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<br /> � �� Toc�x wc�x�r e��a�.�►��«�ea��p�op�t �oa�u�� .
<br /> '. � a.it rut�ei Ao�►oc bere�ller a p�t of�he prape�ty. ,w�pi�aa�ots,oa sd�a--ai�s �sb�li atsa ee�owena by mis secndty
<br /> i� ,
<br /> ` �Ib�EO�,A1l af�f0lCj0�A�it lOfGRd W�iblf$MlTlly�ipqdlt�!thE°PYOpCRY . ,, '
<br /> • BORROWFR COVENANI'S tltiat BOmD�rCr ii 1tN►fUlly Sl�isad Of tI1C ESt�[e l�aebY conYCycc�9nd iliS thC,fiaAt t0 grmt
<br /> at�oaavry tbe Nnpe�ty.�ed tWt the�topaty is�nencumbeRd,eaapt faeacwnbnnces of:secad. Bamwa vr�nts and .
<br /> ` �w�7!defaaa�eeedty the titte a ibe P�cy agmst at1 ctaims md dam�nds.snb,{ect ta aQy encambwnoes p[recaM.
<br /> ` - THtS SF.C[JR1TY INS'TRUI1�iT� anifaa►coven�ts for.nuion�! use aad�natamifarm ccwa�ants wit6:---.
<br /> lnnited vai�tians bY jtuisdictiao w oonstipita a ueifam secariry iuwttm�cova�$nsl pmpeRY•
<br /> _ _T _ - tI�INDRM COVENAI�T1�.BamwQ aod LEnder cd4t�tarnda�nee as foliows:
<br /> ' �, P�9�tst�f hi�l a�d�:�'����C� Bamwa st�il pampslY PjY:wha�due tbe
<br /> �. piociptt of aod iataest oo�c debt ev�denced 6y du Nate aad anY P�Y�and t�te chu8es dua under the Na�. .
<br /> 2 FiMt tur 7i�sea a�i�wrs�ea Sabjoct to applicabk law a w a wnum waiver by i.ender,Bortowra sA�U paY ta
<br /> L�det oa the day niontbty paxmeats�e dut uoder the IW�e.unnl tbe Nate is p�id in fWl.a sum(°Fwds"?for.(a)Y�Y =
<br /> . qus ad ss�es�maKs wh�ch mty auatn p�1y over this Savriry tasamma�c as a lien on the Prope�ty:(b)Yeuly leasdiold
<br /> p�ymeats ar�ound�ots on tde propa�cy.if any; ic) yeariY i�d a pnP�Y ��P�mns;td)Y�Y � -
<br /> i�axe p�muanas.�f�ay;t�)r�r��iasnraoce pRmiums.if any;ma c��►Y� P�Y�bY�wer ro
<br /> l�eader,u�aocard�noe virlth t6e pmnsia�s of parag�aph S,in lien of the payrtxttt of mo�tgage in�uaace pcenuums. '1Lese
<br /> itaas�e c�iled"Esc�oai Ttenn." I.ader may.at auy wne.colkct aad boW Ponds u►aa anoowu aot to eaaod tbe max�um
<br /> aawunt a iafder for a fedaaIIy edaped�o�tgage.faan may teqai�e for Boaower�s esctow acrwnt urtder s6e fedeutl Real
<br /> ' Fstue See�emene Pm�c��Acc of l974 as an�eaded fmm ame co wne,1213.5 C.�2601 a seq:("RESPA'7,uniess�nal�er�
<br /> liw uuc applies to the rwds sas a ksser�am� ��,�,�y,��y ame,conect�,a boid F�ds in an anw�mc noc w -
<br /> exceed tbe taaer amount. l�eoder may asdtaate the amau►t of�ids due an d�e b�sts af cumedt data aad n�sonsbk
<br /> e�tamtles of expai�nues af fottae F.scrow Items or od�ecwvuise in accarid�ace vrith applicable Isw. � .
<br /> � ' 'lUe Iimds shall be beW in an i�tttutim whose deposia aoe insured 6Y a feder8 aSencY.insawna�tatitY.a eMitY
<br /> • ('mc1�8 I.ender,if I.ender is sac6 an institution)a ia aey�Aeral Hane tmn Baok. Leider shal!apply tbe P�nds ta pay
<br /> the Fscraw Items. irender may nat Ch�ge Basso�ras for bolding aod applying tbe PtuWs,u�uaUY amlYzinB the escrow
<br /> �oeount.or�verifying ibe Fscruw Items, unfess i�der.liaps Borrnwer iaterest on the Fumfss�d appficable law pecmiis. .
