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<br /> `In tbe event of a 0�.��8�.��Y•We�p�uceeds slt�il be appiiod to the sums secuted by'this Securiry �-
<br /> �uwnmt.wheflkr cx pot tfia�due,w�ith�y excess�id to 8orrawar. In the evmt of a guu!taicing of the Proper�iri �
<br /> w h i c h t D e f s i r m t r i u 6 t t v a l u e o f t t�e P t v p e t t y i m m e d i a o e l y b e f a+e t h e t a k i n g i s o q n a l�t o o r g r e�t e r t h a n t h e a rt a unt ef the sums `
<br /> � secueed by this Secvrity Inst�nt immediatety 6tfa�e.the t�king.�mtess iiauower atNi Lender othcnKise agnee in writing, '
<br /> ��s secur�gy tt►�s Secoritg•tninnn�ent shali(�c reduad by tix amewnt of the prnceeds muitiplied by the fi�fiowing
<br /> `.fiaction; (a)�drc taat amamt of the sums sec�d iminedi�eiF ixfae the takia8•divided by(b)the fair madcet valve of the �
<br /> Ptop�ty inunediateiy befae the t�lcing. My balance,�halt 6c paid tQ Borra�uer. ln the evrnt af a parti�l Eaking of the
<br /> �topaiy i�e w!�lb�e fair market value af thr Ptoperty imimaiiately ixfat the Latcing is less than the amaunt of the sumc .
<br /> sa�oted immediately befone the taking,unkss Ho�rower au�d Lender otbecaise a�cee in writing or u�tess applicabts taw
<br /> . ot}�ecwise p�ovides,,the proceods shail be apptisd to tfie sums seeu�cl by this Security Insdumeat whether ar aot the sums are
<br /> � then due. � � .
<br /> • � If thc Pmperty is aWndo�xd by BoROwec.or if,aiter nadce 6y Lender to Bormwer thaz the condemnor offe�s to make
<br /> .. , �on awud ar settle a cla�m for danuigss.Batmvvtr fa�1s w tespand to Lsnder within 3fl days aRer tfx date the notice is given.
<br /> • t;en�ier is wthorize�to solkct and apply tbe pvcads.at its ophon.either to mstnratiar►a�rpair of 1tx Ptopeny or to the
<br /> sums secu[od bg ihis Secarity(nsuumen�whether or riat thrn due. __.. ,
<br /> Unkss La�der and Hortowa otherwise agcee in writing,any application of p�oceeds ta Qrincipal shatl na�xtend or
<br /> postpone the due due of the manthly payments refemed w in pa�agraphs 1 and 2 ar change the airwBnt of such Fayments. `
<br /> - 21. aortaWer 1Vot Rdtased; Fvr6eseaaa By I.ende� Not a VYa[ver. Extension of the time for payment or -_�_ �.--
<br /> modification of amort�ation of rlie sums savRd by this.Security lns�nt granted by i.ender to any successor in interest
<br /> of Bo�marer sha11 not operrte to rekase the tiability of the original Borrower or Borr�wer's successors 9n inteces[.Lender _
<br /> ' shaq rw[6t nquiRd to comn�ence p�oceedings aSainst anY successor in interest or r�fuse to extend time for p�ymtnt or
<br /> � � aherwise modify amartizatian of the sums secnred by this Securiry Insunment by macon of any demand made by the originat .
<br /> Bomower or Barmwer's succasors in u�terest. Any forbearance by[.ender in eatnising any nght oc nmedy sha11 not be a ----
<br /> Wraiver of or pnxd�de tbe exereisc of any right or c�tnedy.. .
