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<br /> , , i Ol� LESSO •S Ilf�l'aREBT I1��I,1G�ES. !!�'1'a 11fD P�DlI�1'B . , � .
<br /> � � • THiB 118SZGiil�tiT, sitds this � day�o! Juns�, i99�,, by C�1�iR , � �
<br /> � �- $TEiRL CEVEIAP!l1�NT CORPOItATZ01�i., ` an Oklaho�s � cbrporitto�, �stjibq -i � . .�
<br /> aafi�nq addr�ss .o! 1905 8ar�y.Str�t, �uit� 409, O�aha, �ltttixas]�ca •.
<br /> �68302 (h�eili Callld th� ��if�QAOt�) tQ: 3�11R Ot Ol�L+�Ha1�• �.A.� . `
<br /> -- - _.33av#.ng.--tts grf�cipal o!lics at- P.-- D. 9o�c Z41��,- �►lc�ahoas-C#tg,- .,__ ____
<br /> � . ' ol�laha�s 73124 (har�in caiisd th� *alsaiqnN"j f � , .
<br /> . � � iilTl�TEgB ETH; . . ` � �
<br /> . •;�'.. '.
<br /> �RBbs, �tha ]►ssiqnte is ths holdsr�o! a o�i�taitt gL-ol�i�sory' � .
<br /> .. nots (hQrstn ca21�d th4 ."Not�"} o! �v�n dat�, in� . th� priitoipal _
<br /> < ..�...��ount o� S3,200,o0a.00, ox�aut�d by th� ]lrsiqnor�, atfd s�aui�d tiy, a _
<br /> •° '` '-3�ixl�ot Trust and Construation Ssaurity Xgr�q�nt �h�r�in c�il�d ths , ,,
<br /> � " �*De�d ot 1'z ust�y and othor s�curity instsv�nt� o!� w� dst�
<br /> ' �av�ring c�rtafn. reai _ prop�rty in Hall Caunty, N�bsuka (lussin < �'
<br /> - � aa�l+tl .ths �ortgaged Praperty") aor� pastiauidriy a��arib�d, on
<br /> ` S��it."A" _atttiched hel8to �d incorporatsd her�i�1 f atld - . .
<br /> �. : �. ,.
<br /> ��` � �, l�asignor desires .to �urth�r s�curs to AssiqnN�th�
<br /> � lul� and caaplete ,perior�ance oi each o! th� cov�ts� a�qr�nts,
<br /> .. and proaisss contained in �tha ator�aentionad Not� au�d D��d o! Trust ,
<br /> auid a�certain Loan Agreemeat o! aven da�s h�r�with bstxs�n +ilssignoY _ , �__
<br /> ��: and �ssiqnee (the "Troaa �igreeme�}t'��. •
<br />� '! NOW, THEREFORE, f:n aonsiderl►tion o! �ha sua o! T�n Doilars - -° --
<br />:��;1 ($10.00) and other qood and valuable considaratioa ta As�iq�or in
<br /> hana paid by l�issignee, the recaipt .and su!liaienoy o! wbioh ar� —
<br /> s: _ � hereby� aaknowiedqea, l�ssfgnar dos� hareby asaign, grant, transt�r �__
<br /> - auid set over unto Assignee the posaeasion ot th� Kortgaqsd Prop�rty
<br /> - and ali leasea now existinq or Which aay coss into b�inq in tU�
<br /> :�_�„ iuture in sucb Mortgnqed Property, until th� obligations abov� �
<br /> -=- �referred -to shal! have been fuliy pafd and sstisli�d, whioh
<br /> �ssfgnment shaii be subject to the lollowing t�s�as and aondition�. —___
<br /> � 1. Until default shall have occurred �n th� tull A�d �'r.
<br /> �:,;��_-
<br /> . complete performance of any ot the aqraesents, cov�nants and � =_-
<br />' � prosises in the Note, Deed o! Trust �nd Loan 1lgrsesant, Asaf.gnor say �, ��
<br /> contfnue to collect ths rents, is�ues snd protits trom ths 1[ortgaq�d -�,.
<br /> Proparty. IIpon occurrenca ot auch detault ]lssignor shsll d�liv�r to "�-=
<br /> �^ Assignee all leasea covering all_ or any portion ot th� Kortq�g�d � _�
<br /> � Propertiy. Tiais Assignment sha�l be an assigt�ment ot all such l�as�s
<br /> . � to l�ssigacee and �issignor will execute any lurther instrua�nt� .
<br /> necessary to perfect the transler o! such leases and r�ntal �
<br /> • theseunder to Assiqnee. , -��`
<br /> �;_�
<br /> ` .; T � 2. All sums callected and received by �issignee out o! th� •� �. ;"��
<br /> •� 4;� rents, issues and proPits of such Mortgaged Property shali lir�t b� t
<br /> � appliad t� the payment oP the Yollawing: f
<br />_ � � �
<br /> �
<br /> � _ ..
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