 8�8�.6[an ey .,,i�;'�,_ -.
<br /> tbat Barrower's interest in the Pro under tbe terms of tbis Security lnstrument:(b)is not aall obli tcd to `""��` -
<br /> pesty P�� Y Sa PaY i :... : ' �-_
<br /> the swns secured by this Security Instrumeni;and(c)agras that Lender and any othu Horro�a may agra to e�ctend. '�r�:-'
<br /> F 4� modify,forbesr or nwice any aeeommodations with regard to the termc of this Security Instrument ot the Note without • -_
<br /> - � �-•r , that Bonower's conunt. '`-�•." ' --�:-
<br /> �f �;�::��"=��.: , 12. Lorn Ciarg�s. If the Ioan socvred by this Security 14strument is subiect to a 1aw vrYuch sets maaimum loan ",,.;`," _ ��._',x�,.
<br /> � "`�-� charges,and ihat law is finalJy interpnted so that the interest or otha loan cFiacges collxted or to 6e collocted in - ;�:;�•, � _:::-
<br /> , �::,Y �y� '� .�., � -
<br /> f ;�• i:'��.: connection with the toan ezcad the pem�ittod timits,then:(a)any snch loan cliarge shall be reduced by the amount ;:'•, ��-
<br /> �` �?":+:� - 4•:��;x; nocasary to reduce the chargc to t he permitt e d limit;an d(b)any sums a}rea dy co l tect e d from B a nower w hich ex c a ded �" �-'� ! ` �'=
<br /> ' �:.,;•. � r, • •:' :�'sc';;;
<br /> ,;:.. ,� °; permittod limiu wiil bc rePunded to Borrower.Lender may choose to make this refund by reduci�the principal owed
<br /> �.�.:r�j-��� under the Nou or by making a direct psyment to Borrower.If a refund reduca principal,the reducizan will be trcatod as a ',�"�
<br />� �rtisl prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note. ' . � ?��-
<br /> ' - 13. Legisfatioa ARecting I.ender� Nlg6ts. . If enactmene or eapiration of epplica62e laws has the rR'ect of -•r.� � � --_
<br /> � �-: �1"•'� r:ndering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrument unenfotceable according to its terms.I.ender,at its aption, ��'. -
<br /> . .it . ar"r4s�,,,' �.,-:.
<br /> �a:i :r� may require immodiate paymrnt in full oP all sums secured by this Socurity Instrument and rnag invoke any remedies . ,�;_;,.:
<br /> ' � "��•t'�� � permltted by paragraph 19.lf lxnder eaercises this option,Lender shall take the ateps speciSed iLS s�.:s�ecortd pasagraph af � '�;1�=�°��u
<br /> �r,.� : ecort ,y,_.r;,,,
<br /> °�,��`i,. ParaBraPb 17. , -�.:�--_
<br /> ;;.;,�,;
<br /> .. . ,�.�:, 14. Notka. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be g�e:�by dalivering it or by �:', :: ��:
<br /> ' s, b.�: mailing it hy 8rst class mail a*�fess applicable taw requires use of another method.The notice s3sa}I be dirccted to the • `.. :��
<br /> � ,� ��� Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lcnder.Any notice to�3er shall be given by ,�'�K'=
<br />� _•:�`;� Srst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other addr�ss f.ender designates by natice��&Srrower.Any notice • �.�;��
<br /> . :._.� .
<br /> �" '���" provi d e d for�.�t�:�"rs S e curity Insirument s ha l l b e deeme d to have b e e n p•.�n to H orrower or Lender�ztrn g iven as provided
<br /> '����':�'� ia ohis pAragtapS�. ..
<br /> . � `"" `:�;•�:���'`;��'��� 15. Gorerniep�L�r;Seanbility. This 5ecunc. resirumeni shaU be govemed by federal law and the Iaw of the '
<br /> � � � • , - iarisd9ction in which the Property is located. ln the e�e-s that any provision or clause oP this Security Instrument or the .
