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� <br />�� <br />N � <br />B � <br />� � <br />1 � <br />B <br />N <br />v � <br />�' �� <br />� <br />� <br />- <br />� <br />�• <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />� <br />� <br />--r <br />� <br />r— <br />rn <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />oC <br />c �. <br />c'��i <br />20�1023''14 <br />UBT POST CLOSING <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />C <br />= A Z G <br />�N <br />x= <br />st.rBOxniN.��zo�r <br />Fax:402-323-1306 <br />=[k <br />�C. .n�, � <br />0 <br />_` <br />�� <br />� <br />:�` <br />� ��� - <br />r.. <br />�- <br />� 7� <br />) <br />Mar 7 2011 01:13pm P003/013 <br />r..� <br />'._..' " `n o <br />�–' . o --� <br />c n <br />3 z --i � <br />� � m � v <br />0 <br />�� o � � m <br />cn -r, � � � <br />z m � <br />-D D rn O {fj <br />� r A � � <br />� <br />N � C,�J C <br />x � <br />D � <br />N`--' `--' <br />G� Gf� , � <br />� � <br />'��s subozdination is znade a�zad executed thxs � day o� azcb, 2011 by Ho�me <br />�edezal Savings & X.oaz� ,A.ssociation� o� Gzaz�d Island, re�azdiz�g ��,e following desczxbed �� D <br />zeal estate: <br />�.ot One (1), B�oc� `�`wo (2) in �oz�dexosa Lake Estates <br />in tk�e Czty o�' Grand Islax�d, �a�� County, Nebras�Ca. <br />At the xequest and directio� o� UI�TION BANK A ND TRUS <br />valuab�e considezatxo�, zeeeipt of w�� zs 1�ereby ackn.owled€ <br />SAVINGS � LO.AN ASSOCI.A,T�O�1' OF GRA..NT� �SLAND <br />interest zz� tk�e abo�e-described z�e�l estate evxdez�ced by a Dee <br />Daniel L_ Ue�Ieui and Az�ge�a ,�. DeNeui, k�usband and w�� <br />Attorney, �'zustee and I-�ox�e F�deral Savizags & Loan Assoc; <br />$eneficiary, secuzivag the sum of $5,092.50, dated May �.4, 200! <br />2009 as �ms�ment �00903966 xz� the offace o� tb,e Register o� <br />�1'ebzaska to the iz�tezest o� UNION B,ANK AND TRUS7' CC <br />described rea� estate e�ridenced to a Aeed af Trust to be ez�acut� <br />and .A�age�a A. DeNeux, husband and wife, Tzustor to UNI�� <br />COMP.�INY, Txustee a�d Lender, secuzxmg the srxm of $238,400.4 <br />the af�ice o� tJ�e R�gister of Deeds o� Hall County, �Teb�as�a. <br />___ <br />Subdivisio� <br />' CONZ�',A.NY and ifoz <br />�d, HOM� FED�R.AL <br />iereby subordinates xts <br />l o� Tzust execu.ted by <br />, to ,Arend R. Baacl�, <br />�tzoz� of Gra�d �s�a,nd, <br />and recozded May 21, <br />Deeds Of Hali Coumty, <br />�PANY in tk�e above <br />� by Daz��e� L. DeNeui <br />B,A�TK �NA T�ZUST <br />J. and to be zecorded in. <br />'�e undersigned }aezeto agrees that tb.e iz�terest of I�O�E DERAL S,A,VT.,t�IGS & <br />LOAN A.SSOCZA�,'��ON OF GR,A.NA ISLAND, as described bove zs k�ezeby made <br />junxor, �iz��erior and subject to the intErest o� U�TION BANK T�tUST COM�,ANX <br />as descrxbed above. <br />�/ � <br />Dated tb��s / T �ay of Mazck�, 20��.. <br />HON� FEDERAL SA <br />.A,SSOCIATION �� G: <br />By: �'d�� <br />Tit�e: ViCE �£f <br />sTa� O� �B�SKa ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF k�A�L ) <br />On tk�is '/�day of Marc�,, 2011, before zzne the unde <br />du�y eommxssxoned and qu.ali��ed xz� arid for the State of Ne <br />�( �^ f' .� �%C --/ f-�' .�10'DVi] t0 hE t�►� 1,f�P.t].�1�A], 1?QXc�►n U <br />to tk�e �oz�boing iz�stzuz�,ent and ac�sZiow�edged the e�ecutzon the: <br />a�d deed and t�;e voluntazy a�t and deed o� saxd corporatxaza. <br />notarxa� sea� the r�ay a�.d yeaz last above wrztTen. <br />�� 6ENCR�L `JC"��"� '. -� `!ebraska <br />Lii � <br />My(a,r��� ���11 <br />6ENEAAI NOT State of-�e6raska <br />LISA R. MAYER <br />— �Y Comm. Ezp. May 10, 201f <br />NOtB�V <br />& LOAN <br />ISLAND <br />igz�ed, a �Totary PubXzc, <br />aska, persona�ly cazne <br />�ca ���? �C gt�.�cr.ri� <br />�� to be a voluz�tazy act <br />Witness zz�y l�and a�d <br />�� <br />