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<br /> Jdfi M KRRJCI
<br /> F a wlien du� the Pri1tcipal and interest
<br /> • U NIPORM CovBNANTS. Born�wer anJ Ixnder cove»allt and agree as fa ows. .
<br /> 1. Pay�►cr�t of �+��cie N��t natid lat r�ar�eBasrPmvi�d in tlte Ni�teY r y ver h U:ncler, Bntt��wer sl�all�t:►y U� �
<br /> �ndehted»etis evidenced by tl _
<br /> �. Funds for Taxes a-*►d�nsnrnnce. Suhject t��applicabld law or a written w Y
<br /> e�and assessmeuGti(includin8 crnid��minium anJ plaanertu��if
<br /> l.,et�der an die day mnntt►ly paYments of prl`f�ae��r'yte���re paysble under die N��te, until tl�e Nute is patd in full. a L
<br /> sucu(lierein "Funds") eyual tu�mr-twelftii Y --
<br /> a��;�� ��fity over this Deed uf Tntst,and�mund rr�l�remiwn't�i�.5talln�nts
<br /> d�velopn�nt as.se�.sn�ents, if a��y) which may P lus une•twelfth of yeatly p
<br /> a��y,plus one-twelftli of yeaely premium installments fiir hu7ard in+;urance,p a
<br /> Lender �m tlie hasis of
<br /> for mongage insuratx:e, if any, all ag rra.S`��a�1e f�n B�nower sl�uU ►x�t be��hligated t+nmake su i f[n►.t�if such I lder
<br /> assessnxnts an d bi l l s a n d r e a s m�a b l e e s d m a
<br /> :�� co Lender ta the eatent that Borr��wer makes such payments co d�e hu l der��f a p r i o r m o rt g a g e o r d e e .
<br /> • •'^ is an in5[itutional lender.
<br /> if Boaower pays Funds m �����i, ela e l�y(i h IuJ�Ill.ender if'1.enQer�i.ti su 1�anatttsdtuti n)��Lxnder sl�all app�y _
<br /> insured nr guaranteed by a Federul or stat fi
<br /> the Funds t��pay said taxes,a�.Sessmen�5.insuranvedieing�anJ cun pilii g said as es�n entsyand b Ilss unle.ti��lxnderEpay ,�
<br /> applying the Funds. a��alyzing satd ac�oui t fY .,�. . •
<br /> gorrc�wer interest un u'�:Fwids and applicable law permics 1-ender tn nvike such a chnrge• B�n��wer a��d Leuder n�ay agree ,'��4ti'
<br /> �; in writing at d�e tin�o'f executii�u�?f d w Dee�t�Su hSti terescttoehe paid1el.ender shall n e t�e�re9uired�to Pay B rn�wer ,r:;y-� '�
<br /> licable la 9 of die Funds . � ..t,_,->.
<br /> such agree;ment is mude or app , .;:��::�-.��-..-
<br /> ::• � � any iuterest or e�rnfngs on d�e Eun�9s. Lender shaU give�fnT�1hich�r ch(debit tosthe Funds was maclenThe FutKls are , .:•: --
<br /> •„ �,. shawing credics and debits tofor tht sums secured by this Deed af Tnut. :�'-=-:,;�..�.
<br /> • � � � pledged as additional security
<br /> lf die amount of[he Funds held by Lender,IOgC[I12T WIIII IIl ll(I (CpGSn S 3II Clt ee(I,IIIC 1111(UUt`(Mf�QS1l1T(�bteP Y S11d
<br /> insura�xe Premiums and 8ro ���'�
<br /> � ` ; :' the due dztes of ta�ees. assessn�ents. �
<br /> ��'�' �� taxes, assessmen�s. insurance pren�iums and ground rents as t11ey fall due, such ea�:ess sUall t►e. at Borrower's opt on, �
<br /> � fall due, —
<br /> ����'-'�`�', '; � eid�er prompdy repatd to Hom�wer or credited to Bo�Sessments,�insurance lp eemiums a ddground rents as they e Funds
<br /> :�.���;`'' f.� held hy I.ender sha11 not be sufficient to pay taaes. •
<br /> ' '..�� ':. Borrower shall pay 4�I.�l�er any a�►1°unt necessaiy c�n�ake up die deficiency in ime or more payments as 1-ender n�ay •`�: -
<br /> '. ,`,.;�:3:.,� shall ram tly rafund to Borrawer any Funds •-'`��
<br /> :.: ; • � require. I.ender.I.ender
<br /> ��•`' �'• Upon payment in full of all sutus secured by ch�s Deed s�T��.�p���p a�herwise acquited by
<br /> '�'�. : ..,:t� ar iss a��uisidon by Lender. anY Funds held by
<br /> ----:;;'.<.r='�',. ";.•, i�c�d ny L�nder.If nncter paragraAl► 17 heno f o the saie�i�tic Frcf�° i -
<br /> :� ':�;�� � ahall apply. no later than immediately p
<br /> . i! l,ender at the dme of applicadon as a credit against clte sunss secuted by t6is Deed of T�ust.
<br /> q� �' 3. Application oP Payments. U�iless applicable law provides od�erwise. all payments reeeived by lxi�der under the
<br /> lied by Lender first in payment af anwunts payable ta I,xnder by Banower
<br /> .° � . Note and PAraEr�Phs 1 and 2 hereof shaQ be aPP
<br /> '.' �;: ondet pazagrapt�2 hereof,then to interest payable on the�N;c�ea�d Bott���es�����o� �No��wer's obli�arion5
<br />. ':`�,'� � 4. Prtor Mortgw�es�nd Dee�of Trustt C� �nt wid�a Iton which has priariry ave�d�Is Deed of Trust.
