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�—. . . <br /> - --�-- <br /> -;�::: ; � <br /> ���. <br /> � y+�Dl .. . _ .. _-' ' <br /> .. � . - ... _ -°--- <br /> . _�w ... . .-— . ._. —"'-"-- .... . . _ r .. „J.,,'- "'�.�.�.�a�.n.-�- <br /> �.. . , .. • '�ar'mat�'_•a�fi ;5 •^,.Ll�_�r.' <br /> ,� „ �• -- - <br /> .. ' - -.... . ... _ . �n .-. , , ..... . . .. -- <br /> .. iN':1r.iti�7lt�.',o4#i3r?'11!".'t'.. ... - . ' ... . . . . . . . '.... . .. ... - M . . �'Y;�!r'3'� T� .�.ir —. <br /> .. _ , ..4� �"��J.'�:�Mt54�.... �,�[,, _ <br /> � P���e o*a . -` . <br /> i �"' �()���� AQDIYIONAL TERM� •., � <br /> .�.v.,�.�.� ,... <br /> I.I�II1E0 WAAAAHIY: hty solo antl o►clusl�•a rr.iied� agalnsl you or ynur assigne�shall bo�linited to ny rlQhis anG roredlos under th� otpross UfaIlEO HARRAIi1Y yuu uxter�l0 � „ ' <br /> ir.e et Ihe ilme I sl�7 n t�ls Ceniratl.M�oaclutlre rlghis enU remedles un�nr tEe warranp shall 6e in Ilou of all o�her dgAts or law or In equlty,where Dermltte4 <br /> 6y e�r�icslb st�1e I�w. — <br /> All MANUFACTUAEO WIMOUW PAODUCiS AFlE N01 CUAAANiEED AG�IASi CONOEkSA11CN, MOISIUAE FORMATION ON FROST.PR6UUCT5 ARE AOT GUARANIEEO AGAIRST CORROSION U9E <br /> TO ADYEASE CLIMAiIC CONOI110MS. � <br /> AUYEA,AEAD iNE SEPARITE"lIMI1E0 WARAAMIY"WHICH IS A SEPA9�ii W81t1EM INSTflUMENT PERTAININC 50LElf TO MIINUiAC1UkE0 PROOUCiS Oi 1HE PICESETTEA CORPORATIQM • .+ ?- <br /> i AMO NNICN"IIMIiED WARRANri"H�S BEEN DELIYERED TO EACH RESPECIIYE BUVER IN CONNECTION VIITH TNIS SALE.THf IORE601MG PA�VISIOMS AECaIl01NG COMDEMSA110M 00 MOY . ' '�� <br /> � RVPIY 10 SillINO. „ , ` <br /> fuAhu, Th�Ptceselter Corpantlon m�kts NA REIRESENIATION OR WAARANn OF IMP NINQ OA M�TURE WH�TSOFYER, EIIPAE55 OR IYPLIEO,N1TH RESPECT TO TNE ENEAG� " � ^r <br /> � SAY1N05 I COUlO OA M�t ACHIEME BV USE UF THE PAODUCTf51. I undeistand l��l any aner�r s�rin�a I m�y ac�lere Is Qtpendent uoon�number ol lutere,Inclull�,bat not , • <br /> Iln�ited to,the lype,pwntity�nd pu�lit�ol Inculatlon In mp 0ome, tha puticuhr slie and styte nt my home, t�e t�pe ol qwlity ot constructlon al my l�me,n�r D�►1��ular Iile �� <br /> stpie, lhe nu�nDu of op�n(n�s in my homo,�roper monftaring ol thermost�l Sltlle�s, cil�n�tic eanditlons�nd loc�tion ol m��m�na,and eren ihe qpe ol enerp con3un�ed tar „ • <br /> . •��•�' hettli��nd oir condiilanin{purpotes. �. � � <br /> ,.W .. � <br /> 1'RF:PAY111liN7'ANl1 ACCRUAL OI�'1'NI?F INANCE CHAK(:E:t:v�n�hnugh I Jo nw havc to pay mon than thc rcgular.clieduled manthly payment,I h:rvc thc ri@ht , ` �� <br /> tu pnpdy IIIC\4'I7UIC 81IIOUIII u��inp u�ynu in tidl m any dmc nr inp m frnm�imc n,�imc. 1 undcr�tanJ Ihat thc financc chargc(intcrc+U is romputcJ du�ly.1 kno�v mp .. . <br /> tlnmim chnry�e will tx Ic��il'1 makc:m r+�rty�ia�rocm,and it ufll hc highcr if 1 pay latc:1 altin rccoFnirc�hat:,ny necessnry uJjustnum to my tntal Rnance charge will �: � . •<:;r - <br /> hc rclkcteJ in my fin:il hill:1 al�o knuw 1hm�ic amuunt.shm�n on pagr 2 for tiic IFinance Cha�e,Total nf Paymems,and the Total Salc Price arc cstim;dcs based on • - ' , i;it���•.F: <br /> �he a.,umptian that you adl rccci�c each of the p:iymcros exacdy�m its due dme:anJ 1 knuw�hat Ihcn;uill be no retund if 1 pre ay Ixcautie there is nothing to rcfund �_�-��Si�r,ry=;:�.•: y':!' <br /> tihen I:un rh:ugcJ un;�a��iy n:�.�..i�:�����u,;���r all rcb,itc�,mFunJ�nnJ rrcdits to�chirh I might hc cnti�led arc Icsti�han onc JnPar 151.001,no rcfund will bc madc.I ..