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<br /> � 9�� �l��/a7�..� LOAN N0, 1 5 3 9 2 1 G 6 0 2 .
<br /> 10.Cond�mMtl�n. The Aroc�ecia nf eny eward or clatm tor dartuapaa,direct or consequsnti�l,In connec�ibn wfth
<br /> . eny condemnetlon or other tatckp of�ny pen d the Praperty,or for conveyance In Iieu of caxiemnatbn,are hereby
<br /> �. esatpned end el�all be peki to�axl�r, � •• �
<br /> :� In the uvent d a totel takin�of the Property,the proceeds aP�all ije appl(e�4o ti�e su�s secu•r�d i�y tNls�s:.u��iy
<br /> � I�atrument�wNether or not the��due,wkh eny sxcese pakl to Borrower.fn the eveM of a panld taklnp of the Property in
<br /> whlGh the tal�rtudrke4 velue o1 t�t�ropertyt Im�nedletely betore the taking la equd to or greater than the emount ol the
<br /> � � eurrtia sdcun�d by thls 8ecurtty I�trument knmedlatsly t�atore the tnkt ,unteaa Borrower and Le►tidsr othetvtiriae egree In
<br /> �.�,""`"t� writlnp�the suma eecured by ti�N 6�curitY Inatrument�1 be reduced the amount d the proceeds mudtiplted by the , :
<br /> -�� ,�"�' Idlonxln8 iraction:(a)the totel aew:uit d the euma sacured Immedlat�iy ore the taktnp�cilvided bY lb)the Mir maulcet
<br /> vdue o�tho Prope�ty Immediat�ly�fore the tnki�p.My rstance shaN be paid to E3orrower. In ths event d a partlel :�
<br /> taklnD of the Pto�erty In wh�is iM fak meirket velue M the Prop�rty Immediateiy befese tha takin�b leas 1Nen ti�e �.
<br /> amount of the sume secured Inmadkteiy before the t�klnQ,u�esa Borrower and Lende►atharw)se egreB tn writinfl or � t�
<br /> . ,�rr;_:.
<br /> unlcisa Icable�aw anarwis�a ea�cnepraceeds st�au be apptted co the sums secured 6y this Secu►icy
<br /> ' InsUUme�nt whether or not the a�m�ere then due. -��
<br /> • ,.' ,,`.'^ti.T
<br /> B the Pr+npe+rty Is abandon�ad by Borrower�oi M.after notke by Lender to Borrowor that the condemnor attere to �.•;�;_
<br /> � � masce an a�rercJ or eoRtle a dairn lor-da 8orrawnr fala to reapond to Lerxier wkhki 30 days aRer tbe date the '����
<br /> � �,��_.��-
<br /> � �f; nolice la phren�L�ender ie authodted to �and appiy th�proceeda at Re opt�n.6khOr t0 fBStorBt{011 Or�ApBk Of the ; :n�:__.-=-
<br /> , .��;: Propeity of to the euma secured by thia Securiiy insifw r�e+��i,wi wt'i�a7`�ai tCr�due. -
<br /> .i,, -�::,~». .
<br /> . , 1111�839�IIf�8�8�1d BOR�dEf ORII@�W�S@ 8QfA81f1 YY�fI��BIIjlBOOIk.8t�0110��1fOC99d$t0�IfICIp81 Sh811110t E!X«611d 0� ..,"`�t..,'-
<br /> �;.� • :s�::�=:�
<br /> , , postpone the due date of the�nonti'�IY Palm�ents reterred to In paragraphs t and 2 or change tho amount of suct� •,���:�:.
<br /> P��a� .,��;,�:.
<br /> � n�_��
<br /> ».B o r r o w o r N o t R e 1 N S C�d;F a�b�e n n w B y L�a t d K N o t�Watwr. �aens�on a n,e ume ta p a y m e r K« � "';�,�,�r�
<br /> �,�.:.
<br /> ��, modiflcallon d amwtltetlon o4°tlie atxne secured by 3h{s Secu►ky It�stntment g►ented by l.ender to any successor In ;3,,,��:
<br /> �torest d Boira�wer shall not aparate to release the IlabMiry af the o�gk�Borrawer or Bomower's successcxs in ;..-�: ._
<br /> ` I�Qreat.Lende�shei! not be requlred to r,anmenc;e ptoceedings e9afnst any successor tn tnterat or retuse to extend ;�; �:-
<br /> Ume tor payment a otl�erwise mod iy amortizatbn of the sums secured by thls Sacurity Irtstnur�erx by reason ot any ��;:_;'��s,_._.
<br /> , ��'' demand made bydte odginal�arrower ar Bottawer's stx;csasore in Interest.Ml►fofiearance by l.endef f�exerckslr�g ';;�,----
<br /> em►�igh�t or remed�►snaU r�lkze a wehrer ot or preauae a�exercisa a any rtght or remedy. ��_�.._-_
<br /> -� . ��.�.�..�:s�'�.�-..,� a��..,a;_��„w�..�aaw.w�W 6Yttv:Co.sEaiws. The cavenants eu�aareetr�enta d _
<br />_ _� � ' thi�Secudty I�tnxn�r�t shall b�id�n9 t�enefit the sucx�ssore arxi sssjpns d Le�d�and Barower.aublect to the =
<br /> . `� , �rcwhk�ns pf ph/7.�c7rtow�er's cavenel►ts arxi a�eements sheM be jotnt end severel.My Borrower who -
<br /> . , cw �n
<br /> . cn--sfpns this InaVUm�ent bsit does not exaauto the Nde:�a)t�co-slgnhq this 3ecurky Inste��anent oNy to =�_
<br /> - . ---_...� mortqe�e.preu�t and corr►'eY tt�t Sotrower's(ntenat 1n the Property urKler the tertris d tltis Security Irutttxe�erk;(b)Is �
<br /> . . not Pe►�onarY v�li�ted t0 pa]Itlis sums secia�ed by thts SecurRy I�trumai�;end(c)e�rede tf�i Lender arxi arry od�er = ---
<br />.:,..; �..,.. Borrow�er may s�ee to eoQenc���modly.tabear or make arry eccon�w�datlor�s wkh regard to the terms of thts Securityl -
<br /> ,•:::�_�,$� Instnxnent a the NaRe withoWt d�t Borto�rer'a cwnser�t.
