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<br /> LOANNO. 153�2ts ooz
<br /> TWIS SECURlTY INSTRUMEMcombinea unHorm cavereante for nntlona0 use and non•unHorm covenentewHi�
<br /> „ Ilmfted vartatione by Jurisd�tlan ta conatftute a unNorm security inat�ument covainfl real property.
<br /> � UNIFOAM GOVENAMS.go�ower enci Ler�der covsnant end e�ree ea tdlows:
<br /> . 1.P�ym�nt of Princ�f�nd Int�;Pnp+iynwni pr�i Lnto C��F�Q�. B�rawa•r siiali p•ra�3i�Y f�Y vai�s:�dua �.
<br /> the principel ol arid intereet cm the debt evkie►�ed by the Note end any prepeyment nnd late charQee due under the -
<br /> NaRe.
<br /> .-,;,;Y,,;,� Z,fund�tor T�xK�nd Inwnnc�. Sub;ect ta eppllcable Iaw or ta a wrttten waNer by Lertder,Bo►r�wer shall y
<br /> �� :,,,�� to Lender on the day nwnthly psymerns are due under the Plote,uMM the Nota Is pakJ In full,a sum('Funds�for:(a�
<br /> � yea rfy texes and asaeaatnente whlch may ettaln p►brity over thb Security Instrumant ae a Ilen on the P�ope�ty;(b)yaady
<br /> " leasehold paymente or prourxi rente on the PropeRy�if any;fc1lleady hazarcl or pro�eR1►Insvrence premluma; (d)
<br /> yea�ly tlood k�surence premluma.k nn y;(a)Yen�ty rttortOsDe lnsurance premlums.ff any�ar�d( eny suma peyable 6y _,;-
<br /> Bafrawer to Lender�In accor�dence with the praNs4ons of para�rePh e,In Ileu of the paymant�mortpaQe Ineurance • :
<br /> , prarntuma Thc�so kems are caNed'Escrow Itema'I.ereder may,at an�►Ume,cdk►ct And Ix�td Funds In en amount not to +.�.�;����
<br /> e�cceed the maximum amount e tender for a tederaNy relatod mort�aQe loan rt�y r ulrnr tor Borro�r'e eacrow accauM �,�,
<br /> a
<br /> under the tederal Real Estate Settlernent Procedures Act of 197�as emended irom t nro to tin�o,12 11.S.C. �2fi01�t .. `;�°.
<br /> Londer may y ,.�
<br /> � seq ('RE3PA9,unlesa another tarwthat appllea to tho Funds seGs a{esser amou�rt.If ao, ,at an tkne,cdlect -
<br /> and hold Fw�ds in an amount rat to exceed the lesser amourn.Lender may estimate the emouM af Funda due on the ��
<br /> basis af current data and re�saiabte eath�tes at exRsadliu�s a�futeiro Escra:Y IEems�cthsnsl�!n ecc�ance wlih �=
<br /> . ',
<br /> .+. epplk�b{e Isw. __°'"
<br /> � The Funds sl�all be held In an k�siitudon whose deposits are trrsur+�tdby a fode�al agency.Insuumsntallty,or erKky 1_:�,,
<br /> .,. � pnduding Lenrfer,ff L w�der is such an lnsti4utlon)or In any Federa!Hartra i.oan Bank.Lerider shall appl]I the Funds to _���,�
<br /> pay a,e Escraiw ltema.Lender may not charoe BoROwer for hotdin9�BPP�Y�O�Funds,annualfy anaiyzkip the
<br /> ��� i escrow accourR,or verffylrp the Escrow Items�u n tess L e n ds�r pays n�ower I r rter e s t on t h e F u n d s e n d e p p l�a b l e I a w .yz=-
<br /> •�.; pem�fts Lender to make auch a charge.Howe�ver�Lender masy requ�ro Borrower to pay a one-tlme cha��e fcr an .�,
<br /> ." � Indsp�d er�t real eatate tex repo�ting service used by I_endor In connectian wkh thls loan,unless applicable law
<br />;;::; � Pravldes othenklse.Unless an agreemerK Is made or appl{ca61e law requlres k�terest to be pafd�Lender shaM neR be �`�---
<br /> ��,��ed to�y soR�a�y�c��c«���o�tr�e��nas.eoROw�a�a�,a��y a9ree Mw�a►�.hawever, _ -
<br /> ti�eR interest shsM be paid on the Fun�la L�onder st�aN give to Baruwer�without char9e.an annual ga:ountin�of the =--
<br />=;!, u _ �: Funds.slaowtrq c�edite and debite to the Funds end the purpome tor vrhich each debk to the Funds was ma►de.The �
<br /> f_.:. ��N�C�O�Af�f�'A_f_�aA nririkional saecurity for ell sums secured bY thts SeCUtitY Insttument . ..