�''+_,��:;n����u�j�_;° <br /> may�nluntarily pRp:iy�hc.imount I mvc full or in�ny timc.If f makc a panial prcpayntcnt.1 muc�continuc to makr my rcgula�pay�mcnts until 1 huec .,,ti,`^,�.',��::___ __ <br /> paid all amount.u«cJ.I knu��thai ff I prcp:ry thc�chol�amoant. you may collccl ar rct;nn ftom mc a minimum chargc not grcatcr than 510.11�. i`,,•.,-_ <br /> SPECIAI.•ORUER GUOUS:1 knma thut you hacr mca+urcd my hou+c anJ its opcnings so that yau can makc thc Pmciuctti tn fit my p:irticular housc and that thc gaods fi����"— <br /> � pruha6ly�vill nnt fit any uthcr houus,so I knuw that 1 rannut canccl ihi,run[ract nt nny timc a(tcr thc 4xriod of timc giccn to roc by Inw in which ro cancel.ARcr that �"`�" <br /> , � Icgal peri�xl uf timc.I Ani���•that 1 ha�•c Ihc ohltgation ro pay yuu in full thc amount ox�cd. .��;,�:,�-`� <br /> CU�fM11ENCEAfENT UF'CHE F'INANCE CHARGE:Thc finaucc chargc(intcrcsU is cstimated to stan within 30 Jays of the date of Ihis contracl,except In thc event °'%rl��c== <br /> Uiai yon corc�plete the irotallation of Iho gonds and<ervlres on another Jr.te,ther the finanre charge(interc+U will begin to run on the date that!sign the Completion �:r)r,f-!�• <br /> , CertiFicate.TheamuuntafOnancecAar�eflnten,tlmayt+emnrcnrle.tithanthe,�mountdkclu+eddependinFontheamountclpayyouandmytimelinessinmakmgpayment,. ,-_ <br /> DIiF'Al'1.1':I w�ll bc in dcl'auh undcr tfu�contr�ct iL•1.I Ju»'1 makc a paymcnt��•hcn duc:ur 2.1 hrerk:my prumi+r 1 maJc to c�iu ui thi.contr�rt:or 3.Somcthio,,�elsc :P•.4�-- <br /> r,,! hnP4�ens ahich causes yiw lo helir��c in gnud fuith that 1 J��nut m�end�o pay yau a+promixd:or�i.I dcLiult on any abligations fo���hirh 1 am using my home as culfateral: »--- <br /> j� or 5.Something happens to my housc�vhich thrcatcm your rightti,if it. ''�_- <br /> '•z::;,�; <br /> COII.LECTIQN COSTS:If I mn in Jc(mdt o(this contr.ict anJ yuu dcmanJ full paymcnt.1 undcrstanJ that you havc�hc ribht to foreclou thc moagagc 1 havc givcn to 1 �,� <br /> • you:uiJ to havc my hou+e sald to repay nny amounts 1 au•c yuu. Bcforc my housc is,old,you will do.iII 1I181 lI1C I7W IL`q wrcs.1 undentand that if you hire un attomey """'�`- <br /> =�' to a+sist you in thc enforcement of yrnu�ighlti,including thc wlc of my housr_or a luwxuit,1 tlgRC l0 P:ly you for reasonable nttumeys'fees and For othe�relatcd expenses �` <br /> , wch us coun cous,�iUe�e:vches and money you erpended to pruteci my house,if you are:dlowcd to colleci such amounts by law. �•;.� <br /> . OTHF R RIGHTS:You can choosc nnt to cnforcc any of thc rip.hts undcr this rnntmct as aftcn as you�vant without losing them.Ot,you can dclay cnforcing any of thc ��,�`"�0°� <br /> ., � rights withnut losing thcm.You can atso usc uny rights nnw or(n thc futurc givcn to you by law. _ <br /> DELAYS:1 know that you will use}•our best c(farts to install the Praiucts 1 am purchasing on my tiouse,hut 1 also understnnd that in some situatiuns you may enrnunter �'Y <br /> � delays that arc eauced by xtrikes,«�eather conditions,deluys you have in obtaining materials,ot for othee rcasons that nne beyond your conVOl.I will not hold you liable <br /> , r, tbrauch del�ys. <br /> ; Itt(2UE�I'lU1t t'ULL YAYDi�IV 1=It 1�mi m aetaWt untler t�ts rnntract,you can declam all that I owe under this contract payable at once.1 ngrce to pay you interast <br /> on that amoun�ut the maximum contrac�uul mte uUowed by luw undl�he nmount 1 owe you is paid. I also know that you can fomclose the mortgage I have given ta you. <br /> ' � ARBYI'RATION:If 1 havc a disputc or claim«•ith you conccrning the quantity,yuality or perfnrtttance of the Products,1 undnsstand that my dispute may bo submitteA <br /> to end scttled acccvding to the mediatlon•:ubitration progr.