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<br /> . by this Securiry Instrument.lf Bmrowar faits to pAy thnyu sumti prior ta the eapitetion of this pariod, L.ernldr m�►Y lpvoka .. `
<br /> :u
<br /> ( any rnmedics prrmitt�xl by this Sesurity Inst�ument without further notia+or damand an Barrower. -
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Re1n5Mte. If Bonowar meeGs cartwin conditions, Bartowur shall hrvd tha right to hava „„a,
<br /> 1 nnforcemunt of this Security lnstrument disccmtinued at nny timd prior to the earlier of:(a)5 dayF (or such other perial os
<br /> appllcabla 1�►w may specify for reinswtemony t x�furn rx►l e o f Q x: P ro}��r t y p u r s u n n t m an y�war �f sela contained in lhis ,.
<br /> Secutity Instrumenr,or(b)entry of a Judgtnent eaforcing this Security lastrurrwnt•ThoSa wnditionw ue tlwt Borrowar:(s)
<br /> . pays Lunder all sums which then would ba due u�er this Securiry Instrumeus a�na 0t�e ���incurred in enf�rc�iu8�a
<br /> .� < occurred: (b) cures any d�foult of any other cavenants or agreements: (c) PAY Pe --
<br /> . .."- . Security Ir►..trument, iacluding. but aot Iimited to, reasoaabla anarneps' fees; aud (d)take.g such action as Lender a�ay
<br /> * rcasonably requ3re ta assuta thst the lien of this Sacuriry Instrumeat, I.ead�r's rights ta the Praperty u►d Borrower's
<br /> obligatiaa top�y ttio sums sceured by tLis Securiry[astrumnnt shall continua unchangEd.Upannor�i��e��A h Y�a���. „ _
<br /> ttils Security Instrumment and the flbligations secured hereby shall remein fully effective ns if .,
<br /> Howaver.this right to relnstate shall not apply in tha case of acauleration undor pAregmph 17.
<br /> 19.Sale ot'Note;Change of I.ox�t 5ervlcer• 'I'he Noca or a partial int�rost in tha Note i�8�r"���8�urity
<br /> • Inytrument) may be sold ona or mara tlmes witdout prior notice to Borrowor. A sale mY result in a chwage i�tha entity . .,.,,. ;_
<br /> � (known es the "Loan Seavicer")that collects[mmthly paymeuts due under the Note a this Security Inshuffeent• 'Ihere
<br /> .._�:�,_�r
<br /> h
<br /> - �� �y be one or more chaaegas oE tha Lann Snrvieer unrelated to a sala of Wa Nota. If�there�bios a c��pn�����W ;;._—_v--
<br /> • � Secvicer.Borrower will be given written notice of the change ia accordance wlth paraBteP �should be made• ���=°-�---�=
<br /> � 'I'he aotice will state iha name and addaess uf tl�a new l.o«n Servlcer snd the addrass to wt►ich pstyme _ _
<br /> a 'Ihe nadce will also con►ain auy other isa�`.crmarion requ'uesl by epptica6le law. �,stor� e, oe ealaa.sc of ,-'�.�
<br /> 2p.H�r d o n s Su 6 stonces. Bs►rrawor shall aat causa or�rmit tt►e presenca,use.d1 8 .�m�4Y
<br /> � � any Hawrdous Substances on or in tUa Property. Hormwer shall aot do. aor nllow auyoae els�e to do.i nt y��8�e�8 -_
<br /> the property tt�t is in violrflon of any Environmental Law•The preceding two santences shaU not app y P : , � „�.
<br /> � usa,or storage on tha PropeKy of small quanrities of Harardous Substances that ero geaerally c�c�g�izaa to be appmpriaW �i��Y
<br /> z;�:,�,
<br /> to norma l r e s i d e n t i a l u s e s a n c i t o m a i n t e n A n c e o f t h e P ro p e r ty• `,�s��' _-- �
<br /> �� � Borrower shall pramptly give l�encler wriuen narice of aay u�vestigariun. c��,dH��1�S�b��oT Bnvir n y ' �.-
<br /> •� K any govomiaentnl or�gulrtory agency or pdvate party involviag¢�a Propert}' y • - -
<br /> me�a1 Lrsw of wtucb Borrowor has ac2unl luawledga. if Borrower�1�rns�or is notified by+any g�v+�a�ry�on � , . �
<br /> autktority, that any removal or other remediatioa of any Hazandous S�bstance a��ctin8�P�OPeri7' u`%'�'
<br /> `�• shsll promptly t�fce ell necessary remedi�l ac6oas in ncsordance with Environ.�antnl Law. �bstances �s`��� _
<br /> :•.':;':; and
<br /> As used in ttus par�grsgh 20,"Haz�rdous Sai►stanc:es'ara those s�i�staaces defined as toxic or hv,�rc➢�� � ,,.-;
<br /> ___�.i`^`.��' by Eavironmeatal La rhic f d e a�olatila soivyents�mawnals�conta'win esbesto s�or f�r�m a l deh de.and radiwtaa e�r i Q l s. i
<br /> , .:�;,.;,. �, toa:c�ici�us..�__ . . .yhRre the Pro rtY is ��;; '
<br /> . � %�' As used[n this paragraph 20. 'Environrnentxl Law" meanv federni Iaws uid Iaws of tt►�}urt�slfc�en ----- I�
<br /> (c�ted that relate to health,ss►fety or envitotunental protection.
