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<br /> , 'POCE7f1FR wn'H au tbe i�op�on►aneats now�hmeatier enxue on we pro�iercy:�d all eue+neocs.apwrten�s. .
<br /> ` � �ad Satm�es now at hatiRer a�art oi�bt proQerty. All t�plaoanents and additioas st�11 also be covaed by this So�arify '
<br /> Io�rnent. All of d�e taegana is refaz+ed w ia this Sc�uiry fis�marent u the'Propecry." , �
<br /> � BORItOVYE1t COVE.�IANTS that Boimrrer is laviifu}ty seised af the euste I�a{eby conveyed and h�s tbe rigpt ta gc�t ;
<br /> � � a�d�onvey the Pmpe�ty aod t�t the Roperty is uKacumbaed.eacept far encumM�ooes of c�eca�. Bamwa warraats and
<br /> will defend grne�ally the titie W Ihe Ptopeity aBairut ali olaims aod demands.wbjax w aay encumbia�oes of tocord.
<br /> � THIS SEC[JRTTY INSTRUII�NT combiaes unifam wvemnts for twtional use and non-unifoim coveaarUs with �
<br /> timited vamrions EyF,�uisdictian tocon�tidtte a smifosm seturity instrumeat wvering�ea!pmperty. , . n
<br /> � tJNit�RM aQVENAM'S. Fat:ower and Leader covm�nt and agm as follows: whea due tht " --
<br /> ' l. Phywe�E d PridMla�l Lt�+t:P�ep�J�e�l��� Bortowa's1nU P�PUY 1�Y -
<br /> prir�cipal of arW i�werest on the debt evidax�ed bY the Note and anY P�Y�t and!au chu8es due wider the Note. ,
<br /> 2 E��s t�r 11oa�s aM iMrs�ew Subject m apphcabie law oe�u a writien waive�by I.eader.Bamwa shatl paY to
<br /> i.ender ao t6e daY��Y PsY�?��e�u�der dx Nate.wnil the Note is paid ia full.a sum("Funds")for:(al Y�Y
<br /> - taxes�od assessmans wi�ich miy attam ptioriry bver[tus Soc�ity Ltstrurtknt as a liar oa the PtopRCy;(bl y�1Y kasehold .
<br /> -_ payments ar g�awrd rents fln the Pto�peRy.if aoy: (c) Y�Y��.�P�P�Y insuranoe pcemiu�ms: 6d) Y�Y ��
<br /> : . i�pemiwns, �f any;(e)Y+�Y�8�8� inwnace p�emiams.�f any:aad(�anY�PgY�k bY Borrower to.
<br />_�� I.eedeF.in acoo�+danc.�e with Ehe provisioas of puagraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance pienuums. These
<br />-_- itta�s sae called°Escmw Items." I.ender may.�e anY tiane.coikct�hold Rwds sn an amoimt nat w excad the maximum =
<br />�' amo�mt a knder fa a federaliy relued matga8e losn aaay nquin for Bomnwer�s escrow account�er t6e federal Reai =-----_—
<br />��. Ectate Setdemeru Prtxxd�urs Act of 1974 as aroeMed itom nQ,c to 6me.i2 U.S.G 4 2601 etseq.t"ItESPA'7.unless�nother �_
<br /> law that applies ta ihe Fvnds sets a ksser amoun� If so.I.ender may.at any tiane.oulioct and hold liuids in an�nount na m �?�:�
<br /> • exceod We ksser tunount. i.eoder may esdmate the a�now�t o f l i m c t s d u e on the basis of cwt�a►t.data a�rea.wnabk __--__-
<br />`�_�` espmates of eapenditnces of fupu+e Fscrow Itans or aherwlse in acvordance with applicabk law:: ` �-��.r-
<br /> - � The F�u�ds shaii ba held'ur sm it�titutian wlase deposits are insured b a fedetal-a$eucy.insdianeutatity.or enaty �f-_`=
<br /> y �=�..�
<br /> (including l.ender.if Lender is such an institutiat)or in any Federa!Hane Laon Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to p�y �„£ �
<br />- 1he F.se�ow[tems. I.ender may nat ciwge Narower far holding and applying the Fimds.ann�ally analS�B��w' '. ��:-
<br /> ' account,or verifying the Escrow Items.ankss i.ender pays Bonower interest on tfie Ftmds,and a�pficable law peni►its �=..r.
<br /> L,ende�to malce such a charge. Howeva.Lender may neqmrc Barower to pay a one-titrle charge fu�r an independent real '``'�, "
<br /> ��.
