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<br /> � "Pra;oeds")In connecUan with cflndemnatlan or other tnking ot!ho Prppc�riy or parl tY►oroal,or for convayanca In f�su of condamnetlon. �•.
<br /> « Lender ehall l�a enUilad ut ita opuo+�to comrnenco,npncar In nnd pro�ccuto In!to o�ln nnra nny nctian or�ror.occiinQ3,nnd ch�!I elco �,.
<br /> �'�r bo entltEad to mwko any c�m�romiss or eeril9ment ln connectlon wilh such teklnp or damspe.In the evanl uny ry�rtlon o1 the 6�rapeKy la
<br /> �.�;"$ ��.
<br /> eo t�k�n a A�rtwQ�d� I.�ndar�I�all he�ve th�opl!o n In I t�D eota xnd ubwlute dlscrntlon,to apply all such procee�, �ft�r d��uci���D
<br />�;�„�' . ther�from�I�cata�nd exp�n�Incurred by lt In connwtbn with tuch Prx�ed�,upon wny Indot►tednew sscur�d h�r�by��xl In�uch v
<br /> order q LHxNr may t{�Urmfn�,ar to appty�11 euch�roce�d�,att�r�ucli cleductlon�,ta the restoratlnn o1 thp Prop�rly up�n�uch can•
<br />-'�'�- ditlor►a��Lsndar m�y d�l�rmin�. Any �ppilr.�Non o?Pror.Nda to indebtedn�a��hefl not sxtend ot potipone Ihs dw d�ts ol��1Y P�Y•
<br /> r�ti:nt�und.r th�E:ot�,ctr ct!ro eny chlr.«It thereu►td�r ar hereundsr.Any untppllsd lunde ahall be paid to Tnaolor.
<br />-'°r�'�-� e, p�rfo�m�no�by I.�nd�r.Upon Ihe oocurrenoe of en Event o!Qet�ult hereunder,or If eny ect la teken or kpel proceedlnp -
<br />-�.L,�� opmmenced whfch m�►terlally�f1eCb Lend�r'�Interest In the PropeRy,l.ender may In 11e own diecrellon,but withaut obllgetlon to do eo,
<br />_N� end wittxwt r�Wks to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout releaslog Trustor Iran eny obllgatlan,do any ect which Truetor hae apresd
<br /> but tellsal to do and may Rlso do eny other ect it deema neceseary to proteat Ih� sncudty hernot. Trustor shsll,Imnte�lialety upon -
<br /> -"='a`. d e m a n d t h e r e f o r b y L ender,pe y to Lendor ell coste end expensoB Incurred and sums expended by Lender in connxllon with the exer- �
<br />°*w�?�!� cise by Lender ot the toregoing rights.toaether wilh lnterest thereon et tha detault rate provided in the Nate,wh�h s l�a l l b e a d d o d to
<br /> the Indebtedness secu�od hereby.Lei�der st�all not Irscur uny Ilctbility hecause o!anything ft may do or omit to do hereunder. _-
<br /> . � 9.Hu�rdou�IlAaurlal�. Trostor shall keep the Property in compllance wlth all appl�abie laws, ordlnancea end roputat{ons
<br />-:;f.�,� relatiny to industrial hy�iene or envlronmontal protoctbn (collectively reter�ed to hereln as"Envlronmentel Lawa").Truator ahail keep
<br /> �s� ihe Property freo from afl substances deomed to 6e hazardous or tox�undAr any Erntronmental Lawa(colleclively reterred to herein
<br /> �`4„,��� as"H�rdous Matatlals'.Trustor hereby warrants and represente ro Lender that there are no Hazardous Ahatedals on or unsler the
<br /> -�-_— Property.Tn�stor hereby agrees to IndemnNy and hold harmtess Lender,its dlrectors,ofticero,empluyees and egenta.end any succes•
<br /> -- — sora to Lenders interast,irom and eflalnst any and all ctaims,dornapos,losses and Ilsbillties arislnA In connectlon with the presence,
<br /> u:�,c!!spo�l or ta±ns�n af any Harardous Matedals on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOIN(3 WARRANTIES AND
<br />;�;�� 10.As�I�nmenU of Rents,Trustor hereby asslg�s to Lender,and grants Lende�a secudry inter�st In,all present,tuture and
<br />---==�= efter arlslny rents.Issues and profits of tha Propefly:provided ttutt TNSlor shalt,until the occurrence of an Event of Defeuit,hereunder,
<br />^r;;;:t�� have the dght to coll9ct and ret�in such rents,Issue3 and proflts a8 they become due and pflyable.Upon the occurtence oi an Even4 ot -
<br /> v��� Detauit,Lender may,either fn pozson or by agent,wilh or witho�,�t bringing any actfon or proceeding,or by a recelver a}apolnted by a
<br /> � � coun and without��gard to 4he adequacy o}its secu�ity�enter upan snd take possession o!the Property,or any paR thereoi,in tts own