<br /> �12. S�orl�sad Axskas aoesd;Joist sad Severai Lia6ilitl:Co�si�.'s�.'I7ie covenants and agreernents of this
<br /> Securi�y(nstrw�nt shal!bind and bencfit the suaxssas and acsigr4s of I,ender�aa�Bamwer,subject to tlie pmvisions of
<br />_ � pa�agreph t7.Barowers covenants and agisements shalt 6�jaint and several..Any Burrower who co-signs this Security
<br />-- — [nstrument but does not eaecote tbe Note: (a)is co-cigning this Security Instrument oniy to mortgage,grant�d canvey that
<br />= - Sorr�awer�s intercst in the Property under the tertns af this$ecurity Incuumertx (b)is not personally obligated w pay the sums ___
<br /> uu
<br />- secuted liy t�is Security Instrument:and(e)�grees tfjat Lender and arry mher Bomower may agree ta extencl.madify,foc6e�r --
<br /> _ • or malce any accommadations with regard to the te�ms of this Securit�r Instrument or the Note without �hae Borrowers ---
<br />-� • cansen� . -
<br /> �;.. •� ' l3 1,wn Charges. If the toan seeured by titis Secariry taStrument is su6jecE to a Issw which sets maaimum toan
<br /> _ charges,and that law is finalIy interpreted so that the inte�t or o�her loan charges collected or to be callectea in connectian
<br /> with the loan eaceed the permitted limiu.then: (a)any sueh[oaz�cbazge sball be reduced by the amaunt necessary to teduce
<br />-_ the charge to the permitted limi�and(b)anY sums already collected f�um:$o;mwec which exceeded permitted li{niu wil)be
<br /> tefunded to Ba�uwer. Lender may choase to malce this refund by reduci��r�e principal owed under the Note or by making a . _
<br />=- dlcret payment to Borrowe� ff a refund reduces principal,the reductioa w�zTl i�e treated as a partial prepayment without any �
<br /> ::r PrepaYme�i Charge under the?liote. � . . ---_
<br />-r y 14. Notioes. Any noti�to Borrowet provided far in this Security lnsorma�e�:fsa116e given by detivering it or by �__�-_--W
<br /> ,: mailing it by fa�tetass mail untess applicabie.law requires use of another methad.7'i*�r.rsrice shall be directed to the Property _„�,,
<br /> ��` pddress vr any a�her address Botrower dea�ates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to i.ender shall be given by first class ��
<br />,,;:` :
<br /> mail ta Lender's address stated herein or an}other addtess Lender designates by notice.to Borrower. Any notice provided for �t:#�7
<br />: in this Security tnstrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given as provided in tfiis ".j�y"�=�_:-
<br /> '- �13phGo�eroiag Law; Severs�bility. This Security Instrument s8all be govemed by federal law and the laa of the �;:��
<br />����=r:,. N�����°i��ch'the Property iti lacated. In the event that Any provisian o�ctttuse af this Security Instrument or the Note �=:._;�y.:�;:_
<br />:.;�!;!•:; conflicts witb�ticable luw,such conilict shall noi affect other provisiais af�his Security Instrument ar the Note which can � • ,i��;�_-
<br /> � be given effect.Rithout the conflicting provision. To this end the pro�i�n�*s of thic Security Intitcument and the Note are � , ':�_-°--
<br /> ' declared to 6e severable. . • ��, ���,��-
<br /> ` 16. Rorrower's Copy. Hortower shall be given one conformed copy of the�ot4�3r_d of this 5ecurity Instrumen� �� � __
<br /> ,'�:�:' 17. 7lranster o�the Property ar a Beneficial Interest in Borraw•e�: if all er;.ay.pan af the Property ar nny interest io � .',:'i�_=_
<br />:-'r,";.,, it is sold ar transfetred(or if a beneficial iaterest in Bnrrower is sotd or transferred and Borrower is not a natur�i pecson) ' �;,•,;.=;:
<br /> •'"`'' ' without I.ender`s prior written consent.Lea���r may.at its aplian,require i:��media[e paymem in full�of all sums secuced b} - '.-�:-�-
<br /> :;,.v,,, ��-
<br />'�':,`.:�;{ this Security Instrument. However.this op[ian�hall nat be exercised by�.ender if exercixe is prohiFiiled by federat law as o� � '�="��•�-
<br /> the date of this Security Instrument. +���'
<br /> , .i.i�.i'rF:
<br /> If Lender exercities this option,l.ender shall give Borr��wet notice of acreleration. The natice shall provide 3 period of _ -•- •:l
<br />- . nw tess than 30 d�ys from thc date the notice is delivc4ed or maited�vithin tivhich Burrawcr muyt p•ry all tiums��cured by this• =�',,_'.-i
<br /> 5ccurity Jastrument. li Borrower iAil�..(o pay the,c tiumti prinr ta the cxpiration of this pericxl.l.ender may invoke any _' � _
<br /> . remedies permitted by this Security In!.trument wiihaut further natice��r Jem�nd o»Ratta�ti�er. •
<br /> :� r'� 18. Borrower's Right to Reln.gtafe. If Borraa•cr mccts certain cunditium. Bormwer�hall have�hc right to have -:,; _
<br /> ---- ---- --` enforceettent of this Seee�rity lntitrumeat cli+contenued at:u�y�ime p�iaf to�he earlicr of_ (a)5 days lur Such other perial as ____ _ ,
<br /> . � p�t,��.,:��,
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