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<br /> for�thanperiodc+ ttwt I.d�r8�c yf ui�e�h�The�nsuerancaucarcier pro idln�the insurance sh 1 tre cho n�by Borrowarm abJactad ��`
<br /> od
<br /> Lendar's RpprovAl which �shAll nw tx�uRr�sonably withhald. If Borrower fail� to rrwintwics coveraga doxcribed�b�va,
<br /> ' Lunder raay�at L.enler's aption, obtuin coverxIIe to pxutect Lander's rights in ttw Pmparty in accordaace with p�n�gr�ph
<br /> �.
<br /> All ingurAnca poltcies Rnd ranewrls ehaq be scceptable to Lender and ehzll i�lude a etarrdard mortgsgo c Ause.
<br /> •�, Lender eh�l1 tu�ve the right t�h�o�1d���,���ic n ln thr+eveat of losserBor�rower hall gi e pro,lmpt�c+ti eYtoithe imvrauce
<br /> dl rocoipts af paid preauum� p � ti Borrowur.
<br /> ,,;:..-�"` carrier�rnl Londer.i.ender a�ay m�ka�oaf of loss if not mada rom ly Y
<br /> . ,�,,,�.,,�; Unless Le�ler aad Bormwer otherwise�gree in wdting. insurance proceods shall be epplled to reswraflon or repair
<br /> of Iha r^mparty deroa6od. if tt►e restorrdon or repair is oconomically feasibla wid Lsr.det's securlry is not lessanedhsll b�a . '
<br /> restoradan or rep�lr is not cconomicnlly frasWla or L.ender's security would ba lessened, tha it�sunnca proceeds
<br /> appliad to tbe sums s�c ped 6rt �r doas rrywtlaaswerewithin 3o a ys�«�i�e�m��a��c� iuura�nce carriar h�s . :
<br /> Boxrowar ab�nlore tha pe Y �,efF:...:s,i:.r;
<br /> offered to settla a claim, theu Lender may collect tha insurance proceeds. I.a°der°u�y use�P��to�P��w�l 6a �
<br /> . tha property or to pay sum9 se�ured 6Y tWs Secwity lascrument,whether or aot then duo. The 30�day pe 8� :. :,,,��;-
<br /> when tl�e aottce is�ivaa. p :_..�x,;.;,,
<br /> � .. .. � Ud�s Lender t�l Bortowar ot6e�is�8•-cferr�!toang'srn yrnnhs lgand 2 oi change t/he amount of the paYments.If '
<br /> �� Postpona tbe due d�te of t6e�uo�rlY p�Y r ! P � . ,'�j`�_
<br /> 21 the i'ro �s ccqured by i.ender,Borrowar's right w aay iasuraaca Pol►cies and proce�xis rasatttng ,,_','..-,:::c.-.
<br /> � � uaderpa�gre}� P�Y � c � -
<br /> frnm damage to tha PropeRy Pnor to tha acquisitlon shall pass to l.endef•to the extent of tha sur,tg securod bY ttus Sacurity ,•:�t��.i---
<br /> � "� Iastrumeat immediRtely pdor to tha acquisition. i��!itban; "•:=:
<br /> Borrower's La�► ApM ,;;r�:�,,,
<br /> ;� 6. Orcupnncy� Preservadon,Meintenance and ProtecNon of the Property► ;:R-
<br /> �.. 1.easel�old�. Bortowar shAU occupy. est�►blish. aad use the Property as Bonowar's pri�i�Q�wg�riucipa�ra id�ssn e ,. '� }''
<br /> d ?:�`
<br /> after the eaecuhon af Wis Secunty Instrument snd sh�ll conflnue to occupy the Property P �'
<br /> for at least o�year aRer the date of o�cupancy, uciless I.eutler otherwise agrees in writing, w�ich consent shall not ba .,..4_, 4
<br /> .. +'�: uffieasoosblY withheld, or ndess extenuatlag circumstances eato deterlorwta�or�comml�rt waste nAtlia Pcopertye Borrow�er '�"
<br /> ro � ,,.;,..
<br /> . destroy, dnt►�ga or impaic the Property. allow the Property that in Leader's good fzith 4'• ,;(,;,•;:;_
<br /> • sha11 be in def4ult if any forfeihue acdon or proceading, W+hethar civil or crimiiwl. is baSan
<br /> , or otharwise mnteriaUy impair tha Iten created by this�Salca b �..w:.�.,�
<br />, , �udgment cauld result in forfeiture of tb9 Property �_ �um
<br /> astniment or Lanci.er's security iuterest. Burrower may cura such r dofnult and reinstau. as Providad in paragnF � Y
<br /> ' that, in Leadar's good faitL determinatlon, pracl�des
<br /> �- . � cauaiag tho action or proceediug to be dismissed wiW a tuliag _.,�._
<br /> g��s�,�,�nf �te t;orrower's iirterest in the Property or mher materlal imp�irment �,��o tl,e 1 appllcatiap�u�!
