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<br /> , _
<br /> . �+ •, • . . . --_
<br /> - �., � �•�...-_=�
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<br /> ... '_.._--.__--___ _ _ - _ �y �,"
<br /> ✓��ar-�.
<br /> .. '��.�N� " �� .. . .__._._. __......_'___' :I�� • '• .. �. �.�.:+;7�tl�Y�*..
<br /> - � Y,y^. .. -� ' . . . .:...,1.r�V.�.r�.�r.1tS1PIN�M�IY{laWrt.�nC�... ..� .. . . _ r�f1.• . , it-.•.W. '
<br /> ,
<br /> , . .. � , . " .......... ._ ^
<br /> . , .� � ..... ._ ,. - . . . . . .. . . . .�_ _.. .'.r-�-�-��-i�'�'.
<br /> � . "-_'
<br /> ( . . . . _ . .. . :.... :... .... . 'Yav`naC��'—_"�
<br /> .. .. .. 1 .....•1� �.-:.��.�.�.�'�--.�_�.
<br /> , .. � ��� s����� ..
<br /> . l lcnd=r moy, at ony tl�na, oo!:��t cnd tiold eno�nte Por C•corovi Itome In pn e�dregste tmount nRt to axc0ad the mnxlmum -
<br /> � omount thnt may be nqukod tor Buriow��'o i:��o�a e.CC¢unt�nsx the F?�!!1 Fat�b&�ttMrtNnt ProCettun�a Act Of 1974, 12 U.�,G.
<br /> �2b01 �j �, �nd MnpNm�ntk�p npuktbn�,24 CFFi t�aA 3600,a lh�y rruy ba unand�d from tkno Iv tt+no("E�CSPA"),oxcept :
<br /> • th�t th� ou�hbn or ni�ro� pKmRtb by i�SPA fa umntfolpitsd dM6ura�rtNnb or dkbursanantn batora M� Dorcowarn -
<br /> p�ymmis�n�valkbw h the acoount miy nol W bas�d on unounts dw for th�moRQ��InaurnnC�Rrernlum. �,,
<br /> II tho amount� hold by L�nda lor Escrow Il�ns 1xcs�d tIN unounte p�nmktNf to b�hNd by RESAA, Undor thaM�caount .
<br /> � . � lo Bonowor (or Ih�oxcc:c Nnd�o�rquL•cd by I��PA. If Ih��!mounte of funde hskf by Undw at any tma u� nct wNbMr►t to
<br /> p�y th�Etcrow Itema whan du�,L�nda rtMY nolry th�BortowK tnd nqufn @ortow�r to m�ic�up thn�hwup� u pKmNt�d by
<br /> ,, RESPA. .
<br /> ,_:•,:ra .
<br /> 7h� Eecrow Fund� aro pl�dg�d u mddkbnU 4�curky lor aN sum� ucur�d by thi� Srcurfty Innwm�nt. If Bortow�r tendore
<br /> - to Und�r the tull payment of tA suCh �um6,Barowlr� aco0unt sh�N b� Cr�dk�d wAh thY Itlttlu�Qe r�malnlnp for tM htttlMnGlt �
<br /> �.. .�.
<br /> - kom� (a), (b), and (c) and any moApay� In�unnc� pnmium fr.ttsiYnmt thtt l.�ndK haa not Cacamo oblfp�tad to p�y to tho �:
<br /> Socrotary,and Landor ehall prompty nfund�ny �xcw�funds to BortowK.Imms�f�t�ly prior ta a tarociasuro aia of thv Pro�aty
<br /> or Re aaqutskbn by Lond�,Bortowa�b account thaN b� crodksd wkh�ny baknc�nmetnlnp htr ill Inetnifinents for Rems(e), (b),
<br /> �; � ..
<br /> � and(01• �.e:. .:.�iS� 35=�;`'
<br /> .: �'�,,�s..�
<br /> • 3. Appllcatton ot Raymenu. �r wy+n�to under Panqrapns � �nd 2 ensu�e aan►rea av�«�dor a rouowa: �• • •.�.:,�_:__.__..
