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<br /> � ' ��pd�7Il11l�Ct O�fM 0����[t 0�1hE QlOQE'[ty iw t!�{i0dl1l�S�Od id�1t�003 fbtl�l�ZO�fC OOYl�brji�,t�,y _;
<br /> . .�L`�.0�1bC f0!l�0111�li ICfC1lCd 6I11D 1�llt$�ifyt TpS�i415E"-�O�Ly:' _ . �
<br /> ' � �. �R�WQ���IS��J t�ft BOffOWa!S VWblujt 6CI5l�Of thQ G�C bQE�[QORYC��di51bE it�lt t0�t . .
<br /> � iQd t7pdYCy.tbC�O�l)I�i�i[ibE plOpC[1Y!S it0ltlClmlbE[C�.C7[CCp[f0!'C�CI��s Of 1�U[�. �IOW�l W91'i1OtS� . _
<br /> . w;lt defcad ga�aBy tbe titte w tl�e Pt�cpaty sg�imt all claims and-demmds.subjax w aay encumbnnoes ot rocord. �
<br /> 7'�II5 SECiJRTfY TNSTRUbfEN'T ooaibiae,s uoifam cavee�ets for mtiata�nse aod aan-aeifam covaw�ts with � .
<br /> tiraited variadop�sbS►}tuisdictiao to conuid�ie a wufata aecuriry ias�nu�nt ooveriag nyl p�opetty.
<br /> - :.. -
<br /> - --;. � -
<br /> _ UN�QR��lV�NAN7'S. Hamwuand 1.ender covannt�d�eeaas t'otlaws: .
<br /> � . _ � L lx��d Pr4ci�M�I�t�h'elqwe�t a�l.att C�r�. Ba�owa sh�ll PE��Y PsY Ml�en due the
<br /> _ pr�acipv of aad imae:t an the deb!evidenced by the Note aad aaY PrWY�and late clwges due w�der the Nae. .
<br /> 2. FWds t�r'l�ei aM I�r�e�Susject to appl�c�hie law a to a vrritun w�iva by laoder,BoROwer sMll p�y to � .
<br /> . l.eader m t6e�dt9��Y P���cte due wder�the Nae,uatit d�e Nooe is p�id in fuU.a wm�ptlyd�"11or:(�)�rariY
<br /> `w�es aad a�sme�tt whkh msy Main priatity ores this Securiry insdument as a liar oe tht Pbpertyr tb)Y�Y� - -
<br /> ' � pay�nts or�taa�d c�a�'aa tlie Propeity if my: (c)Yarty haz�t�d or pcope�ty inwr�nce promiwas; ld)yarty tlood
<br /> uu�wance prenu'l�ns.if my:te?�3�ea�1y na�tpte inwnnee pnmlwni.if�ny:snd tf?�ny sums P�Y�MC bY 8omwwet W_
<br /> ' l,a�det.in�ccord�nce wflh the p�cwi:kfns oE pWirjraph B.111 IIt4 pf tJ1C Qt�f111C11t Q�IIIIMj�jC�tlSlff�11CC(1fiCf11I4I1tS. These
<br /> �1CR1f�C Ci��Od"EfCNOVP I�CtM.� �.CfldCr(Iliy.�l�11�1 l�t11G.��l��IOb Rlfld9�!1�fl�IIIOUIlt fWl IQ CIICOOd(�IG t1U1i�111YQ1
<br /> antount a knder for a fede�rally�elated mort�e lan may�oquire far Bo�t�owa�escmw accaunt un0e�the feden!Ral
<br /> - Estate Seukment Ptocedmes Act o�19T4�s amended fram time W ame.i 2 U.S.C.f Z60I tt seq.t"RESPA'7.unkss another
<br /> law tiut appiies to the Fulbs sets a ksier�mouMt If so.l�ender m�y.at my time.cdkct and hald Huds in an amouat not ta •
<br /> exceed tl�e ks�er amouik. I.erMer msy eatim�te tfie aunount of Hiinds due on the 6asis oi cnmalt d�ta and ressomble
<br /> estirtutes of expeMitura ot futune Eacrow Items o�dherwLse in accadura with.applkabk law. ..
