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<br /> , W�d�e a+ra�t o�.:wat-aiki�ar�e rwpe�ey.+�de.proceads�.0 ee�ptiea to d�c surm sec+�ed_6y a�s se�ro�ritr�
<br /> ��rbedKa o�eat dw�dYe.wid�any excas paid m 8orrower. In the e,rent`of a paftial t�c�ng af tbe Qra�erlY in •
<br /> � ' whic6 t�e l�it u�ket value of fie F�perty iromed�Ic1Y befae!be tak'�is equ�!to or�ater thi�n the amouM of the sams - .
<br /> `�a.�red bY tt�Sa'uRity�i�e�ed�+k�7��th�tainng.nt�tess B�xrov4'ec and�.ender ad�r+se agree in writiag, ,:
<br /> ; � d�e�s sec�ed by tlw�Secwnty I�a�eti sQdl be tedue�d bY�hrc+moiuu of t6e pcac�eds multiplied by the fdtowiag
<br /> < ' fracdoA: h),lbe taal amuw�t of d�wnta a�cuced�nur�diaulY befoce the t�lcing:divided 6y(b)tLe fair muket value d'the
<br /> , -; --- �j,�ne�iy befoa�he tatiag� Mg b�lal�ee sl�ei!be pyd w Boaowe`. (n thc nvmt of a ganial.takin8 0�t6e. ; .
<br /> -`�opeAy in�rhjC�Ibe f�it m�dca.vdue oE the Propetty immediatety�tfar tde taking is kss tban tix amount of the sut�is .
<br /> ' . ' xciy,pd�a�di�ly 1�fare d�e Wc�ns.unkss Bamwcr aed Lender attrerwise agtee in writing ar uakss applica6fe 4w
<br /> - a�e�wise provides,the proceods alu�ll be applied w the surr�c secut�bY this SecuRty Iastrumsnt whether or not tire sums ue -
<br /> ,�� ' . .
<br /> . If t6e Fropeity is s6�ndoned b!'.Bornower,a if.after natice by L.ender ta Bamwer th�t tiic condemoor ofTers to maice
<br /> � ' da a��rd ar sertle s claim far M�t�es.Bo�mwer f�iW w tespond w�tdes within 3Q dnys:8er the date t6e iwtice is givm._.
<br /> L�ea�de�is autl�ariu�m colbct aad yrply the pocads,at its nption,eitlfer to tatastion a tepair of ihe Ptopecty or w the
<br /> , annos'scswad by dus Saviity I�sawncM.wheti�er oc not tl�en du� -
<br /> tldas L.tada and Bonower.athecwise agrcc in writia8•�Y�DPrication oP procoods to priricipal shall not exurnd or
<br /> ' - puypwie tbe d�e�te of`the mocMhtY ixY�Rferred to in p�agriphs 1 and 2 or changc tbe amounE of s�ch paymer►ts.
<br /> � , 1L 1�s+�v �Iat R�ka�ei; Faie�ra�oe Ey=ire�der Nat a Waives. E�trnsian of the qma fot payment o�
<br /> • modific�tion of artaftiz�tian of_the s�ms socuced bf•this SecRUity In.suument granud bg Lender to xny successor ia int�est
<br /> of Bortower shtll tat aperate w i�ekase ihe Gability of the origioxl Bortowe�a Barowet's sucoessors in intenu.Lende��
<br /> sh�it not be to caneience proceedings agaiast any s�xxessa jn imerest or refusc to�atead Bme for payment oc
<br /> � ot�wise mod��nortuation of the sums sximd by tfiis Sec�uity In$hument bY�a.son of any den�stnd mzde by the ong�tud ,
<br /> I .: goRawva a Bormwetb successas in interest. A�hy forbearance by Lsndec in eaetrising any rigbt or rep�edy shaU not be a
<br /> ' waiver of ar prcclude the e�rcise of any righe a remedy. '17�c cuveeants and ts of this
<br /> 1Z. S�oce�'s aM A+��Bana:�eiR asd Sevecsl LiabiW7:C� ��. .
