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<br /> • ����^�, ROaBRT J. OARTNSR, e eiagla persori, (ildAtPi"OR, to tranofer to aozgoration� v�� r
<br /> conveys to TRAN3PORTATiON SQOIPl�NT CO., IHC., a Nebre�ekes corporaticn, ORAAITB�, �
<br /> � •='.:. the fullo�ing deecribed real eetate, eituated in Hall County, Fia�bsaolrA, lav -"
<br /> ' dafiaed in tJeb.Rev.3tet. 76-2011 :
<br /> ', ��� A tract of land aomQrising d part oP 8raationel Lot Three (3), Al1 a� Practiona7.
<br />�,tr�w,
<br />-�,''y��:'�`.r'� . Lot Hour (4) end Practiona]. Lot Five (5), all bein3 in Fsactional bl�nck NineCOOn _
<br /> ,�;s°�yt (19) in Bonnie Srae Addition to the City of Grand Ieland, Hall Countp, N�:bsr�rvke, °
<br /> �;._;�r � � and a part of Fraational Lat 7Cro (2), all of FrACtional Lot Threo t3�) eu'id
<br />�";`^�� Frnctional Lot Four (4), all being in Practional Block R1ro (2) , KQrnc�h�.n and
<br /> Decker'e Addition to the City of (3rand ieland, Hal7. County, Nobraeka, ee�id tract __-
<br />'"`•�-"��-�1• more particulaz�ly deecribed ae foiloxe:
<br /> °;g��;-•
<br /> �'w.;�%��t. Beginning nt a point on the north liae of said Fractional Slock Ni�natQ�n (19),
<br /> ���-'�';�' � eai8 poiat being One Hundred TKenty-tvro and Forty-three Hundredthe (:t22.A3) gee�
<br /> ����� � xeet of the northenst aorner of eaid Fractionel Block Ninoteea (i��, �c] �loa
<br /> `_-{'_, being a point on the prolongation of the pest face of an exieting buildiny;
<br />_:_=Y;��'� thence running xeeterly, along end upon the morth line of eaid Frac:�lanal B1oolc
<br /> ��f�� � Nineteen (19I, a diett�nce of Oae Hundred Forty-one and Forty-seven Hundredth�►
<br /> .._ 1�_,:�;
<br />-�_:..,� (1�1.s7) feet to �he northKest corner of said Prnctional 81oak NtnoC�en (19) _
<br /> t:.�aca i.�,-u�.fag aaathar2r, aiang :�� ugcn t2:a � st -fa� a£ �s3� °rsc�iar.�2 Alo^.�
<br /> ;::;•�„ ,_, Ninoteen (193 and the aest line o� eeid Fractional B1oak Z1ro (2), a di��.e�ra�e of
<br /> _.=���Y• Ane Hundred Thirty-two (132.0) feet to tha eouth�reet corner of Fr�ct'.onasl Lo� -
<br />-- _---�1=,�. Faur (�) , of eeid Fractiona�l Slock 'i`MO f2), and also being a poiratc an tho nortt'i
<br /> _--_�=�y;�� line of a Sixteen (16.0) foot Nide a�iley; thence running eneL•erly, a:l�ng and upon
<br /> -=-w.�� the aorth iine of eaid allsv, e dieteace of One Huridred Porty-one and Thirt;y�twa
<br /> -�°"°'�� Hwndresiths �141.32) feet to a poi.nt, esid point being One Hundred Trten�y-L��rot�
<br /> --�.,.��� and Fifty-three 33undredths f123.53) Eeat Meet of the southeaee cornnr of La+t anai
<br /> (i), in eaid Sractionnl BloGs Nineteea (19), eaid point aleo �eing on tha
<br /> _ �_ �� prolongation of the weet face oY an exis�ing building; thence svnnung northarly,
<br /> _ along and upon the prolongation of the Meet face o£ an exieting buil�ing ausd A1ea
<br /> -- - along and upon the xest fnce of said exieting building, e dieti+nce oE �ne Hundre� _
<br /> =�_� Two an8 Sighty-Beven Hundredths (102.67) feet to ttie south Edce aP an exieting
<br /> --T-==�= concrete etoop aad etepe; thessce runniag Meeterly, elong and upon �hes eouth faco
<br /> —° of eaid exieting concrete etoop and etepe, a disttur�ce of Haar. and ThreEe
<br /> - T"'-"' Hundredt2� (4.03I feet to the Keet face of enid exieting concrs�L-0 s�oop arid
<br /> "'�'- eeepe; thence :vnning norttxerly, along and upon the aest face o� eaid exieting
<br /> concrete etaop and Btepe, a distauice �f 8leven and T�renty-six HundradL•hm (11.26)
<br /> feet to tke noxt�iface o£ said exieting concrete etoop i+nd stAps; th�nce xv.+uaing
<br /> �`;i� easterly, alon�g and upon the north fnce of snid existing c�oncr�ste et.aop an� _
<br /> __ . ��n eteps, e dietancs of Four and Three Hundredthe (4.03) feet to the► wese fa��� os�
<br /> _ � eaid exieting buiiet�,ng; thence runniag aortherly, along and upon Chu we�a� fac�
<br /> -----;�:;� of said exietiag bui�ding aad ite prolongation, a 8letance of Sovoratoan and
<br /> °':;I Bigtaty-eeven HunBredthe t17.87) feet to the point og baginning.
<br /> ` -=� dR,i1NTOR coveaents vrith aR,AtTrSB thsst dAi►ti'IbR: -
<br /> _:�w�.�..,.,.�.?iri
<br /> �--,���;,2:� fl) ie lamEuily seised of euch reab estate and that i� in frea from
<br /> _��;�:��'� encumbxunces, except eaeemente and reetrict�c�no of record.
<br /> - _ _ (2) has 1ega1 poaer and lawful authority to convey the eame;
<br />-� (3) �cars�nts and aill defend title L•u the real eetaCe egain�t thc l�arful
<br />- ���;�i..�.,
<br /> - t claima of ail persdns.
<br /> _��•.:�r'�
<br /> _.'�,�;,� .�.�,
<br /> -.>.;,3t•�'= r�°;'.�;+ F�J.*.^�COTSD t2318 �� day Of JLily� 1996. �
<br /> -- ,�i'..Y��,1'.�'}.,
<br /> _���3i.r -�
<br /> ��r7'%'��.,`�'Q_-� ' ' -- -.
<br />-?,�':�`�' � B RT J. R
<br /> �,•";�""����'� ' r/
<br /> .' ' . 3TATB OF NSBI3ASKA )
<br /> �+rf.ir:.. �--
<br /> �_�:3��' " " . y � B B.
<br />- _ . C�IINTY �H HALL � :.
<br /> � :� . � , r -
<br /> °' ` The foregoing inetrument v�as ecknowledged befora me on thi� �� day o� �
<br /> � - July, 1996 by ROBBRT J. GARTNBR, u eingle person, for the pu1-�ooae thoreia _
<br /> stated.
<br /> .' o*, a-� � CEI�MtMOTRatYSttMNNtOrW� C/'''r
<br /> W
<br /> _ . � QUJINeEMAu.B�.U.�RNSy� ,,,{��pt.�flp C�
<br /> :t } K. . . ! . ���r111fIM��M1V
<br /> , Notary Public
<br /> . � _...�. -,-_. _:.-
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