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<br /> s.�.�..Nw...�..�dw�r-Tiu�h�s�r por at taa.�s�s a�f al.dia�s.:id�1'w,..�ilbeut fi�i�diN.fiNS.�!i�-
<br /> �iliMSaHtiulibNll�llq�rty�aMi NeMMid/o��ts er�rw�ir�MS.iE a�i.i�f�nfA�sow�bap�ed�wM.7nutor�MqM�e�
<br /> Mr irwsi�ui l�ici�p d niAius af a�ts.dMe trdK tliis ra/�1M.�i in/M�tnRtar sld eidoe�K d�ct�.Tru:ta►�N .
<br /> qq�/ly tunisA to Mr�ciary+a�iPh��9�P�s.Trustor shoN�ollrmas aid ass�ss�nls aAiidl nay 6t kri�uoow
<br /> /wfidory's inhnst Mcsin a upon tirs DNd of Tnist wiNaut n�erd to any law Niot eq b�wiochd'woosinA��f of tIM whoN a anfr .
<br /> I�tlMrwfuNn��a�y � ' � . :
<br /> 6.�iil�t tit�i lr�e1M�1.�ri si�wily.Tnatar shoN�dw aY p�o�w�ts of intinst ad printipal and�s of s�fi
<br /> otiNr cUary�s.f�ad�t�hd tv 6�pdd to aqr�dtiig i'i�iialdss or priar iNneficiaries undrr aqt prior dNd of trast ae�- .
<br /> t9op�6�tor�th�do�t tlM1I����R�P�h►�f►���f►aid aR oHMr ri�ns.e(oiins or ci�or�s�tich n�l�P��� � �
<br /> s�it1►Yrmhd h�t�.lf Trustor fail�to n�dc�a�y suidE pof►�f or ta�s to p�form mf►of flr co+�naKs a�d a�n�eMnts contain�d in this
<br /> � ONd of Trust.Q e m1►0►�+^��a dnd of trust.of if ary action a pra�ed'r�is wnrn�nud whidi madrieMlr aFhcis l�ne�iciQfr's in� -
<br /> — tw�st in thi P�ropirh.ircM�d'ig.6ut no!�it�d te.NniwR dMain Orac�d'rgs•or Ra�gs inra�irg a�nd�.ar if tmsta fo�ls to pay —
<br /> - Tnator's d�6ts q�n�taMlr�tl�bca�du�,ttwe�fici�r,at t�f'Kiay's ap�fion and witl�our eotice to a d�mord upon?NStar and
<br /> - without nbesig Trusta►fran ary ob�Otion I�dK.n�ft ndn wd�c�adias,disb�weh sun�.artd talor such aetion asis na�ssay .
<br />-- :' �P����1►'s intu�est incMidi�g.6ut not 4mitrd to.ds�urswn�nt of t�o�aia6tt attom�'s f�s,payn�d.Purclws�,cantest ar tart- . — - —
<br /> pranis�of an1►e�a�nbrma,chuag�a lien,and�►Wo�th�P►op�ty ra make r�pars.ln the ewnt tlat Tn�sta shall fal to pronre in- -- —
<br /> - suronn a ro pafr ta�a,assessnkms,ar ai1►othe*char�es a to maic�ary poynNnts ro e�iati�prior Ga�hotders or 6w�eficiaries.e�f'Kiar!► _–__-_
<br /> ' ma�t protae wcb insuraue and motc*wch pannent.Arry omoix�ts disbu►sd 6y Qenttki�►purwant totMs Pbrapraph bsliaM Mcane additiaiot ��-,:--
<br /> ind�Medness of Trustor secaed by this Oe�d of Trust.Such amoutts shaN be po'able apa�notia fran BMeticiary to Tcustor reqwstiig pef►• —�43+�
<br /> '�cM�.=:-:
<br /> m�nt tl�eof.md sholl beor interast fram tl�s date of�ishuswMnt ot th�rate po�rable iran tin»to time an artstand�g I�rincipal u�d�►tM -,;��
<br /> -� �� Nott unMss ya�me�rt of inrer�st at such roh wa�td be caMrall�9PD��faw.in which avw�f wch amou�ts stwll bear iM�rest at ths hghest •T�,`
<br /> � �permiss+bk under appticabk low.Nott�g caitaned in this Parapraph 6 shall req�ii+e&neficiary►to incur onjl expens�a taic�any action -_.j�.�f _
<br /> ��_,:
<br /> � < � _ -=-: ti_:-.--
<br /> - t��dev. � �-�
<br /> .,_��,A��_
<br />-. : _ . " �.M�ij��t�f R�..Beneficiary shdl hwe the right.Power ad adNoritY du�M9 tix car�tinuance af Mis Oeed of Trust to coNect the -t:°,:._�
<br /> `. , rents,iswes ad p'ofAS of the Property ad of an1►P�►�ProPMY_Ixated thereai r�ithar without Mag po;sessi6n of tM propertY affected —� .