<br /> NoN•Urr�oxHt Cov�ranrrs.Borrowet and Lancler further coverwnt and s►gmz ss follows:
<br /> . .�,. . 2I.AccdarAtlan,Remedies. Lender shall geve notice to Borrower priBr¢o pcceleratlon fdbwie8 Barrower's , '.
<br /> '���;�`> brexch of wny covennnt or+�gree�nent in thts Securikv Imtr�nent(but not pr��ivr to acceleratlon under para�raPh 17 i ;r.,,
<br /> :;�::,; w�less applicable Is►w pmvides othesw�se).The noHce shall speeify:(u)the d�t'ault;(b)�aw�ldch �dd'sdt ust d� , �
<br /> • �:' defaulk(c)a ditte+not less t6an 30 dnya from the date the not�e i�given to Borrower, y
<br />,`,i' � curedi�d(d)tMAt fAtl�ue to cure tlre det'QUIt on or before the a7nte specifled in the notia mqy result in�uxdeant3an ,r:�,
<br /> • of the suns secured by thts Security Tnstnumnt and sxle of th�t Property.The notioe st�aU furtha[nforea Borrower
<br /> . , of We right to tt�er d4[ense of Barrower t accelerxd�ontendbsak If the defau�lt is not cured ono�=e� dAte
<br /> ' .' ;,;:� cl�ault or any o
<br /> -• .. �• . �ed ie� the notbe,Lender wt dtx upik�u �sy r�ulre lsa.�ediAte payment in fuU of �II suas secure�ay�� _ ,..a_,�n_
<br /> . . ., ty Ingtr�m�ent without further danond and may tnvoke the power of�ie and�y o���
<br />���� ' �ppitcxx6le law. Lemder ahall be entitled to cullect All expenses Incurred fn pursWnB tl�e ranedks pe'ovided In t1�s �� '-
<br /> a 21,tncludlug but not Iimlted to,reaso�able attorneys'fees and cosW of titk evida►ce. _
<br /> ph u
<br /> � ��U We power of�flje is Invoked,Trustee s6a91 record a nottce of defadt tn eacto eouniry In which a�ny part of the _.,.
<br /> - Prop�ty Is located us�l afwll mafl coptes of such notice fn fhe manner prescribed by a8 prn k law,T��s1uU gi e
<br /> � ��Oih�r persom prescrtbed by appltcabk law. After lhe tlme reqp ed bY apP ��ut��d on
<br /> ' publk noNae ot sale to We persons and in tt�e menner presce�3fied by a pUca6�c law. Tnntee,
<br /> r��,. • Barrower elutU s¢ll t�he Prop�at�ublk sucNon els and ip�Y oad�e�a �'n�stce determir�ic.w.Tru4toe tn�'P� - -
<br /> b stce
<br /> ��gn�te�In th�nofsoe of s�fe in�ne or morepam �b�y Wed
<br /> ,��'"� :.. sale of all orw�y pancd o�'the Peoperty by publk�mwum�ment at the�lrae and pl�ce a�'�y p�
<br /> Ju-* --= � �k.I.ender or Its d���Y P��Pro at anY�s�+le. ��
<br />��. •�, ppun receipt of payment oe thE�rice bld �t�st�11 deltver to the purct�s�''f��'s��n��� �
<br />��-�"��:;'.'� . :�:�;,', pruperty. T6e recftals ln tlie Tnistee s deed s'haU be prlma [acte evldence oY the truth of the statemen made ------
<br /> ..e.r.= .: -. . . �,i.....
<br /> . •, . • ;+�� _ t(�ereln.Trust�e sheU apP�Y�Proceecis of the sale in the fdlowin8 order:(a)to all costs and expes�ses of ucerdsing �F;;`,' -
<br />-�,.. -�^, � ,�� .
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