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<br /> --. . - , ��:•�:���� g6- 1(➢'�'4�'�
<br /> ,� 1. �^c�y�nente. Uorrow�r apronn tm m�lco ail pqymonte on th� socurod dobt wl�on duo. Unloae Uorrowor and Londor aproe othorwiso, ony
<br /> pnyments Lender rocolvos from Ourrovior or fpr qorrowor'a bnnofit wlll 6n oppIlod firot to any arnounto Bqrrower awoo on tho securocl doht
<br /> , I oucluaivo of Intoro�t or princtpel, rnoond to Intaroat,end thon to princlpnl.I}pertlal propaymento}the s�cured debt occure for any roeson, it wlll
<br /> not reduce or excwe eny tchoduluA pnvmant u�Eii tho soeured dobt is paid in full.
<br /> � 2.Clalmf Ap�mt TItN.BorrouSei wUl puy�II t*x4r,,eesoeemente, and other ch�rpea ettributaGo so the propeny whan dua end wlll defend title
<br /> to the prop�rtu again�t eny clelmn vlhfch Wou�1 N�Mtdr thn Ilon o}thie deed o}truet.Lander mey requlre Borrowe�to easipn eny rlphte,cielme or
<br /> � defcnset whlch 8orrower mey hnvi�9��h�t putie�l�vho supply Isbor or matsriat�to Improve or msfnt�fn the propevty. ,
<br /> ' I 3.Insur�nc�. Borrower wiil koi�p tho property t:�turod undor terms eccepteblo to Lender et Borvower'e expenae and ior Lender'o Eenefit, All
<br /> inaurance policiee eiiell tncludo e�atandord mc:tp7,pnpclnuIIO In}avor of Londer.Lender will ba nnmed ee loee payee or es the inaured on any auch
<br /> ,. „ orsto the socu�rod debt�If Lendiir oqulrea�moiifla�n Iniueence�t Borrowe►�eprales to�milntalntsuch Inaw°encetfor n long es Lenderarequirea roperty
<br /> q,p�opHty.Borrowar wfll koop tho properry ie��i�nsl conditfon end mako all repalre reasanably necessary. ,
<br /> ' •'''�'`� 6.Exp�ns�s.Borrower aprnon tn pAy ell Londsr'6 oxpenooe,Inciudinp reesonable ettornnys' feea, if Borrower breaks any covenants in this deed
<br /> . �'++ of trust or in eny oblipatlan snaurod by this dat+cl ot trust.Borrower will pay these emounts to lendar as provided in Covenant 9 of thls deed ot
<br /> tN6t.
<br /> 1
<br /> ecu�ritysntuests��6onoweuwill p�►�fo►m aHfnitFlorroworLs bli8etoneteunder ony prio►mortpapa�de�daof trustror�tothereseacu�ritytagreementr ,
<br /> including Borrowar's covontinto to make payrnnntE when due. ''� '
<br /> .�����
<br /> 7.As�ipnm�nt of R�nts�nA Frnflto. Borrow¢r essigns to LeMor the renta and prolite of the properly. Unless Borrower and Lender heve agreed , �;y`_
<br /> otherwlso In writfng, Borro�vor moy coliect En;l rotein tliq rents es lonp ea Borrower ia not h defeult.If Borroµrer defauite, Londer, Lender's :, ��.o_
<br /> agent,or a court eppofntod rocaivor may tal:� possassian and menape the property and collect the rents. Any ronts Lender collecte shall 6e .,
<br /> � applied first to tho costs nf mnnaping the p:nporty, inciudinq court coste and ettornoys' fees, commiasions to rental agents, and any other �4�,,: '
<br /> � necessary related expenseti.Thfl rematning amaunt of ronts will thon epply to payments on tha secured debt as provided in Covanant 1.
<br /> 8.Lc:eha!�:Gendom4nNimo:Plann�d Unit nnvalopmaMs.Borrower agrees to compty with tha provisions of any lease if this deed of trust is on ��'�_
<br /> � e leasehold.If this deod ot truot la on a�init in a condominlum or e plenned unit development, 6orrower wiii perPorm eil of Oorrawar's duties �__-..:
<br /> } under the covanants,byla�vo,ar repulationn of tho condominlum or plennad unit development, '�
<br /> � 9.Autho�ity of L�nd�r to po�torm tor poemwor.1f Bottowar fafie to perform eny of Borrower's dutiea under this deed of Vust, Lender may ;F�;-.