<br /> . . - under any ��ortgage, deed of trust or odter securiry agree �„ �r cause to be paid all ta�ces,essessments
<br /> `^�'� �+ including Bonower's cuvenanGS to cnalce paymenGS when dus. Borrc�wer st�a71 y
<br />" ` �'�'��� sitioas attributable ta thc PcoPertY Which may attain a priority over thts Ueed of Trust.
<br /> '_--� and other charges. fines a�xl impo
<br /> ;;'.',',�'"�' a�1e�ti���paym:nts or ground renGS.if any. —�--r--_
<br /> • �'•::'•; S. Hozard I�urance. Bnnower shall keep d►:impmvements now exisdug or 3�ereafter erec[eu on il►i; Pra�SCrtY ���
<br />_ `�� ii�sured ugainst toss bY fire,ha�dS»luded within die temi"extended coverage", anc�suCh odier hazards as Ix�xter n�ty
<br />:.,.•_ :� require and tn sach amounts and for such periods as 1.ender may re9uire.
<br />-' • ,::f�'� � The in5urance carrier provitling tLe�nsu�e 5���chosen by Botmwer subjec:t to approval by Lender;provided,
<br /> � d�at snch approval shall not l�e wv�easa nan�ly���rtsage c]a se ii favorlof and in a form acr,p b e to Lendern Ixnder
<br /> .�'. '.'•:.'�"��;� arcepqble ta l.endet aixi shal
<br /> � sha11 lu�ve the right m hold the policies and renew:�s diereo�. subjecc to die tem�s of anY mortgage.derd of m�s3 or other
<br />�=,-, over this Deed of Tcust. �-
<br />_ •�'�,� . secudry agreement with a lien which has priority t�dce to the i»s-urance carrier aad 1-eneler. Lender may�e praif
<br /> '�' ' ' In the event of loss,Bortower shaU give promp
<br />- =�'��'Y•�'����' of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> �`.`� �'�'� ����1, ' If the Property is abandoned by Bonawer, or if Borrower fails to respond ta Lender within 30 days from tlie date
<br /> �w..,_..,.. .
<br /> ' ' `�'�''; a�ndce is mailed by Lendee to Horrower that the insuraixe ca�r►er offers to settle a cla�m for insurance bemefits• �x�►d�r � : . �
<br />' ' � �'� : authorized ro collect and apply the insurance prnceeds at Le�der's option either to restoradon or repair of the Property or
<br /> �� �'�
<br /> m the sums stxured by this Deed of T�ust. �o��; Con�ominiians; plann�d Unit Developmente•
<br /> .I'::`.:-;s�� � , 6. Preservatton �nd Malnte+nnnce of PropertYi `��.
<br /> • "�-trt rt in ood a�r ancl shall nc+t comnut waste or{►ermit impaimient or detedoration of tLe w�:�,�
<br /> . .�,�,;.,:;�� . y � Hnrcower sl►ait keep the Pmge y S �
<br /> , Propeny and s1�11!comply with tlie prc�visions�°Veloyn en Bomoweres all pertinm all of Borrowerls bl gat ons under die • -
<br /> �. ` on a unit in a canc�omininm ot a plamwd umt d P :,� =-=
<br /> , � ' �°e�`:.iO7w.�.,.z �.'.
<br /> � �� t declaration or cuvenants creatin8�'r BUVer�ung the concionunium or planned unit developn�ent.the by-laws and regulutions '�
<br /> ` � of the condominium or planned umt development,and consticuent documents. '.`�.i "�.z��
<br /> � If Bc�rrawer fails m perforn� tlie covenants aud agreen�ents containecl in this ,,r ,:..;
<br /> �:���;:: � 7. Protedion of Lender a Security. :;<.� .
<br /> Deed of Tcust,or if any astion or proceeding is conw�enced whict�materially affects n�edi hurse such sun��includ ng �"','t,'rt� �•�'
<br /> � make such ap� "�'�
<br /> �; ., �a+�'� !:•.
<br /> � 1,ender. at Ixcxier's option, upon nottce to Bottower, may _, . .
<br /> - --_�� _ __ _ . _. �__. _..., .oup���t�acuan as is necessary co pmte�:t Lender's inrerest. lf Lender reyuiced mortgnge
<br /> _.:____ ._._......_� _ _a__u�..�60�rnmiuMC TM1ll1iC(1 LO � .. _
<br /> - TC3S(1113DIC aROTlKy� tcza. ..........-� __'"
<br />�' ii�sutance as a condition of making the loan ses:ured t►Y this Deed nf Tntsc. �sorruwc������t•••i �..r._._r- ---.
<br /> � maintain such i��surance in efFeti:t until such timi`�hletaw�.uirement fi�r such i��surunce ternunates in accordaix:e with
<br /> Botrower's and Lender's written agceement or app
<br /> � . Any unounts disburseBormwer�secured bYtthi�Deed uf Trust�UnlessnBn ower and Le der agtree t��odier1term.tin f .
<br /> _ additinnal indebtedne5s of �n m�tice fmm ixnder to flormwer reyuesting payment thereuf. N��d�ing
<br /> payment, sucU ar,nounts shall be payable upc
<br /> contaicecd in this paragraPh�shall require Lender to incur any ea{�eme or take any actinn liereunder.
<br /> 8. li►spection. Lender may mak ei'no�e�prior�a��iy�uci�in�:ri�m specifyin��reasimab�`i:aune thereforrel•a ed to
<br /> . prrnideci thac I.encler s8all give Born
<br /> LA:r�Jer's interest in ti�e PmpertY•
<br /> - �o Cu�tomesl Y�sc x�,r s • ..
<br /> -i
<br /> � Nchrnr.kn 2�+K76-2 5/95 Original(R�cord�d) Copy(Sranchl PY�
<br /> ....._ . _ . --- �--.._.�
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