<br /> - estue tax secvice used by Lender in conncetion with this loan,uNess appl�cable!aw pmvides ahenvise. Unless an �" � -
<br /> • - �8 . - . �"`
<br /> �i agKement is made or appluabie law requires inteiest tu be paid,t.ender shaU riot be required to pay Borrower any interest or " :,f�
<br /> S`'° eunings on the Funds. Borrower ancf Len�ler may agee in wnGng,however.thac inte[est shati 6e paid on the FS�nds. Lender �.m
<br /> ` sLaU give to Bormwer.without c6arge.an annual accaunting af the Funds.showtng c.�edits artd debits to the Funds and the _ `"V:��
<br /> ��; purpase for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additioaal sectiriry far all sums secu�d by `., �:'";j�;`�_
<br /> . tltts Secvrity Insttumen� `,� .�;:�+;�-:�,
<br /> If the Funds heid by Lender ezceed the amounts permiued to be held by applicable taw,Lender shaU account to '. ��"",,�,
<br /> .�"�':;',,';
<br /> Bamnwer for the eacess Funds in accordance witl�the requirements of applicabk 1aw. If the amaunt of tbe Funds held by ��'-�.���
<br /> ' Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Esccow Items when due.L.ender may so notify Boaowet in writing.and.i� .;°��"�
<br /> - such case BoROwer shall pay to Lcnder the amount ne�essazy to make up du deficieacy. Horrower shall make up the �;"��=;s;�+�
<br /> . " ' defccimry jn no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lendcr�s sote discreaon. �-'� ;;:.>;-
<br /> � - Upon payment in fali of ail sums secured by this Sectirity Instrumen�L.ender shall pmmptly refund to Borrowes any _ .:".;,�_�;,t,=�,
<br /> =�,: ', Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquiie ar sell the Property.t.ender,prior to the acquisition or ,
<br /> : :�, -:. - sate of the Plaperty.shali apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against tt►e sums , . .`��,��
<br /> � '� secured by this,Secusiry Inswme�t.
<br /> ;".:'�+�:'�'•>''�� • 3 Appliqtbo ot Ptiymeets. Untess applicable law provides othenvise.all payments received by I.ender under •• .��:�_�_
<br /> - paragraphs 1 and 2 st�all be applied:fi�t.to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amaunts payable under � `i"F��:q-.-=-
<br /> . r '��":�
<br /> � paragraph 2;third,ta interest due:fourth.to principal due:and las�to any late charges due under the Note. � • ,�•".�,4�'a;:��_
<br /> 4. Charges; Lien9. Bortnwer shall pay ali taaes.assessments,charges,fines and impositions amibutable to ihe • ,,;.=_�
<br /> � Pmpe�ty which may attain priority over this Security Inswmenb and leasehold payments or graund renu,if any. Borrower .y�c_
<br /> � L� � shall pay these obligatiaos in the manner provided ia paragraph 2.ar if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on : ::��
<br /> ' •;4.�� timc directly to the person owed paymenl. Horrower shail promptly fumisfi to Lender all noGces of amounts to 6e paid under � _:-;�,_,
<br /> ,�_ ' [his paragraph. If Borrowcr maices these payments directty.Borrawer shall prumptly fumish to Lender receipu evidencing : •..�4;;�:
<br /> . •'=x � thepaymenu. . ... ----
<br /> . � _
<br /> � ' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security/nstrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees , • _ ---
<br /> � � � in wtiting to the paymr�ct of the obligation secured by the fien in a ma�met acceptable to Lender:(b)wntests in good faith the • '°'��
<br /> � ; lien by.or defenOs agaanst enforcement of the lien in.legal proceedings which in the i.ender's opinion operate to prevent the , `� .�_-•—
<br /> ., .. , enfotcernent bf the lien;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreement sa6sfactory ta Lender subordinati�g the iien -".
<br /> ' � ' to this Securi Inswmen� Ii Lender determines that an ari of the Pro ject to a lien whicb ma attain orit �"
<br /> ��` , tY Y P Ppn3+is sub Y Pn Y F ,r,;, _;.
<br /> � � �=�'��. over ttus Secariry Insuument,Lender may sive Borrower a natice idemifying the lien. Barrowcr shall satisfy the lien ar take ! '..,;�:�;""•
<br /> •.::��E•�: • t.•
<br /> - . �., :,_,;;t�_ r one or mare of the ac�ns set forth above within 10 days oi the giving of notice. �
<br /> .`�'"'�:` " S. Hszard or Praperty Insuraaee Barr+��ver shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter etected on thc [
<br /> "' ' ' � ' Pro p e rt y insured a gainst�oss b y tire.hazards irtc�uded withln the term"estended coveiage"and any other hazards,including E
<br /> A- •--u-=.-���.-- fiaods or flooding.for which Lcnder requires insurance. This insumnce�hall be maintained in the amounu and for ihe
<br />. =.f{.;�`,��k,.�� - � � ' .. �.
<br /> �->.•::__'� . Fa'm 3128 9190 lD�Ke 2 ojb pag�91 �. ',. � '
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