<br /> :'� perform the duties or cpurn thom to ba p�!formod.Lendor mey sipn Borrower's name or pay any amount if necessery for performance. If eny -�-
<br /> construction on the propem/is discontinund or not carriod on in e reasonable manrser,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect LendeYS �r,yt.��'L
<br /> eecuriry intorest in tf�a proporty.Thfs maV ins:udo compiotinp tha conatruatlon. ==,-
<br /> { ;1
<br /> ;�� ` Lender's failure to perform wiil�at precluctA l.vm;ler from exerclsinp any of Its other righte under the law or thfa deed of bust. {�y_;t:+?�:.,:
<br /> Any emowts paid by Lendur to protect Lendar's security interest will be secured by this deed of Vust.Such emounte wilt be due on demand �_"-
<br /> ,� end wiil bear interest from tho date of ttre payment untfl paid In full et the intareat rete In eifeCt on the secured debt.
<br /> r f ils to moke an pa ment when due or breake any covenante under thia deed of uust or any ����"'v
<br /> �• 10. D�f�wh�nd Acc�t�rnUon. IP Florrowe a Y Y y __
<br /> demand Immeuiat peymc�int and m yunvoke tho power of s9ale end any other remedlesdpermitted by epplicable lowurity of the secured debt and v
<br /> =1, �;�:vr.:'a„ca af Lwsl�sl4!t!s na.�y.nnunarnd t�at coalea of the notices of defeult and sale bo sent to each person who is a party _
<br /> � � hereto,at the addroas of onch sueh parson,�s set forth hereln. _
<br /> 'k
<br /> � 12. Pow�r of Sd�.If thv Lendor invokea ttr�powor of sale,the Trustoe ehetl firet record in the oHice of the register of deeda oi each eounty
<br /> • wherein the trust property or aornu part or parcol thoruof ie eitueted a notice of defavit cor�3ai�ing the iniormation required by law.The Trustee
<br /> �; shait elso meil copfes of tho noticn of defauk to tho Borrower,to oach person who is a parry hereto,end to other peesons es prescribed by
<br /> appllcable law. Not Iesa than �na month aftor tho Ttustee rocords the notice of detauit, or two months If the uust property is not In any
<br /> �'`• � incorporeted efty or viitufla end is used in ferm'.ng oporations carried on by the trustor,the T�ustee ehali give pubiie notiee of sale to the persons
<br /> �•• :.-t;��� and in tha manner prosoribod by�appplicabl�lavi.Trusteo, v�ithout demend on Borrower,shall seli the proparty at pubUc auction to thu hiphest -
<br /> ' � •":.� bidder.If roqulrod by tho Furm Homeotead Protaction Act,Trustee ehall oftor the proporty inNvo eeparete salea ee required by applicable law.
<br /> ,y`,y;, . Truatee may postpone at�le oi all or eny parcal of the property by Fublic ennouncement et the Hme end place of any prevlously scheduled eale. —
<br />:/,j���ti:_�.�__,_..•
<br /> Lender or its designee mny pu►chosa the proporty at any sale.
<br />_ ,� Upon roceipt of paymant of tho pnco 6id,Trustoe shait detivar to the purchaser Trustee'e dood convoyGng the property.Tho�ackiais contained in
<br /> = �: Trustue's deed chail ba prima fare evidtonrn ef iha mith ot the Rt�temente contained therain.Truetee sh�ll appty the proceeda of the aele In the -
<br /> foltowinp order: (o) to ell expeneas of tha sa�e, fnciudinp. but not Ilmited to, reasonabte Truttee'e fees, reasonable ettorney's feos and
<br />= ' reinstatoment feos:(h)4o all suma secured L,:L:;.;l�o�of truat,ond(c1 the batence,ff any,to the parsons lapally�entitled to receivo it.
<br />_ "�'" 13.Forr.c�a:ura.At Landar'�opl!on,thls deed of tmst may be foreclosed In tho manner Frovide by oppllcabia lew for toreclosure of mortBapea
<br /> r•��'' '" on real property.
<br />��_-.n_t..at --
<br />����,,,, , 14. Into�ctlon.Lendur mey omor the property to Inapoct it Ii Londer givea Borrower notice beforohand.The notice must state the reasonabte ___
<br /> cause(or Lender'B inspoation.
