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<br /> candenMMan or orUer tal�in�°€�nY�°�th��Y*ar for cdnveyance in lieu of cb�denuc�a►.at�i�t�Y�8��
<br /> �; sl�U 6e p�id to t.ender. . � shall be l�ed to the sums securcd 6y this�ecurity
<br /> � 1n die tva�t of+►iaai tylang of tbe�mpe�ty.tite procesds aPP� � , .
<br /> n
<br /> . - G►saumrnt�whethec or rat.thendue.witlt�ny exce,sa paid�ta 8amwer. !n the cvcnt oC a pattial taking oE.tha Pr'ope�tY�, ,
<br /> wh�ch dre fair mtricet v�lue of ihe PmpenY►mrtxdia�ety 6efoi+e the t�icteg is eqw�l tu or�ter than the�naunt of thr sums .
<br /> � secured by this 5ecudty Instrumen�i�mediately bef+ore the tuking,unless Burrower�nd Lee�der afiecwise"agioe in writing, �
<br /> the sums seCUntii b}!this Security tnstn►ment sh�ll be(cduced by the amo�n!of�hC pnx:eeds muttiplicH by the fdtoaruig
<br /> � fiacdan: (�)the totai amourrt of the sumc tecurcd immediately'before the taking,divided by(b)thc fair ma�Cet•vsiue of the
<br /> . -pKipettg immediately heforc tbe taking. Any baL�tx�c sliali be�id ta Bamwer. !n the evcM of u par�i�i taking t�i the -
<br /> FcopeR}`in WhiCA tlfe fai[lnatket valuC oi Itrc Pm�irty�atel��OfC lI1C I�'�fl$iS'�S llY.ttt U1C�-4!F ZIlG fiYt114 _ _
<br /> � � savred immediately he[ore tite t�cing.wie�s Borrower and Leitdct uthenvise agree in writing nr wtle�•appticabfc I�uc,
<br /> , . dherwise p�+avides.lhe pmceeds�itall be applreA�to the sums secuerd by this�ccorit�lnsttum�nt wlxtber oc na!the sums ue
<br /> then due. � .
<br /> . if the PtopenY is abandoded bY Bormwer.or if,after natice by Lender to&xrower�at the condemmr offecs to maice
<br /> an awud a settle a.c(aim far damages.Botrowu fails to nespond to Lender within 3Q days after the Qate tAe naice is given. ,
<br /> Lender is authorized to colkct and apply the proceeds•at itc aphan.either fi restoration or rcpau of the Pcoperty or w the
<br /> sums savted 6y this Security Instrument,whethet or nat then duc. ,
<br /> • � UlIkSS LCII�'f afld BOIrOwCT OII1CllVISC BgICG III Wilillia.anX appiiption of p[�ceeds W principal shall not extend or .
<br /> ' pnstpase the duo dase of tl�e moathly payments rcfemed m in pars�aphs t and 2 ar change the aawunt of such�yrt�ents. ,
<br /> 11. �orr�uwa Nd Fek�ed; Farbeara�ce By l.ender Not a K'aiver. Extension of the time for payme�t or
<br /> � modifwatan of a�ti«�af the sums sceured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successoc ut interest �
<br /> of Borrower st�all not opersue to reir�se the liability af thc original Borrower or Bortoweis saccessots in interes�t.ender
<br /> sha11 nat be nqui�ed tq commwce praeedinSs a8ainst ar►y successor in,interest or refuse to extend time for payirxnt or `
<br /> �,��y�uon of thc sqms secured byihis Security InsWment by reawn of any demand made bY the otiSur�t
<br /> �o�rer ur Borroarer's succ�son in interest. My for�earance by L,endet in exercising any rigM or remedy shaU not be'a' ' .
