+ �.... _. °•�<" c •''�""� .s .. - - �`
<br /> ,.. .,:� _
<br /> . - .:c
<br /> . .. , . . �;. _ .. - -
<br /> �
<br /> - . ' . — . --�- -= " - -_ + �' �1 _ . . . _-- -- . .. . . j'1-_,. ._..-- -
<br /> . _. .. '' . _ ... . �
<br /> i'. . -. . -- - �.'-_ '.-' '- -'--�� "- '..�.,r-- � �.._..
<br /> i�r_ _ _ _ ` _ . . _ � -- . . . . . . _ . . . ; . -- . .
<br /> �`_,.__—�._ [ j ` : ` , __ . . ... . .' ._ . �����i��.: .' �_.
<br /> ' i. �I.�tAtrri■crp.�l,r.m�aR a.a cate C� Bo�mwa shan p�y w�6�aue the priac;pat of.�uw iote�on,
<br /> die d`eSt erideoc�d by t�IVd��nd tue clttrges due�der We Nota ' �
<br /> � t Mo�tl�Nl�e�s d'if��ss.L�ra�ee a�d Otiec� Barower sdaII iaciade in ach mondilY WY�•
<br /> ` waed�er�rid�tBe piocipRl and int�aest u set fonh�tbe Nae and an taoe charges.an iastall�em.of anY(s)wces and
<br /> speci�!�s levied w to be kviedagaiast tGe P�apeaty.lf►)�WY�u or groued rcrts au the�rupetty.�nd ,
<br /> � (c)pemiwo►4 far inwe�ece�sclui�d bY PuaS�Ph 4.
<br /> Each inoathly instalLnent fa iums(a),(is)and(o)�eqwl onc-twelRh of We u�nu�l art�,u teasan�blY
<br /> � es�im�oed bp Ldakr._plus an enount stiff cient to ur�ntain an addipoaal b�l�nce of aot mae than bae-sixtb of tbe
<br /> -- - estimated�. 'll�t fuit uma�t�t for c�c.fi item'shait 6c accumul�d ts�.#endc�witl�us=peric�a etdiaa me -
<br /> mont6 befaoe an item vrould 6ecome detinquea� L�ender shal!iiold tbe amounts colkctod in trust to pay iams(s�(D)�nd�
<br /> (c)Uefac�e tlky becaa�e delioquea�
<br />- - If at any time t6e total of the paymeats I�eld by Lendet for ite�s(a�(b)and(s),to8ether with the fudue u�ttdy
<br />-- p�ymeiNS fa such ite�psy�b�le�to Leaoder p�iar to the due dues of such itans.excad.4 by more tl�an a�sixth We
<br />_- �amotmt of paymenis teq�ued to pay such itans wheu due.�od if payma�u on the Nooe are curzent�t6at I.ender ,
<br />-- abaU eitber�eFm�d the excxss over oae-siuth of�e�irt�ated payments or ciedn tbe.exoess ovu one-sixd►of tLe�
<br />--; . psymeats to aubsa�ueat payments by Boriower,at the option of Homuwer. If the total of the paymeats n�sde by Bormwer
<br />�`_� fos ikm(a).(b),or(c)is in.wffi�ent w pay the itaa wben d�e.tl�en Bormwer shall pay to l.ender any aaaoiurt nxGSSary to
<br /> ; maice up tbe deficieucy on a befae tbe dau the rtem becomes due.
<br /> - As ased in this Savrity Instr+uneat,"SccretarS►°�a�u the Secretary of Honsing amd LJs�O Devetop�at ar fus a her -
<br /> desig� In tmy year in wtdch tt�e Lender must pay a matgage insurance pnmium to ti�e Sec�azy,esch monthtY P�Y��
<br /> shnill aiso inctude eit6er. (7 au inspllment of the aanual mosgage in�aace p:emiwn m 6e.paid Dy l.ader w the_:�,::,.: _
<br /> s
<br /> Sa�teqry.ot(ii)a manthly charge instead of a moitgage insu�ance pnemium if this Secunty Iiisuantent is 6eld by the ` _---
<br /> Sec[etuy. Each monthly installment of the mortgagc insu:ance pnmium shall be u�an amauu suffclent to accumulate the . . .. . ___—
<br /> � fW!aonual matgage insuran�e pamiom with Lender one manth pnor to the date tT�e fiilI annual maRgage ias�aance' - _
<br /> �
<br /> �n�,�aue co�so�cary:or;���y Insonunent is beid b}�the Sec�etasj.each moat6Ty chaz8e sdatl be Ia an•` �s�' ._�
<br /> amount tqaal to one-tweifth of onahaif pet�cent of the outstanding prmcipal batauce due on thc lvote. ..• : ��': _.=�
<br /> _ If Bo�towet tenders W l.endet the full pa t Of all sums secured by this Security Inctnuneoti Borinwet�accaur�f-'� . .;: c:=-_�
<br /> '`,`�' sdaU-be ciediUed with dse balaace nea�aining ar alt instatlmen�g far items(a),f b)and(c)and any mortgage iasUrar�ce.,- •'. �*".�.--
<br /> . �:�,..t-_.�
<br /> �.':`• • � : pnemium installment that lender ttas not become obligaud to pay to the Secnetary.and Lender shall pmmptty refitM any:. ,; , �.-�;�-,.�_-
<br /> `,.°`''' esces�funds to Borrower. Imrnediauly prior to a foreclosun sate of the Ptoperty c�its acQuisition by Lender,Bomnwer�s
<br /> ' "" � accamt shall be cledited wiW auy balaace semainin8 for all instafiments for�ums(a�tb)and(c)• . _ -�- -,� __
<br />" ; TM �-; � 3..ApplkaHon of Pt�yments. AII paymenu under Pazagrdphs 1 and 2 slrall tie applied by Lender as foAows: _ ,.