<br /> , ` �`'Y hereb�►,and Tcustor heroby absohitet�►and uncond�tionalty ossigns all such�ents,iswes a�d p�fits ta Be�efitwry.Beneficiarf►,however,herebli. ,�;�,_
<br /> - sa�s�nts ta tti�Trustor's c�lkctian and retartion af wd►rents��ssua�and.profits ns fhey amie ond becaeEs payabla so lag es Tnista is not, <���4::`_
<br /> � . �- at sud�time.in dafatt witE►�espett to payment of my indebtedn�ss securod hereby,ar in the paf�e af ary►�agreemait hereuider.Upon - - . __--
<br /> �=-2 ary wch defoult,Beaeficiary may at arry time.QitlKr in person,btit ogern.or by.re,ceiver f0 6e appointed Iry u wut.without notice and witNout V�
<br />.. �` ��`` repord to the pdequocy of ary securiry for the indebtedness hereb�t seca'ed,to)erKa upon and tdce poss�ssion of thr Propecty ar aef►PaA . - _ = -
<br /> -��fr, nclud' ur�paid.and appl�►the same. � --
<br /> _-.��i,��-' ., thereof,and in its ewn nane sue far or otNerwise wlkct such reMs,iswesand proPds,i xgthosa past dus md � . :'.: :.�
<br /> ' ��'.�..� tas tasti and expenses of operatian and cofkction,irxludmy reasoenbte attaneyrs fees,upon m11 inde6tedness seared liu�byl.and in wcN ; '`"�` --
<br /> �B '�?j:�:'- _
<br /> ordK as Bmeficiary moyr d etertniner t b)O�ornr w c h 9 d s o f repai�cr pro t e c t i o n a s m a y b e n u e s s a ry a p r o p e r t o c o n s K V e t h e v o W e a f t h e "
<br /> `�;� ' �roperry:{c)lease the sam�or ary part thereof for such rentai,term.ond upon such conditions as its iud�ne�t map�cfate or terminate ar ad• .`� �
<br />: � 's�: �u'st tt�e te�s-ad caditions of ony existirg k ose a k o s es.U n l e ss T r v s tor a d B a n e f i ciary a�ea otherNise in writ i n g.a y a p p litatian ot rents. �'` ;'=�`.':•�
<br /> .�.,�. '-:;;F;;:r_._�,
<br /> ��.:°t,<�i�;,..;ti:. issues or�r�fits to any indebtedness secured t�rebfr sholl not��end or postpone the due date af th�instdhtknt paye�c+�es as prorided in said : •.:::;
<br /> .. '.�.�??tn�`.�,''
<br /> - _ ,.;�:,7,• � Dromissory note ar change the amount of such instaltmmts.The er�terin�upon ad taking possession of ths Propert�.ths colMctia�of such ' �''�'=`�:_�;
<br /> a .�Y.r �: `7` . .
<br /> :.�-,r�. m�ts,iswes ond p►ofits.and the application theroof as aforesaid.shall nat waive or cure arry default or notke of detault fi�roud�r,or in- , -
<br /> - validate arhr act done pursuaRt to suc1�notice.Trostar atso assigns to BentfKiary,as futlur secuirty for the pafer�ance of the obl'�gotions s
<br /> ��� . stcured heroby,al l prepaid renis and all monies whicb may have been or may hereafter 6e deposited Mitt►said Trustor by any fessee of the Pro• � - ¢
<br />� • y� _-� � perty,to secure the payment of any rent or damoges,and upon defauN in the pe�fo►mante of ony af*'�e provisions hereof,Trustar o9rees to �, . , .-': �
<br /> �.��.
<br /> ��i�.4!-� .j, _Y.
<br /> �•�. . ;�,�-� delivc►wch►ents and deposits to 8eneficiary.Oelivery of writtan notice oF Benefic'wryt's exercise of tl�e r`x�is�anted Atrein,to ony tena�t a• 1 .
<br /> Y � `'=.. cupyin9 soid premises shoN be suff'Kiem to require said terlont to poy said rent to the Beneficiary until turther notice. , ;��°
<br /> •, �__,f��F� 8.�.If titk to ary part of the Property s!�alt�e taken in condtrt�natian pra�eedi�s.6y rigAt of e+ni�x domoin ar s'nnilar action, � ; : <.�,�°=
<br /> ' ;�==="''<�: � or stall 6e sold under th►eat of condemrwtian,all awards.Aanoges ad prxeeds ae hereby ossi�ed or.d sholl be poi�3"to Benefic'�y who sha0 f : .° ,-=:
<br /> � ". �=4=�'�--,->' . opply such c�,ords,dartwges and praeeQs to the sum saured by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess,if anr,paid.to Tri�stor.lf Trusta receivas , � - �� ;'
<br /> . �.., __ � �..; . �,_....