�m EAat may havc develapcd in my community.1 also knuw that any dacision made by an arbitrator(s)w�o;ili be <br /> . enfcrcd in the couct havinE jurisdictlon over mc und you. <br /> i <br />-, 5ALVAGE VALUE:1 know that thc windnws,woodwork,siding,brick and other materinls that have to bc removed by you for this instullatian have NU sulvagc v�luc. <br /> When you rcmove thern,you can hnvc tl�cm fur whatever purposc you wunt. <br /> . : SPECIAI.51TUATIONS:Due to the uniyueness of some of the Products that you sell,I understand U�nt in spccial,ituations your Regional Office muy have to r�view `�' <br /> , , nnd npprove this conmct.1 atco understnnd that this sale occuired in my home und thnt you und 1 may not have had a0 the correct informntion important ro this transnrtion .�_ <br /> at our fingenlps;!Bive you my consem ro cormct uny obviouv errors that may have occurred when the blanks in this wntract�vere complered. ,��__ <br /> ' INVALID PROVISIONS:If nny provision of thls conuact vli�lates the law und is unenforceable,the rest of the contract will be vnlid.If nny pan of this convact trquin.c �F� <br /> .. ., ..,, . i, <br /> payment of more intercst thnn the faw permits,then you wifl only have the right ro collect from me the nmount of Intercst which the I�w allows you ro collect. <br /> " ' J COMPLETENF•5S OF TNIS CONTRAC7':This contrnr.t can only hc rhangcd if both you and I agree in writing. ,_ <br /> : NOTICE ___ — <br /> �• � � • AN'Y NOLDER OF THIS CONSUMER CF3�;D1T CONTRACY IS SUBJ[CT TO ALL Ci.A1MS ANQ DEFEHSES WHICN THE "— <br />�^';��,' . ' ' DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AGAINST TH�SELLER OF GOODS OR 3ERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT HHRETO QR W�7H � <br />-;.y„^„�„,;..; �'THE PROCEEDS W�REOF. RECOVERY HER�UNDER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NUT EXCE�m AMOUNTS PAID BY V�}3E — <br /> �:.:,►,,�, . :: DEBTOR N�RHUNDEq. — <br />�4��,�'._�"�� INSURANC£CANCE[,LATION:If 1 irove requCSted insur.mce in this purchase,1 mu cnncel such rc ucst for insuranc�;for an rcason withln fiReen(15)da v from — — <br />�r - ...;_., � 9 Y Y• <br /> ,��cs� .:+, �,c•� the d�te of this contract by no[ifying you or Ihe holder of this contrnct in wnnng.I knaw t ��t the cnncellntion of my cnverrge will Ae arranged witA the insuranee canier(s) <br /> s-f .. and n full ccfund of my premium(s)ro�cthcr with upplicablc finuncc chargc wlll bc acditcd to this convact. <br />= � PL6A5E NOTE:If I have rcquested insurunce in this pu�rhuse.I will rcceive within thirty(30)dnye n certifitate of insumnee mo�e fully describing the insurance ooveraga --- <br /> tiLf^,���• , i know that ft them is any conflict in tho coverage or the languuge of the certificute of insurunce and the foltowing Not3ce of Proposed Insurance that[am covrred only to =- <br /> _ the extent sWted in the followiag Notice of Proposed Insurance.I ulso know that 1 have insurance covemge only if I hnve bcen charged tot it. <br /> --=• `:�•? `'.. NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSUFiANCE — <br />--�� u., 1 take noNce thut either Crcdit Life or Crcdit Accident and Health Insumnce,ar both,�vill be applicnble to this Instnllment Sales Contract only if 1 have chosen it by �1 <br /> ;�:T x:;., .