<br /> 'IUe�i�da.Rhall be heW in�n institutian whase deposits ac�e insutrd by a federal sgency.u�snurikntaliry.a enti,ry
<br /> tineluding l.endtr.if I.rndes is wch an inuitution�or in any Redera!E�arne Loan Bank Lender ah�li appiy ihe Fiuids w pry
<br /> tbe Fac�ow It�nu. •Lender n�y na charge Bomnwer far l�olding�!appiying the Funds.annwliy�lyzing the ascrow
<br /> s000unt,or verlt�iing�the E,gcmw Items,unkss l.ender pays Bortower intenst oa the Ponds and applicabk Isw pennits
<br /> Lender to m�fce a�6 a charge. However,Lender may requine Borrower to pay a oae-time charge fa an independent nal
<br /> _- estate tax repo�ting setvlce used by L.enrkr in connecrion with thIsloan,uniess applicabk law prnvicks otNerwise. Unless an
<br /> ap,�ernent ii made ar appticabk taw requi�es tnu�est m 6e Wfid,I.ender shalt aot be nqutred w pay Bamaarer any interest ar
<br /> _ - eunings an the Fusds. Borrower and Lender may agree ia writing.howevtr,that inunst shall be paid on the Funds. Lendec
<br />-- shalLgive to Bormwer,without c6atge.an aanual aecounting of the Funds,showing ccedits and de6Its w the Punds and d�e
<br />-- - = putpose for which exh debit to t6e Pands was made. �e Punds aze piedged as addidonal secwity for all sums secured by
<br /> tlds Sscurity Insuarndit,
<br /> - ,If the Farjds field by I.ender•exceed the amaunts pem�itted w 6e l�etd by appticable law,Lender shaU aecount to
<br /> — Hariowa f�the cxass Funds in accoMance with the requinments of applicabk law. If tht amount of the Funds hetd by
<br /> _- T.etkkr at acy ti�de is not su�cient to pay the F.scrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Bomnwer in writing,and,in
<br /> = - sucb cas�Baanwer.s6all pay to l.ender ti�e amount necessacy to make up ihe defrcicncy. Borzower shall make up the
<br /> _ deficiene�r in no mon than twelve monthiY payments,at Lenderk sole dis�retion.
<br />'�_: Upon paymrnt in full of all sums secured by th�s Security Insuument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any __
<br /> -:?� F�nds held by Lender. tf.onder paragraPh 21.Lender shall accryire or seI{the Ptoperty.I,ender,prior to the acquisition or . �___-
<br /> =�r��; sale of tbe Pcopetty.sh�ll apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the tuna�f acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums =
<br /> ,`�,�:. ; ;' . securedbythi58epttirylnstrumen� _
<br /> -�}�_ 3. Apptialtloa d Pay�eents. LTnless applicable law provides dthe�wise.all payments received by i�ender undes �__.
<br />,i.;,j4_ � paragraphs i artc�2 s6a116e appl�ed:first,to any prepayment chazges dua�under the Note;second,to amounts payable under �=
<br /> �:�- paragraph 2;1�ird,to interest due;fourth,to principaf due;futdlas�to any late charges due under the Note. --_
<br /> -"� 4. , Lkns. Borrower shaA a all taxes. assessmenu,ch �"-°`
<br />_=r:•z C6uE�' P Y arges. �nes and impositions attcibuta6le to the ��:
<br />_-t,�.,. Pruperty wfich may attain priority aver this Security Instroment,and.teasehold payments ar ground renu,if any. Borrower �;,�,�;_
<br /> ,h�• sha1J pay t}xscobligations in the manner provided in paragapb Z.ar iir�t paid in that manner.Bosmwer sha11 pay them on
<br />, ,� :- timc directiy 4o di�e person owed payment. Horrower shall promptly fa�nisli to Lender all notices of amaunts to be Qaid under ' �!��-
<br />-- this pazagrapi�. IISHorrower makes these paymenu dlrecdy.Botrower sha11 pramptly fumish to Leader receipts evidencing �. +Y_
<br /> �'_.y,.; ttle�3JRIlClIiS. _
<br /> °` Borrower ahail yrompt3ydischarge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a>agrees =
<br />,{<::r.:;. . . _
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)catsiests in good faith the �,�-�
<br /> lien by,or de�ends against enforcement of the lien in.lega!proceedings which In the l.ender's opinior.vperate to prevent the !�' �
<br /> ',°= F-�:
<br /> ' enforcement af tfie lien;or(c)secures fmm afie holder of the lien an agr�ement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien , '-
<br /> ` � to this Sec�ty Instrument tf Lender determines that any pa�t of t3�e�roperty is subject to a lien wfiich may atlain priority- =
<br />"��,'_ ovet this Sectuiry Jnstrument,Lendcr may give Horrower a nodce identify�ng the lie�. Borrower shatl satisfy the lien ar take �'
<br /> ::;-`
<br /> - �° otk or mone of the sctions set fo»h above within 10 days of tfie giving of notice. '.:,� :
<br /> �•;,,' S. Ha�ard or Property In�tnnce Borrower slratt fcee�s the improvements now existing or hereafter emcted an the •
<br /> :'�.-.'„,-. . Propetty imsurci!against toss by fire.hazards inctuded within the teasn"e�tended coverage"and any ather hazards.including �
<br /> �,,',1`�_•.' : ftoods or ftooding, for which Lender requires insurance. This ins�uance shall be maintalned in the amounts and for the
<br /> i'oem 302d 9l90 /page 2 ajb pages► .
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