<br /> : "'=�`�J . �'t,t o t h e m a rt g a g e i n s u r a n e e p c e m i n m t o b e p a i d b y L e nder to the S e c r e t a ry or to the monthl y charge by the . , ��
<br /> - ��;� , • Se�retary insre�of the monthly mortgage insurance premtum: . . '
<br /> �� -� !%:: �Q,t�any taues,special assessments.leasehotd payments or gmund reMs,and fue;flood and otherUazsid • •�
<br />, -��ro�J,^.k• 1fISUTdDCC plCfIlA1R1.4.sIS f!l[III[C� �r�_•�
<br /> • - - g�$Q.to mtenst due under the Notc; - �'1�
<br />. - �,w amor•izauon of the principal of the Note; -E`; �. �
<br />. . Qg�,W late cbarges due under the Note. �° ��,
<br /> 4. Ftre,Flood�d pther H�vard losuranca Borrower shall insure all improvements on the Propetty.whether tww - • �
<br /> - . • in existenc�or subsoquently erected.agairtst any hazardv,casuatdes.and contingencies.including fire.for which Lender _�:� �,�. __ �
<br /> -���° ttquires insurance. ?his insurance shall be maintained m the amonnts and for the periods that l.ender requires. Borrower ,� . • '
<br /> "";'�':''''�. shall also insure all improvemenu on the Property.whethcr now in eaistence ar subsequentty erected,agaznst lass by floods '
<br /> ,1:;"_'�, �;' ,: . to the exunt requireA by!he Secretary. All insurance sha11 be carried witb companies appmv e d by Lender. '[tie insutance �
<br /> � _ � policies and any renewals shall be held by L.ender and shall include loss payable clauses in favor af, and in a form . . - -�
<br /> . '� . acceptable to.l.ender. . ' � ' �•r�_
<br /> • .. ... �� in the event of loss.Borrower shall give l.ender immediate notice 6y mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not � ;�.
<br /> • ��``"'�`°``'L ,_ made promptty by Botrower. Each insurance campany concemed is hereby authoriud and directed to make payment for � •�_L �
<br /> -�:..i`ci�..• .� ;�'�r,�-
<br /> ���`=;�_,= _y. .• such loss d�tectiy to Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. AQ or any part of the insurance proceeds may be � • , ; _,
<br /> , :- app lied by Lender.at its option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Nate and this Secunty lnstrument.
<br /> a l- • '• frst to any detlnquem amaunts applied in the orAer in Paragraph 3.and then co prepayment of principai.ot(b)to ihe ,, j'-
<br /> �` • �!.':� restorntion or r e pair of the dama ged property. Any applicatian of the praceeds to the principal chall not extend or postpone . -
<br /> .��.".:;' • .,-,: �;�°;
<br /> ;,��:- , ,,;�,.,;'• the due date of the monthly payments which are referred to in Paragraph 2,or changc the amaunt of such payments. Any .
<br /> •`= �. ,,. . .�,;":s; eucess inswance procecds over an amount required to pay all outstandtng indebtedness under the Note and this Security ' �.,._:;'-`_
<br />� ���= :�'•�� �.� ''�" Iasmunent shall be paid to the entity legalty em�ded thereto. � ��'x'�'=
<br /> :����' ` ' �' ° ln the event of forectosure o this Securiry Instrument or other transfer of title ta the Pro that extin ishes the �
<br /> ..ti':,.',: _. •:;,r,- f PeRY � . : .�:;}'{`�'.r:
<br /> � -�••: ::L;-r;�.:�• indeixedness.atl righ�title and interest of Borrower in and to insurance pnliciec in force shall pass to the purchaser. :. ��.�:
<br /> ��.�.� , ir�r��.;';'I,. . ' , � �^:zr5:,.
<br /> ° r�.�e;% S. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenaece and Protection at the Property; Boerower s l.oAn Appikation; �;�}� =�"
<br /> ,;�r:v'rt'a.'�•f:;`�;. Lea�elwtds, Borrower shall occupy.establish.and use the PropcRy as Borrowers principal residence within sixty dayA __ �S.:'::
<br />� � �''�. � � � a R e r t h e e x e e u t i o n of t h is S e e urit y Instrument and shaU continue tn uccu p y the Pru p ert y as Boaower ti principal residence � --
<br /> ,,:�a�. . . ..
<br /> ,`'_ . �
<br /> .;�;f;�::..:�; ;.. for at least one year after the date af accupancy,untess the Secretary determ�nes this rcqwrement wi l l cause u n d ce har ds hip .
<br /> ��l,�r.�_ .,-._; , . for Horrower.or unless extenuating circurtistances exitt which are beynnd Borrower's cantrol. Borrawc�st:all notify i. , • .
<br />^ '��;:. Lenders of a�y eatem�:':ng circumstances. �oaower shap not commit wastc ar de�tray.damage or hubstans:uCy change
<br /> • . `,`� :�• the Property�r allow the Property to detcriorate.rea.conablc wear and[ear exceptcd. l.endcr may mspect�he p;cYerty if the
<br /> • �'�''`` Propeny cs s°�:a.�t or abandoned or the lnan is in defaah. Lender may take reasonable acti�m tu protect and pTeserve such
<br /> , ' .'�.�;'_. E •
<br /> --
<br />