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<br /> � f DEED OF TRUST � �`" �� -
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<br /> ' • � '• PARTIES:This Deed of Truat ia made on A tdi7eT �n_ i9gy _,amona tho�rentor,_�uAr. r i.awaouN_ j�_ _
<br /> � t $IJAi T.R PRRRON _ (°I30ffOW9f��, '_-
<br /> ARRNf] R AAS4CK. ATRb�j$� —^� -�
<br /> whose restdence addrese Is on ne�7nf1. Ar�nd 7nlnn�,�1i County,Nebraska("Trustee'1,and the Beneficiary,�^ �
<br /> HOMfs F1',fl$gAT. RAVZNa4 & t.AAN ACR(�(`TATT(1y_ ,a corporation orpanized C�yi _
<br /> ,� \�-.
<br /> and oxisting under the Iswa of NRARASNA wYwao addreae Is �71 �tITH L[1['TTR7' RTRF.RT�
<br /> � _�gnNn TS .T nun"_NRPRAS n �aRn�-iong,.. l'LendeP). -
<br /> � COH!lEYANCE:Fo►value reaeived,Borrower(rrevacabh�*?rnnt�and conveys to Trusteo,In trust,with power of saie,the real property,of which L
<br /> Barrowe► is Iawfuly seized, described balow end all dui�dir.p.�, fixturos, end existinp end tuture improvamente tfiareon end ell rights�of•way,
<br /> easements, rents, issues, profite, income, tenemrtntr horaditnmante, privllapan and any appurtenances thereunto belonping (all callod the
<br /> . � •proPe►h�"l.
<br /> PROPERTY AODR&SS: 2� vFNriG sm , Ai.�A. ,Nebraska 6Aa�n
<br /> � LEDAL DESCAIPTION: �suau �cicr� a�u coa��
<br /> .Y
<br /> 4y
<br /> j .�
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<br /> 1�'�t�s'�..�.+�.+` �
<br />�).. .
<br /> �:t� � '?+, located in AAANiI iai Atm, HAI3 County,Nebraske.
<br /> r-,`�•''��"~%�� TITLE:Borrower covenants und warrants Nt'a to th�property,except for
<br /> 9i�..�:.4.ii�t� ,
<br />-_,IJ',Y'j'_�;t�_
<br />-��'�r��: SECURED DEBT:This deed of trust securas to Lnndar repayment ot tho suaure�d debt end tho peHormence of the covenants end apreemonta
<br /> i� contefned in thla deed of truat end in eny ottrsr dacurment Inca►poreted horeln.Sscured debt,es uaed in thla deed of trust,includea any amounts
<br /> a.T^`°J;�" ' Bonower owea to Londer under thia deod sR truax or under nny Instrumont sacured by this deed at truet,a�d nll modifica2iona,extensions ond
<br /> ;;,,.'.: ; �enewals thereof.
<br /> �`�+'`_� . The secured debt ia evidenced by(Ust sll Inuuurrtanta and aqroemonte eoourod by this deed ot trust and the detes thereof.l:
<br />=_-f;:�r��- �
<br />�t-�;,��_1�� A PR01ti f3COD N� A�^` SR('Tli2TTY ACiR�F1NF1�7'I' nA FTI ATi(�[iST RO� 7 406
<br />�%`°;�X�°�:.�.�
<br /> z�+�.�+�+� �Futun Adv�nca:The ebava nma�ans is seeured evan thouph eli or part of it mey not yet be advanced. Future edvancea ere
<br />;`�� contemplated and wUi be eo¢urad to th�aeme extent oe if mode on the dato thlo deed of trust Is executcd.
<br />�
<br /> �;a�!*++�� ❑ Revotvtng Iine of credit egronmRnt daLOd ,witi�Iflltiel enouel interest rato of %.