<br />_..�___ __ ___ _ �ote conflicts with applicable law,such cew._:st shall not aflect oiher provisions o1'this Security Ir•.strument or the Nate �
<br /> • �-���•� � � �� which can be given effect withoiit the cmi8i�t6ng provision.�'o tfiis end the pravisions aPthis Sece:s�ty instrument$nd the i -- - - —
<br />_ '��t�"'•.1-" ;'; ", Nate are declarcd to be severable. '
<br /> t'•; � ,. 16. Bonowe�'sCo * � ' .
<br />� . �`.Sti'-;,: py. Borrower shall be givcn one conformcd copy of 1he�ote and of this Security Insirument. . •
<br /> �:�.. ... �
<br /> , 'x;'�;�� ;,. 17. Tnnster ot the Property or�Beneflcial laterest in Horrower. lf a1P or an� part oP thc Praperly or�any ;
<br /> ' �� � ' � • interest in it is sold or ttansferred(or ifa beneflcial interest in Borrower ia sold or transferred and Borrower is nc�t a naturul . ,
<br /> . : =. .• person)a ithout Lender's prior written consenl.l.ender may,nt its optian,rcquire immediate�+aymrnt in PuU of all sums '
<br /> � -- - . . , secured h�;tF�is Security lnstrument.Hawcver,this option shall not 6e caercised hy I.ender if fx�rci�r is prahibited by ,
<br /> ' � ,� - • � federallawasoSthed�tenfthisSecuritylnstrumem, � �,
<br /> •. . If l.ender exereisev this option,l.ender shall give Aarrower notice oPacceleration.7'he natice sha1)pruvide a periud -
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is detivered or maited within which&�rro�+•er must pay all tiumw�rcured by ' . ,:+,'
<br /> ' �� this Seturity lnstrument.11'�nrrnwer fails ta pey thc�e sums prior to the capiratian vf thic pericxl.Lender ma�im•oke any , j � .
<br /> • , �-- - •- temedies petmitted by this5rcurity lnstrumcnt without further noticc uc demand on Hanawer. t . .
<br /> ' 18.8orrower's Rl�t6t to Retnstate. li 8rna�wer meet�certain conditions,i3orrutver shall havc ihc right to have � �
<br /> � enfotcement of this Sccurit�Incir.umcnt discuntinucd at any Iintc priar tn the eadicr��f:(n)5 days(or such��ther periad as i
<br /> • • apptieablc law may speciPy for rein�tatemcnt)brf[tte sale aP 1he Pa�perty pursuam to any p�wer��i�le c�ntained in lhis �
<br />• � � � . 5ecurity Instrumenf;or(b)enlry of a judRment enforctng this Sccusity tnminimrnt.'fhi�sc rattditi�nis nrr that Borroacr:
<br /> . � . . (a)pays Lender all sums which then wnuld bc due under this 5ecurity Instrument :+ud �he Note had no�►ccelcKation
<br /> ' , oecurted: (b)cures any default oF any other coven�nts or agreements:(c)pays:ili experoses irtcurted in cnfiitt;ing ihi� ; •
<br /> ' ,. . Security lnstrumcnt.including,but not limited t��,reavonable�ttomeys fee�:and(d)takes�ud�ac�iwt��l,cnder m;�y
<br /> _�-_—,--' --__ rt�st+tt�My teqvire tr�s�tt�c that the#ien rf thic 5rrqcity Instnrmer�t,.t ender'c rr�hfa in the 1'rnrrtty snd Hnrcia�er c. _ . �' •-
<br /> _ _ , — — - =�..—�-•<--===-
<br /> • � obligation M pay the sums secured by this 5ecurity Instcumrnt shall ci+ntinur unrhangcd. Upun remstatentent by
<br /> : ' ; •� ' Hottoa+et.this 5erurity tnsirumcnt and the obli�tions sr¢ured hcrrby sha0 rem�in fully eft'rctive a�if n�+urrelcr�liei�i had , ,
<br /> •• ' accurred.H�wever.this right to reinstate shall not apply in ihe rs�e c�fucceteration undrr paraFraphs 13 nr 1�.
<br /> . .
<br />_ . . , _ - - - - - �
<br /> • . . . , � . �
<br />