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<br /> THIS DEFD OF TRUST, i.s made as o£ the I31� day of (( � r,, _
<br /> �' Bosealman Carriere, � ��
<br /> , 1996, by and among the Trus�or, �
<br /> ' Irmc. and Boer�elman, Inc. , whose mailing address ie I-80 and U.S. �
<br /> 261, P.0. Box 1567, Grand Island, Nel�raska 68802 (lzerein C
<br /> ��Trustor, " whether one or more) , �he Trustee, National Bank of
<br /> Commerce Truet and Savin�a Aseociation, whose mailing addrese is
<br /> 1248 "O�' Street, Lincaln, Nebraeka, 68508 (herein "Truatee1°� , and
<br /> tlze Benef iciary, National Bank of Comm�rce Trus+t and Saving�
<br /> Aoeociation, whoee maili�ng addres9 is 1248 "0" Street, Lincoln,
<br /> � Nebraeka, 68508 (herein "Lender") .
<br /> FnR vALUABLE CoNSTDERATION, including �,ender' e extenc�ian
<br /> a� credit identified here in to Bos�elman, Inc.; Boaselman, Inc. or
<br /> B�.g S�srings; Bosselman, Tnc. of Kaneae; Boseelman, Inc. o� Iowa;
<br /> � a�nd Boeaelman CarriPrs , Inc. (hereinafter referred to individually
<br /> , and collectively as "Bor�asv�r") , and the truet here�.�n created, the
<br /> receipt of which is hereb�,� acknowledged, Trustor hereby irrevocably
<br /> � gxanta, transfere, conveys and aesigne to Truetee, ZN TRUST, WITH ,
<br /> POWER OF SALE, for th� benefit and eecurity of LexAder, under and
<br /> �� ssxbj eat to the terma and conditions h.ereinafter set forth, the re�l '
<br /> � pxoperty, described as followa: .
<br /> `"� See Exhibxt "A" attachQd hereto
<br /> and made a par.t heraof.
<br /> :.4 . .
<br /> ._1 . . ..
<br /> Togethe� with a11 buildinge, improvemente, fixturee, ,
<br /> � � streets, a�leye, passage�rtays, easemente, rights, privileqes and •
<br /> ` ! appurtenances located thereon or in anywiee pertaining there�o, and •
<br /> ` ' �he renta, iaeues and profi.te, reversions and rema�.nders thereof, :
<br /> 1 . and such personal property that is attached to �he .improvements eo .��
<br /> aa to constitu�P a fixture, including, but not lim�.'ted to, heat.ing
<br /> and c�oling equipment ; and together with the homeeteac3. ox marita].
<br /> intere�te, if any, which interests are hereby re�ea�ed and wai.ved;
<br /> � all of which, including replacements and additi�:rs thPreto, is
<br /> � hereby declared ta 3�e a part of the real estate gecu�ed by the lien
<br /> . of thia Deed of Truet and all of the foregoing being rePerred to
<br /> . lzer�in as the "Property" .
<br /> This Deed of Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the
<br /> principal sum and interest evidenced by a prominso�y► �ote, having
<br /> a maturity date of December 1, 2005, in the ariginal principal
<br /> amount of $A,267,000.00, and any and all modifications, extenaione
<br /> a�nd renewals thereof or thereto and any and all future advancea and
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