<br /> -= neme or in the name of the Trustee, and do any acis whtch it deema necessary or dosfrable to preserve tha value,marketab(Iiry or
<br /> rentebility of the Propertyr,or any pad thereoi or Interest therein,or to(ncrease the income therefrom or protecl tM�secudty hereof and,
<br /> - wlth or wiitwut ta�ing poss+�ssbn of the PropeRy,eue for or otherwlsa coilect the rents,issues and proiits thereof,Includlny tl�ose past
<br /> ` -- due�nd unpaid, by notfrying ton�nta to make paymenta to Lendor.Lender may appty rents,lssues and protfte,less costa and expens-
<br /> _-- es ot oparation and collection Includtnp attomey's fees,t�arey Indebtedness socured hereby,all In such order as Lender may deter
<br /> _ mine.The ente►l�g upon and tsk�ng porsession oi tne�roperiy� u�n iviiex:iwi�8f sui;ii�vii����ues�sit! psaSi«:�°•s�L� ��.-rf°-�-^s►
<br /> = thereof as atorest�ld st�aii not cure or walve any detault or noUce oi dofault hereuRder or Invalidate any ect done fn response to suct►
<br /> =� defauit or pursuaN lo euch notice of default and, nolwithstanding the cor+tfnuance U possessbn ot the propeRy or the collection,
<br />- _ �eco�pt and appltcatbn ot renta,issues ar protits,Tru�tee and Lo�xler ehall be anUded to oxercise every dght provlded for tn eny of the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ot Detauit,including without Iimit¢tion the �Ight to exercise the power of sale•
<br /> FuMer,Lt.nciers�yhts end remedles under this paragraph shall be cumulstive with,and in no way a Ilmi![�tlon on,Lenc�e�s dghta and
<br /> remedies under arry asslynment oi leases and �ents recorded against the Propedy.Lender,Trustee and the recehrer shall be Hob{�t�
<br /> eccount only for tiwsa�ents actualy recaived.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of Whu�.The followfng eha��oonsUtute an Event of Detault under thts Daed ot Trush
<br /> (e�Fapure to pay any instaliment of pdncipal or Interest o1 sny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b�A breach of or detauA under any provisbn contfltned In the Note.lhls Deed of T�uat,any ot the Loan Instrumer�te,or eny
<br /> other Ifen or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A w�t of exeautlon or attechment or any simllar process shall bo entered agafnst Trustor whkth shell become a lien on
<br /> the Property or any podbn thereof or Interest lherein;
<br /> (d)There shaN be fileet by or a43ainst Trustor or Borrower en action under uny present er future federal,state or other etatute,
<br /> law or regulatlon relaUng to banlwptcy, insolvency or other reliei for dflbtors;or there shall ba appotnted any hustee,recefver or
<br /> liquklator of Trustor or Borrower or oi all or any part of the Property.or d�e rents,Issues or proflta thereot.a Truator or Bortower
<br /> shelt mak�e eny general asslgnment tor the benefit ot cneditors:
<br /> (e)The sate,transter,lease,essignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part of or ar►y interest in the
<br /> property.either volunterity or tnvolunta�fiy,without the express written consent of Londer,provided that Tmstor shall be pertnit-
<br /> ted to execute a lease o!the Property that does not oontafn an option to purchase and the term of which does not exceed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (f�AberKio�merot oT iho Property;or
<br /> (g)If Trustor Is not gn Individual,tho Issuence,sale,transfer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more then(it a
<br /> corporation)a total of percent of its(ssued�r�d outsta�Sng stack,or(fi a pavfiersh�p)s total of per-
<br /> cent of parinerbhtp interesta,or(H a limited Iiebility company)a totet o1 percent of tha ilmitod liabfliry compa-
<br /> � ny IMereste or voting righta dudng the perfod th�s Deod�t Trust remains a Aen on the property.