<br />?�r����'�'A 16.Cond�mmdon.Borrawer Asalt Lna to Londnr tho proceede�f any award or clalm for damAges conr►ected with a condemnation or other taking _
<br />'���;�� �' of ell or eny part of tho propenty.SuCh pro�earls will bo applied es providod in Covenant 1. TNS assignmant is subject to the terms ot eny prior _
<br /> ' seeuriry agroement. --
<br /> . 18.Wvvn.By oxorofoing an��vamedy avallablo to Lender, Lender does not give up any righte to later use any other remedy.By not oxercising ��=
<br />����.• ` any romedy upon Barrowor's ciefnult,Lender doos not watve any ripht io later considet tho ovant a default ff it happens apain. -
<br /> Y� ' �V 17. JoMt �nd S�vnrd Uabili�y• Co•ilpn�n; Succ�tsas �nd Aaslpn� Bourtd. AII duties under thla dced of trust are Joint and soveral. Any Q
<br />--- �_<••• Borrower who co•sipno this deed ot trust but dooa not co-sign the underlylng debt InstrumenHsl daes so only to grent end convey that
<br />�-°,,,•�;,��� Borrower's Intorost in tho property to the Truatoe undnr tho terms of thia dood oi trust.In addRfon,such e Borrower agrees that the Londer and _
<br /> eny other Borrower undur thl.ro deod of trust may oxtend, moditv or make any other chengee In the terms of this deed of trust ar the secured _
<br />_-'"„r.; . debt wkhout that Barrowor's consent end wkhout retooeinp that�orrower from the terms of tNS deed of trust.
<br /> " -��* The duties end benefito of thW�deed of trust shall bind end bonofit the successore end asaignaof Lender end Borrower. -
<br /> ' � ^:---
<br /> 18.NoUc�.Unlese othorwiso roquired by law,any nottce to Borrower ahell be given by delivering it or by mailing it by certifiod mefl addrossod to _,_ -
<br /> Borrower et the prnporty address or eny othar addroas that Borrowor has given to LBnder. Borrower wlll give eny notice to Lender by cortified -=--
<br /> ' � maU to Lender'e eddrose on page 1 of this da•ac1 of Vuat,or to eny other addrens whtch Lender haa desiflnated.Any other notice to Lender shail �"-��-
<br /> „ ° � be sent to LendeYs eddroes as statod on papa 1 of thia doed of trusL �
<br /> � Any notice shall be duomed ta have been pivon to Borrower or Lendor when given in the marmsr steted ebove. Rw=
<br /> t
<br />_ � ; 19.7ransf�r of thr PrppHty oP e 6an�ifci�l Int�nat In tho Borrowcr.It�II or eny part of the propertY or eny Intereot in it is eold or tranaferred �F��
<br />- without Lender's prlor wrinon consent, Londer may demand immedi�te payment of the eecured debt. Lender may alsa demand immediate �:''—
<br /> s payment if the Borrowot Is not a naturel patson end a beneficlal Interest in the Borrower is sold or uanaferred. However, Londer may not ���•_�-�
<br /> demand paymont In the above situetions if iY ia prohfblted by federal lew es ot the date of thia daed of Vust. �'=�"°'=
<br /> �a,t:��
<br /> ; 20.R�conwyanc�•When the obligntlon socurod by this doed of truat hes beon pald,and Lender has no further obligatton to make edvences ���=��
<br /> under the instrumento or a9eeaments securod by thfa doud of truat,the Truatee eheil,upon writtan requeat by 4he Lender,recanvey the trust �; ,
<br /> �, property.The Lender sha[i aefiver to the Borrowor,or to Borrowor's succoscor In Interest, the t►ust deed and the note or other evidence of the �• f -
<br /> ::C:
<br /> .�f,�+
<br />� '-='L'- ..�.u...�t....o..�s*ict7ml [7nrrnww�¢hall n�v¢►fV roC0(dUt1011 CODte. --
<br /> -`.:__-.v,__...-----.- ......e�..�..�___.._..'-- -- �- - • • . :
<br /> 21. Suec�uor Trustae. Londor, et Lendar's option, muy romavo Trusteo and appotnt a wccossor trusteo by firat, mailing a copy ot the t'�
<br /> � substitutlon of trustoo ne roqufrod by applicabto Inw,and thnn,by fillng the subetitutian ot t►usteo for record in tho office of the registor of deeds - �
<br /> of oach county In whfoh tho trust proporty,or somo purt theroof,fs sftuetod.7ha suc�assor Vustae, without conveyance of the proporty,shall �
<br /> succeed to ofl the po►vor,dutios,outhority nnd titlo ot tho Trustoo namod in the doed of trust end of any succossor trusteo.
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<br />.- BANBERS SYGTEMS.INC..ST.CLOUD.MN 6e701 11�600.997•23N1 FORM OCP•MTp�NE e/10�91 _
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