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<br /> . aad �tw�edid i�n� I�a $�eerd......:»....«»...............;�a�s' ' }. ' � ,
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<br /> � -- � -:- -' s.: � _ .S�JR�QRSHIP =WA►�tRAI1ITY D�ED _
<br /> _ xemetlz H. sc3.niat aua A�rllis c. sc9�nidt. husband and v�ife: ana Ra�o�� s. . _
<br /> � O�t7ax7o� and 3enr�ifgr S.-O'Camor. husbnnd �;�ie�a�D�d t�s�tor-wh��e�ee are'�,
<br /> ia�ean�identia�oi �ielve 'rhoueand Piv� � Dol.la=s (S12.50Q.001- �
<br /> raeeiT�d L+o� �rant�a,-dow iran�, bsrhio,sdt eoary aad aa�fiss� t+Jelviu W.`�1i173�at� ard ` .
<br /> Patrfcfn D. �iiltiats. t�usUa�d and wife. . ` .
<br /> � ioint teaants �rit� rl�ht ot �nl�o�iP, aud aot as tri�ta i� �asaaa, i�t tdlowini d�6�d �w1 �
<br /> �. '
<br /> prop�st�q ia ........�.............�......:......:......:« Caot�T,N�i�rl+a: - � . , �
<br /> - Lot Fifty Pive (55) in Ha�tho�e Plaoe. bein9 a Sut�div3si,�m of part of ;
<br /> -- the NooCt��eat Qua�rter (L�) af_Secti�an�nty�� 422). Tc�hi.P Elev�s�
<br />,�"� - (11) Pta�th (N). Rdrjge Nfs�e t9�t�Test of t2fe�6fih P.I�l. in Ha11 Caaiiy. . �
<br /> _ _ . Net�ic'aglsa. c _
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> �,
<br /> To lu�e aad to hold tbe above de�ibed ��� to�ti�e wI�► a1t t�o�eab► h�r�ditam�
<br /> ' and aDparteasnca� t�a�eto belon�in�nnto the �ant� a�to�r�i�y ae to th��S and �d�
<br /> ot th��ar►l�or ot them iorever. �
<br /> '� dad �raatos doe� hefeb�aoveaaat with th� R+�te�s aad with thdr aNi� and wlth tha hdrs
<br /> and�ri�s ot the�ar�ivar o!th�m tl�aat �ator is Lwlt�I�S�ei�ed o!�id D��:tLat thq�!iw iroa =
<br /> - j �mbrano� except ease�esits and restri.ctiats vf reccacd am�l a rea]. estate mactgage ' . . _--
<br />,. filed as Instnm�t N�mber 77-003353 in the aecozds of ttye Regiser of Deeds: . a��=
<br /> ': � ��:
<br /> '� thst�rsntor has aood rI�ht and bwinl ant��r�y to aoavey the wmei and thst araator easraat� aad w�71 ��.`
<br />� � defend the title to Mid premi�ea againet the lswtal olatma ot a11 pesioiu wl�om,�aever. ���
<br />;�:,.,, � It i� the intention o! sTE yarlie� hereto that ia the e�eat oi ths de�th ot either ot ths �esnte�, �
<br /> . �(.'`,
<br />. - the eatire !ee title to thia real Droperty �h�ll veit ia the �arvivina arantee.
<br /> r..�. � .
<br /> 19T�.,� �
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<br /> � -�4.f.#�. Befars ms,s aotarJ pnblia qediHed!as Wid cau�ty, Per�onaliy asme Kenneth H. Sctmidt aad f I
<br /> ° s Phyllis C. Sctrrtidt. husbaad airi wife; and Raymond J. o'Ce�u�or �nd dennifer S. O'Cau�o�r. ;,
<br /> �;�. �:-�. • ; .
<br />. �.�� _i�r.+. � . k�t�sb�id dnd wife,
<br /> 'Y�i��•_,+,5' _ i ,
<br /> F•r
<br /> . ,y w�a:i•. . :
<br /> �
<br /> �i
<br />. • •'�. , . . , . . j.
<br /> � - � ' - �- --- • Icaovra to me to be the identicel person ar peraona Rbo aigned.!he toregoiag instrument �td aalmowledged _ , � .
<br />- �=`` ��'� the ezeautian thereot to be h9e,her or their iolnntery act aad dee�. '
<br /> �
<br /> ' �•`t`-.�.,.r:�, 4'�, . {� .
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