<br /> ���.,F� � 13.Lo�n Ch�a�. If the toen sacurecl by tl�a Security I�tnxrier�t I�subje��t 3o a Iaw which seta mexkrxxn laen �
<br />.-�-
<br /> �•��:.�::x . � d�augee,erKi tl�at law la flnally itertxeted so tl�at the I�erest or ather toare cha�s coMected or to be coM�tod in ti:
<br />:�,,�.-�t�.: � ca,nectlon wkn a�e�oa�eo«e�eat�e perrn�cea�knis�.tne�:(a�any sucn�oan�r�rye shaN be reaucea dy tne arnounc
<br /> .., .,. .�„
<br /> � ., �rt ._ �c�s�y�o recfuce Me C h a r g eto the p s r m k ted Ikn1t�snd(b an�f stxns elready coNected fram Borra�wer wi�ich - _--
<br /> "='K=r;�� �: ex c�e d e d Permttted Ilmks w�l be nahr�ded to Barower. er mey c f a o s e to m a ke tl�i s ro t u n d b y r e d u c k g t h e _--
<br />'u'���`�`�=-'�'��,� rm�ti be�treeitod ns�p�ettiN�pr peay�r��erK wk�hout pr payrt�ientt ctrer���reduc�s prir�clp�l�tne reductbn ^
<br />`-::�tt;ecr';,`�' [:
<br />�,�' ��.MOtk�. Atry notiCe La�B�Ow6t for{n Ut19 SACtxlty It�strumAnt BF19M b9 gNe�1 by de1Ne1kq R or by
<br />_�'--'�'.� nFi]lNp k by Aret ciass maN uMe�s appl e!aw re4uirea use of erwther method.The noUce shaN be dkected to the �-
<br /> '�`i � Addreas or airy dher ddress Baraw�desipnetes by ns2i�to Larxler. nodce to Lerxler shaM be gNen
<br /> r w,,,r. . Dl►�das�maY to I.,enders r�dd�,a stated hen�kt or any attiea�rf�l�ess Lendet d es by notice to Borrower.AreY' --
<br /> ..T��k�, n�tice pr�+a3�!for fn this Sec;xity InstnxnAnt si�ell be deerned to�e been�Men to or Lander when ghren _
<br /> ..-^^��_ a��pra�m ihb Pare9raph• _-
<br />-,-'`'.�"�•'" 95.m� L1iw;SYV�nbtiK�l. Thfs Sectkity Instrument shall he goMe�EdJ by tede►al law end the law W tlte =�=
<br /> -:el�!� � �
<br /> IutlS�d�3or Jt��the P Is bCat�ed.i�tne e,�,cn,��y��a c�ause at►�s secw�cy i�n,�n atne
<br />•,:�,�_� t��ta contl�s wNheppI o law� suctn�r�lf k�t shall not aitect othor,p►avlsbns af this Securky Instnxrie�t or the Noto "-'
<br /> �=�:::"� wlylcl�c�n be piven ef(ect wRhout tfie conAictinp pro�vfsion.To tl�}s rorxf the provlsions d thOs Secixity Instnxnent arod the �
<br />�---•°.-'°- ;�`� • Ncy28arededer�odtobeeeve��hle. �
<br /> '.;;�;.�_ �f.:..='
<br />--...: :;.: . iQ�. Bon'rowrr's Copy. Odranker shall be�iven�ne confom�d copy d the Nate and af tMs Sacurfty Irtsttumertt
<br /> 4" 'ti::r'`'., 17. Tnns�r of tfi�Pro�s�Ay a�B�fIcW IM�t Iq Bo�'ta�+owr. If NI or any part d the Propet9y ot'any
<br /> ,..�..,.� �terost fn It Ia eotd or transtorred(or IF a ber�fk�al Intere,at in Bcxeer.�e�!s sold or transferred and Bortrn�rer is not� ='_-----
<br /> . naturel persw�)wNhout Letxfc�'e prla wnttera�cnse�nt.Lender nnay�at ks opeion�re4uire immeaiata paymant tn fuU ot eN �. :;_°__
<br /> w
<br /> suma eocur+od by thls Secutity I�Unmet�t Haxever.QfiJis optbn st�aN not be�r�clsed by Lender ff exerclse Is =
<br /> p��c+hlblted by bderel lew as af the dete aP this Secun'��:�strumerit. , 1.^�.-_
<br /> ,.
<br /> ��:.=
<br /> ,r'
<br /> • . � . NEWiA810h$iMGtEFA�0ILY-FkM1yFHllMCUNIFORMIRS7RUMENT fORM3Q�l�,�'SIT :.;•n`�=M�.;,
<br /> v � ' LSC/CMOTNE//019�2/9Q20(D�90N. P1KiE 4 OF� '� . .��-;;�-
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