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<br /> ���' .i,��u�'i I�'�i T�A'TE: Sc�temUor�,i"-`r, 1996
<br /> 1. Thc real estate subject to this Uen is: 321 S. �lcburn�(3rand Island,NE 6�801
<br /> I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: South 78.47 feet of Lot Five(S)�Black One I�undred
<br /> 'I�vcnty-cight(128)�YCoeAig�Wiebe's Additdon.arand
<br /> Islan�, HaU County,N�ebraska.
<br /> 2. 'fhe person against whose interest in the real estate the lien is claimed is: Ji 11 Guthrie
<br /> 3. Thc namc and address af the Is:.raon rrith r�h�m th�daimant cnntracted is:
<br /> Jill Guthrie
<br /> 321 S.Cleburn
<br /> Grand Isiand,I�PE 68801
<br /> � a. The name and address of the clatmant Is: Conner Roofing Co.,Ine.
<br />_ P.O. Box 591
<br /> ?.�9 W. 16th 5treet
<br /> : York,NE 68467
<br /> � �. A general description of the claimant's services performed or to bG performed or
<br /> Rnat�rIals fiunished or to be furnished for the improvement of said real estate and the
<br /> , contzact price us:
<br /> �� Tear ogk'e�dstit�roof aad replave with new roof.
<br /> ��i 6. Th�amount unpaid,whetber due or not, to the claice�ant for the services or�u►atoriala is
<br /> ;! S3,396.40. '
<br />;� 7. The time the last servioes or materials w�er�furuished was: May 22,1996.
<br /> ,. �
<br /> :i. CONNER RU G CO.,INC.�Claimant
<br /> ` # '� �
<br /> ;�`� ��� . .
<br /> ..�.;.
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<br /> ,� SUBSCRIHED AND SWORN to befmre me this�day of September. 1996.
<br /> . � ����o.00a��
<br /> , wo�.�r�o�c.a.i+M �x..0 �1 .
<br /> , Notary Fublia
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