<br /> Fl�it,to ths moRpaye insurana pnmium to b�paid Gy L�nder to th�&qorMary ur to dt��monthy chu� by the&ecrotary '___
<br /> ' _�:__,_
<br /> hatead o}the monthy mortyagb hsunnc�prMnlum� h -�?_=__
<br /> � �" Second, to any t�cas, epeoW astKaments. M�sohoW paym�nb or �aund rgnm� �nd tlro, Ibod und oth�r hwettl ,-;�:.-.�---
<br /> Insurance premiums,as requked; ' _�
<br /> .1 Thir�i�to interest due undar th�Notr. � �
<br /> Fot�rth,to amortization of the prhoiptl of Ih� Note; tnd V _��"-
<br /> ��e.�
<br /> • ��.. Flfth�to late cherpes dus und�r th�Note. _.���•`:�_�`� �
<br /> .,if"` L�:i�'__-._-_
<br /> _ ( .-1�(.�:'' '�"���'
<br /> ;,..:. , , 4. Fire, Flood and Other Hazard Insur��tce. Borrowa� ahnft haure all �mprovemente on th�Proparty,whether �::.,� : ._�
<br /> '� �'`'•�i{�� ;�•r now h exlstence or subsequentiy erected,�SaBSt any hiwrds,ceauaRl�, and anntln�onclai, hoA�ding firo, tor which Londor `:"'`��---
<br /> .. �._.. , �;�'r
<br /> .�<•''�� requlres Insurance. This insuranCe ehiN W matnUh�d In th� amountu and far the p�ri�d�that Londer nquins. BorrowK sl►all
<br /> '+�`,, tlso insuro rll Mprovements on tha Propaty, wMthK now h iocktw�c� or auhnoquontly aeotad, eQatnat bss by fbodo to tho ��
<br /> .-,�.;_
<br /> • extent requtred by tho Secretary. Aq hsurance aluN he crrriad wkh oomp�nWs approvod by I.mdw.Th� hwranc�poNCMs and
<br /> ' , • any renewals shaN bo hol�by Lw�dar�nd chaN Yickrd�b�s pay�hM oitusw h tavor ot, and In a torm acc�pitbM to,Landar. :; ;
<br /> .__-__ �;_,-<. _ _ � s.. �.,,.i.r IR,nwlyt� nntke bv mW. i.�ndrr mav m�ke proof ol bas it not m4da � '
<br /> � _i ��. iii ii�b ntiw-,i �i 13oe. BossC:.�:r.sa t..� --� ��
<br />- .�t.:l • - -`',,. ,
<br />° •��;(j��� prompl�y by Borrower. Each InsuranCO aompWly Co►kMn�d Is h�y autho�d and dinct�d to mekY pltymNtt fot tuCh bnu
<br /> ' � �L� dY�cicty to 4ender, hstead of to Bortewer ond to 1-�nd�r Johty.IU or �ny part of th� hturanc� proca�dt rtN►y b� apP��Y
<br /> Lender, et �s optlon,efther (a)to the neductbn of the hd�btodnasa unda tt►� Nob�nd tt�M SacurRy ImWmait, flrtt to my
<br /> � delhquent amounts applbd In the ordar tn P�rapnph 3, �nd tlwi to pnpaymmt of prYictpN, or(b)to tM ratontbn w npair of
<br /> the damapod Property. MY eAP�ttbn ot th�procwds to tM pfmaipat shall not extand or postpone th� dw dar o! th� "�
<br /> monthly payments whbh are referr�d to h Pmpnph 2, or ohtnpa the amount of suah plymmta. Any �o�ats „�urmoa ��
<br /> :_ V + .1
<br /> ��_ , proc�'s over an amount required to pay al oultlandlnA fnd�bbdn�te uncNit th�Nob and thA S�curity Instrurr�nt�haN b�peid :i;
<br /> ' to tne entkyr leQa�y entitled theroto.
<br /> T . In th� wwit of torecbsun of thi� SacurlY Inabumw►t ar otha tranafer of tilir to th� Prop�rty th�t �xt4►pukh�s th� �.ii
<br />-��' - ---
<br />- hdoptadness,YN tkiht,tkla and hte�t of DOROwK „and to hwrOnD�polbiN Ir(orC� ah�M pl=�to th�ptxoiu�.
<br />�,:j:;-;:'•,. 6. Occupmcy� Preserv�Uon, Malnt,an�naa artd ProteaiJon of th� Prop�rty: Bor�owar'� I..ou� �_ -
<br />,�:�::::�;,. �►PPUe�Uon; Leasehold�. Borrow.r�na�occvpY. �mnu�n� and uoa the ProfHrtY ae Borroware prY�cfWd rakNnc� wkh{n _
<br />�,=T::�"�`.: sbRy day8 aRet tha eaecutbn of thie Sscur�y InNn�met (ar wAhin sbdy drys o(�i�tar saM or fmsiK of tM Property)md sh�tt
<br /> ,�_.,y;,;��� oonthw to occupy the Propaty a 9orrowK'�p�fnc�al roskMna�Mr at Mat on�yw aR�t ttN d�t� of oecupanoy, unNco
<br /> -�?�+�'�• LendK datermhes th4t roquireawnt wq caua undu�hArdshq (or Barmwer,or unNa�xhnu�tirp cMCUmstmcw�ocitt whbh ag
<br /> • r�..�
<br />�t'.' . r.
<br />= °, :,-.��-__,� beyond Bortower's control Borrowar ahnll noti�l.andrr ot any a�4onunthp aircumsfance�. BarowK thaN not commk waste or
<br /> '' �"�?'°^�' destroy. dameye or substentiayr Ch�rp� tIN Proporty or�Ilow tho Prop�rty to d�hrtonl�, nlaonaDN wNt a�►d twT aoaCOl�ted.
<br />�T"`°.:'' Lander may InspeCt the Property Y the Propatp k v�wuit or �b�ndonod or ti�o ban Is h dWwk.UndK may Wc� rnson�p
<br /> _,."-+c,�,.�,;:;�.
