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<br /> � �.�'�� r�
<br /> � PSL Account No. � '��'a ��
<br /> "„•�'
<br /> � ;� ;i PRIME EQUITY LINE ItIDER . ��� 1O*�+.4.54 ��^t�
<br /> _..���� �� �����'`.
<br /> THIS PRIMB EQUITY LINE RIUER is made thi�2otn day of s�P�K ' '::''=
<br /> •' �``'�� � end is incotporated into and shell be decmed to amcnd and supplemeat th�Mortgagc,L�ad of Trust or Security Deed , '_
<br /> :•+�`"M"p`l (th�•Se,curity InstrumenY)of thc same date gtvr.n by the undersigrted(the"Bormwer")to,ecure the Prime Equtty Lino . ��e;
<br /> n
<br />_--��"'"�"� Agreement and DIsclosun Stau�nt�axuted by the Borrower of the same date(said Agreemsnt is nforenced in the ���"1�i
<br /> r, , . S e c u r 1 t y I n s t r u m e n t a n d t h i s R �����nder") and covetingethe propemy .
<br /> � � FIRST UNION 110ME EQU(TY BAHlC.N.A. w�,�':
<br /> ,� described in the Security Instrument and located at: E:.- -
<br /> r---
<br /> � �a tr=�
<br /> • • ' �V�� �/Niv�Vl�L VPi����I��� ��..--
<br />;,. .�, (P(ppCI[y/l�i'�JCSS) -
<br />_ ' .:••;:.. .�.�..
<br /> rx � �:-�a.;.
<br /> - :,.:.. --
<br />- .. ADDTTIONAY.COVENAN'1'�. In addition to tFse covenaats and sgreeinents m_�cle in the Security Insuumeat. rrower _
<br /> - n
<br /> ,. °,. ''•. � and Lendor t�utLor oovenaat and agtx to the foY9aav+ng addltIonal terms and conditlons: --
<br /> ;� -
<br /> ;�-` __�._
<br /> �
<br /> A�justable Rste I.oan
<br /> ' �� The Securiry Insmiment se�ures a Note which provtdes for c�inges in the rate of finaace char8e (said finance chuge _ _
<br /> , ��; is nfenuced in ib�S�curiry Insuumeut as "inurest"),:ts���E particularly described ln said Note. _
<br />: "` '� 1Vfotuxity Date _.
<br />; ,�° ` The second pangraph on page one of the Security Insuume.n2 s'�all read as follows:
<br /> �`�` -:''�� WHBREAS. Lender has made a la�►n to Borcowac in the principal sum not to eaceed (3 �+�� )
<br /> L-_f�.1.•u`:i ��„�p��,� Dollare which loaa is evideraoa9 l�N Borrower's . ..
<br />�,,..�,�c iw�y
<br />�,;.;:- Nou aad eatenatons,madlfrcations and naewals e'arnof whicfi provldes t'or advanas of all or part v�r_'�E�n proceeds
<br /> �•�:
<br />=?_' : fi�om time to time. Tt►e entire indebtedness�videncod by t�e Note. if nflt soon�r paid. will be due amfl paya e on
<br />�- " s,Pw,�t,.r t� 2ota
<br />�""'---�r:, Applicatton of Payan�ts
<br />'��'��� The paragraph oa Appliration of Paymeats shall read as foAowa:
<br />,��-�::ti'��
<br /> ,,,,�._v,��;..��� 1 of the
<br /> _�,,,-,W,�� Un(css appTicable law requires otLeraise. a11 payaxnGg reaived by Lender under the Note snd paragraph
<br /> _.r._y ���, �,.�,�,.�r�hat1 M a,nniied by L.eader ia the following ord�r: first� w pay intenst then due on the Nnte; __
<br />_���:�xs��� ��,�piy charges or fees, i�u►y,including late charRes,due on the Note,and tuen to pay p;u�cipai dus un�i►e
<br />��.����
<br /> - Note.
<br /> -==-1�+�
<br /> _-``.�� pWi6,tlon To Lead►
<br /> ---�-�='� L,eader is absolutely obligated under the urms of the Note to makc advances iwt ro exce�d. at any ox �ime in�
<br /> - sgg�+egue�the�mount stated in thc Idote aud Borsawer haa agcbod to repay�ny adv�aces undor the term�of the Note.
<br />��==_�� Leader's absolute obligation to make advanc�^��Borrower under tt►e Note ends when Lender terminuw adwnas uyd _
<br /> -�'V��°�� demaads repayment of the outstaalin8 obti. 'oa or prohibtss addf[ional exteasions of crcdit under tLe Note or the
<br /> -_- Secuxiry Instn�msat. Neveitheless,I.�nder maRy watve the right to ternsinate or prohibit ac3��i:ctonal advaaoes• �f I�ader
<br />-�z�=��.� doea not term3nue or prohibit addidonal advenoes,Lender nm�in�0�1�8��to malce��nces to Borrowcr under the
<br />� --� tGrms of th:Note. However.th�t waivcs dora not bind L,ender if the�mee or a different event occurs at is wndnuln8
<br />-�,—��j u a later tImc. I,ender'a obliga�ou to mako advaaces under the terms of the Note�lao temilnates when the Note i�
<br /> =' termin�tod or adv�nces suspendod by Borrower ia aa:ocdana with the temu of the Note.
<br />--=�s,�. -
<br />��.:��
<br /> —:T�_,,�� Note Pou�isioos-Contlkt
<br /> - -""� In ease of a caaflicc betwee�che terms of the Note and the Sauriry instrument Boverning r�medies of defa�;t �r
<br />;:._:�
<br />��;�,•.,��.�; termination of�dvaace�,the priarity of controlling terms shall be the Note and then the Security In.+trument.
<br /> �, ,..
<br /> ,. �r�`
<br /> �"�`�' Rda►se
<br /> ' ' ��� .' 7'be pu�graph on Release sh�ll rad as follows: -°_-
<br /> �=�•;.-_;�f�:
<br />-.sr h:.:::`.:�, ' -
<br /> - ,.:,._:... � 'Wicen the balance of all outstanding sums includLig finance char8es and other charges. if any,saured by the Security _
<br />-- ._ - _ Instrumcnt is uro,the Lwder shall upon re�d�ct of the Borrower,release the Security Iostrument wa¢hout a charge to _
<br />;�.�'_,-- .'.:��� the Borrower. Abseat a requesc from the Bomower. the Security Instcument shall remain in full force and effect for �-_.
<br /> , _�_ � �....�.��a.,�:.,n ��tlnw a nartial nlease of the Properry on terms a�ooeptable
<br />--_ _'�"`°—'�' IIIC[CIIII SC[ IOI[II 80VY0. uuvca�a............ --r---•—� - ---
<br />;� ' to Lender and Lender may c3iar8e a nlease fec. �_'_=_
<br /> �--
<br />- r• • �;�,�
<br /> . �';
<br /> - ,.t -
<br /> <
<br /> -• „ � ..
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<br /> � � ]�090!(Rd 01 SOIP�1 PKe I d 2 11119)l NB PLL RiAn
<br /> 2�S10�S776 MCCAMLEY
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