<br /> i, . rm:.er.---�
<br /> Instrum�nt or Lender's security idetest. Borrowe�r shall aisa bo in Sc��ut• if Ea
<br /> - gave anterially falso or i�ccurxte informstion or stntemonts to Lender (or failed to ptovida 1.e�er wlth eny mnsoeri�t ��,;..
<br /> ra�►g �2`.`
<br /> inform�tion) in oormaction with tt� lo�a avidencad by th�Nota, iucluding, b I kument i�a n�a lpessehold�Borrower�hall =�:__
<br /> ' „ Borrower's occupancY of the Property ss a pnncipd restdenca.If thi�Security tha leASehold wd tho fea title __
<br />_" . , �m�ly w(th all the provisioas of t1x lease. If Borrower acquires fee titla to the Property. —"--
<br />-��r;:;; :• . shall nnt werge unless Lender ngre,es to the merger in writing.If Bc�rrower f�ils to parform tLa covenants and s ameat� --_-_-
<br />_'*.:.:;, 7.Prota�tion of i�tnd��'s Nghts Gn tbe PropertJ� that may si ficaatly affxt Lender's ri� 7s in the ���...
<br /> �:•�: :;�. �op�d in tlils Socurity In4trument, or t h ere iro��8 f��8�on or f orfe,�wm or to enforce laws or ra g u l�t t loas),
<br /> .:.-.: properiy(suc8�s s proc�d�a8 in t�nlcn►ptcy,P to rotect the vdue of the �copaily e�1 L.ender's rights in du
<br /> ., then Lo�kr my do a�pay for whttevar�aecessary P y ovor this Security
<br /> - --~~ Prooe�t}'. L.e�cr's octloag may include ying any sums securad b 4 Uen wWch has priority �
<br /> l:�', . yin� :e«scn:ble sttomeys' fces and entering an We Property to�mice repairs.Althaugh
<br /> �+;;-t::; ��� InStNinent� a�e�rin8 in Court.pr ---
<br />_:,i°'::';-�•.. Lencler may qko scflon uader tlils puaSnPh 7.Lender does not have w do so.
<br />--� =':�-�`- Any amounts disbursed by Lander under t6is pu�S�Ph 7 sh�U becoma edditional debt of Borrower seonrod by thie
<br />����=�`"LL�,N,�� SecuritY Instrument.Ualess Bonower and Le�er Rgn�n W other terms of p�ymant.tl�esa wnaunb shaU beas irtiflrest from
<br /> -� ��:.��� ' tho data of disbursoment at tha Note nta �nd shsll bo pny4blo. with interest, upoa notice from Levdor eo Borrower
<br /> -�"-="�!'"�,i."
<br />_ .`�_:.-;... g mer.�
<br /> -ss�`+�"� ��(y��o�rf��ge Lagurance. If Le�ler requi�ed mortgage iasuraace as�condition of�mald� e°�ife�c� I�f. for�ny
<br /> :�'='� Securlty Instiument,Ho�rmvar shall pay the premiumv sequirad to maintain the mo�t8�8
<br /> Borrower shall pay the
<br /> - rcason. tLe moKgage insvrAace coveraga raiuired by Le�ler lapses or ce�ses to be in B�viausl in effoct, at�cost ___.
<br /> - --:r:i:�;.�. premiums requtred to obtain covenga eubsuntiplly aquivalent to the mort�g���,�pG from a�a altcymute mortg�ge ---
<br /> -�SX;{�,. � sut�stanti�lly eguivalant to the cost to Borrower of tha mortgaga iasarxnca P Y
<br /> -�:�:��'--�•�' insurer�pproved by I.ender. If subswatfally uivalont mortg�ge iysurance coveroga is not availablea bo�e�s�1 p4n
<br /> eq wt►e
<br />-" =:,'�';��� to Landor each month a sum equal to oba-twelfth of tha yearly mortgage imurance promium baing F°1mads as a lass rosarva
<br /> -- "'� iho ina-urtnee cavenge l�psed or ce+sed to be in eff��nd�wll��c�,���rt�the o�p�h'n of Lesler� if mortgaga
<br /> -=.r�,5,��.��' ia l�cu of mortgaga iasunncd.Loss re�arve p4yme rovided b an i�surer�pproved by Lar�dar
<br /> -'-:"�:�:,,e � iagurance covarage(m t u e amount�nd for tha period tbat Le�er requlres) P u�red to maiat�in mo rtgage inguranca in
<br /> ,t;z... .
<br /> e ythe premiums req .
<br /> -
<br />