<br />''+:?�; '`'� byepp1 l.end�r eheN tlCCOUM to —
<br />_,, If ti�e Funds heid by Lender exceed the arrsax►ts permitted to be held Icable k�w�
<br /> 'L .�; BoROwer for tl�e oxcess Funda tn eccordarx;e with the requlnements of applicablo Iaw.If the amour�t d the Funda held
<br />- by Lender at aeo�3kne fs nat s�Aflclerrt to pay the F�cro�v Items w��due�L.ender may so twtNy BortwNer In wtitfng�
<br />-.- . : � ami�tn��h c�se E3orr�wver ahal!gay to Lerder the amount necessa�r,�to make up the de8ciency.Borrower ohaN make - ---
<br />'�.,..�. t�the deficlee�cy in no more tl�an twe�ve montNy PaYme�ts. at Let�der's sote dfscreHon.
<br /> ;�..,,,. ,
<br />_<;�,�. . �.� . Upcmpeyn�ont in tull�f aN surta aecured by U�is�a�itY�nstnxr�erK�I.e�der stmll promptly r�fund to E3arower any
<br /> a:.��..�::�:- ' Funda heW hy Lender.If.under 21,Lender shall acqulre or sell the Propeity.L.ender�Prlorto the acqutsition
<br />�-��':_• :':._
<br /> .- .=� or ede of the Property�sheil ePP�Y�Y unds h�ld by Lender et the dme d acqu}sltion or sale es a catedk a�ektst the
<br />-;,_.-:L:�� ' sumeseCtxetlb'ytlAs3ecuruylinstrumerK.
<br />-"�`.'�;���"."�., 3./1�ppNCatlon ot Pa UNess appifc�ble law protiides otherwlse�eM Paymente recelvad b1►Leroda unelar _
<br /> pNcat on yrn�s.
<br />-::;.•�;. .,"-�. Para�epha 1 ar►d 2 ahel!ba applled:flrst,to anY fxePaY��er�t charyes due under tfie Note�seco�xl.to artw�xita payable
<br /> '-=-. .�,.�__ under pe�apranh 2;tlik�d,to inte�est due;fourth.to prh�clpai due;end last�to eny late charpea due under the Note.
<br />'=".':a.`_�T_f`i`'�� 4.C S LNn�. BoROwet shaMpay eN texes�aasessmarrts�charges,flnes and imposl�lons attributeble to the _
<br /> ='��"��_°'�.. P(�r�.�.�.���v�t ma attatnp�p�ity overthis Sectxicy Instrument�andl leasehoid PRYmer�te a 9ro�x�d�er�s,iteny
<br />��-pr�•'J+_- L7{A 1 VRW ahe�l�apytlt�se obl -iona M t�manner provided In pera�r�aph 2�or If not pakl In that man�er�Borr�wer shelf
<br />�^_a�'' pay them on+tirt�dtrediy to��SO11�6�p8�I1@fl�.Q�TOW9f 8��Ot11(�y fU�$h t0�1d���. �
<br /> = ��,nce to be paia►�c�a��eo�n.lf BoRawor errakes the.se psyments di��ny.BoROwer��oR►�y nx�r►co
<br />�-�;;��:'-'�a l.encler i,ecefpR,e„iderx:kg rtt�o p�►yr�e►rc�.
<br />_�... �....
<br />-X_�
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