� signin�the rcquest for such insurance. I'hls insurance will only cover the person si b�ning the requcst ot the mst for each rypc of inxurance shown.Subject to acccptance (�Y��- <br /> ..�'AYpr7rJ`�s• by Ihe insurance company,the insumnco will be effective as of today und will continue onl for the numlxr of months a oq <br /> -- ._.,,.,.,s-.,., Y ftcr the effec:tive dnte ual ro the number of - <br /> _*,�,_,, ,�,.. monthly payntents.I understand that this p:uticular insurance may not pmvide caverage for my last few payments.a�ad that dudng thut period of time 1 will not hnva any --- - <br /> - .:�,,.,, ;�,,;,t. inxurance cover.��,e.AII bencfi�s nnd pmceeds of the insumnce will be paid to you or to a financinl institution if it purch:�es the Imld)lmem Sales Contmct to the extent =__ - -__ <br /> : �� 'of its intcrcsts and any balancc will bc payablc to mc.Thc initinl umount of Crcdlt Lifc Insumncc is thc amount rcquircd to repay Ihc Total of Payments;thetLaftcr.thc v�ra•:-_ <br /> ' '+!' � insur.►nce decmnses 6y the nmount nf cach monthty paym�nt on a scheduled 30 dny basis.(f 1 am�ointly obligated on the Insmllment Sales Cuntract with n CaAuxer,and �.�__�_.__ ________ <br /> - , - we have both signed the rcqucst fur Credit Lifc Insurance,denth benefits�s•ill ba paynble only wit�eespect to the first one of us to die.Subject to exclesions.elimmations d , <br /> or waiting period stated In the insur.mce policy or certificnte,Crcdit Accident nnJ FleaUh Insurance is 8�r the benefit amount of l/30�h of each month's payment for ench �� � <br />- 'day that I am tutally Jisabled due to an in ury or xickness�vhile 1 owe any p�yment to you:ho�secer,l undersumd that 1 have to be prevented from work�ng due to such �:�'':=�-_ <br />_ , Wtal disabi�iry for morc than fourtcen(14�consecuttvc days bcforc thc insurance bcnctit is paid back io Ihc tirst d•ry of my tola{dtsability.I Ws0 know that 1 Cafnnot !^- ` <br />- ' obtnln any insurs►nce from you[f I am ovcr 6S ycary ot age today,ond i also know that thc insurancc coveroqe provided to me may rnntaio e ma�cimum�mount Sf��'� <br /> ,� , of caverage whlc6 will nN.pny In some cases,the enHre umount that 1 owe you.Duc tu thc masimum amount of covcragc�taited in the insurancc policy,l knoav Ihat �� '=��-iy��;�-,;.o.a-_ <br /> _ �ny unpaid umount in excess of thc insurance coverage«ill still huve to be pa�d.If the Installmcnt Salcs Contnst is prcpaid in full prior lo the Inst payment date,uny �•===:__�,�rr�-- <br /> , Vnearned insur�nce prcmiums will be rcfundcd to me in the manner pmscribed by law.W ithin thirt�•(3a)Jays.I will rcceive the cert�Gcate of insurance morc fully describing ''� <br /> my insurance coverage.If the imumnce is not accepted by the insur.uue company.1 will rcceive a refund af the insurance pmmiums I have paid. =.." �'.II <br /> _ 1o;v s+�•ioi-:vF.ririe PAGF.4 "b' <br /> ., ti, � � �• <br /> , <br /> �����.____..,,�,�� ; 'f I' <br /> .. • .r . r . '^+..�j'�'�• <br /> :.____- `�-______ - _. —'__.'_"'—' '__ _._. _._ . _____:.-_._,.--_—_ ' -.-.-.—-._.__.._. ____ _ . ._..., __. _ __.. _ -_.--_ . ...f'_'��.S8�i�1 P� <br /> --.__ .__,. ____-_� ._..—"'—__'__"—__'_'"" "_"' _"__'„"'_"'_ _ . ...._ . . _.._ . .__ �_.. _____._'__ __- ___ _ .. - _ <br /> __ ._. ____._._ �r_. _7 _ � . <br /> ' ' .. � ` ., y � ' . .. . . ..;..Nl . 7.#;:~•. <br /> . .. ` . .. . .. ). .. . . . <br /> ' � . <br /> .. - . ` .. .. . .11 <br /> . � ' .. . ' • � ,. . <br /> .. , i11. . . . <br /> — . . . . . . ,� . � <br /> �.� ' . . - .i .. � .. <br /> � .. . . __. . , .. ,n .. <br />