<br /> -•- ��.,. � aatbn to proteCt and presavo suoh vacant or �bNndonod PropMty.Borrow�r shnG ako b�in dM�wk It Botrow�r.dutMq tho ben
<br /> :5.#Y!-:,:5� ;:
<br />��� • BPPl�atbn process� pave materi4ly I�IG�or I�9Ceurou iniorm�tioo or stotwn�nte to Und1r(or fafMd to provid� I.mtMr wkh my �_-
<br />- '"�• ""� '�' material iniortnation) h conneatbn wkh ttN loan N►idma+d by tho Nuto, hotudMp,but not NmMd to,npn��ntatbns oonoMnMO
<br /> "���r"'.*".�<<�• Boerowerb occupanaY ot the Pruporty as a pA�CIpU ndd�nc�. tt lhiD Soaurky Inttnum�►t a on � I�as�h0id,BorrOwK Shtll ----
<br /> i-''h'��-��� � comriy wah tho provkbne ot th� Nas�. If Be�royv�r acquirsa hs titM to tlu Propetty. th� M�s�hoW and Me t1w sh���ot bs
<br /> 1�`:,...._..,.,.=.
<br />--. merpod unless Lendet aproes to th�marpir h wrAinp. �Z`_ ,.T^
<br /> _ {,,.'�.,-���„2:��.
<br />- �°.�° 6. CmndemnaUon. The prxeode ot ry aw�rd or a�im far d�mpw, dY�at or aont�quenttil, h conn�otfon wlih My = "�-�=—�`�5�:
<br /> ��`. condannalion or othar takhp ot any pnrt af tM Propaty,or tor aanvayanc�h pl�a�of candaix►aY�on,an h�nbY assbned md - - ;���.
<br /> sh�N b� pnid to Lendes to ths oxta►t ot tho N� �nfount of thr hdebtadnesa that �srt�ins unptW under t/w Nolo�nd Ihl� �'��
<br /> ' . -� de •.,n.;s_�_._
<br /> f'A4r.�s-rv�_v,..r.=�:�c.--
<br /> .1�����.::�zs-g.-.
<br /> �� Security InsWment. lender s�nN appty such procoiQs to tha roduatinn ot the hdebtednas under the Nols and thA u ty ,,. _,,,;:,,u�,.._�
<br /> k f of prin0�al. "•t� , ^'"
<br /> . ' Instrument, firct to any dalhquent urwunts appbd h th�ordK prov)drd In Pa►npraph 3,Rrtd theo to pr�paynwn f{,,���
<br /> _ . My appNCatbn of the procaods to tho prNclpiU�Mu�!nqt�nd or poctpane ffie due date al the monthy paymonts,whiCh tu+0 y � �;, -���?x
<br /> � mterted tn In Parayraph 2, or ohanpe th�iunount of such payrtNnta.Ar►y�nacesa Proceeds over an �mount requtnd to psY aN � ,��y,�..,.
<br /> c .. '�::
<br /> outotandhp hdebtedness undor th�Not��nd lhY S�curity Insbumtnt ahaU b�p�W to tho�ntRy I�Yy�ntkNd th�rato. -•��'��:�r`f-�-� -
<br /> � .ri'...�,^Y.
<br /> -- �1 ._ .,._ .�..___..... _..._ _� _����,�-s.
<br /> . _, —_ _; - 7. Chtv�es to Borrower �nd �roioaaon oT i.eno�'sr'+� .eij�nu o� 4R �...�.a..�. �;,�:.;:.o. �-. ..:;_- �::.--..---__=
<br /> . govemmental or rtwnicipal oharyae, fln�t an�YnposRion� that are not hok�ded fn Pua�h 2. BorrovrK thaN pey thu� �'';;•`� . .
<br />- � ' oblpations on tYne dlreaty to tho�ntEiv wh�h Y ow�d th�payment. If h11iro fo pKy woutd tdv�ay affoct Lond�a ht�t fn • .. .,.�,'
<br />� tM Property,upon Lenders requeat�ortower ehtM prompty tumieh to I.�nd�r ncNpb rvlder�ahD 4h�paym�nri. . .::,1,
<br />- II Borrower faNs to maka thos�pa�omants a ttN psyrtbnte requlred by Puapnph 2,or fafb to pertortn any othor cownu�ts . ' �
<br /> - �� and npreernents contatned In tl�ts SeCUNty InsUw�nt or thue i�a kyMt proCSedinp that mny sqnMiCmtty aM1Ct Llndara riphle In ��� �
<br /> the Property(such a�a proceedin�h banluupky. tor oondwm�tbn or to mtora�iawg or ro�uktiona),lhan I.Bnd�r mly do and �t'' ' �
<br /> pay whatever Is necessary to prot�ct tn�vaYH of tM Propaty�nd Unctern�IphW h th� Proper3y,haludlnp p�ym�nt o! tar�c, !.��;�:�
<br /> ' harard insuranCe and other kems mentioned h Ptrayraph 2. �
<br /> Fce+a�Ma�Eioe� aap�a o+a
<br /> i
<br /> � sea
<br />