<br /> -'���'-�.T'- � � any notice or other informotion regordirg such octions or praeedings, Trusta stall Qive prompt wri»en notice thereaf to benefic'wry.
<br /> � . � �'=�:F'4=" •�' B�neficiary sholl be entitkd,at its option,to commence,appear in and prosecute in its ewn name any such action a proceedinqs and sholl be en• E ' �•��
<br /> , ,'"' ,:" iitkd to make ony compromise or settlement in connection with any such ation a proceedings. ,. �'':;'
<br /> ..+.:.�r.+-� J r ,�;,'-.� .
<br /> :�'�- ti�� .� 9. �w��MN vdai��.Beneficiory sholl be entitkd to en#ace payment ond per(amance of any irtdebtedn�ss or oblipa►ions secured � -�,3��::
<br /> .�.��.:_-. . s �y��to eaertise oH rights and powers under this Oeed of Trust or under any other ogreement extcuted io tonnettian herewith or onf�tows �. • � .-.._..-.
<br /> • .a_ .;:,;.. � ..
<br /> ''c',•ia'�L�G�"�,... , .
<br /> - �.. .,�1. �,?�., �: nuw or herecFtK in tace,notwithstandinq soma or oIl of the su�h indebtedness and obligotions secu�d hereby r.ra�naw or her�after 6e other• �. .
<br /> ..y�J,.f N. . .
<br /> %��.�h'- �:-•� ; _ '����1,wliether bY mortgoge,deed oi trust,pkdge,lien,ass'�gnmeet or otherwise.Neither the aceptance af tfiis Ored of Trust nor A� ± . .
<br /> • entorcert�ent whether by court ation a pursuant to the powtr o}sale or othc powers htrein contained,shall prr,�dfcs a in any monner offect j
<br /> i,. � ' ' ' Beneficiay's right to realiie upon or enforte any other seturity now or hereafttr held by Beneficiary,it being ogre�i thot Benefitia►y sholl be j : •
<br /> _ _ _'_ _ entitled to e�ace this Oeed o1 Trust cnd any other securtty now or hereofter_held by Beneficiary in such order ond manrKr as if may irt its ab� i :
<br /> � solufs discrotion determine.No�emedy herein ca►fened upcn or rese�ved to&nefi�iary is intenEea to be exciusive ofi any other�emedy herein - - — -
<br /> ` ' . or�y low provided or permitted,but eah shall be cumulative and shell6e in oddition to esrery other remedy given hereunder or naw or hereafter • • ,
<br /> ``� existirg at law or in equity a by statute.Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Oeed of Trust to Beneficiary or to whith it may be ; ;
<br />� ' � otherwiss entitkd,may 6e exercised,concunentty or i^�zpcndentty,irom tima to tim.e ond as often as+noy be Aeemed axpedienf Beneficiary � . •
<br /> � • � . and it mey pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothirg htrein sholl be construed as prohi6iting Beneficiary from seekirg a defic'�xy ludgment againsl 4 .
<br /> • ' ' ths Trustor to the e�teM such ation is permitted by Inw. � ,
<br /> :~. ;_- 10. Ti�sbr d►r�f�t��.�f afl ar ony perf of the prape►ty or any iMerest therein is sold,tronsiened a conveyed by Trusta
<br /> . without&neficiary's priox Mnitten consent,exctuding(c�the crection of a lien or encumbrance suhardinate to this Oeed of Trust,(b)the c�a•
<br /> , � , �,j,:'�� . tion of o purchase rtane;r sec�xit�r interesllor househo�4 aypfiances,(c)o transier by devise,descent a by operotian o!law upon the death of o
<br /> ' joiM tenont a (d)the gra�t of any leosehotd interest ot three yeas or bss not contair�ng an option to purchase, Bene!'Kary moy, at
<br /> . � '� &neficiary's option,declare all the sums secured by this Oeed df Trust to be immediutety Que and poyable,or cause the T►ustee to file n rrotiee �
<br />� - - -� -." .- • of Qefautt.Beneficimy shatl have waived such option to aaeterme if,prior to the sole,transier a tanveyance,Bene#iciary aad the person to . - - �
<br /> . � ' ' ' � whwn the proptrty 1s to be sold or transferred reuch agreement in writing that the credit of suth person is setisfcttay tb 8enefitiay ond that : ,
<br /> � the irKerest payaDk an tAe sums secured by this Deed o�Tcust sholl he af such rate as Beneficiary sho0 request. �
<br /> , . . . . . . .{.. •
<br /> . , . :, . , . ,.
<br />