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<br /> • jl�tfflpMS.MbIC�1 f1G[CfCRp�fD�D�iI1�iQ11 Z.O�Cflip$G dIC�flIOII�t Of SOC�f�yi11Cf1�S. AIIy EXCCS4 Q[00tG�3 OVCf i�;
<br /> amount reqiuned to pry all.au�ding indebtedatss imdea the Nate and this Seciuity Inwmxnt shall be paid to tbe edtity .
<br /> � k�pl�duitkd tLe�ew. ; . . ; . . , ' _
<br /> C�as. Lajdet may oollat foes m�d charges autiw�izo�d bY the Seccstu�r-
<br /> � !.Geeai�far AooNer�to��f Debw `
<br /> � (a)DefaWt. I:ender may.eacept as liatited 6y negWstioa4 issued by the Soctetary in t6e ca4e of payntent defaults.
<br /> ` tequite itnmediue ps�rment in faU ofall sums secnrod by ttis Securiry 7nswntent�f:
<br /> _ , � (i)BamWer defaults Elf'�&�I�Y in fuq any n�nthlY PaY��1�bY this Seciuiry inswmrnt�rioc
<br /> � ' to a oo ttie due d�te of the next manthlY WY��•a
<br /> fn?Barower def�ults hy failing.fa a period of Wrty days,tn perform any oMer abligatians cantained in dii,s
<br /> Sec�uity insttmnent
<br /> . (b)Sde�Vltiort Cndlt Approval. l.Znder sGa11.if pannitted by apQlicabk iaw and with thn prior approv�l of t6e
<br /> Sa�ce�cy.ne4���F�Y�in full of all the su�ns secuced by this Sec�itY Insorament i�
<br /> ' (i)othaw����ot1� ,ar a i�eficial'mterest in a tivst owning all or part of t6e Ptope�ty.is soW or .
<br /> ��Iq bry►devil�ar descta�)by the Borrower,and
<br /> (ii)The YropertY iQ�l�t oqEupied•b�r�hhe p�er a`gtantee as llis or her principal cesidence,oc die purcUaser
<br />_--_ , or g�antee doa�so oe�upy d�e Ptoperty but his,�as hsr c�edit has not been appmved in accardanca
<br /> _- -- with the teqoi�ts of d�eSecraary.
<br />-_= (e)Na Watver. If ci�cousslances occur that would permit Lender to calairauiune�te PaYment�n fuU,butL�der
<br />-::�:: dnes not toquue sucbpaY��i.ender daes not waive its dgbts with respect to snbsequent events.�
<br /> _ -- (�lteplatio�s d AUD SecretsrY• In mar+y r:�"„�tances rcgulaGons issuM by tt�e Sec[et�q an'll lumt Ltnder's -
<br />= rights. iA tbe c�se of pay�nent defaults.to toquire immodiau payment in fuU ard foroclose if nat ptid. This
<br /> _ Security Instrurnent does nat autharize acceteruioa ar forectosu�if nnt permiusd 6y tegulatioas cff the Secretazy.
<br /> m�; - (e)�Ylortp�Nat Ltwnd. Baimwer agtees ti�at shonld this Security Mstrument and the note securcd tha�ebY not _
<br /> - � be efi�t'bk far aisaraace nnder the Nauonal Housirtg Aet withiri ��
<br /> --�;�;. . . dat�henof,Lender may.at its option aM notwithstanding anything ia PatagraPh 9.rtquire immaiiate gayment in
<br /> �full of all snms socuned 6y thic Sectuity Inst�ument A writfen statea�ent of any authoriud agent of the Societuy .
<br /> ' � dated subsequent to . frozm the dace E�eieof.declining to�sune tttis Socwiry �,
<br /> ��•;. .�''� InstrumenC and the note secured thereby,shatl be deemed caaclusive pmof of snch ineligibitiry. Notwithstanding �:,`_-__
<br /> ';�4;':` =;'' the fcmgoirtg.this option may not be eaercised by Lender ci-£ten the unavailabTty of`insurance is soteiy due to = �-°=�.�.��
<br /> TT.'S'�'.
<br /> :,,'�'� ,�,` L,ender•s fait�ue to remit a martgage insurance premium to the 5p��tary. ,�:.•::`�
<br />' ., � _.
