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<br /> - THIS DBBD OF TrtUST fa nada a� of the i5tb day of June, 1992, �
<br />"�.,.� ` by and aawag �LVIP N. NILL?�l�S and PIITRICZII D. i�LLIAtSS. husbsad �y
<br /> and wife, (•TRDSTOR•�, Mhather oae or a�re, vho� a�i.lfng addsess O"`
<br />� i� P.O. Hoz 128, DQaiphaa, l�ebraska 68832f aad DOMIlI.D N. iUlll�•
<br />- (�TROS�EB*1 whoss aailinq address is F.O. Boz Z4Z2, l3rand Islaads ' �-_
<br /> �tebrasks' 68802 f a�d 1�BTH H. �SCffisIDT and P�LLIB C. SCH�lIDT� =-.
<br /> husl�and and Mffe a�s �oitit tsn�nts,: ("BS�ICI�lR�"), vh�ther on� or �_
<br />' - � awr�, Mhos� �ailfng addr�ss is F.�. Box x352 Graad Island, �'---
<br /> � , ��,--
<br /> �ebraska 58802. , : �°�'-��
<br /> . ,�:---
<br /> _ . �.:;----
<br />, - �� 1�OR �111LOA8LS CO�iSIDBRPITZON, TzvstOr irravocably transfers, ��;��.-
<br /> "- coaveya, and assigns��Trustes; Ill TAOST, iiITR PO�NBR#DP S�LE, for - �-�°-:.
<br /> -_.��_�_„�:�-.��"_��� ths beaefit and �ecura�y of Beaeficiary, �ader eind sak�tject to the . ,._ �..,
<br /> ..: . .. tes�rs aad condit�o:ts o�• this Deed of Trust, the -�Al propsrtp _ �;=;�,j �
<br /> ' ���..,_S, .,;�`:�,: ` located in the City. of Grand Island, County of 8a11, State of ,��F ;�
<br /> � . � y, _ . � Nebrsskt�, �rtd laqally described as follaws: ��he "Psopsrtp"�)s �,t� h:-
<br /> , .. _ . , - . . , �.
<br /> ,.;;� =�"� � : ,. Lat Fiftp Five (55) in Hawthorne ��aae, being� a . ' ::��-�� — -
<br /> ;?�:;,; -_�,�;�,�. � _ �ubdiaision of pa�rt cf the Nosthwest QnaRster (l�if�l 1/4) of �` ,�.Ft��..�.
<br /> ,~���Y_�Y+�� ? Section T�enty t�o (22), Township Blcven (11) •l�orth,- --„�:��--_.
<br /> f , ;. �`"`��" -
<br /> � '��: � Itanqe Niae (9� Wa� of the 6th P.H. '�`�`�
<br /> . �'�'����y �1�
<br /> . . �:�:-
<br /> -' � • -'y=:..
<br /> , �:, .•. . .
<br /> � .. ~ TOGSTHBR f�1ITH all rents, eaaemeats, � appurtenances, ��
<br /> �. � ` • hereditament, iateres� in ad jofning roada, streets .aad alleya, ` �;��,:;'"�°.`y��
<br /> , '{.`"' ''" " ' '',Y f[5�+��
<br />� - fmprovemsnts and buildings of �y kind �ituatad theraon and alI :..�•-,.��
<br /> ,.�.'i�� � . personal property that may be or hereaftsr beav�s aa iategsal part `''�•�
<br /> �`�;�;�" � � . ' .� of such buildinqs and improve�aente. ;;�Y•-�:.�`-'.-
<br /> , . . . , �:� � �` ���=�--
<br /> ' . . The propesty and the entire estste and interest coaveyed to ; , ;=-,,,�.
<br /> � the Trustee are referred to collectively as the "Tsuati Sstdte". " •,-s":=--
<br /> ; ;-'; . � . :`�'r`.,_-_
<br /> , . � t:i*�': _-
<br /> , . . . .;:4 roR �sa ruRFOSS or eacn��o: � �, ., .`,�,
<br /> :::", �.::,,': .��.� � :�
<br /> . � • � a. Paysnen� of indebtednes� in tbe totsl prinafp�]. amounti of � ' ��r
<br /> � '�'"'�`'' ' � '�� $11,OQO.00 with intereot thereon, as svidenced by that csrta#,u �
<br /> ���';;'�f;''.� . - Promi.ssosy pote of aven date (the "Hote") with a aaturitiy date of €� , �;�" ^�¢
<br /> � � .� � ��' July 15, 1997, exeauted by� Trustos, wbieh hss been delivsred and � ""'''' � . ` �
<br /> ' ��;,;.`.� '� .�..�:�,3 is payable to tbs order of Beneficia F � ��,
<br /> .,:r,,.,.; _ sy, And wh�ch by thi• r�lersnae �
<br /> �,..; ,,,�.�„ ' is Dae�eby made a part hereo�, and aay and all aadiPications, •
<br />. . :;. :�<';.� � .. � '� sxtcasions and renewals thereof, and, ;� � . . .
<br />- - - --`--. ---- b. Payment a€ aI3 sums advanaed by Benefiaiarp to proteat- — `- ------• - . —
<br /> � -. - the Trust Estate, witb intese�t therson at the rate of eight and ` � �
<br /> . � � , • one half (8 1/2) percent per annum. ; '
<br /> �����;.: � c. Performinq the terms of the Agseement tor Sale and � :
<br /> � Purohase of Aeal Estate entered into betweert the psrtiies on June � .
<br /> � , . 9t&, 1992 which Agreement ia 3naorporated heYein by refereaae.
<br /> � This beed of Truet, the Note, and any other instrument given . .
<br /> . � � � � to evidenc� or further secure the pay�ent and gezlormanee .of anp :. �
<br /> , , obliqation eeaured hereby are refesred ta colleotively as the "Loan
<br /> . . Instrume�ts". ..
<br /> _ _ __. ... .- s�. -- - '
<br /> . ,' . .� ' ; .� '1'O PAOTiCT THE SECURI'1'! Ol� '1'BIS A� 0! '1'At18'1'� e .
<br /> � ,
<br /> � . � 1. BAYMENT OF I1�IDEBTEDNSSS. Trustor shall pay when due the �
<br /> . __� prineipal of, .and the interest on, the 3.ndebtedness evidenced by
<br /> , _ � _
<br /> - .- — -_—�—�=---- . _ . _ . . _ _ .. . _ - _: ---------
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