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<br /> 13. Any breac)n ��f ox de�au].t in any of Boxraw�r'e
<br /> obliqatione, covenan�e, re�,rc=nentatione or warxantieso hereira
<br /> ehn�.l �lee conetitutH a detault und�r any and all notes,
<br /> mort�agea, deed� o£ rruet, o�curity agreementa and any otY��r
<br /> documente arici inetrumente ex�cuted k�y Borrower irz favar or for
<br /> the bene�it o£ Lender.
<br /> 14. L1pon �he payment r�f all eum;� owing now and in �he
<br /> £uturc by Borrawer to Lender aiad upon wxit�en requeat by
<br /> Borrow�r, thia Aeeignmen�, except for pa�agraph 7 hereaf., ohall
<br /> terminate and all t�e right, tiele, eetate and i.n�erest of the •
<br /> Lender in and to the Real Prapertiy andl Personal Pxoperty aha].].
<br /> revert to Aorrower.
<br /> l5. Except far any notice required under applicable
<br /> law ro be given in an�thPr manner, any natice pravided under th�.e
<br /> Aeei�nme�n� ehall be given by mailing euch notice by certified
<br /> mail addres��d �o the other pareies, at the addre es eet farth
<br /> above. Any euch natice shall be et�e�tive upon mailing in the
<br /> manner designated herein. if Fsor.�ower ia more than one pereon
<br /> and/or entity, notiiae aent to the addresa set forth above ahal�
<br /> be notice to all such Qersonv ancl/or eratitiea.
<br /> 16. This Assignment ahal�. be binding upon, and inure
<br /> �.o rhP hPr_efit o€, rhe respective su�ceasore and 38B3g218 of
<br /> Bar�ower and Lender and all fuGuxe and a�zbsec;uent ownera of a)1
<br /> or any pareion .of oaid Itea]. Pxopexty and �+eraonal Pr•op�rty.
<br /> 17. The obligationa of the individuals and e�ntities
<br /> c�eR�,gnated as Borrower. ahall bP joint and several.
<br /> ' 18. This Assignment. shall be governed by the lawa af ,
<br /> the' State of Nsbraska.
<br /> � IN WTZ'NESS WHEREOF, Borrower has executed thie '!�
<br /> Aeea+gnment ae of the date written above.
<br /> -� .
<br /> , ,�:;
<br /> .�; . �.:;:
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<br /> � �r..�.�( .
<br /> :Bsr:,.:1'..u�fl ,., =1l_.,,�,�,.— BY� — ---'�'""�...�.�—
<br /> Gharles n. Boegelman, Chax•le� D. Soaeelman� � , �
<br /> Presid�nt - Truck Plaza Presider�t
<br /> Division
<br /> and and .
<br /> �����/ � �r--
<br /> ,. ' �. gy; �`t'"". ny
<br /> � bara A. Grave , ar ara A. Grave , •
<br /> ' � • cretary retary .
<br /> ' - 6 _ , ,..i.
<br />