F�.�i�zt "�" 201102363
<br />A tract of land compriaing. .all of Loc. One {11.. Fark I91and Squace Foucth• Subc�ivi„gio.n�'r ia khe
<br />City of Gcand Island, Nebtaska;�more particulariy de9cribe8 ae.follavs: �
<br />8eginning dG the norrhve�t: corner of said Loc One (1 )�`e,aid . polnt also:'beZng on��the soucher�.�
<br />right of vay line of 13Ch s[reet: thence running easterly al'ocig Che north line o'f�;aaid.�ot'One.` tl},
<br />and the aouthe�ly. cighi oE vay line ' of 13Ch Streec, on an assumed bearing of T3.:90.;40.'Ofl' �E, a.
<br />diatance of,Five Hundred Seventy 5ix and Eighty Three Hundcedths (576:63}. fee[� to';ehe xottneast
<br />cocaer of sa�d Lo� one (1 �, and the vaeterJ,y ri9ht oE uay l�rne of Diecs �renua; thence running
<br />5 45 00" E, along the easCec'2y line of said Got one (.1 ?. and khe vesCerly right of ; vay l.ine .of
<br />Oiecs Avenue, a distance of Tventy Eight and Eorty Tuo Hundteaths (28.42), feeG'r� thence running
<br />5 00 E, along the easeerly.line of said Loi One (1}; and the vesterly right of vay Tine a1
<br />aiecs Avenue, a distarice of Four Qundred Tventy Three dnd Six Hundned�h9 (423.06) teet� �o.a poinL
<br />of curvacuce; thence running sou[heasterly alon9 [he�acc of � curve to ehe lefc vRose rad'iva is 2vo
<br />Bundred eive (205_0) feet, the lonq chord of vhich bedrs S 15 04'28"..E, a long chocd dissance of Oae
<br />Aundred Tvo and 5ixty Eight Hundredths (102.68) feec, to n point of tangency; : thence cunriin9
<br />529 E, along the easter•ly line of said LoC One (1), and.the ves�erly right of �ay line of
<br />Dier9 Avenue, a distance of Seven[y Five and Fifty Nine 8undr¢dths {75.59) teec to Che Southeasc
<br />Corner of said Lot One (1]; chence cunning S 99�z7'29" W, a di9tance of Sh[ee eundced (300.01 �set;
<br />tnence running N Og w, a distance of One Hu� red 2hlrty and. Four Hundredths (130.'04) feec:
<br />�hence cunning S a9 27'29'� w, a disLance of Tvo Kund�ed Thirteen and One Hundredths (213.01) fegt:
<br />thenco �unning S 09 E, a distance of Ope eundred Thirey and Four 8undred[hs (130_04) feet;
<br />�hence cunning s e9 w, a distance of On� Hundced Eocty Five (145.0) feet: to the south�esL
<br />cocnet of said Lot one (1); thc�nce running N 00 41'03" W, alonq the vescerly line of said Lo� one
<br />(1), a discance vf Si: Hundred eourceen and T�enty Six �lundcedths (614_26) feet� to Che poinC of
<br />beginning a�d con�aining 7.815 ac�es (340,425 Sc� are Fee�) moce or less.
<br />AND
<br />A tract of land comprining all of Lo� Thcee (3),iPark Is�and Squace Subdivision, in �he Cicy oY
<br />Gcend Island, Nebraska, more partieulariy aescribed as Eollo�s:
<br />Begin�ing at C�e northvesC corRer of said Lot Thcee (3); tseoGe �unaing eaatetly aldng Che
<br />no[th line of said Lot Three {31, on an assu�oed heariog of N 90 Oo'00" E,•�(eaid Asaumed 8eacing
<br />coincide9 vieh thac used i.n the de9c�iption foc Lot One (1). Park Islarld Squace Faurth Subdivision).
<br />a diacance �of O�e H�adrad Eorty One and forty Eight 8undredChs (141.�6} Eeet. ta Che �ortheast
<br />corner of 9aid Lot ?hree {3), and co �a poinc an the veseecly righC of yay line of U.S. tlighvay.No.
<br />281: Chence running 5 Oo 13' 6 along the eastecly line of said r.ot Three (3 , a[►d tt�e veatecly
<br />right oE vay line o! U.S. 8igh�ay No. 291, a distdnce of Five aundred Poucceen aad Sevanty Sevars
<br />Hundcedths (514.T7) feet, to the southea9t cocner of said Lot TAree (3), ani3.zo n poirtt of curvatuce
<br />on �he easterly righC of vay line of Diern Avenue; thence tunniag noc�hveste�ly along Che easterly
<br />cight of vay line. oL Aiera Aveaue and the arc o£ a curve to the lett �ho9e radi�s is �ne Hundced
<br />Nineey Seven and Five TenCh9 (197.50) feet, the long ehocd of 'vhicb bears N 15 04`28" W, a long
<br />chocd di�tance of Nineey Eighc and NineCy Three 9undred[h� (98.93?, feeF. co a.poi�t of tangency:
<br />[henco rupning N 29 H alonq che ea:aterly cight of vay lina of Oiees l�vepue, a distancs oE Tvo
<br />Bundred. Three and �Thirteen H�nd�edths (203.13) feet� �C a poini of cucVatvre; .thenCe.cunning
<br />no=Cheasterly along the eastacly.�ighL of �ay ].ine oE Die�s 7lvenoe and the a[c of a cucvP the
<br />ci,ght vtiose radiu9 i� �ne Hundced Foriy FiVe (i45.0) LeeC, Che lor�g c6ord af vpiCh beaxo bt15 04'28"H,
<br />a' 2on9 � �hord distance of Sev�nty Tvo at►d .Sizty Thcae dundtadChs. 172-63) tee�. �to a.poirit of
<br />Gangency: Chence runnin9 N-� 00 34'13• N aloag the aaste�ly cight of vay lins' of ilie'ra Avenue,. a
<br />d:stance of One 8undred 5¢venty ilra and Pocty F1ve kiundredth9 (172.45) feec� to the.point of
<br />beginrting and conCaihiDg 1.096 ecres (47,751 SquaCe PeeC) moCe or lesa- ,
<br />