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<br /> .IN„��d i��� 2(}027?'Ei2 _
<br /> _ llpon rccelpS �t payment ot It�e �rica bld, Trur+tee shAll d��r to the p�urchasc:r �'e'ilStC�'B [�CCtI CQ11VC`yltig the _
<br /> Pro{►criy. Tht re�ltale In the'A'ruxte�'r+tk��d Nh�ll i►a primw fACte evidence of thc trutl� af the statemen�s made thQrein.
<br /> Truxtee Rh�ll Apply the proceedn ot Ihe n�le 6i!ha tirlinwing arder:(a)to ull costs and ex�euses of exercising the power of _
<br /> �le,wnd the�Ie�Includeng Ihe pAyn�rnt��f Ihe'1'runtee•a tee!►Actuully incurred,nat ta exceed 6.00 g(,
<br /> . o?tiie�rlikl�al ai��aucit��7 th�ne:te uS lh: tltn^nt e�t�t�w'1�!rntie►n nf defeult,enc� ►�ea�nnble attoeney9' fees os permltted
<br /> by I�wi(b)to pll rcum9 Necured hy ihlK tircurlty In�truinent;wnd(c)sr�y excess to the{ier:s�►u or persons l�gally entttled to
<br /> tt, •
<br />_ 22, Reconveypntk. U�Cm paynx:nt uf nll swnti nccurcd by this Security Instrument, l.ender shull rc:yuest Trustee to
<br /> rccunvcy thc Arcipeny und ehull hurrcixlcr Ihls ticcurlty Intitrumcnt und nll nates evidencing debt secured by this 5ecurily
<br /> Instrurucnt to Trustea Trustee el�all recunvey�h� Prarcrty without warrnnty and withaut charge to the per�on or persans Icgally
<br /> entiUed tn it. Such person nr perNUns shull puy uny recurdatlun costs.
<br /> 23. Sui�titute Tru.rte�� I.cuder, ut Un uptic�n,may from timc ro Nme rcmo��e Trustee and appoint a successor trustec to _
<br /> m�y Teustee ap�winted hereunder by un i�►strunxnt raardcd In the county in which this Securiry Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Propeny, the .r•ucecssi�r trun�ee shull hucceai to ull the title, power ond duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> nnd by applicablc luw. °
<br /> 24. �teq�rc.�t far Notice�. &rrrowcr rcyvcstx�hut copicy of thc natices of defuult and sale be sent ro Borrower's address
<br /> which is thc Property Addre::s. '
<br /> 25. I�Idere to this Secucity In�trument.If ime c�r mura rlclerK ura executed by Eorrower und recorded together with this
<br /> Security fnstrument,the cnvem�nts ar�i ugreenzents oY eucl� tiush rider hhull be lncorpo:ated lnto and shall nmend and supplement
<br /> the covenunts and ugrecnu:nt�;of this Security Infitrumem nr ii'the rider(g)wcre u purt af thin Sec;urily InStru�nent. -
<br /> [Check applicubla box(es)]
<br /> 0 Adjustablc Rutc Ridcr _ Cond�►u�lnium Kidcr �1-4 Family Rider
<br /> C-�(3raduated Payn�ent Ridcr �Pl�uined Unit Ucvcl+�pmcnt Ricicr 0 Bitveekly Payment Rider
<br /> � C�Balloan Ridcr I�Rate bnprovemcnl Ridcr �Second Home Rider
<br /> ' ❑V.A.Rider C..�Uthcr(K)(r;peclfy�
<br /> .-- �Y SIL'":I::L3 EEl,Q�,�rto:�=!�S.��f°m°1�..!�°olCA��n Ihn termu,�n�1 c��venunes contnined in tltis Security Instrument and
<br /> ' in any rider(s)executeal by Borrawer und recorded wfth it.
<br /> . S Witnessec: '� (� � f _
<br /> IJ • L t^(Seal)
<br /> 'BRYAN D MATEJltA -uorra��cr
<br /> � J.t_..,_,�.,.�`�Jf�, (Seal) .
<br /> a .
<br /> K TH I A MATEd KA ��eorrowcr
<br /> 9
<br /> i -
<br /> . ., ,
<br /> :� ��ftA�) -------....,....._ ���)
<br /> ' -Oorrowcr •Borr+�wer
<br /> ::
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA, County w�: HALL
<br /> .x The foregoin$instn�ment was acknowiedged before nw this 1�'fH �iay of SEPTEIu18ER , 199d ,
<br /> •,�.� Witness Any hand aixl notxrial seal at qRAND I6LAND� EBRABKA � in snid�:onnty,the date�uforesaid.
<br /> : _�"��`
<br /> • My Commission L�xpires: -
<br /> � �QEMEA�HMOTII�YSiIIlMMlb�qi� Noury Nuhllc ,
<br /> GI1V10►.OQHMEN
<br /> �NCa�tGp�•�,2000
<br /> ,
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> � r,�.e a�e Form 30Z8 9I90
<br /> ,�
<br /> ';
<br /> �
<br /> -- -- -- __
<br />