<br /> x-:=_
<br /> , 20 Rdashtemen� Borrower has a right to 6c reinstated if Leiic�'er has reqaaed"nnmediate pa}m�ent in fuU because ;�,,:t:,.;y=;:
<br /> .� of Botrower's failare to pay an amaunt due under the•Note or t4is Seciuiry Instrument. .This nght appties even after - �-«
<br /> f` fo�etiosuie procadings are insrituted. To teinstate s�e Security Instiumem, Borrower shall tender m a lump sum all <= '��'��r-•
<br />` amounts requined to bring Borrower's account curre�rt inchiding,to the extent they are obligations of Borrawer under this . '�' �-°_'
<br /> Security In.sirument,for+ectasnre casts and reasona6le and customary aaomeys'fees and eapenses properly associated with • '�':r—
<br /> r.r-,.��._
<br /> ,�•�,�_�
<br /> '�: the farcclosure praceeding. Upon reins��sertt by Borruwer,this Security Inswment and the obligations that it secares �-:-._..,•.
<br /> L�.'..�'��w .
<br /> ` . sha11 remain in effect as if Lender had aat uired�mediate payment in fuU. However,I.ender is not required m pemut ��•.-�.
<br /> .° ��T- "� rein�tatement if: (i)L�ender has accepted r�einstate�eni.after tfie eommeneement of foreclosure proceedmgs v�rithiit two •',��`.
<br /> ; � .•;�, �>'�'4 �� �
<br />. '� . years immediately preceding the commencement of a curcent forectosute proceeding. (ii) reinstateme'tu wil!prectude •3`s.�T*z' -:
<br /> • � `;,�.t;` foteclosure on different gounds in the future.or(iii)reinstatement wilt adversely affect the prioriry of the lien cnated t� '=�-=':
<br /> • f�•, this Security inswment _ , " `
<br /> • �-�� 1L Borrower Not Released; Forbearance Dy Lender hot a Waiver. Extension of the time ai gayment or
<br /> � i` '� modification of amortization of the sums secured 6y this Security Ins�ment granted by l.ender to any successor m tnterest
<br /> � ���' $'�'�` af Bormwer shall not operate to retease the liability af the original Borrower or Borrower's successor�n interes� Lender ' .
<br /> , �c���''�-;� • gttall not be required to commence proceedings aga�nst any successor in interest ar refase to extend time for payment or .
<br /> ;��, f�_:,, othetwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument hy reason of any demand made by thc ' .
<br /> ?= .'.- �original Bortower os Horrawer's successoes ia interest Any far6earance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall � •
<br /> � �� �`�'-�a no�6e a waiverof or preclude the e%e�,:�s�of any rigl►t or remedy. ' . . .
<br /> � � �� 1Z. Succes.gors and Assigns$c�;dolnt and Several Liabiltty;CaSigners. The covenants arid agreements of "
<br /> ,, this Securl Instrument shall bind and benefit the suceessors and assi ns of Lender and Barrawer,cub'ect to the visions '
<br /> , .i � .r�.i- .. ty , p .' J Pro - - '
<br /> - `,�;j�°. �• of Parugrflph 9.b. Borrau�ers covenan��and agreements sha11 be joint and scveral. Any Borrower who ca-sigas this " :
<br /> •'"'*,,e�_;:•;: � Security lnstrument but��nat exeeute the Nnte: (a)is co-signing this Securitg E�>:rument only to moctgage,.g�nt and • •
<br /> ���� �` ` •''-�`�:'.�:t;. convey tlt��rrower's interest in the Prorerty under the terms of th�k Security 3:�r�-�ent:(b)is not personally obl�gated to . _
<br /> `� r�:ay`,�`� pay the sr,�s�secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)�greev'thyr G�nder�.�d a.�sy other Borrower may agree to extend. . -
<br /> '' ' ' mad�fy.f�ear or makc any accommodations with regard to thc ter::,of this Seccu;ty fnstrument ar the Note without that � ' -
<br /> . ��� . Boaawer's cansent. .- -
<br /> � - 'T-T'T?;,'. � 13. NoNees. Any natice to Batrower providcd far in thic Security Insts�:e-:shatl bc given by dcliverirtg it or by ` .
<br /> � ��:�. ., mailing it by first class mail unless applicabte law requires use af another mcit:•.�d. 7'he natice chall he directed to the •
<br /> ' ��"�'"' Address or an other address Barrower desi nates b notice to l.cnder. Any naticc to.t.ender shall be rven b ' ' '
<br /> �' ' 4. :�i:;::;• . ' �'�Y y 8 Y & Y
<br /> `;.,. ,,, � -: 1:�'.�, �rst class mail to i.enders addres�st�t�j hcrcin ar any uddresti l.endcr designates by notic� ca Horrowet. Any notice ,
<br /> :,„,.!;,,; :=��::�t;'� Qravided for in this Security Instrumer�<i:all lx:deemed to have heen given tn 8unuwcr or Lerti�:when given as providcd .
