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<br /> ` ' �tics� shall ap�ci!'ys ttt)
<br /> � �r� tha-dstault= �a� a dats .at�s ths "dats th� notic� f�, qivut ta �
<br /> � �rra�r b]T; Wtich th+ dsiault aust, .b� ' cur�d. vhiaH� dsts i�
<br /> cont�plst��to b� the .a�ni_an�s cutativ� p�►riod aliarrMl b� la�rt and
<br /> (�� -=--thut: _iai3.ura to --ctitx� ths d�fau2t on or bstos� ths dat� � .
<br /> : -.. .. �
<br /> . sg�ai.tiid fa th� notfc� asy rssul� tu�►¢`accslsration o! tha sus
<br /> s�cur�d b7t this sscurity insfsuasnt and resals ot .tht Presis�is. Ths
<br /> � 1fO��Ce 111i11 �1iZ'th�l^ �ffOS $O�a1il1' 01� �li =�gh't 't0 =��M'�Atl�
<br /> stt�r acce��rstian, aAd t� riqht to brinq a courE n o!�8orraw�r!t . -
<br /> .ths ���� o! a d��ault or aay eth�r d�t�nss ,
<br /> - acal�sation and sa1�.- I! dslsult is nat c�r�d, on or b�lor� ths �
<br /> - . � �t.s sg�ai�i�d in the n�fcs, Ls�der, at its option, aa►y roqair�
<br /> ���� p�ystat #.� lnll `ot a21 suss sacursd by thi.s ssaurity
<br /> ��nt vithout furthsr� _d�aarxt and �aay invok� �e��.�shall ab�
<br /> atfd aaY otbuc =p�its p�s�ti.tt�d b7� Nebraska Lat�t.
<br /> .- ' antiti�d to coilsct all expeASes incurred in- pursu#�q the re�a�ies
<br /> = Provid�d in thi� P�a9mPh. includinq but aot li.sited to a =
<br /> sexso�abla nttorniy !e� and cos�s o� titls svidence. _
<br /> , iZ. �it th� po�rpr o! sals fs 3.rivoked. Tsa�stee sha7,1 reaord , —
<br /> _ o! the I��sises _
<br /> = F a notiai oY,�dsfault in asah co�t�t i�i whicb �ny part - - r-- --_
<br />_��- is 'ioaat�d awd shall ssll copies ot �uch notic� ia the sanner ---—
<br /> u
<br />= p=�:�riy�d bp Nebraska Law. Truste.e shali qiYs publia notice of �---
<br /> _ rai�, .ta tl�-p�r�ons .and in the -��.� Presaribea x+Y Nebraska"L�►w. �_--==-.
<br /> r-��a.-
<br />- Tru$t�e. vithout deaand on Borro�res; sfiall �sell the. Ps�aises at • :.�,�.:�:�
<br /> - - :.-:
<br />_ pubitc suctioa to � biqhest biddar:at the tise aAd Place aad under `�
<br /> tLs ,terss designated ia the natice o! sale in one st�ne sale eo! " ��`i,:
<br /> �°i - and � .an� a�^der Trustes determines*- Z'nistee maY Pa Pd � �
<br /> �.�-:
<br /> '�." ali or=any parcel ot the Presises b�. �ublic announceaent at the time - -
<br /> � �� ot any prevfousiy schedu�ed sale• z+endez or its designee
<br />��4�., �y parchase �he property'at aay sale. `
<br /> . fr
<br /> �- Qppm, receipt o! pa�ient of �tY�►e priae bid, Trnstee shall , ; ���
<br /> T � d�lia�= to the purc�taser a �'rustee's �eed conveyfng the Pre�tises. - �
<br /> ` The zecitals in ths Ts�ttstee�s Deed s�iail be prfaia facie evidenae o€ '�,�s`�y,};}_-�—�
<br /> tho truth o! the statements aade t�erein. Trustee shaii nppiy the p,�
<br /> procesds o! sals ia tlas Pollowinq order: (a) � tc all a�cpenses ot the -'>�,µ;� =_—
<br />:� . ` sals includinq. but not limiteci to, Trustee s lees as permitteA by �::�`
<br /> l�tabraska I�aw and reasonable attorney fees: (b) to all snms sacured ;�..'-;,�,=';_�
<br /> by ttris security insts�uuent; and (c} any excess to the person or _ .� - i
<br /> persazi.� legally entitled to it. �:; :�.:-'-;.;=.;._
<br /> .. L-. _'`_-
<br /> ' 13. ..IIpon acceleration under Paragraph 12 or abandm�aent of {,.�: �:_-�
<br /> inted r.. . '.._.�L_.—
<br /> w� tha Ptes�ise�; Isndex (in person, by aqent or by juc�icially.agpo , L,,.`._, -
<br /> . '�. rac���rer) sball be entitled to enter upon, take �oss�ssi�r� o! and �� ���.� ..
<br /> . � �g� tl�� presis�s and to coliect the zents ct8 the Premi�es, �_+��_-
<br /> .: -�..:
<br /> , inclading t�ose past 8ue. Any xents coilected by Lender or the -• .�:;�Q:�r
<br /> s`.� rec�iver shail be applies3 first to payment o! the costs ot _ �
<br /> i-• �anatg�aent o! the Pretiises and cc�lection of rents includEinq, but � ��;:..
<br /> - ± . smiums an receivar�s bonds and. - � •�
<br /> sat 1�sii.t�d to, receivar�s tees, gr
<br /> �_F... . ' reasc,nabl• attorney lees, and t�.ea� to tbe sum secure8 by tYr�s ...
<br /> �. � _? " �•'.� . secu=lty instrument. .
<br /> � ,ti: �� ="• i .
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