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<br /> � 18. Borrower'e Rlght to 6teirtstav errliull ll���'I����1gfu u►ht cCtua�PPe�r.ee�&�tgseheQun hy�lxn 1r ytnt enf�r�dtl i.a- ,
<br /> • Tn�st, due to Bonower's bre�ch� B��rr .. '�
<br /> • � Deed af Trust d'esconsiz�ued at a��y ti�i►e pric:;to die earli�r to �wcur ��f�fr`udf ntien�enf��ning iiis Drcd�af,'frast�ifetty
<br /> '� � pursua�u ro the�wcr�if r�le cnutal��ed in thi�Deed�sf Trust or tip entry 1 8 �..__
<br /> &�in�wer pays Lei�der YII S!l1i15 WIlICII WOLL�II���titer��vet�ns�r pa een�e�GK�ss�n�r�� N 1�Ai�� 1n this�Deed�of ��-u-
<br /> . �;�;uR��: (�) gorrowcr cuces a!1 breaches�if a Y �:�.'_
<br /> ,.,;, �-::�::..
<br /> - �;: Teust: (c) Sotto«�r pay� �I�•inl 1 iK�Deed c f�*u c and i�neufi cc�B Le►�e���'�'�Tn�tee�1s�remedies a pr�videJt n
<br /> ,k' �greements of&►rrower cnntal �'_�.
<br /> �"�� paragraph 17 hereof, imluding. but not linilted to. rea.u►nahle attari�eys'fees; a�xl (dl B��rr��wer t�Gces suct� aceion ati --4LY-
<br /> _ .--, �,,��er may rea.�nably require m assure tliat the lien ��f tl�is Dee�d of Trust. Ix�xier's interest "' u`t�p 7In�Yt And �_��_�
<br /> �+r'`""�� Bormwer's obligation to pay the sunLS secured by tttia Deed of Ttust slu�li conduae unim{►aiYed. Ujx P Y -�.
<br /> ,� !Y.-exr•.
<br /> cure by Borrower,this Deed af Trust and the abligatlans secured liereby shall renutin in full fi�rce iuxl effect�.g � ���J`_
<br /> ' accelcrateon had uccurred. �Mment ot liadvn'i Lmder in Posseasion. As addidonal security hereutxter. --�i.r v
<br /> ot Retits: APW �. ,�.
<br /> 19• A���� mvided tlut Bortawer shall. pdor m acceleration uixler —
<br />- � � Borrower hereby s�s�8�to ��er the rents af the P�vpee�ght m ccillat and ret�in suc��ren�s as tliey txcan�due and —
<br /> • paragraph 17 hereof ar Abandonn�cnt of the Pmperty. _-_
<br /> ,r � p;tyutfle. _
<br /> Upon acceler�don under paraBraPh l7 hereof or aba�onn�eut of ttx Property. Lender. in person,t►y agent ar bY
<br />_ judici�lfy ap►winted rece�ludin�tho..��F'-E d��enAll nt� ailklecte.d by1 Lender�r the recei er slull beA s►�ppliallfir�c�� `
<br /> renGS af the PrapertY 8
<br />-' �,•,`•_ ' payment of ttie costs of wanaSement of the�attarae s'dfces�aad theutto the sums secured by thi peecl of TErust i'l.encier
<br /> premiums on receiver's ix►nds and reasa►�ab e Y ,_
<br />- ,� ancl the rccxeiver shall be li�ble to account only for tteose rents accually received. �-�_
<br /> . , .,.:, � r
<br /> . � Z0. Reconvey�xe. UPon pay nder tliis�D d of Tcust and all hx�te��de►K:ing u�detuedne�.s�cure.d bytd I Deed of
<br /> shall surre cs
<br /> :•, � .' reconvey t6e PropertY aad without w�rranry wd without cl�arge to the person ar petsans legally _
<br /> �'••�� �'� Tcust to Trustee.Truscee sl�ll recunvey the P�c�pertY
<br />��'•��2 entitled themto. Such person oI l�ers�1°s shall pay all wsts of re�:ordation.if any. ;nt a successor
<br /> '� 'i'�. 21. Substttute Tn�sta. Lender,at L.ender's opdon,may from timc tc; tin:;.rr.::::�c:'rastee and aPPQ
<br />��.;;•,e ti� in whtc6 this Deed of Ttust is
<br /> tcustee to �ny Tcustee apppinted hereunder hY �1e ��nr nustee�sh�ll�su c�o all d�e tide. power aud duties
<br /> � `�" recorded. Without conveyance of the Pmpert�,y��,,
<br />,'�"`-;':,, confened upon the Tiusicc L-e.ein��y�Ypl��..s+IP IAW.
<br />�:�.�•`r'�r'
<br /> , �, 22. Itequ�xst for Notl�ts. Hoirowaa reyuests tt�t coptes of Ais nodce of default and naNce ot saie be xu's �e
<br /> .v�- ..,..:p
<br /> r..��,¢p�,;.�:. 9c►rrower'saddress whicb as�hePraperty Address-
<br /> ''''��,;;,;,,,,�„w ?3.Iiwrdotrr Sub�es.Borrower stuU not cause or pernvt the presence.use.d�sposal.storage,or ctlease o�sny
<br /> --=-==�� Ha7ardous Substances un or in the Propeny. Bormwer shall aot do, r�ar allow anyane else to do i�o tl�e presence. vse,
<br />�;u:=� prnperty that is in violaaon of any Bnviroumental Uw. The prec�cling two �entences shal�no�aPP�Y to��propdate tv
<br /> or storage on the PeopertY of small quanddes nf Iivardous Sui�stznces that ue generally recogni
<br />- ���;-� nocmal residen�d uses ancl to mlinten�e of the PmPesey __
<br /> --�:.:.�er�aa aorrowar sh�il prom�tlY B�ve Lender wcitten noZbce of any inveatigation,slaim. de�usnd. la�suit or other ac@on by
<br />-`_ '-'`-' �y govemment4l or regulAtory agency os priwte puty tnvolviag the Property uxl anY Hu�cdous Svbsw�ce Ar �
<br /> ---� Environn�ental I�w of which Bonower t�s actua3 k�x�wtat��. ;E^;::.�•�•°-��.Q'-'��mtified by any Roveramenql ox
<br /> -:.�:� 4uttadty, that any removal or other r�medlsuion of any Haardous Substaace affectii►S tUe P�nPertY is
<br /> ,._�� �g��ry
<br />�. necessary.Bor[ower slwll PromPt1Y take all necessatY temedi�l aedoas in nccocclance with Enviromnent�l Lxw.
<br />- --- ps used ia this pnra8raph Z3. "Hou+rdous 5ubstaaces" are those �vbs�nc�s defiad as taxic or�a�arelcws substances
<br /> k cxh�r tlammalsle or toxic peuoicum P����
<br />�-- by Envimnmental I�w and the following substances: gasoline. eroscne.
<br /> toxic pesdctdes tnd hecbicides•voladle solvents. m�terials conta�ninE asbesws or fomwldehyda.a�x1 radiosetive materi�ls.
<br /> -- ps�sed in this puagraPh 23."Environmental Law' means feder:il Inws an�d laws of the Jurisdtcdon where t1►e PropenY as
<br /> -_=_- = located ttiat eelate to health,s3fety or envimwi�errtel pmtection.
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