<br /> .•..�� .. `;'.. �n this paragraph
<br /> -- - - —z;---- 14. Governing Law;Severabitity. "i'Fiis Security instrument shaSi be govemed By Pedesal iaw and the taw of thc -. --: -
<br /> ' ��''" '' " udsdtetion in which the Pro rt ic tocated. In the event that aa rovisinn ur clause�f this Sccutit Instrumenl or the
<br /> y��.7•�� ,`:.: 1 P� Y � Y P Y
<br /> � ,��•: �{�;,, Note canflicts with applirable law,sunc�cmflict�hall not affect other prnvisian�uf thiv 5ecurity Intitrument or the Note
<br /> • ,p,,.�_;.t .., ..,;,:;. which caa Ge givcn cffcct wilhnut the confliciing provitiion. Ti+thi�rnd�he provitiionti�+f this Security Instrument and Ihe i ,
<br /> ~ -••. Note sue dec(ared to be severable.
<br /> ."P.'' 1�'•:��: �. 15. $orrowe�'s Copy. 8arrawcr shall br givcn onc c��ninrmcci capy nf�hi�Srcurity In�trumcnt (
<br /> �;,�,;�:,1�:�=. ' 16. Assip,ement oP Rentti. 8arrower uncunditionalty atitiignm and trun�frn ta Lendcr all Ihe rcntc and revcnucs af the j
<br /> . .', •, Property. Barrower autt�c�rizev i.cnd�r nr LenQer�a�;e�tts w cull�ct thc reuw and revenucs:�nd herchy dirccts cach tenant of i
<br /> . ' ' thc Properiy tn pay the rent�tn Ixnder��r Lender:v agea... However.�1f1U1!O IRRI�CIti npilCC f0 I�pROtYC�Of BOITpWPIS � {
<br /> ... _ breach af any cavetwnt or agreement in the Seruriiy lnstrument.gorrnwer�hall a�llect:md nceive al)rcnt»:utd revenues ut ! '
<br /> �.''•' the Property as trustee fc,r thc l�enr�t of L.c:nder und H��nowcr. 'fhi�atisignmem��1'rcnt�a�n�tittrtes:u�aby�rlute:��signmcnt ' �
<br /> • - .- -•• � . and nnt an asvignment for:�ddition�l�Erurity�mly. � . ,
<br /> • � ' __ � lf Lender gives nottce of bmach 1a 8nrrowrr. (u)all renta reccived hy Bonawrr tihall be helJ hy pe�rrutver,�.�tru.tee '
<br /> : �'°"'.''"� for benefit of I.ender unty,lv bc�pplicd te�thc�um>.rcund hy Ihe 5ecurity Intitrument:Ib)Len�trr.flaU 6r rn�ltled w �.' '
<br /> - � - - - -- cullecl;ut�1 receive.�11 of the ren�s at the i'ropeny:anet(c i e::dh tc�u�ut af the Yr„pe�ty�hall pay:ill r�ni�duc and ua�aicl tn _
<br /> . � Lender nr Lendrr y�gent�n Lcnder's wdtten dem;u�d u�the ten�nt. .
<br /> , .. . Burruwer h��nul cxecuteJ suiy priar a��si�nmen� of thr rem� und It:�,nat aad wiU nut perfonn auy ac� ihu��•uu1J ; •
<br /> , ` � ' prevent l.rnder frnm excrrising its rights und�r t�iti P.vagraph I6. � ,
<br /> . Lertdct sh�ll nnt be rcquired to cntcr upun,t;ilec cumrul��f ut maintain the i'raperly trcfan�+r after�ivins:nntice nf �
<br /> � . brearh to Borrower. However, I.ertder ur a judicialty appointed reccivrr may do.v at any time thrre iti a Freuch. ��ny '
<br /> ' � appfication of rems tihall not cure or w,�ivr any defautt ur invatidate an����thr�right ur reniedy af Lrnder. Thi.a�vignmcnt " � .
<br /> ' of rents af the I'roperty sftall tetminate nhen tftc deht securtd by the tiecurity In�trumen!iL pacd in full. _ . � �.'
<br /> � . . . : .
<br /> . , ' , Il�oce;��td(!�C°�� '
<br /> . : �u...�._� ...
<br /> � . • �
<br />