<br /> waiver of or pnxlude t6e expccise of aay ri�tt orremedy
<br /> �,•S�c��eors�i A�Boo�d;JoGt a�d Several Lia6ility:Co-�ne�s. The covenants and agreemeqts oF this
<br /> Securiry t�suument shall 6tnd and benefit[he successois and�ssigns of Lender and Bormwer.subject to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph IT.Bormwer'�covenants and a8ceements shall be joint an�severaf. Any Bc�rrower who co-signS tius Security
<br /> = Instrument but does not eaecute che Note: (a)is co-sign9ng this Security lr�stcument only to mortgage.grant sutd convey that
<br />-��� Bocrovver's intet�sE in the P�+npecty under tbe terms uf this se�tY�tmmen� (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Instrumen�and(c)agrees that L.ender aad any othec Borrower may agee�o extend;c�odify.fo�bcar
<br /> - or.malce,any accoinmodatipns witb regard to the tcrms of this Secanty Instrument or the hot�without that Borrower's
<br />=T consent. -
<br />-��::` � 13. t,aae ChArges, If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to a!aw which sets tnaxlmum foan
<br /> _ ¢harges,and tltat law is finaliy interp�so that the interest or other loan charges coliected or to be coltected in eonnection
<br /> -:.,;r� with the loan eaceed the pecmitted limics,thea: (a)any such loan churge shall 6e reduced by the�mt n�cy to teduce
<br /> _` the charge to the permitted limil;and(b)any sums alceady collected from Barmwer which exce�i permitted timits wilt t�
<br /> - refunded to Borrower.�Lender may choose to malce this refund by reducing the principal owed cu�der the Note or by makirig a
<br /> - disut payment to Borruwer. IP a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated as a paRial prepa�t without any
<br /> � prepayment charge unde�the Note.
<br /> 14. Notkes. Any notiee to Borrower provided foc in this Seeucity in�trument shall 6e given!ry delivering it ot by
<br /> mailing it by fisst class mail unless applicabte law requires use of anothet methad.Thc natice sha116e ditected to the Ptoperty
<br /> Address or any aher address Borrowec designates by natice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clasa
<br />` " mail to l.endet's address stateA herein or�ty other addres.w[xnder designates by notice to Hocrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Seeurity Instrument shatl be deemed ta have been given to Borrc►wer or l.ender when given ac provided in this
<br /> h.
<br />_°-'--� p��p Go�erning Law; Severa��± '�'hrs Security Instmment shall be govemed by federal f�w and the law of the
<br /> ''•r� �,` jurisdictiaz►nn which the Property is lorated. In the e�erri that zmy provision or cfause of this Serurity Instrument or thc Note
<br /> ,,,:�.
<br /> � conflicts with appticable Faw,xuch wnflict shali n�t n'ffecc ok`�L�r F avi�iorr�ot thix Security Iqsaurnent or the Notc whic can _
<br /> _ : be given effect withauc d;3�conflicting provisiote. '!'�chis crid the provisians oi this Security Insmiment and the Note are
<br /> �w declared to be severab}e.'
<br /> - . `� � ' 16. Borrawe�'s Copw Borrow'er shafl be givcn one wnfarmed copy af the:�ate and of this Security Iru�avment.
<br /> -° 17. Tiranster ot the l�opert�tsra BeneBcial lnterest in BorraKer. !f aIi ar any pact of the Property or any intemt in .
<br /> - ii is sold or transferred(or if a bene�•�ai interest in 8nrrowcr is sald or transferred und Borrower is nat a natural person)
<br />�_��` withaut I.ender's priar Kzinen ca�sclrt.�Lender may.at its aptian,requirc immediate payment in futl of All sums cecured by
<br />— 1 � this Security lnstrumeM�..�aiuevzr,ehiv option shull nal be exerc:i�ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federai faw�c of
<br /> � ,F � ` the date of this Securiay t�s?rumen�. ,
<br />.�.,,'�. . i ' If Lender exercises this option�[.�nder.rhall give Burrower nvfice of accelerution. The natice shat!providc a petiod of
<br /> i'.;:,;;� � ' na les.4�:w�t 3U dttys irom the date the eotice is delivcred�r mailed within which Bnnower muyt pay all tiums.r•ecured by thi!�
<br />-_;'.�:' " ' Security instrumern. If Bnrrower fai6s to pay thesc sums priar to thc expiration of this peaad.l.cnder�nay iavoke any
<br />., ��', � , remedies permitted by tlais Security lnsintment withaut furiher notice or demanJ an Borrower,
<br /> . • � 18. $orrowe�s Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditionw. Borrowcr �halt have the right ta havc
<br /> Er= enforeement of this Sec�ticy fnstrumeot disconti�uied at any time priur tn the earlier nf: (a)S days(or sur1�othet p:ritxf as
<br /> • r.•
<br /> . , , Singicf:�mity-•Fnnnk]faNPreddk�tacCllkUit�ll�ytitl'�fErT-•Unitam�t�venanl. 91l0 ipuceO�,Jbtxixru
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