<br /> � I.encter to m�e such a c6uga Howevu,I.ender maY.talw�e Barowa to pay a one-tiaie charge for an independent real :_: .
<br /> est�u tax nporcin8 service used by Lender in connecaan v�rith ilns loan,ualtss appliea6k taw pmvides otherwise. UWess an ,' ,
<br /> ap�eemeat is mtde oc appiicabk 1s�w c+aqui�es intec�stto be Paid,I�end�F shaU not lx required w pay Bamwer ar►y intenest ac:
<br /> eacnings an the F�ncJs. Bomower and I.ender may agree in writing,hoaever.tbat mterest shall be paid an the Funds. I.ender
<br /> s6�11 give to Borcower.witbaut cdarge.aa aonual axampng of the Funds,showing eredits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> gi�tpose far which each debitto the Funds was made. The FStnds are ptedged a.g'additionai security fa all sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry 1nsUvrnen�
<br /> If the Funds held by l.ender esceed the awoonts permiued to be held by applicable taw.i.ender shall accaunt to
<br /> Bomower for the excess Fw�in accaidarke with the x�quirements of applicable law. If the amoont of tbe Funds held by �
<br /> •�,enda at any time is nM s�'ficirnt ta pay the Escrow�,.,*�ns wljen due.Lender may so no[ify Borruwer in writing,and.u►
<br /> � �nch case Bortower shaU pay to L.ender the ama�t c�oessazyr to inalce up the deficiency. Botcower shail make up tbe
<br /> deficia�cy in no more thaa twelve aanthlY PaYmrnts,a4�+��sote�disc�etion.
<br /> - ilpan pa�mxnt in fWl of all sums se�aed by tWs Security Ins�niment,L.ender sUaU promptty cefund to BoiTOwer eny:
<br />_ — Pur�ds held�I.ender. If,�nder parag,raph Zl,Lendei shaU acydire br sell the Pruperty,Lender,priar to the acquisition or.
<br /> sale of the Property,shal�apply any Funds held by Lendet at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against.the sums
<br /> - sectn+eA bY this SecuntY Irc�rumen� �
<br />= 3. Applkatbn o/P�ymenis. Untess applicab2e taw provides otherwise.ali payments received by l.endcr tu�der
<br /> paragraphs 1 artd 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;seconQ to amoums payabte under
<br /> - puag�aph 2;third,to itrtecest due;founh,co.principal due;and last,to as►y late charges due under tise Note.
<br /> -= q. C�a�a; l.ieo.+. Bonower shall pay all taxes.asses.m�nfs,charges.fines and impasitions anributable to the
<br /> - Property which may attain priority over this Securiry tnsuument,and Teasehold payments or ground nnts.if any. Bonower
<br />=_ — shait pay these obtigations in the martnerpravided he p�agcaph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bortower sha11 paY them an
<br /> - time directly to the person owed paymen� Borrawer sh�pmmpUy fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to 6e paid under
<br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direetly.Borrower shaU prompity fumish to L'ender receipts evidencing
<br /> the PaYmert�',- �
<br /> Barrovr•�shall prrrmply discharge E�y lien which has prtority acer this Securicy Insirument ualess Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptab2e to l.ender;@�contests in good faith the
<br /> lien by.a dcfends against enfarcement of the lien in,le,.gal praceedings which in t.'��l.cnderk opuuon operate to prcvent the
<br /> enfocremtnt of tho lien;ar(c)secures from the hotder ci�the lien an agreement sausfactory to l.ender subardinating the lien
<br />= to tlds Securiry instrumea� If Lender detetmines that any part of the Property is sabject to a lien which may attain prioriry
<br /> over this Security Insuument.Lender may give Horrower a notice identifyin$the lien. Borrower sha11 satisfy the Iien or take
<br /> - ' vne or moro oP thc actions set totth above within 10 days of the giving of not�ce.
<br /> = � S. Hazard or Praperty lnsuraace. Borrowec sthaU keep the�mprovemenES aow existing or hereaftee erected on the
<br />' #�ropeey insured against Y�ss by fire.hazazds includea�ti+�athin the term"catendeab oa�erage"and any other ha7.ards.including
<br /> � tloode or ftoading.for which Lender reyuires insuraace. This insurance sha�a Q�e maintained in the amoasrts and for the
<br />- -'-.- - ---- -�.
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