<br /> " Securiry Insuament s6a11 bind a�d benefit the successas and assigrts of l.endes and Borrower.subject to the p�ovuwas of
<br /> paragr�ph 17.Bom�wer's covenants and ag�eea�ents shap 6e joint and several.My Borro�'er wiw co-signs�this Se�urity
<br /> .. Inspument hut dqes not executt ti�c Not,e: (a)is co-signing this Secu:itY Instnmxat only to mortgage.Srant arxl c.onvey dta¢
<br /> Raiawer's inte�rst in th�P�operty under the terms af this Se�,vrity Tnstrumen4 (b)is nat persataliy ubllSate�to pay the sums
<br /> seeu�od by this Savrity Instrument;and(c)agnes that Lxnder and any utt�er Bomower may agroe to extend.modify,fabear
<br /> o��ake any accummada;ions with regard w the temu of this S�urity Insmunent or the Noee wtthaut thai Borrower's
<br /> consen�
<br /> 13 I,a�n Clws�. if the loan secured by this Securiry Insuvment is sabject to a!aw wtuch sets maximum loan .
<br /> charges,and that Iaw is finally interymted so that the inte�st or other toan charges coQerted or to be callected in ca�mection
<br /> � arith the kan eacad the pecmittod limiu,then: (a)any such loan charge sha116e n�by thc amount neeessary tv seduce
<br /> the charge to the permitted lirtu�and(b)azry sums alieady collected from Ba�raa•er wfiich exceeded permitted lic�will be
<br /> iefiinded to Boaower. Lender may choose w maice this nfuixl by tedUCiug the prinrigal owed under the Note or by making a �
<br /> direcE payaient to Hortower. If a�efimd reduces pritxtipat,the ieductioR will be treatal as a partia!prepaymeat with�ut any -
<br /> ptepaymeet charge under tf�e A'a�.
<br /> l� Notkes. Any notice to Botrawer provided for in this Security lnsuument shall 6e given by delivering it or hy
<br /> cc�'ling it by f rst class mail un�ess apPlicable law requ'ues use of another methad.7l�e notice shall he directed to the Property
<br /> � Address a eny other address Hoaower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta I.ertder shall be given by first class
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein ar any other address Lender designates by notice to Bormwer. My notice provided for.
<br /> in this Se�urity lnstrument shall be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided 'm this
<br /> RaraBraPh• � -
<br /> � 15. Governisg l.�w:Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the!aw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in wtuch the Property is tocated. ln the evcnt that any provision or ctause of this Security lnstrument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not nffect other provisions of this Security Instrumex►t or the Notc which can .
<br /> be given effe�t aithoat the conflictidg provision. '[b this end tAe provisions oi this Security lnstrumeni and the Note are
<br /> declared!o be severable. �
<br /> li. BarroMer's Copy. Barrower shall be given ane conformed copy of the Notc and of this Securiry lnstniment.
<br /> � � 17. 7lranster otide Property or a Btnefkial Interes!in Ba�rower. !f all ar acsy part of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sotdbr transferred(or if a lxncficial interest in Burrower is sotd or trancferrect.'�d Barrower is not a natural persoq)
<br /> withont l.ender's prior written consent,l.ender may.at its option,requir�immediate paymont in fuit of all sums serured iry
<br /> � this Security Instrument. However,this aptian shall not be exercised by L,ender if ezetcise is prohi'�'sted by federal law as of
<br /> � � the date of ihis Security Inswmen� '
<br /> , If Lender eaercises this c�ption,Lendcr shall give Borrawer noticc of�cceler.uicn. The notice shall provide a period of '
<br /> naC less tha»30 days irom the date the nntice ic delivered or mailed within which Borrawer must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. lf Bcmuwer fails to pay these sums priar.to the expiration af this period, Lender may irsvoke any
<br /> � nmedies pemdtted by this Securlty Instrument w�thout fudhcr notire ar demand on Borrower. -
<br />- . 'I8. Bona�er's Riglit to tieirt�tate. If$c�tmwcr sneats certain conditions. Bvttower sh�ig have the right to have
<br /> enforcemeat af ahis Security tnstrument discontinued at any timc priar ta the earlier af: (a)S days(or such other peria!as
<br /> Sic�te Famity-•Eanek Nae/FaAAk Mae IJti1Ft)R111NS"fRUtitHKT•-t niform Covrnant4 9lls ��:ce 4��Jbprree�J
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