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<br />- �*r. . Ifl3x�AbOV�ThI�LIM lor Mcordlnp Dtn� -_
<br /> ,,; ;i�i , FF1A Ca�� No. � �`_
<br /> - ' ��` ° Stete ot Ncbrss9ce 6.�E�� dF TRUST 321-�a�ooz� yns
<br /> , , `'� �� `
<br /> '::<+k-f-' c ......, ��n
<br /> . 74fc5 DFEE)QiF?RUST("Security InsWrr�1") b mad�on
<br />..r�.t•M"�'C�
<br /> Tho wator fs�� OG 'Q Y N A?��D �1PIYLI�N Nt�iUYEN AMD MYPHUONG'i NGUYEN MAe��•
<br /> ' � me wstoe�s UNITED NE�F��SKA BANK 700 N WE88 ROAD GRAND ISLANI� NEBR/dSK�► 8 ("TNatse'1•
<br /> ��'r�''°d The beneticiuY� I�DIT�D B� BANK
<br /> ,:.�.� _,and whose sddress b
<br />-.��r�:;,�'�:k' whbh b orpanixed md exlsNnp under tha Mws of NEBRASKA �.��.�.
<br /> il �:��� 700 N. WEBB RD. RAND 1 ND NE 3
<br />.'�:�.•�; eortower owes Lende�t tha princqal sum of SinEV Nine Thoussrtd $4ven Hundred end OO,L100
<br /> .r,- c Dopers tUS.i 69 700.00 1.Thb dobt b widwiced hy Barowers not�
<br /> �,,;;� ' m0nta,wkh th� fu1 d�bt, M not pald
<br /> --=--_:��,� ui�isd iis: ::sr� 's�t� ••lhun S�curity Instrumont (�Note'b wNiCh D�ovidas(ot monthN f�aY (03 ilsa r�;�!
<br /> � r, �i. sarppr,du�md pay�bb on Q��"� 1 2 0 2 6 .Th b S�c u r R y I n s t r u m s n t a e c u r e s i o u���•
<br /> _._�:.��a1
<br /> (b) th� paym�+�i at
<br /> L-�,,�'+�r_ a}�ho debt wWanc�d bY lho Noto, wRh int�nst, and all renewals,atensions �nd modiffcatbns of the Notr;
<br /> �., aY bthe� sums, wRh hterost, �dvanced under �aNfl�Ph 6 to proteot tM s�curdy Of this SeCUrity �nsS�uma�►t1 ond (c) ths
<br />;T:;�"�,��x
<br /> -=----- pertortnence at Borrowers covenants end agreernents under this Security Insuument�nd the Note. Fa tl��s puryos+bBa��
<br /> :,,""_�• Yravpca�ly prants and conveys to Trustee, h Wst, with p�wer ol sab, the (olbwhq descrbed pmP�Y
<br /> �,i'_�_:� HALL County;Nebnska:
<br /> ._ ,-.�—:� WEST �lX7'Y THREB(W83') OF THE EAST EIGHTIf-TWO FEET(E82') OF LOT SIXTE�N (16)�
<br /> �.,���� whbh has tnv addross ot 311B W 16TH ST �RAND �ND
<br /> [etnnl fp�Yl.
<br /> — 68803 ('PropatY Addnss'?�
<br /> — NE�RASKA - tz�p coa.t
<br /> �s�:s•► rttmancos,�nd
<br /> '"'W�" = TOGETHER WITH �N tho Improverner►ts nowAOr�en��ts�nd addkiona sht�bs ovsrad by�tS�curity Insbumen4 �+N
<br /> -- _' fDctures now or heroafter e pirt oi the property.
<br /> '�°�=���� of tho farc�oinp Is mt�rted to h thh Sacurity InsWment as ttw'Propsrty'•
<br /> ':;r-?-�,' � BORROWER COVENAMS that Bortower is hwtuly selrsd of the estate hHnsby convvyed end ha� t�e ripht to p�ant and
<br /> �"'`"�'��'''� convey the Property rnd that the Property ts unencumbared, except for encumbrencoa of rocord. BoROwor warrents and wN!
<br /> 'r..: ` .4� .
<br /> :_�'T�;�11,�,�` detend genereiy the tkle to the Property aynhst eN ctaims and demands,subJect to any oncumbrances of reeor .
<br /> ,• r;�
<br />_�.:.•r;�_.
<br /> ' %�`��`• � THIS SECURfTY IN51'RUMENT co�nbhas unHorm aovenante far nationat uae and non�unHortn covenmts wNh 8
<br />--�.�.YA.S�'`�r:ir.'.;
<br /> �,<,.,,�;1�%., � variatWns by Jurisdbtion to constitute a unHortro securily hstrument coverinp reai property.
<br />--,J';i'r'f`•• . t
<br />•;•ysi<<,.;s•Y: ; Borrower end Lender covenant end agroe os 1olbws:
<br />- .t:�,.�_
<br />- :�.'':= ... UNIFOFWI COVENANTS.
<br /> ::;`,+�,
<br />�=.1'�'�:t� . 1. Psyment of Principel, Interest end Lete Char�te. BOrrowe�ShBN p9y whea due lhs prinClpal of,end htereSt
<br /> `;:� ,��' ,, on,the debt evidenced by the Note antl�n►e cnaryes due unww���:C��W
<br /> _•!.;:�.;•�,.n.
<br />�:;�:��,;,��_�,�+ � 2. Monthly Paymant of Taxea� tnsurance� and Other CItStQEB. Bomower sAeN inClude In eacn monthy
<br /> ,_��...�. ��,.�. payment,topether wkh the pnc�ipai and Interest as set torth in the Note end any late oharpos,a sum tar(a)texes and specia�
<br /> •• � -'. "�� assessments Ievied or to be IevHd eyahst the Property, (b) IeasehoW payments or pround rents on �hsurancpe p er►iium(to
<br /> � • `� ' premtums(or insurance reqvled under Peraptaph 4. In any year In whfch tha Lender must prsy e mortpage
<br /> ` , the Secretflry of Housinp and Urben Devebpment("�ecretary")� or h any yoar in wh�h 6uoh premium wo�ld hsvE► been requfred
<br /> -��. H Lender still held the Se�urity Insw�t, e�ch monthy peyment SheA nOso heUde eRher. (I)a eum 4or HsuranCS Ipremium�k
<br /> � ' hswence prembm to be paW by Lender lo the Secrotary,or (f�a montnry charpe instead qf a moRpay�
<br /> thls Security InsWrnent Is held by the Secretuy, tn � reasonabfe amount to be determhed by iha SeCretsry. Except tor the
<br /> '�,.�, �.,� ' .. monthy charpe by the Secretary, these keim9 are calfed 'Eccrow Itema` end the sums pald to le�der ere call�d "Escrow
<br /> � ` ' Funda.'
<br /> _ ��� .
<br /> ' . • '- � P�p�1 ot s
<br /> . FSOt�.LM4(67�)
<br /> 301
<br />