<br />=--i,:.c:u�.�
<br /> ,,, Ail smounta owed under thio agraainant are securad evon though ell amounta mey not yet be edvanced. �uture advancea under
<br /> ��;�k�� th�agreement aro contsmplmed and will L�e secured to thu aniti:e extont ae If inede on the dete thla deed af trust is executod.
<br /> =�:��
<br /> The ebove obligeUan le due nnd psyn6lo on ��:_5., �QA'% If not paid earlier.
<br />��_� The total unpeid balence eecurod by�sh:n�aud of trust et any ono timn shell not exceed a maximum princlpal amount of
<br /> r�m�w;v.,��
<br /> — ��� - n� TuncrFarm six 1tRNflRRi1 '�'�1E767'1t nem .2/�ne _ _Dollars(8 ��5�0_a� 1,pfua Interost,
<br /> �Y^�;,�:,��5` ptus any amounts disburaod under ttn�terms of thSa deod of truut to protect the security ot this deed of trust or to perform any of tha
<br /> --_°�- '" covenanta contained In this deed o0 truei,w{th interc�at on such dlabureaments.
<br />—'___'"��.�.}•)'
<br /> �;.:��1��•i
<br /> 3q:f,r _,.._ ❑V�deMs R�tr.The interest race on ths obllpation securod by thln deod of truot may vary according to the terms of that obtigetbn.
<br />' `�'.�,:;. ❑ A copy of tho loan aereomqnt Cantafninp the torms undor whfch the Intorest rato mey very is ntteched to this deed ot bust end
<br /> :�s'� �.�;K;.- medo a part hereof.
<br /> l:.-� .. .� _.
<br />�'. ., HIDEAS: ❑ Commorclal � AART..NMi�NT n� AF.NTR ❑ —
<br /> : '� ,': DCSInWATl01110F HOMC•STEAD
<br /> ' � '�` Pursuant to tha Farm Homaetead GYGt�¢t6o��Act,daalgnatlon of homostnad ❑ Is attachod to thl�deed of trust and mede e part hereof
<br /> � ❑ hae beon dlaclafined;the dioclofmar is ettacic¢d to thia dood ot truat and mede e pert hereof.
<br />�! i
<br /> _ � SIflNATURES:By tlpNnp bNow,Barovorer npra�s to t}►s term�and covon�nt�cont�tn�d In thls d�ed of trust,inctudlnp Y}ws�on p�p�2,and in
<br /> �ny dd�n dac�iWd�bov�sipn�d Ey P,aerower.
<br /> .- _s��_�'_ /"'�'7�1. � X. �PJivY/.'�.r-i�1.�— -�---- -- - —
<br />- � �� ETHEL I LAb'ISORN
<br /> , r
<br /> i �.
<br />` ACKNOWLEDOMENT:STATE OF NEBRASKA,_, nr�ntvn rR ,ANL1_ HAT.T. Countys5:
<br />_ �� The foreBoine lnstrumont waa saiuiovriedp�td boforo mo on thls anTt� day oi AiTC3ircT, 1996
<br /> 3 - , b}I i:TNRt• T tAMfi[IRN�� C7NC,7:C pT.=RCn
<br /> ' fTltidpl
<br />_ Corporaro a O} y� 1Nrr�o of Corponnon a PannenMpl
<br /> - PMmnhip ��i.--- -
<br /> _ �cMOwudpne�� a on bnhalf of tho corporation or partnershlp.
<br /> - My comm se on exp�ros: i /n0 1
<br /> �- I 15�W r�ra r unet T�R ! N1i(il i X� � tNotuyPud:cl
<br /> � 7hialnatrumentwaaproparedDy _r�tra�xnaxtR ._ _.____�_—___ .--_ •
<br /> Cd1B06z�IKEHSS�STEMS.�NC..ST.CLOUD.MNG890111•800•�77•234�11'ORtAOCP�MTO�NE0��9/91 APPL# 00024301 lpage►o121 N�A
<br /> � � CCD# 0000000000
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