<br /> = 12.R�m�dt�s;Ac�leredlon Upon Oot�uit.In tho ev�nt of any Event of Defaud Lender may,wftf�out notice except as roquired -
<br /> - by law,declare aA indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabte ared t6oe same shalt theroupon become due�nd payable wfth-
<br /> � out any prc►senntrnent,demand,prolest or notbe ot any kind.Thoreafter Londer may:
<br />-- � (a)Demand ihat Yn�slee exercise the POWER OF SALE grar�Yocl herefn,and Trustee ehail the�tiatter cause Truetora inter-
<br /> -_.�� ost tn the Property ta he add and the proceods to be cHstributed,gll In the manner provlded in the Nebraska Trust Deoda Act;
<br /> '_— (b)Exerc{se any and all dghts provided tor(n�r.y of the Loan Instrumonts or by Ia�v upon oocurtence of any Event of
<br /> _ _ Defautt;and
<br /> - (o)Cqr�r�ence an actlon to foreGose this Deed af Trust as a mortgage.appolnt a roceiver,or speCificaliy eniorce any of the
<br /> ----—= cover►antv heroof.
<br />-- - No remedy herein ooMerrod upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intendod to be oxciusive ot any other remedy herefn,in the I.oen
<br />------� lnstruments or 6y law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shall be In eddition to every other remedy given hereunde�.
<br /> ._..._.�_���...�..•e....,ti.,.�n��rw.nvtctinn at Iaw nr In multv n�6V&tHtUtH.eltd RIaV b8 9XefCIS@d COfICUR@TItN.independondy
<br /> — tt�VR WOt�tltvu�m�v...v vs .�vi. v....r.�....�.����..a_'"-" ' . . . . . ..
<br /> ._..:�a O�6UCC8SfV@�y.
<br /> - 13.TruaUe.The Trustee may reslgn at eny tlme wiriwut cause,and Lender may at any time and wiihout cause appoint a suc-
<br /> _�_�•� cessor or substiMe Tmstee.Trustee shall not be Itable to eny party,inctuding without Ilm(tatian Lender, Borrnwer,Trustor or any pur-
<br /> ---- chaser o!the P�operty,tor any toss or damage untass duo to reckless or wllHul misconduct,and shatl not be roqulrod to take any a�tion
<br /> --- --° In connection with the ontorcement of thla Deed of Trust unless Inciertmifled,in writing,tor all costs,campensuUon or expenses whiCi�
<br /> �� may bo assodated therewitA,In edditlon,Trustee may becomo a purchaser at any sale ot the Property Qud�ial or under tlie power ot
<br /> -��=•�a sale grentad hereln);postpor►e the sale ot ali or any pc�Mon of the PropeRy,as prov�dod by law;or sell the Proparty as a whole,or in
<br />-__���•� Geparete parcets a lots at Tn�tee's dscmUon.
<br /> m_��,�' 14.Feh�nd Ex�s.In the evont Tn�stee sells the Proporty by exercise of power of sale,Tnistee shall bo enY�led to app�y
<br />-��-���� any sale proceeda tirst ta payment of ell cflsts enol expenses ot exercistng power ot sale,Includinp ail 7rustee's tees,and lenders and
<br />:��; TNStee's attorneys tees, ecteialy incurred to extent pemiitted by epplfcable law. In the event Borrower or Trustor exerdses any dghi
<br /> prov{ded by la�to cure an Evont of Detauit,Lender shail be entlUed to reco+rer trom Trustor all costs ond expenaes actualty fn�urred as
<br /> -:��sa� a resuft of Trustore defauft,including without limltation ell Trustee's end attomey's fees,to the eMe�t pennitted by nppl{cabfe law.
<br /> - - 16.Futun Advanas. Upon request of Borrower,Lender may, at Ito optlon,make additionai and tuturo advances end read-
<br /> -�-• - vances to Borrower. Such advances end readvances,wlth tnterest thereon,shall be secured by thlt�Qeecl ot Trust.At no ttme shall the
<br /> •-•�
<br />